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Cisco DNA Center Monitoring (Legacy)

Last updated on 23 July, 2024

LogicMonitor offers out-of-the-box monitoring for the Cisco DNA Center platform. Our monitoring suite uses Cisco’s DNA Center API to query the DNAC device for a wide variety of health and performance metrics.


  • Cisco DNA Center API versions 2.1.2 through 2.2.2.
  • Import the LogicMonitor_Collector_Snippets DataSource to ensure that your collector supports the code in this monitoring suite, or update to EA Collector 32.100 or later.
  • Add your Cisco DNA Center host into monitoring. See Adding Devices.

Setup Requirements

  • Import the LogicMonitor_Collector_Snippets DataSource to ensure that your collector supports the code in this monitoring suite, or update to EA Collector 32.100 or later.

Obtain credentials

LogicMonitor must provide the appropriate credentials to access data from Cisco DNA Center. These credentials must belong to a Cisco DNA Center API user account that has been assigned the following minimum permissions:

Role Description
Read-only The user management guide defines this role as “observer”.

Assign LogicMonitor properties

The following custom properties must be set on the Cisco DNA Center resource within LogicMonitor. See Resource and Instance Properties.

cisco.dna.userREST API username.
cisco.dna.passREST API password.
system.categoryCisco_DNAC will be automatically added by the addCategory_Cisco_DNAC PropertySource.

The modules in this suite support HTTP connections using a proxy server. You can configure this in the Collector settings, see Configuring your Collector for use with HTTP Proxies, or with the following device host properties. Device host properties take precedence over Collector settings for proxy configurations.

proxy.enable(Optional) This suite is written to use collector proxy settings for HTTP calls configured by the user. To enable, add this device property with the value set to true. Set to false to override the use of configured collector proxy settings and connect without a proxy.
proxy.host(Optional) Configure a proxy host to connect through that is different from collector configuration.
proxy.port(Optional) Configure a proxy port to connect through that is different from collector configuration.

Import LogicModules

Import all Cisco DNA Center LogicModules from the LogicMonitor public repository. If these LogicModules are already present, make sure you have the most recent versions. Once the LogicModules are imported and if all previous setup requirements are complete, data collection will start automatically.

Display Name Type Description
addCategory_Cisco_DNAC PropertySource Identifies if the device is a Cisco DNA host and sets a system category if API credentials work.
addERI_Cisco_DNAC PropertySource Sets ERI on Cisco DNAC devices.
Cisco DNAC Devices DataSource Health scores for Cisco DNAC devices including CPU, memory, interface, and reachability scores as well as issue counts.
Cisco DNAC Clients DataSource Overall client health information by client type (wired and wireless) as well as client counts.
Cisco DNAC Networks DataSource Health scores for Cisco DNAC networks by category including device counts by condition.
Cisco DNAC Issues EventSource List of global issues, issues for a specific device, or issue for a specific client device’s MAC address.
Cisco_DNAC_Topology TopologySource Extract Cisco DNAC topologies from the Cisco DNA Intent API.

Note: When setting static datapoint thresholds on the various metrics tracked by this package’s DataSources, LogicMonitor follows the technology owner’s best practice KPI recommendations. You can adjust these predefined thresholds to meet the needs of your environment. See Tuning Static Thresholds for Datapoints.


  • Efforts are made in the EventSource “Cisco DNAC Issues” to reduce duplicate events using collector script caching. Collector EA version 29.100 or higher is required for this module.

Recommendation: Do not use the Cisco DNA Center and Cisco Catalyst Center modules concurrently as they use the same API. Use of both DNAC and Cisco Catalyst Center modules could result in exceeding API rate limits.


  • The modules in this package are designed with a debug mode embedded in the data collection scripts. If issues occur, turn on debug mode by setting the variable debug to “true” to get more information in the output when testing the script in the Collector Debug Facility. See Script Troubleshooting.
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