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IPMI Support

Last updated on 01 October, 2024


For hosts that support IPMI sensors, LogicMonitor can gather that data and integrate it into the monitoring.

Setup Requirements

All that is required is that IPMI be enabled on the hosts, and IPMI credentials be set for the ipmi.user and ipmi.pass properties located on the resources being monitored within LogicMonitor. If you enable IPMI on the host after you have already added the host into monitoring in LogicMonitor, you can manually trigger Active Discovery to speed up the process of discovering the IPMI information.

Note: IPMI devices (ie. DRACs) typically have their own IP addresses, distinct from those of their hosts. As such, they should be added as separate devices into monitoring.


If IPMI information is not showing up for hosts you expect it to be available on, ensure:

  • IPMI is enabled on the host, or on the host’s management card. Often, IPMI support is disabled by default.
  • The IPMI user specified in the host’s IPMI configuration is allowed to connect remotely, and that this user’s credentials are correctly entered as properties in LogicMonitor.

    Note: Depending on the manufacturer, an admin level user account may be required for some devices in order to access IPMI information. Please refer to your device manufacturer for details about the necessary credentials.

  • There is no firewall blocking the collector from the IPMI port (UDP port 623).
  • You have a defined script EventSource for IPMI event log messages to be received.

IPMI Memory Leak Issue

We have recently noticed memory leak issue with various IPMI versions for Windows server 2019. We observed the issue on multiple Collector versions. We recommend you to use Windows Server 2022 on Collectors that need to monitor devices with IPMI.

Importing IPMI LogicModules

If you don’t currently have IPMI LogicModules installed in your portal (or if you don’t have the latest versions), you can import them from the LogicMonitor repository.