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LM OTel Collector Logging

Last updated on 03 December, 2024

Viewing Logs

Execute the following commands to view logs for each platform:

  • Linux
journalctl -u lmotel

The systemd logs are stored in files /run/log/journal/machine-id/ or /var/log/journal/machine-id/ with the “.journal” suffix. /run is used when /var/log/journal is not available, or when Storage=volatile is set in the journald.conf configuration file.

  • Docker
docker logs <container_id/name>
  • Kubernetes
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods --namespace=<namespace> -l app=lmotel -o name) -c lmotel -n <namespace>

Changing the Log-Level

  1. In LogicMonitor, navigate to Settings> OpenTelemetry Collectors.
  2. In the OTEL Collectors page, select the required running OpenTelemetry Collector and then select Manage icon Manage.
    OTEl collectors page with manage option

Note: The collector has to be in Running status to access the manage option.

  1. In the Configuration file, under the service section, add the following:
        level: "Debug"
        development: true
        encoding: "json"


  • The default log level is INFO and this can be modified using a telemetry tag. The supported log-levels include DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DPANIC, PANIC, FATAL.
  • The encoding field is optional.
Configuration file page
  1. Select Validate and then Save.

Logging Exporter

Logging exporter is used to dump telemetry data to the console via zap.Logger. It exports traces/metrics/logs depending on the pipeline.

Supported pipeline types include traces, metrics, and logs and can be used for the following:

  • To verify whether traces (or any other telemetry data) has reached the OTel Collector
  • To check the updated data after processing
    For example, if span-processor is configured in the pipeline to modify the span name, you can look at the logged traces in the console to check the updated value of span name.
  • Other general debugging purposes

The following optional flags can be configured:

  • loglevel (default = info): the log level of the logging export (debug|info|warn|error)
    When set to debug, pipeline data is verbosely logged.
  • sampling_initial (default = 2): number of messages initially logged each second
  • sampling_thereafter (default = 500): sampling rate after the initial messages are logged (every Mth message is logged)
    See the following documentation from Zapcore for information on how sampling parameters impact the number of messages:
    loglevel: debug
   receivers: [nop]
   processors: [nop]
   exporters: [logging]

Console Log Information

You can check the following information in the console logs:

  • To check whether LM OTel Collector is registered successfully with which Collector ID, search for the following in the logs:
    “Collector registered successfully!!”
    The Collector ID is at the end and looks similar to the following:
2021-10-01T09:52:07.015Z info lmextension/lmextension.go:176 Collector registered successfully!! {"kind": "extension", "name": "lmextension", "id": "23754"}
  • To check whether lmotel is running, look for something similar to the following:
2021-10-01T09:52:07.022Z info service/collector.go:134 Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.
  • To check whether config file is updated successfully, search for the following:
Config file changed. Reloading lmotel...
  • To check if credentials were rotated successfully, search for the following:
Credentials updated successfully!!
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