LogicMonitor seeks to disrupt AI landscape with $800M strategic investment at $2.4B valuation to revolutionize data centers.

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MGD Collector 30.002

LogicMonitor MGD Collector 30.002 was released on December 17, 2021 and includes the following bug fix: Updated log4j to version 2.16 to mitigate the Log4shell vulnerabilities. For more information, see Log4j Security Vulnerabilities.

GD Collector 31.001

LogicMonitor GD Collector 31.001 was released on December 16, 2021 and includes the following bug fix: Updated log4j to version 2.16 to mitigate the Log4shell vulnerabilities. For more information, see Log4j Security Vulnerabilities.

GD Collector 31.000

LogicMonitor GD Collector 31.000 was released on November 26, 2021 and includes all features and fixes from the EA Collector 30.xxx versions and more. Enhancements Updated Java to Amazon Corretto Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where the OpenMetrics wizard was unable to load for Windows Collectors. Fixed an issue where the Linux Collector installer … Continued

EA Collector – 30.104

LogicMonitor EA Collector 30.104 was released on October 19, 2021 and includes the following updates and fixes. Enhancements Certified the Collector to run on RHEL OpenShift. Syslog collection for LM Logs now supports TCP. Linux Collector uninstaller now cleans up logicmonitor-collector-jre.conf. Added MongoDB 4.1.0 driver. Increased out-of-the-box NetFlow performance. Collector now loads custom JDBC JARs … Continued

MGD Collector 30.001

The general deployment GD Collector 30.001 has been designated as the next minimum general deployment version, MGD Collector 30.001. The automatic update to MGD Collector 30.001 will deploy on January 10, 2022. This release, which was scheduled for deployment on October 27th, was postponed while we fixed a performance issue. User action is not required … Continued

GD Collector – 30.001

LogicMonitor GD Collector 30.001 was released on August 23, 2021 and includes the following changes. Fixes Fixed an issue with the commons-codec library that was causing issues with updated collectors. Fixed issue with MongoDB driver dependencies. It is now properly upgraded to version 4.1.0 Known Issues Upgrading from EA Collector 28.604 to EA Collector 30.000 … Continued

EA Collector – 30.102

LogicMonitor EA Collector 30.102 was released on July 20, 2021 and includes the following updates and fixes. Enhancements ADDED Beta Support for the new Thycotic Secret Server Integration. It works similar to the CyberArk integration and shares most of the same functionality. See the Credential Vault for LM Collector. IMPROVED the Credential Vault Integration to … Continued

EA Collector – 30.101

LogicMonitor EA Collector 30.101 was released on June 9, 2021 and includes the following updates. Updates ADDED support for High Security mode (HSM). Users can choose to install in HSM or Orchestration Compatibility Mode (OCM). The default is OCM.  HSM changes the permissions on the Collector installation folder so that only the owner and root/Administrator … Continued

GD Collector – 30.000

GD 30.000 incorporates all enhancements and fixes found in GD 29.003, as well as EA 29.xxx (29.101, 29.102, 29.104, 29.105, 29.106, 29.107, 29.108, and 29.109). Updates Here are a few highlights across the various EA 29.xxx releases that GD 30.000 contains. NBAR support for NetFlow. LM Logs support. Non-root installation no longer depends on sudo. … Continued

EA Collector – 30.100

Changes Added an agent.conf directive (vault.credentials.refresh.delay) to control the Credential Vault integration cache expiration refresh delay. Added JMX metrics for monitoring the CyberArk AAM Credential Vault integration. Added two agent.conf properties (sse.collectorgroup.jvm.locale and collector.jvm.locale) to allow tweaking of JVM locale, which is sometimes needed to correct date parsing in some locales. The default for both … Continued