Update Websites
Last updated on 29 June, 2022You can use LogicMonitor’s REST API to programmatically update websites in your LogicMonitor account.
As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.
There are two ways to update a website:
- PUT: A PUT request enables you to replace an entire website definition (and update fields in the process). You should use PUT to update a website if you want to provide an updated JSON definition for the website. Note that consistent with REST standards, any properties not specified in a PUT request will revert back to their default values.
- PATCH: A PATCH request enables you to replace only certain fields for a website. You should use PATCH if you don’t have the JSON definition for the website and you only want to update a few fields.
URI: /service/services/{id}
Request Parameters:
Property |
Description |
Required? |
Values |
Type |
name | The name of the website | Yes | Service names are restricted to numbers, letters, and – and _ symbols | String |
type | The type of the website | Yes | ping | webservice | String |
isInternal | Whether or not the website is internal | No | true | false. Defaults to false | Boolean |
host | The URL that the service is checking, without the scheme (e.g. http, https) | Yes | – | String |
description | The description of the website | No | This value defaults to a blank String | String |
serviceFolderId | The Id of the folder that the website is in | No | This value defaults to 1 | Integer |
stopMonitoring | If this value is true, monitoring is disabled for the website. Note that if monitoring is disabled then alerting will also be disabled for the website. | No | true | false. This value defaults to false | Boolean |
disableAlerting | If this value is true, alerting is disabled for the website. Note that alerting will be disabled by default if monitoring is disabled for the website. | No | true | false. This value defaults to false | Boolean |
individualSmAlertEnable | Indicates whether an alert will be triggered if the website fails a check from an individual test location. | No | true | false. This value defaults to false | Boolean |
individualAlertLevel | The level of alert to trigger if the service fails a check from an individual test location | No | warn | error | critical. This value defaults to warn | String |
overallAlertLevel | The level of alert that is triggered if the website fails the number of check specified by transition from the test locations specified by globalSmAlertCond | No | warn | error | critical. This value defaults to warn | String |
pollingInterval | How often the website is checked, in units of minutes. | No | 1-10 minutes. The value defaults to 5 | Integer |
clearTransition | The number of checks that must be satisfied before an alert clears | No | This value defaults to 0 | Integer |
transition | The number of checks that must fail before an alert is triggered | No | 1-10, 30, 60. This value defaults to 0 | Integer |
testLocation | The test locations from which the website is monitored if it isn’t internal, OR the Collectors that should monitor the website if it’s internal. | No | You can specify Collectors like this: “{collectorIds:[12,89]}”. Non-internal Service locations include:
You can specify one or more of these locations like this: “{smgIds:[1,2,3]}” The default value is “{all:true}” |
JSON Object |
globalSmAlertCond | The number of locations that the number of checks specified by transition must fail at in order to trigger an alert of severity overallAlertLevel. | No |
The default value is 0
Integer |
For a ping service you can specify the following additional properties in your PUT request:
Property |
Description |
Required? |
Values |
Type |
count | The number of packets to send in the request | No | This value defaults to 5 | Integer |
For new Web Services the following additional properties apply:
Property |
Description |
Required? |
Values |
Type |
steps | An object comprising one or more steps, see the table below for the properties included in each step | Yes | See table below for more detail | JSON Object |
ignoreSSL | Whether or not SSL should be ignored for each check | No | true | false. Defaults to false | Boolean |
pageLoadAlertTimeInMS | The time in milliseconds that the page must load within for each step to avoid triggering an alert. | No | Defaults to 30000 | Integer |
The JSON object “steps” comprises one or more steps, where each step has the following properties:
Property |
Description |
Required |
Values |
Type |
HTTPHeaders | The headers included in the HTTP request to the web service | No | Any valid HTTP Header. E.g. “HTTPHeaders”:”Content-Type: application/json”. This value defaults to an empty string | String |
statusCode | The expected response status code for the HTTP request made to the web service. Multiple status codes may be separated by commas | No | This value defaults to a blank String | String |
followRedirection | If this value is true, the HTTP request to the web service will follow any redirects in place | No | true | false. This value defaults to false | Boolean |
matchType | The type of interpretation method used to search for the keyword in the response | No |
This value defaults to plain |
String |
keyword | A string keyword that must be present in the response to the HTTP request made to the web service | No | This value defaults to a blank String | String |
HTTPBody | The data in the body of the HTTP request to the web service | No | This value defaults to an empty string | String |
HTTPMethod | The HTTP request method used in the request to the web service | No | GET | HEAD | POST. This value defaults to GET | String |
postDataEditType | The format of the POST data | Yes | raw | json | xml | x-www-form-urlencoded | String |
url | The URL for the step. This should be the full URL (i.e. domain + path) | Yes | – | String |
fullpageLoad | If this value is true then the HTTP request will wait for all page elements to load | No | true | false. This value defaults to false | Boolean |
requireAuth | If this value is true then Authorization is required for the HTTP request to the web service | No | true | false. This value defaults to false | Boolean |
auth | The authentication information required if requireAuth=true | No | The following parameters must be specified in this object:
e.g. “auth”:{“type”:”common”,”userName”:”test”,”password”:”example”} |
JSON Object |
invertMatch | If this value is true, the keyword should not be present in the response | No | true | false. This value defaults to false. | Boolean |
timeout | The number of seconds that the page must load within before the request should time out | No | 1 | 5 | 15 | 30 | 60 | 120 | 180. This value defaults to 30. | Integer |
HTTPVersion | The HTTP version used in the request to the web service | No | 1.0 | 1.1. This value defaults to 1.1 | String |
schema | The schema or protocol associated with the URL | No | http | https. This value defaults to http | String |
description | The description associated with the step | No | Defaults to a blank string | String |
path | The path associated with the step, where the path is the URL component after the domain | No | This value will be inferred from the url | String |
enable | true | false. Whether or not the step is enabled | No | Defaults to true | Boolean |
For examples of these Website resource properties, see this page.
