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Get all alerts for a Device Group

Last updated on 22 September, 2020

With LogicMonitor’s REST API you can programmatically get all alerts for specific device groups in your account.





URI: /device/groups/{id}/alerts

Request Parameters: By default, a list of 50 alerts will be returned for each result. You can include sort, filter, fields, size and offset parameters in your request to control what data is included in the response and how it is formatted.




Example URI

sort sort={+ or -}property Sorts the response by the property specified in either increasing (+) or decreasing (-) order /device/groups/76/alerts?sort=-startEpoch
filter filter=property:value Filters the response to include only the results that have the specified value for the specified property /device/groups/12/alerts?filter=severity:2
fields fields={list of properties separated by commas} Filters the response to only include the following fields for each object /device/groups/32/alerts?fields=internalId,type
size size=integer The number of results to display. Max is 1000 /device/groups/54/alerts?size=5
offset offset=integer The number of results to offset the displayed results by /device/groups/56/alerts?offset=2