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LM Referral Spotlight: Szabolcs Gulacsi

Sales Engineer, EMEA SE Team, Amsterdam office

LogicMonitor’s Employee Referral Program plays a significant role in our continued success. Consistently, year after year, our Referral Program emerges as a pivotal driver of the company’s growth, with over 25% of our new hires originating from referrals. Our team members seamlessly transform into brand ambassadors, actively sharing our celebrated culture, unwavering values, and thriving business within their extensive networks. As a result, we are privileged to welcome some extremely talented professionals (and pretty cool people) to our team. 

Read on for some great insights from the latest feature in our Referral Spotlight series, Szabolcs Gulacsi:

Can you tell us a bit about how you were referred to LM?

I met Vincent Onderdelinden quite some time ago while I was researching possible solutions for a prospect at one of my previous employers. Him and I stayed in touch, and I invited him to lunch when he was promoted to sales manager at LogicMonitor. One conversation led to another, I was introduced to a recruiter, and the ball got rolling. 

What factors helped you to make your decision in choosing to work at LM? 

Quite a lot actually; all equally important but in different aspects. The vibe, energy, and the path the company is on spoke to me and my ambitions. I also knew a few colleagues at LogicMonitor already, so the link to the Amsterdam team was already there. My conversations with Adam Young and Chris Brightwell on the Sales Engineering team were very pleasant. Through the interview process, I was able to connect with them both on a professional as well as a personal level; e.g., our humors match perfectly. What also mattered a lot was the fact that I was looking for a technically challenging job, and they have both promised and delivered on that part!

What was your overall first impression of LM?

I want to say ‘work hard play hard’ but not in the bad ‘financebro way’ that popularized the remark. More along the lines of being in the cockpit of a fighter jet accelerating to full speed.

I loved that Chris flew out to Amsterdam to meet me and my Dutch SE colleague, Bart, to personally onboard us for the first week. It was the smoothest onboarding I have had in my career. Still though, the amount of information that figuratively hits you is quite a lot; and the next few weeks have been a constant ‘oh yeah I remember I wrote this down somewhere’. The meet and greets with all the different colleagues have just been amazing, and everybody was eager to help me get the ball rolling. Having almost a decade observability experience, I quickly got involved as a secondary SE on a few running opportunities so I could immediately contribute as well as learn the tool by doing. I felt that I was providing value from almost day one, so to speak. 

What do you love about the team you work with now?

The EMEA Sales Engineering team welcomed me with open arms, and I felt like part of the team from the very beginning! This also contributed to me choosing LM in the first place because being part of something bigger is very important to me. We are a very diverse group with an amazing knowledge and skill set, to which I am proud to be a part of.

What are you excited about going forward?

From a LogicMonitor perspective, it has to be the push into mainland Europe! I am convinced we are going to take the continent by storm. On the personal side, of course, is my development in LogicMonitor and all of its intricate use cases, so I can help customers and prospects alike uncomplicate the thick web of observability.

The more I learn about LogicMonitor, the proposition, and the value it can bring to our customers, the more I realize that there is so much more out there. The environment at LogicMonitor has an inspiring baseline, where everyone tries to make it better. This is the ideal place to fulfill my career and personal ambitions!

If you were to refer someone to LM, what advice would you give them or what might you tell them to help them make their decision?

It’s a tough interview process, but once you are in, anything is possible. 

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