Position: Director, Product Management
How long have you been at LogicMonitor?
Almost 6 years (Joined December 2014).
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The satisfaction that comes from solving problems and seeing customer reactions. Our product management team is always looking for creative ways to delight users — being able to see or hear about how we make our users’ lives better never gets old.
What do you find most challenging about your job?
Having to say no. Although our amazing engineering team cranks through new features, they only have so much bandwidth. We strategically prioritize what goes into our roadmap and we can’t always do everything – sometimes we have to say no.
What are some of the new challenges you’ve seen since the shift to remote working?
Trying to juggle multiple people talking on Zoom calls at once in a studio apartment with a dog barking in the background! Luckily, the LogicMonitor product and engineering teams were already quite efficient working remotely, as we have teams around the world, so team collaboration hasn’t suffered with the shift.
If you could learn one new professional skill, what would it be?
After trying to figure out how to efficiently delete a countless number of Kubernetes pods from a runaway cronjob in my test cluster today, I think I’d like to learn/improve my bash skills 🙂
What advice would you give to other people in your field of work?
Take initiative and get your hands dirty! There’s always more work to be done and an opportunity to contribute – identify a problem and do the legwork to find and test a solution.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to compete in triathlons, which means I do a lot of running, cycling, and swimming in my spare time.
What is your favorite way to relax?
See above – swim, bike, run! To me this is relaxing, but afterward, I do sometimes sit on the couch for a short recovery.
What are your top 3 places in Santa Barbara to go for food and drinks?
Mesa burger (who doesn’t love burgers?!), Arigato (a LogicMonitor go-to choice in the olden days), and On The Alley (because they have my favorite breakfast burritos).
What book would you recommend that you have read recently?
I’ve always been a big science fiction fan, but I only recently picked up the Kingkiller chronicles — highly recommended!

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