HTML Reports and Architecture Improvements

Last updated on 14 September, 2022

The week of January 11th we will be releasing updates to our reporting infrastructure and the associated HTML reports.


  • The architecture improvements should go largely unnoticed, aside from improved speed in some report generation.  The changes primarily allow us to continue to efficiently generate reports as our reporting features and your data needs grow. 
  • The reporting layout has been updated to be consistent across all reports.  You may notice minor changes in header information and layout as a result.
  • With the HTML view, you are able to hover over graph lines to see the specific value of the underlying data, just as in Dashboards and Instance graphs.
  • To provide the HTML functionality, we are storing reports in AWS S3.  As a result, the report link can be easily shared and will also enable us to provide more sharing functionality in the future.  Reports are stored, and links are active, for 30 days.
  • The secure report link has a handful of parameters.  The expiration parameter is set in UNIX (epoch) time, and can be resolved via any epoch converter.   The AWSAccessKey and Signature are encrypted values provided by AWS, with the Signature being assigned per report.