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Getting Collector Group Details

Last updated on 08 October, 2024

You can use LogicMonitor REST API v3 to get collector group details. You must authenticate yourself before making the API request.

Getting List of Collector Groups

You can include the following query parameters to control the kind of data to include in the response and how it is formatted.

URI: GET /setting/collector/groups

fieldsStringThe response is filtered to include only the specified fields for each object. You can provide a list of properties separated by a comma. 
Example – /setting/collector/groups?fields=id,description
sizeIntegerIndicates the number of results to display. A maximum of 1000 results can be requested in a GET call. By default, a list of 50 collector groups is returned if a value is not provided for this parameter.
Example – /setting/collector/groups?size=6
offsetIntegerIndicates the number of results to offset the displayed results.
Example – /setting/collector/groups?offset=3
filterStringThe response is filtered according to the operator and specified value that is, filter=property:value
Use an asterisk (*) to match more than one character
Use a dot (.) character to filter values within an object (example – custom properties)
Use a comma (,) to separate multiple filters

Operators include:
  • Greater than or equals: >:
  • Less than or equals: <:
  • Greater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Equals: :
  • Does not equal: !:
  • Includes: ~
  • Does not include: !~
Example – /setting/collectors/groups?filter=description~QA*

Getting Details of Specific Collector Group

URI: GET /setting/collector/groups/{id}

idInteger(Mandatory) The Id of the collector group whose details you want to get.
fieldsStringThe response is filtered to include only the specified fields for each object. You can provide a list of properties separated by a comma. 
Example – /setting/collector/groups/id?fields=id,description
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