Adding Device Groups
Last updated on 07 January, 2025Viewing Subscription IDs
You can use LogicMonitor REST API v3 to view subscription IDs. You must authenticate yourself before making the API request.
URI: POST /azure/functions/discoverSubscriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
clientId | String | The unique identifier of your Azure AD application. Example – "clientId": "2345abcd-6789-ef01-gh23-ijkl456789mn" |
secretKey | String | The secret authentication key for your Azure AD application. Example – "secretKey": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0" |
groupId | Integer | The identifier for the Azure group in your subscription query, specific to the Azure service used. Example – "groupId": 98765 |
tenantId | String | The unique ID of your Azure AD tenant. Example – "tenantId": "1234abcd-5678-wxyz-9101-efgh2345ijkl" |
isChinaAccount | Boolean | Indicates if the account is hosted on Azure China. Example – "isChinaAccount": false |
Testing Azure Account
URI: POST /azure/functions/testAccount
Parameter | Type | Description |
clientId | String | The unique identifier of your Azure AD application. Example – "clientId": "2345abcd-6789-ef01-gh23-ijkl456789mn" |
secretKey | String | The secret authentication key for your Azure AD application. Example – "secretKey": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0" |
checkedServices | String | Specify Azure services that must be selected and formatted as a delimited string. Example – "checkedServices": "Databricks,Blob Storage,API Management" |
subscriptionIds | String | Azure subscription IDs to query for. Example – "subscriptionIds": "sub-id-123,sub-id-456,sub-id-789" |
groupId | Integer | The identifier for the Azure group in your subscription query, specific to the Azure service used. Example – "groupId": 98765 |
tenantId | String | The unique ID of your Azure AD tenant. Example – "tenantId": "1234abcd-5678-wxyz-9101-efgh2345ijkl" |
isChinaAccount | Boolean | Indicates if the account is hosted on Azure China. Example – "isChinaAccount": false |
Testing AWS Account
URI: POST /aws/functions/testAccount
Parameter | Type | Description |
accessId | String | The AWS access ID required for user identification while making API requests. Example – "accessId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" |
accountId | String | The 12 digits AWS account ID. Example – "accountId": "123456789012" |
newBillingBucket | String | The bucket name where you store your billing file. It is used by the new AWS billing service. Example – "newBillingBucket": "new-aws-billing-bucket" |
assumedRoleArn | String | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role being assumed for cross-account access. Example – "assumedRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role" |
bucketNameForBillingFiles | String | The name of the S3 bucket that stores billing files. Example – "bucketNameForBillingFiles": "my-aws-billing-bucket" |
accessKey | String | The AWS access key used with the access ID for API authentication. Example – "accessKey": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" |
checkedServices | String | The AWS services to verify access. You can provide a list of AWS services separated by a comma. Example – "checkedServices": "EC2,S3,RDS" |
groupId | Integer | The group ID used in the AWS environment. Example – "groupId": 78910" |
newBillingPath | String | The path prefix where you store your billing file. It is used by the new AWS billing service. Example – "bucket-name/billing-file-name" |
externalId | String | The external ID for granting cross-account access with an assumed role. Example – "externalId": "12345-unique-external-id" |
Testing SaaS Account
URI: POST /saas/functions/testAccount
Parameter | Type | Description |
privateKey | String | The SaaS private key. Example – "privateKey": "MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQD..." |
accountId | String | The account ID of the SaaS account that is being tested. Example – "accountId": "account123" |
clientId | String | The SaaS client ID assigned to the SaaS application for identification. Example – "clientId": "client456" |
secretKey | String | The SaaS secret key used with the client ID for authentication. Example – "secretKey": "secret789" |
statusType | String | The SaaS status type used in the SaaS environment. Example – "statusType": "Operational" |
accountType | String | The SaaS account type. Example – "accountType": "Premium" |
tenantId | String | The SaaS tenant ID used in the SaaS environment. Example – "tenantId": "tenant012" |
serviceName | String | The SaaS services to verify access. You can provide a list of SaaS services separated by a comma. Example – "serviceName": "Service1,Service2" |
userId | String | The unique SaaS user ID used in the SaaS environment. Example – "userId": "user345" |
statusUrls | String | The SaaS status URL. Example – "statusUrls": "" |
Testing GCP Account
URI: POST /gcp/functions/testAccount
Parameter | Type | Description |
serviceAccountKey | String | The key for your GCP service account, used for authentication and authorization. Example – "serviceAccountKey": "laa12a4567e51cdeg7d3cf03d54321a38bbbaaaa" |
checkedServices | String | The GCP services to verify access. You can provide a list of GCP services separated by a comma. Example – "checkedServices": "Compute Engine,Cloud Storage" |
groupId | Integer | The group ID used in the GCP environment. Example – "groupId": 12345" |
projectId | String | The unique ID of your GCP project where services are hosted and tested. Example – "projectId": "my-gcp-project-123" |