Earlier this year we announced the official LogicMonitor – ServiceNow CMDB App, and it’s been exciting to see how quickly our customers are adopting the feature-rich integration. As with most workflow integrations across the LogicMonitor ecosystem, the CMDB App was built with customization in mind. Infrastructure intricacies vary across our diverse customer base and our Product team does a great job ensuring new features provide the powerful flexibility required to build and customize as needed.
We’re constantly working with the ServiceNow team and our customers on creative use cases to enhance the CMDB App. Below are a few new feature updates to enjoy, available today.
Support for ServiceNow’s New York Release
We’re always impressed with the version releases from ServiceNow and New York is no different. LogicMonitor’s CMDB and Incident Management applications have already been certified by ServiceNow to work on their latest city release, available for public consumption today.
Double Down on Automation
Data may be king at LogicMonitor, but we love automation just as much. The sheer number of components and services that support one’s infrastructure and applications is staggering: hundreds or thousands of devices containing millions of potential metrics. With the massive amounts of data we collect, it’s impossible to scale without automation. How does this apply to the CMDB App?
Open Device in LogicMonitor from ServiceNow
Sharing data between ServiceNow and LogicMonitor is already helping many of our customers improve the health and accuracy of their CMDB, but sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and jump from one system to another.
In the original, out of the box code, LogicMontior writes a direct URL to the ServiceNow CI on the sn.cmdb_url property.
Added to this release of the base application there will be a new button on each CI synchronized with LogicMonitor that will open the LogicMonitor resource in your configured portal directly from ServiceNow. Say goodbye to tab jumping.
Auto Balanced Collector Provisioning
Device assignment to collectors has traditionally been a 1-to-1 relationship. The burden of managing those connections and ensuring that collectors are properly scaled and balanced fell to the customer. Device Creation also required a collector assignment. Deciding which Collector had the capacity to take on new devices takes creative guesswork on the part of the customer with the only guidance based solely on device counts.
Introducing Auto Balanced Collector Groups (ABCG). This functionality streamlines the creation process for devices, simplifying capacity management within a group of Collectors. Available today, the 1.1.x release and our Auto Balanced Collector Group – Update Set gives users the option to provision devices to ABCG instead of a specific collector. A few benefits of this include:
- Dynamically moving device(s) from one collector to another within the ABCG in order to prevent any individual collector from becoming over-subscribed.
- Improving scalability for device failover. When a collector in an ABCG goes down, the devices that were being monitored by that collector will be distributed among the other collectors in the ABCG.
- Streamlining the creation process for devices and allowing for simplified capacity management within a group of collectors.

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