REST API Advanced Filters
Last updated on 07 October, 2024LogicMonitor REST API advanced filters are applied to key-value pairs where values are in JSON format. For example, in /device/devices
APIs you can apply advanced filters for the keys – autoProperties
, inheritedProperties
, systemProperties
, and customProperties
This article uses REST API /alert/alerts
and /device/devices
as examples to explain how you can use advanced filters.
Structure of Advanced Filters
The following examples show the structure of advanced filters.
- Normal query
{{url}}/<api>?filter=<json_key_parameter>:"{<escaped json_value_parameter>}"&fields=<if any separated by ,>
- Operator not equal (!:) filter query
{{url}}/<api>?filter=<json_key_parameter>!:"{<escaped json_value_parameter>}"
- Operator contains (~) filter query
{{url}}<api>?filter=<json_key_parameter>~"{<escaped json_value_parameter>}"
- Operator not contains (!~) filter query
{{url}}<api>?filter=<json_key_parameter>!~"{<escaped json_value_parameter>}"
- Operator special_eq (:::) filter query where it checks both null and empty values
- Operator special_ne (!::) filter query where it checks if the value is not empty or null
- Operator special_ne (!::) filter query where it checks if the value is not null
- Operator logical OR (||) filter query
{{url}}<api>?filter=<json_key_parameter_1>:"{<escaped json_value_parameter_1>}" || <json_key_parameter_2>:"{<escaped json_value_parameter_2>}"
- Single and advanced filter query
{{url}}<api>?filter=<json_key_parameter>:"{<escaped json_value_parameter>}",<non-json_key_parameter>:<non-json_value_paramter>
Components of Advanced Filters
The components of the advanced filter queries are as follows:
Components | Description with Examples |
{{url}} | https://<company> |
<api> | APIs, for example, /device/devices and /device/groups |
<json_key_parameter> | In case of /device/devices , values can be autoProperties , inheritedProperties , systemProperties , and customProperties |
{<unescaped json_value_paramter>} | For example, {"name":"testPROPERTY","value":"service"} |
{<escaped json_value_parameter>} | For example, {\"name\":\"testPROPERTY\",\"value\":\"service\"} |
<non-json_key_parameter> | Key whose value is not JSON. For example, id , name , displayName , and so on. |
<non-json_value_paramter> | Single values for example, id: 100, “name”: “Instance” Here, the non JSON value for id is 100 and for name it is Instance |
Use Case
You can use advanced filters to get key-value pairs for any property with JSON as the value parameter.
Device 1 (“id”: 3793) has the following systemProperties
"id": 3793,
"name": "sfsf",
"systemProperties": [
"name": "system.enablenetflow",
"value": "false"
"name": "system.collectorplatform",
"value": "n/a"
"name": "system.description",
"value": "dummy"
"name": "system.collectorid",
"value": "-4"
"name": "system.deviceId",
"value": "3793"
"name": "system.prefcollectordesc",
"value": "Service Data Aggregator"
"name": "system.collectordesc",
"value": "Service Data Aggregator"
"name": "system.deviceGroupId",
"value": "1"
"name": "system.resourceCreatedOn",
"value": "1556854294"
"name": "system.devicetype",
"value": "6"
"name": "system.collectorversion",
"value": "0"
"name": "system.prefcollectorid",
"value": "-4"
"name": "system.displayname",
"value": "sfsf"
"name": "system.hostname",
"value": "sfsf"
Device 2 (“id”: 3792) has the following systemProperties
"id": 3792,
"name": "cc",
"systemProperties": [
"name": "system.enablenetflow",
"value": "false"
"name": "system.collectorplatform",
"value": "n/a"
"name": "system.description",
"value": "sfsf"
"name": "system.collectorid",
"value": "-4"
"name": "system.deviceId",
"value": "3792"
"name": "system.prefcollectordesc",
"value": "Service Data Aggregator"
"name": "system.collectordesc",
"value": "Service Data Aggregator"
"name": "system.deviceGroupId",
"value": "1"
"name": "system.resourceCreatedOn",
"value": "1556852762"
"name": "system.devicetype",
"value": "6"
"name": "system.collectorversion",
"value": "0"
"name": "system.prefcollectorid",
"value": "-4"
"name": "system.displayname",
"value": "cc"
"name": "system.hostname",
"value": "cc"
When you run the following basic filter query
In the response body this query lists all devices (device 1 and 2) with systemProperties
name “system.description
” and devices with systemProperties
value “sfsf
When you run the following advanced filter query
In the response body this query lists devices (only device 2) with key-value pair i.e. systemProperties
Filter Examples
The following sections provide examples of the /device/devices
Filter structure:
Filter structure:
Query Examples
The following sections provide examples of filter queries.
