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Installing the Collector in a Container

Last updated on 27 February, 2025

LogicMonitor supports installing and running the Collector in a Docker container for the following services:

  • Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Service (GKS)

Installation of a containerized Collector does not support all options–These are noted under Limitations. See Dockerhub to find the Docker image for running the LogicMonitor Collector.


  • LogicMonitor API Token Access ID and Access Key with sufficient permissions to perform the requested actions.


  • The installation does not support the “bootstrap” option. You can only run the “full package” installation.
  • The collector deployed in a Docker Container is based on Linux. Linux collectors do not monitor Windows-based WMI collectors.

Installation Example

The following example creates a new Collector named “lm-collector”, that is a large Collector with the latest version:

docker run --name lm-collector -d \
  -e account=<your portal name> \
  -e access_id=<your api access id> \
  -e access_key=<your api access key> \
  -e backup_collector_id=<backup-collector-id> \
  -e collector_group=DockerCollectors \
  -e collector_size=large \
  -e description='My Dockerized Collector' \
  -e enable_fail_back=yes \
  -e escalating_chain_id=1 \
  -e resend_interval=60 \
  -e suppress_alert_clear=no \
  -e cleanup=true \
  -e proxy_url=<your proxy url> \
  -e proxy_user=<your proxy user> \
  -e proxy_pass=<your proxy password> \

Required Parameters

Parameter Description Default
account LogicMonitor portal account name. N/A
access_id LogicMonitor API Token Access ID. N/A
access_key LogicMonitor API Token Access Key. N/A

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description Default
backup_collector_id The ID of the failover Collector configured for this collector. N/A
cleanup If true, LogicMonitor will remove the Collector from the portal when the container is stopped. false
collector_group The ID of the group that the Collector is in. If a Collector with the same description already exists, use that Collector ID. N/A
collector_id The ID of an existing Collector provision. The specified Collector ID must already exist. N/A
COLLECTOR_NON_ROOT Use this property to run Collector as non-root user. The collector version must be GD Collector 34.002 or later.
  • If true, the Collector runs as “logicmonitor” (non-root) user.
  • If false, the Collector runs as root user.
collector_size The size of the Collector to install: nano, small, medium, large, extra_large, double_extra_large.

See Memory requirements
collector_version The version of the collector to install without periods or other characters. For example, version 29.107 should be written 29107.

See Collector Versions.
description The Collector’s description. N/A
enable_fail_back If true, enables automatic failback for the Collector. false
escalation_chain_id The ID of the escalation chain associated with this Collector. 1
proxy_pass The password to authenticate to the proxy server. N/A
proxy_url The URL of the proxy server. N/A
proxy_user The username to authenticate to the proxy server. N/A
resend_interval The interval in minutes, after which alert notifications for the Collector will be resent. 15
suppress_alert_clear If true, suppresses alert clear notifications for the Collector. false
use_ea If true, the latest EA Collector version will be installed. false
use_gd If true, the latest GD Collector version will be installed. true
use_mgd If true, the latest MGD Collector version will be installed. false

Memory Requirements

The containerized Collector installation supports all Collector sizes. The size of the Collector you choose to install has the following minimum memory requirements:

Collector Size Minimum Memory Requirements:
Minimum Memory Requirements:
YAML file
Nano < 2GB < 2GB
Small 2GB 2GB
Medium 4GB 3.75GB
Large 8GB 7.5GB
Extra Large 16GB 15GB
Double Extra Large 32GB 30GB

For more information, see Collector Capacity.

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