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Installing LM Container Chart using CLI

Last updated on 05 September, 2024

In the LM Container Chart, the Helm charts are combined into high-order umbrella charts, which makes the installation and upgradation process easy.

There is no separate method for installing LM Containers on your Red Hat OpenShift, or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) from Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) from Microsoft Azure, or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) from Google Cloud platforms. The unified LM Container Helm chart supports these platforms for LM Container Installation. For more information, see Support Matrix for Kubernetes Monitoring.

Note: We recommend using the LM Container Chart for installing Argus and Collectorset-Controller on your cluster.


Installing LM Container Chart

1. Add the LM Container Chart repository using the following command:

helm repo add logicmonitor https://logicmonitor.github.io/helm-charts.

Note: If you have previously added the LM Container Chart repository, you must update the repository with the latest Helm charts by using the command: 
helm repo update logicmonitor

2. Select the desired Helm chart version for installation using the following steps:

  • To load and select the required LM Container Chart version, run the following command:
    helm repo update logicmonitor
  • To check the current version of the LM Container Chart, run the following command:
    helm search repo -r logicmonitor/lm-container


  • Use option -l to list all versions if you want to select the previous version
  • Use –devel option to list early access version

3. Define the version criteria using the selected version by applying the following rules.
For example, you have selected 1.0.0:

Version CriteriaRule
1Automatically rolls out new versions with newly added features and fixes.
1.0Automatically rolls out only the fixed versions and not the newly added features.
1.0.0Rolls out new versions manually.

Recommendation: Upgrade to the latest LM Container Charts version. For more information, see Container Monitoring Release Notes Timeline.

4. To install or upgrade LM Container Chart, run the following command:

helm upgrade --install --debug --wait --namespace="logicmonitor" --create-namespace -f ./lm-container-configuration.yaml lm-container --version "<version-criteria>" logicmonitor/lm-container

For more information on the list of values and their descriptions used in the lm-container-configuration.yaml file, see Values Schema Reference from ArtifactHUB.

Note:If the Helm upgrade command timeouts while waiting on deployment pods to become ready, then you can add –timeout option to the Helm upgrade command with a duration of more than 5 minutes and run the command again. For example, –timeout=10m.

5. Once the LM Container Helm chart installs successfully, verify if newly created Kubernetes resources are getting discovered in LogicMonitor and have started collecting metrics.

Note: You can migrate old configurations to LM Container Charts. For more information, see Migrating Existing Kubernetes Clusters Using LM Container Helm Chart.

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