Operator equals (:) filter queries:
The response body returns all devices with systemProperties
that contain name
AND value
"value":"my test vm"
Run the query filter:
The response body returns all devices with customProperties
that contain name
AND value
"name":"same case",
Run the query filter:
The response body returns all devices with autoProperties
that contain name
AND value
systemProperties and inheritedProperties
Run the query filter:
The response body returns all devices with systemProperties
that contain name
AND value
AND inheritedProperties
AND value
"total": 1,
"items": [
"id": 770544,
"name": "",
"displayName": "my test vm",
"deviceType": 0,
"relatedDeviceId": -1,
"currentCollectorId": 11934,
"preferredCollectorId": 11934,
"autoBalancedCollectorGroupId": 0,
"preferredCollectorGroupId": 581,
"preferredCollectorGroupName": "Netflow",
"description": "sfsf",
"createdOn": 1652188809,
"updatedOn": 1652188809,
"disableAlerting": false,
"autoPropsAssignedOn": 0,
"autoPropsUpdatedOn": 0,
"scanConfigId": 0,
"link": "",
"enableNetflow": false,
"netflowCollectorId": 0,
"netflowCollectorGroupId": 0,
"netflowCollectorGroupName": null,
"isPreferredLogCollectorConfigured": false,
"currentLogCollectorId": 0,
"logCollectorId": 0,
"logCollectorDescription": null,
"logCollectorGroupId": 0,
"logCollectorGroupName": null,
"lastDataTime": 0,
"lastRawdataTime": 0,
"hostGroupIds": "56255,103904,23105,21122,142395",
"sdtStatus": "none-none-none",
"userPermission": "write",
"rolePrivileges": [],
"hostStatus": "dead-collector",
"alertStatus": "unconfirmed-critical-none",
"alertStatusPriority": 1,
"awsState": 1,
"azureState": 1,
"gcpState": 1,
"alertDisableStatus": "none-none-none",
"alertingDisabledOn": null,
"collectorDescription": "centos-systemd-1",
"netflowCollectorDescription": null,
"customProperties": [
"name": "sn.cmdb_url",
"value": ""
"name": "sn.sys_id",
"value": "a1750a00db11d110afef285b13961906"
"name": "system.categories",
"value": ""
"resourceIds": null,
"upTimeInSeconds": 0,
"deletedTimeInMs": 0,
"toDeleteTimeInMs": 0,
"hasDisabledSubResource": false,
"ancestorHasDisabledLogicModule": false,
"systemProperties": [
"name": "system.enablenetflow",
"value": "false"
"name": "system.collectorplatform",
"value": "linux"
"name": "system.description",
"value": "sfsf"
"name": "system.collectorid",
"value": "11934"
"name": "system.deviceId",
"value": "770544"
"name": "system.prefcollectordesc",
"value": "centos-systemd-1"
"name": "system.collectordesc",
"value": "centos-systemd-1"
"name": "system.groups",
"value": "Synthetics_Resource_Group,demo:/dasdas,152_SJ_dy,DeadDeviceGrp,175_SJ_2"
"name": "system.deviceGroupId",
"value": "56255,103904,23105,21122,142395"
"name": "system.resourceCreatedOn",
"value": "1652188809"
"name": "system.devicetype",
"value": "0"
"name": "system.collectorversion",
"value": "29107"
"name": "system.staticgroups",
"value": "Synthetics_Resource_Group"
"name": "system.prefcollectorid",
"value": "11934"
"name": "system.displayname",
"value": "my test vm"
"name": "system.hoststatus",
"value": "dead-collector"
"name": "system.hostname",
"value": ""
"autoProperties": [],
"inheritedProperties": [
"name": "test11",
"value": "test11"
"name": "testPropertyTel",
"value": "tel:18618198654"
"name": "testPropertyHttps",
"value": ""
"name": "mayank.pass",
"value": "********"
"name": "test.pass",
"value": "********"
"name": "test",
"value": "test"
"name": "fdfdf",
"value": "121212"
"name": "jnj",
"value": "jnj"
"name": "",
"value": "********"
"name": "xen.user",
"value": "root"
"name": "esx.pass",
"value": "********"
"name": "tomcat.jmxports",
"value": "9003"
"name": "netapp.user",
"value": "abhi9999"
"name": "testPropertyHttp",
"value": ""
"name": "xen.url",
"value": ""
"name": "becca",
"value": "something"
"name": "testPropertySkype",
"value": "skype:21268822"
"name": "testPropertyMailto",
"value": "mailto:[email protected]"
"name": "mayank",
"value": "test"
"name": "fang_wan",
"value": ""
"name": "SS",
"value": "wwww"
"name": "test22",
"value": "test22"
"name": "esx.user",
"value": "adsf"
"name": "test.ipsi",
"value": " "
"name": "rootProp",
"value": "test"
"name": "xen.pass",
"value": "********"
"name": "",
"value": "8June"
"name": "Test_prop1",
"value": "test1"
"name": "test2",
"value": "test2"
"name": "api-property1553839486",
"value": "value"
"name": "ssh.pass",
"value": "********"
"syntheticsCollectorIds": []
"searchId": null,
"isMin": false
Operator Usage in Advanced Filters for /device/devices
- Operator not equal (!:) filter query
- Operator contains (~) filter query
- Operator not contains (!~) filter query
Note: You will not get all possible values by merely using the contains (~) and not contains (!~) filter. Instead, these filter will give an exact match. To get all possible values, add an asterisk (*)to the filter. For example, you can write “ATT*” or “*ATT” in
- Contains:
url/device/devices/?filter=customProperties~”{\”name\”:\”FilterTest\”,\”value\”:\”ATT*\”}”&fields=id,name,customProperties - Not contains:
- Operator special_eq (:::) filter query
The response body returns all devices that do no have inheritedProperties. Empty checks for both null and empty.
