Types of Alerts in LogicMonitor

Last updated on 04 September, 2024

LogicMonitor can generate alerts on a variety of components in the platform. The following table explains the components that can trigger alerts and examples of different types of alert IDs associated with each:

ComponentDescriptionAlert TypeExample
DataSourcesDataSources define the numerical data, called datapoints, that are collected through periodic polling from a Collector. An alert on a DataSource is the most common type of alert and is triggered when datapoint values that a Collector receives from a device exceed the thresholds you specify—or when there is an absence of expected data. For more information, see Datapoint Overview.LMD
DataSource Alerts
LMD112299 warn – ESXi HP320 VMware Host Performance DiskWriteLatency
ID: LMD112299
Host: ESXi HP320
Datasource: VMware Host Performance
EventSourcesEventSources watch particular files such as event log messages (IPMI, Windows, or Syslog) or SNMP traps. An alert on an EventSource is triggered when LogicMonitor receives a message for an event that matches an EventSource definition. For more information, see Creating EventSources.LME
EventSource Alerts
LME10351880 error – veeambr.windows.lab Windows System Event Log
ID: LME10351880
Host: veeambr.windows.lab
Eventsource: Windows System Event Log
LM LogsA log alert is triggered when an incoming log event matches alert conditions configured on a log processing pipeline. For more information, see Log Alert Conditions and Log Processing Pipelines.LML
Log Alerts
LML3304916149 error – docsite-knc88 LM Logs
ID: LML3304916149
Host: docsite-knc88
LogAlert: LM Logs
Message: – – [22/Mar/2021:09:36:11 +0000] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 12557 “-” “LogicMonitor” “-”
WebsitesWebsites are monitored to ensure their availability. An alert on a website is triggered when a specified number of checks fail at a specified number of test locations. For more information, see Website Alerts.LMS
Website Alerts
LMS91372675 warn on String Check from location Australia – Sydney
ID: LMS91372675
Service: String Check
Checkpoint: Australia – Sydney
Datapoint: status
JobMonitorsJobMonitors on Windows and Linux/Unix systems can be monitored to ensure that jobs start on time, complete when expected, and exit with the proper exit code. An alert on a JobMonitor is triggered when a monitored job exits with a non-zero exit code, does not complete within a specified run time, or does not start on time. For more information, see Creating JobMonitor Definitions in LogicMonitor.LMB
JobMonitors Alerts
ID: LMB444
Host: ATX-Local-Data-Guard
Batchjob: Sync Orgs for Splunk
Level: warn
Started on: 2017-01-16 10:30:00 GMT+02:00
Finished on: 2017-01-16 10:40:00 GMT+02:00
Device GroupsDevice groups are collections of strategically grouped devices. Alerts for device groups, called Cluster Alerts, are triggered based on the overall state of the group. For example, you could configure a Cluster Alert to trigger when more than five batch servers within a device group have CPU usage rates over 80%. For more information, see Cluster Alerts.LMHC
Host Cluster Alerts
Hostgroup: LAB/SQL Cluster Servers
Datasource: SQL Services-
Datapoint: State
Level: warn
Start: 2014-12-11 21:44:59 EST
Duration: 10h 8m
Value: 3.00 hosts in alert
Reason: > 2
CollectorsCollectors are LogicMonitor applications that run on servers within your infrastructure to intelligently monitor devices. An alert on a collector (called a Collector Down Alert) is triggered when LogicMonitor has not heard from a Collector for more than five minutes.LMA
Collector unreachable
The LogicMonitor system has not received any data from Collector LAB\LMC0001 since 2015-11-16 19:38:31 EST.
Collector failover event
The LogicMonitor system has not received any data from Collector LAB\LMC0001 since 2015-10-31 05:55:26 EDT. LogicMonitor switched all devices monitored by this collector to its backup collector LAB\LMC0002.
Automatic failback will return devices back to the primary Collector ATXLAB\LMC001 when it has recovered. Failback is currently true.
Collector unreachable
LAB Collector 1 (LAB\LMC0001) failed back
LogicMonitor moved all devices(453,455,191) back to collector LAB\LMC0001
ConfigSourcesConfigSources generate alerts based on config checks. Much like a datapoint and threshold in a DataSource, a config check monitors the availability of a config file, or specific contents of the file, and triggers an alert when defined criteria are met. For more information, see Creating ConfigSources.LMD
ConfigSource Alerts
ID: LMD3119
Host: Lab Cisco 3560
Configsource: IOS Configs-running-config
InstanceGroup: @default
Configcheck: DifferenceTest
Alert ThrottlingNotifications can be triggered when alert rate throttling limits are reached. For more information, see Escalation Chains.LMT
Alert Throttling notice
More than 20 alerts were sent in the last 10 minutes for the escalation chain Syslog test notification.
Additional alert notifications are being suppressed based on your rate limit settings. Please log in to your LogicMonitor portal for alert details.
ServicesServices are instances across one or more monitored resources that are grouped into a logical “service”. Data can be aggregated across these instances for monitoring, visualization, and alerting at the service level. For more information on Services, see About LM Service Insight.