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Get OpsNotes

Last updated on 22 September, 2020

You can use LogicMonitor’s REST API to programmatically get your OpsNotes. With the OpsNotes resource, you can:

  1. Get a list of OpsNotes
  2. Get information about a specific OpsNote

As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.



Get a list of OpsNotes

Returns a list of Ops Notes


HTTP Method: GET

URI: /setting/opsnotes

Request Parameters: By default, a list of 50 ops notes will be returned. You can include sort, filter, fields, size and offset parameters in your request to control what data is included in the response and how it is formatted. Note that query parameters are not considered part of the resource path, and should not be included the calculation of the LMv1 authentication signature.




Example URI

sort sort={+ or -}property Sorts the response by the property specified in either increasing (+) or decreasing (-) order /setting/opsnotes?sort=-id
filter filter=property{operator}value Filters the response according to the operator and value specified. Note that you can use * to match on more than one character. You can filter on tags, createdBy, happenedOn, monitorObjectGroups, monitorObjectNames, and _all fields, and multiple filters can be separated by a comma. 

Operators include:

  • Greater than or equals: >:
  • Less than or equals: <:
  • Greater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Does not equal: !:
  • Equals: :
  • Includes: ~
fields fields={list of properties separated by commas} Filters the response to only include the following fields for each object /setting/opsnotes?fields=note,id
size size=integer The number of results to display. Max is 1000. /setting/opsnotes?size=5
offset offset=integer The number of results to offset the displayed results by /setting/opsnotes?offset=2


Get information about a particular OpsNote

Returns details for a particular ops note



URI: setting/opsnotes/{id}

Request Parameters: You can include a filter parameter that controls which fields are displayed in the response:




Example URI

fields fields={list of properties separated by commas} Filters the response to only include the following fields for each object /setting/opsnotes/{id}?fields=note,id


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