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Cisco SD-WAN Monitoring (Legacy)

Last updated on 19 October, 2023

Disclaimer: This content applies only to legacy Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN modules. For more information about the latest monitoring solution for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN, see Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Monitoring.

LogicMonitor’s out-of-the-box monitoring for Cisco SD-WAN networking architecture leverages the Cisco vManage API to monitor performance and availability metrics for various edge devices across your network. Cisco SD-WAN is also known as Viptela SD-WAN. ​​


As of January 2022, LogicMonitor’s Cisco SD-WAN vManage package is known to be compatible with Cisco SD-WAN vManage API:

  • Version 17.2.2 through version 20.4.2, including CSRF token use for versions 19.2.1 and up

Setup Requirements​

  • Import the LogicMonitor_Collector_Snippets DataSource to ensure that your collector supports the code in this monitoring suite, or update to EA Collector 32.100 or later.

Add Resources Into Monitoring

Add your Cisco SD-WAN vManage host into monitoring. For more information on adding resources into monitoring, see Adding Devices. ​

Obtain Credentials

LogicMonitor must provide the appropriate credentials in order to successfully access the Cisco vManage resource’s data. These credentials must belong to a vManage/API user. See Cisco’s vManage REST API documentation for details.

Assign Properties to Resources

Once credentials have been obtained, the following custom properties must be set on the vManage resource within LogicMonitor. For more information on setting properties, see Resource and Instance Properties.

vmanage.user vManage username
vmanage.pass vManage password
vmanage.port (Optional) The TCP port used to connect to vManage API endpoint. If not set, the port defaults to 8443.
vmanage.threadpoolsize (Optional) Allows you to customize the number of threads used in Active Discovery script for Cisco_vManage_ApplicationAwareRoutingSLAClasses, Cisco_vManage_BFDDeviceSummary, and Cisco_vManage_BFDPerTLOC. These DataSources require several API calls to retrieve needed data. In larger environments, this can lead to script timeout. Adding this property can mitigate this issue.

Allowed range is 1-20, defaults to 5.

The modules in this suite support HTTP connections using a proxy server. You can configure this in the Collector settings, see Configuring your Collector for use with HTTP Proxies, or with the following device host properties. Device host properties take precedence over Collector settings for proxy configurations.

proxy.enable(Optional) This suite is written to use collector proxy settings for HTTP calls configured by the user. To enable, add this device property with the value set to true. Set to false to override the use of configured collector proxy settings and connect without a proxy. Configure a proxy host to connect through that is different from collector configuration.
proxy.port(Optional) Configure a proxy port to connect through that is different from collector configuration.

Import LogicModules

Import all Cisco SD-WAN LogicModules, which are listed in the LogicModules in Package section of this support article. If these LogicModules are already present, ensure you have the most recent versions.

Once the LogicModules are imported (assuming all previous setup requirements have been met), data collection will automatically commence.


  • This suite uses API session sharing per device managed through the Cisco_vManage_Sessions DataSource. If you experience authentication issues, then first ensure this module is imported and working properly.
    • Note Cisco_vManage_Alarms and Cisco_vManage_CertificateSummary manage their own individual sessions since these modules are single instance and do not run as often.
  • Due to the number of API calls required and the limitations in API response times, the following DataSources use threading in Active Discovery to ensure execution without script timeout:
    • Cisco_vManage_ApplicationAwareRoutingSLAClasses, Cisco_vManage_BFDDeviceSummary, and Cisco_vManage_BFDPerTLOC. The number of threads used can be customized using the optional host property vmanage.threadpoolsize (see Assign Properties to Resources). If the Active Discovery script is timing out for any of these DataSources, try adding this property with a value between 6 and 20 (default value is 5 when unconfigured).
  • The modules in this package are designed with a debug mode embedded in the scripts. If issues occur, turn on debug mode in the script by setting the variable debug to “true” to get more information in the output when testing the script in the Collector Debug Facility. For more information on testing scripts in the Collector Debug Facility, see Script Troubleshooting.
  • The modules in this package are also designed with a log mode embedded in the active discovery and data collection scripts. Log mode allows for troubleshooting issues seen during normal active discovery or data collection runs, which can be especially helpful investigating data gaps. If issues occur, then turn on log mode by setting the variable log to “true” to get more information in the collector logs. For more information on retrieving collector logs, see Collector logging – Sending logs to LogicMonitor.

LogicModules in Package

LogicMonitor’s package for Cisco SD-WAN consists of the following LogicModules. For full coverage, please ensure that all of these LogicModules are imported into your LogicMonitor platform.

Display NameTypeDescription
addERI_Cisco_vManagePropertySourceSets Cisco HyperFlex host UUID ERI for topology mapping.
addCategory_Cisco_vManagePropertySourceIdentifies if the device is a vManage host and sets a system category.
Cisco_SDWAN_TopologyTopologySourceGenerate Cisco SD-WAN topologies based on data from the vManage API.
Cisco vManage: WAN Edge InventoryDataSourceMonitors the WAN edge inventory of devices and their validity and deployed/staging state.
Cisco vManage: Transport HealthDataSourceMonitors vManage overall transport performance metrics such as jitter, loss and latency.
Cisco vManage: SitesDataSourceMonitors all sites associated to the vManage portal.
Cisco vManage: SessionsDataSourceManages vManage sessions in collector cache for use by other DataSources.
Cisco vManage: OMP PeersDataSourceDisplay information about active OMP peering sessions.
Cisco vManage: OMPDataSourceMonitors vManage device OMP (Overlay Management Protocol) metrics.
Cisco vManage: IPv4 InterfacesDataSourceDisplay information about IPv4 interfaces.
Cisco vManage: DevicesDataSourceMonitors all sites associated to the vManage portal.
Cisco vManage: Control WAN InterfacesDataSourceDisplay information about the WAN interface control connection.
Cisco vManage: Certificate SummaryDataSourceDisplay information about certificates.
Cisco vManage: BFD Summary Per TLOCDataSourceMonitors BFD session metrics by device per TLOC (transport location).
Cisco vManage: BFD Device SummaryDataSourceMonitors BFD session metrics by device.
Cisco vManage: Application Aware Routing SLA ClassesDataSourceMonitors Application Aware Routing metrics.
Cisco vManage: AlarmsDataSourceMonitors vManage portal active and cleared alarms.

The DataSources in this package do not include predefined datapoint thresholds (that is, no alerts will trigger based on collected data). This is because the technology owner has not provided KPIs that can be reliably extended to the majority of users. If you’d like to receive alerts for collected data, you’ll need to manually create custom thresholds, as discussed in Tuning Static Thresholds for Datapoints.

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