Example PUT: Update a website
The following Python request updates service 104:
#!/bin/env python
import requests
import json
import hashlib
import base64
import time
import hmac
#Account Info
AccessId ='ACCESS_ID'
AccessKey ='ACCESS_KEY'
Company = 'COMPANY_NAME'
#Request Info
httpVerb ='PUT'
resourcePath = '/service/services/104'
queryParams = ''
data='{"serviceFolderId":"1","type":"webservice","testLocation":"{\\"smgIds\\":[2, 3, 4]}","name":"ProdWebCheck","disableAlerting":true,"pollingInterval":5,"steps":[{"HTTPHeaders":"Content-Type:application/json","followRedirection":false,"keyword":"breaking","schema":"http","url":"www.google.com/#q=news","timeout":120},{"keyword":"california","url":"www.google.com/#q=states","invertMatch":true}]}'
#Construct URL
url = 'https://'+ Company +'.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest' + resourcePath + queryParams
#Get current time in milliseconds
epoch = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
#Concatenate Request details
requestVars = httpVerb + epoch + data + resourcePath
#Construct signature
hmac1 = hmac.new(AccessKey.encode(),msg=requestVars.encode(),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac1.encode())
#Construct headers
auth = 'LMv1 ' + AccessId + ':' + signature.decode() + ':' + epoch
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':auth}
#Make request
response = requests.put(url, data=data, headers=headers)
#Print status and body of response
print('Response Status:',response.status_code)
print('Response Body:',response.content)
URI: /service/services/{id}
Request Parameters:
With every PATCH request you must include a query parameter patchFields that indicates which fields should be updated, where multiple fields should be comma separated. If a field is identified in the patchFields parameter and included in the payload of the request, its value will be updated. All other field values will remain the same. E.g. to update a website’s name, the URI + query parameter would be /santaba/rest/service/services/{id}?patchFields=name. The name field would also need to be included in the request payload.
Fields that can be updated by PATCH are:
- name
- description
- serviceFolderId
- stopMonitoring
- disableAlerting
- individualSmAlertEnable
- individualAlertLevel
- overallAlertLevel
- pollingInterval
- transition
- globalSmAlertCond
- testLocation
- serviceProperties
Note that to add or update just one or a few service properties in the serviceProperties object, but not all of them, you’ll need to additionally use the opType query parameter. The opType query parameter can be set to add or replace. opType=add indicates that the properties included in the payload will be added, but all existing properties will remain the same. opType=replace indicates that the properties included in the request payload will be added if they don’t already exist, or updated if they do already exist, but all other existing properties will remain the same.
Example PATCH: Update a website
The following Python script updates website 11 via PATCH, and only adds one property. All other fields will remain the same:
#!/bin/env python
import requests
import json
import hashlib
import base64
import time
import hmac
#Account Info
AccessId ='48v2wRzfK94y53sq5EuF'
AccessKey ='H_D9i(f5~B^U36^K6i42=^nS~e75gy382Bf6{)P+'
Company = 'api'
#Request Info
httpVerb ='PATCH'
resourcePath = '/service/services/11'
queryParams ='?patchFields=serviceProperties&opType=add'
data = '{"serviceProperties":[{"name":"project","value":"demo"}]}'
#Construct URL
url = 'https://'+ Company +'.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest' + resourcePath + queryParams
#Get current time in milliseconds
epoch = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
#Concatenate Request details
requestVars = httpVerb + epoch + data + resourcePath
#Construct signature
hmac1 = hmac.new(AccessKey.encode(),msg=requestVars.encode(),digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac1.encode())
#Construct headers
auth = 'LMv1 ' + AccessId + ':' + signature.decode() + ':' + epoch
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':auth}
#Make request
response = requests.patch(url, data=data, headers=headers)
#Print status and body of response
print('Response Status:',response.status_code)
print('Response Body:',response.content)