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Introduction to LogicModules

Last updated on 20 March, 2023

LogicModules are templates that define how LogicMonitor should access, collect, alert on, and configure data coming from Resources that you monitor. LogicModule definitions can be viewed, edited, and created from the Settings > LogicModules. There are 8 types of LogicModules.

Note: LogicModules do not require write access to target resources and do not make any modifications to those systems.


DataSources define what numeric time-series data should be collected, how it should be collected, and what values should be graphed and trigger alerts. LogicMonitor comes with over a thousand pre-configured DataSources to allow you to instantly begin monitoring the devices in your infrastructure, with new DataSources added with each release.

For more information, see our Creating DataSources.


EventSources define monitoring and alerting activity for non-numeric event-based data, such as IPMI event log events, SNMP traps, Windows event logs, and Syslog events. There are two types of EventSources:

  1. EventSources that monitor asynchronous event messages received by the Collector
  2. EventSources that actively monitor event logs or log files for the presence of specific events

For more information, About EventSources.


ConfigSources use embedded Groovy or PowerShell scripts to access, collect, and alert on changes to your Resources’ configuration files. For more information, see Creating ConfigSources.


PropertySources provide a means of programmatically configuring device properties using an embedded Groovy or PowerShell script. Arbitrary properties and values can be assigned to devices using PropertySources. Automated property assignments can be used for such purposes as inventory tracking and reporting, troubleshooting, and dynamic grouping.

For more information, see Creating Property Sources.


TopologySources enable LogicMonitor’s topology mapping capabilities. Pre-built by LogicMonitor, TopologySources leverage layer 2 discovery protocols (such as LLDP and CDP) to gather information that is used to define logical relationships among the many monitored devices in your network.

For more information on how TopologySources facilitate topology mapping, see TopologySource Overview and Topology Mapping Overview.


JobMonitors monitor batch jobs on Windows and Linux/Unix systems to ensure jobs start on time, complete when expected, and exit with the proper exit code. Job monitoring is enabled using a supplied wrapper script to run the batch job. The wrapper script sends information to the Collector about the job execution.

For more information, see JobMonitor LogicModules.

AppliesTo Functions

AppliesTo Functions are used to apply LogicModules to devices, specify criteria for membership in dynamic groups, configure dashboard widgets, and perform other various functions across the LogicMonitor platform.

For more information, see AppliesTo Functions.


SNMP SysOID Maps are used to classify devices that respond to SNMP. A SysOID Map consists of two parts: a full or partial sysOID, formatted as a regular expression, and one or more categories associated with that sysOID. When a device responding to SNMP is added for monitoring, its SysOID is checked against the entries in the SNMP SysOID Maps. When a match is found, the corresponding categories are added to the system.categories property of the device.

For more information, see SNMP SysOID Maps.

Module Snippets

Module snippets are pieces of reusable code that can contain functions, classes, and data. Snippets are used by newer LogicModules to implement common functionality, such as formatting data for the Collector and generating topologies, as well as implement other device-specific code, such as interacting with APIs.

Note: Support for snippets requires Collector version 30.000 or higher. Currently, customers cannot create or deploy snippets on their own.

Snippets are cached locally on the collector in the LogicMonitor installation directory under /lib/snippets on Linux or \lib\snippets on Windows. All snippet versions are maintained within this directory.

Collectors automatically check for snippet updates at least once a day or when a requested snippet is not present locally. If you want to turn off automatic snippet updates for a collector, you may do so by adding to the agent.conf file for a given collector. This is not recommended as it prevents security updates and bug fixes for modules using snippets.

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