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VMware vSAN Monitoring

Last updated on 30 September, 2024


VMware vSAN is enterprise-class storage virtualization software that, when combined with vSphere, allows you to manage compute and storage with a single platform. It joins all storage devices across a vSphere cluster into a shared data pool, allowing you to scale up or down as your needs change.

Using LogicMonitor’s VMware vSAN package, you can monitor capacity disk performance; front- and back-end performance for vSan-enabled clusters and hosts; and more.


Some datapoints across the various DataSources in the VMware vSAN package may not be available for vSphere versions prior to 6.5.

Setup Requirements

Import LogicModules

From the LogicMonitor Repository, import all VMware vSAN LogicModules, which are listed in the LogicModules in Package section of this support article.

Duplicate Cluster Naming

vSAN allows multiple clusters to have the same names for similar cluster health tests. However, when multiple clusters are monitored by LogicMonitor, this translates to duplicate instance names, which is not supported (i.e. duplicate names are not discovered).

To ensure unique instance names and for searching the relevant clusters, you can add the custom property of “vsan.instanceformat” to the host and assign it a value of “dedupe” (case insensitive). This property appends the cluster ID to the test name (i.e. <test name> [cluster ID]) to avoid duplicate instance names.

If this property is set on a host that has already been running for a while, the history for the host will be lost. (only for that host).

Add Devices Into Monitoring

Add your VMware vSAN devices into monitoring. For more information on adding resources into monitoring, see Adding Devices.


LogicMonitor uses the VMware API to provide comprehensive monitoring of many VMware products, including vSAN. For this reason, it must be able to provide the appropriate VMware API user account credentials in order to successfully access the API. If you’ve already established monitoring for VMware vCenter or standalone ESXi hosts, as detailed in ESXi Servers and vCenter/vSphere Monitoring, then a user account has already been established and it can be used for vSAN monitoring as well.

With a user account for the VMware API established, the following properties must be set on the VMware vSAN resource(s) within LogicMonitor. For more information on setting properties, see Resource and Instance Properties.



esx.user ESX username
esx.pass ESX password
esx.url optional if you’d like to use a URL other than https://\<host\>/sdk</host\>

LogicModules in Package

​LogicMonitor’s package contains the following LogicModules. Please ensure that all of these LogicModules are imported into your LogicMonitor platform.

Display Name



VMware vSAN Cache Disk Performance DataSource Monitors performance of vSAN Cache Disks.
VMware vSAN Capacity Disk Performance DataSource Monitors performance of vSAN Capacity Disks.
VMware vSAN Cluster Health DataSource Metrics reported pertaining to the cluster health as it relates to vSAN.
VMware vSAN Cluster Performance DataSource Monitors individual vSAN clusters, capturing performance metrics such as IOPS, throughput, congestion, latency, etc.
VMware vSAN Cluster Utilization DataSource Checks how much space is used on a given vSAN cluster.
VMware vSAN Disk Group Performance DataSource Performance metrics on vSAN disk groups.
VMware vSAN Disk Health DataSource Show the health state of individual disks
VMware vSAN Host Performance DataSource Monitors vSAN front (Virtual Machine) and back end performance on vSAN-enabled clusters.
VMware vSAN VM Performance DataSource Returns VM performance related to the vSAN datastore.

When setting static datapoint thresholds on the various metrics tracked by this integration package, LogicMonitor follows the technology owner’s best practice KPI recommendations. If necessary, we encourage you to adjust these predefined thresholds to meet the unique needs of your environment. For more information on tuning datapoint thresholds, see Tuning Static Thresholds for Datapoints.

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