- Operator special_ne (!::) filter query
The response body returns all devices where netflowCollectorDescription is not empty or null.
- Operator special_ne (!::) filter query
In the response body this query gives all the devices where netflowCollectorDescription is not null.
- Operator logical OR (||) filter query
{{url}}/device/devices?filter=customProperties:"{\"name\":\"testPROPERTY\",\"value\":\"service\"}" || customProperties:"{\"name\":\"system.categories\",\"value\":\"KubernetesLogicalService\"}"
- Single and advanced filter query
Run the query
In the response body this query gives the following result:
"total": 1,
"items": [
"id": 1530,
"systemProperties": [
"name": "system.enablenetflow",
"value": "false"
"name": "system.collectorplatform",
"value": "n/a"
"name": "system.collectorid",
"value": "-4"
"name": "system.deviceId",
"value": "1530"
"name": "system.prefcollectordesc",
"value": "Service Data Aggregator"
"name": "system.collectordesc",
"value": "Service Data Aggregator"
"name": "system.groups",
"value": "Ay_service_group"
"name": "system.deviceGroupId",
"value": "478"
"name": "system.resourceCreatedOn",
"value": "1552015277"
"name": "system.devicetype",
"value": "6"
"name": "system.collectorversion",
"value": "0"
"name": "system.staticgroups",
"value": "Ay_service_group"
"name": "system.prefcollectorid",
"value": "-4"
"name": "system.displayname",
"value": "ay_service1_CLONE1"
"name": "system.hostname",
"value": "ay_service1_CLONE1"
"searchId": null,
"isMin": false
Operator Usage in Advanced Filters for /alert/alerts
Note: Alert filters for monitorObjectGroups are supported only for fullpath property. Currently, only 2 operators – Equal (:) and Contain (~) are supported.
Equal (:) and Contain (~) Operators
- Filter alerts that have Resource Group or monitorObjectGroups’s fullpath=”Devices by Type/Collectors”
{{url}}/alert/alerts?filter=monitorObjectGroups:"Devices by Type/Collectors"
Example"Devices by Type/Collectors"
- Filter alerts that have Resource Group (“Devices by Type”) or its subgroups. “*” at the end indicates that it also includes the subgroups. For example, a Resource Group (“Devices by Type”) has 2 subgroups: Collectors (“Devices by Type/Collectors”) and Linux Servers (“Devices by Type/Linux Servers”). Here, the result will include alerts having Resource Groups either (fullpath=”Devices by Type”) or (fullpath=”Devices by Type/Collectors”) or (fullpath=”Devices by Type/Linux Servers”)
{{url}}/alert/alerts?filter=monitorObjectGroups:"Devices by Type*"
- Filter alerts based on multiple Resource Group values (multiple fullpath values should be separated by “|”)
Filter alerts that have (fullpath=”Devices by Type/Collectors”) or (fullpath=”Kubernetes Cluster: k8-test/Nodes/All”)
{{url}}/alert/alerts?filter=monitorObjectGroups:"Devices by Type/Collectors|Kubernetes Cluster: k8-test/Nodes/All"
- Filter alerts of root Group. If the fullpath of the root group is empty, then the company name (for example,
) should be provided.
- Filter alerts that match with “
” in the Resource Group fullpath. If there are 2 groups with fullpath as “Devices by Type/Collectors” and “Collectors_Backup” then the result will contain alerts from both the groups.
- Single and advanced filter query
{{url}}/alert/alerts?filter=monitorObjectGroups:"Devices by Type/Collectors",startEpoch>:1653295431
{{url}}/alert/alerts?filter=monitorObjectGroups:"Devices by Type/Collectors",type:"batchJobAlert"