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Table Widget

Last updated on 20 August, 2024

The Table widget lets you compare current datapoint values across multiple resources. This widget is useful for comparing performance and capacity metrics across different resource types. The Table widget lets you enable alert forecasting. For more information, see Alert Forecasting.
In the table widget, you can configure custom and dynamic tables. You can view the resource property and instance description in the table widget.

Note: The Table widget can also be thought of as a grid of big numbers, like in the Big Number widget. For more information, see Big Number Widget.

Table Options

There are two configuration options for the Table widget:

CustomEnables you to select static datapoints for designated resources in your table. Use this option when the count and volatility of the data you are monitoring is relatively low.
DynamicDisplays the Top Bottom 10, Top or Bottom 25, or All active instances available for the first configured datapoint (column) based on a glob expression. Use this option when count and volatility of the data you are monitoring is relatively high. This option is ideal if you want real-time insight into which datapoints and devices are using the most or least available resources, such as CPU or Bandwidth.

Requirements for Creating a Table Widget

To create a table widget you must:

  • Know what you want to monitor (resources or datasource instances) and what about them you want to monitor (datapoints)
  • Understand the datapoint synonyms mapping you’d like to create in the Table widget
  • To view resource property in the table widget, you must add at least one datapoint before configuring the resource property data

Configuring a Custom Table

1. Create a Table widget. For more information, see Widget Creation.

2. Complete the Basic Information fields. For more information, see Configuring Standard Widget Settings.

3. In the Table Options settings, select Dynamic.

  • (Optional) Toggle on Enable Alert Forecasting to display the projected number of days until a datapoint surpasses a designated alert threshold, and then complete the following:
  • In the Forecast Method field, select LineOfBestFit or 95% confidence.
  • In the Forecast Training Basis dropdown, select the time range to use to predict future trends.
  • In the Display Options for “Days until” Alert dropdown, select whether you want to display the number of days until a Warning, Error, or Critical alert is triggered.
  • In the Minimum Confidence to Include dropdown, select a percentage to specify the minimum level of confidence in LogicMonitor’s algorithm must have to predict an alert.
    For example, if you choose a 70% minimum confidence, you’re saying LogicMonitor’s forecasting algorithm must be at least 70% certain of a future alert before it can issue a prediction.

Note: This option appears as a display column called Days Until Alert in the Table widget and shows the number of days until the corresponding datapoint surpasses its alert threshold. If a datapoint is already triggering an alert, an icon indicating the alert severity will appear in this column.

4. In the Columns settings, select + Add Record to add columns.
add records options

5. To the right of Datapoints, select the Plus (+) icon to begin adding datapoints to your columns:add cloumns datapoints option

  • In the DataSource Name field, enter the name of a datasource and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all datasources.
  • In the Datapoint Name field, enter the name of a datapoint and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all datapoints.

6. Select Apply.

7. In the Column Name field, enter a name for this column.

Note: Use custom display tokens for the column label, like a customer’s name, to reuse information when copying widgets and dashboards.

  • (Optional) In the Unit Label field, enter a unit of measurement for the datapoint.
    The unit of measurement is appended to the value in each cell of the column.
  • (Optional) Toggle on Enable Alert Forecasting to enable the alert forecasting you configured in the Table Options settings for this datapoint.
  • (Optional) In the Rounding field, choose a decimal rounding option for the datapoint.
    no decimal option
  • (Optional) Toggle on Perform Expression on Datapoint, select Insert Datapoint and insert as many datapoints as you want, and then enter a groovy script. For more information, see Perform Expression on Datapoint.
    perform expression on datapoint option

8. When finished configuring the column datapoint, select Apply.
Continue adding as many datapoints as you want.

9. In the Rows settings, select + Add Record to begin adding rows.
add record rows option

  • In the Resource Group Name field, enter the resource group name and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all resource groups.
  • In the Resource Name field, enter the resource name and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all resources associated with the selected resource group.
  • In the Row Name field, enter a name for this row.
    Use custom display tokens for the row label to reuse information when copying widgets and dashboards.

10. When finished configuring rows, select Apply.
Continue adding as many row datapoints as you want.

Note: For each row where you want to have data, there must be at least one datapoint synonym to supply that data otherwise the row will be blank.

11. (Optional) In the Results Per Page field, select the number of results per page you want to show in the Table widget.

12. Complete the standard widget configurations, and then select Save. For more information, see Configuring Standard Widget Settings.

Configuring a Dynamic Table

1. Create a Table widget. For more information, see Widget Creation.

2. Complete the Basic Information fields. For more information, see Configuring Standard Widget Settings.

3. In the Table Options settings, select Dynamic.

4. (Optional) Toggle on Enable Alert Forecasting to display the projected number of days until a datapoint surpasses a designated alert threshold, and then complete the following:

  • In the Forecast Method field, select LineOfBestFit or 95% confidence.
  • In the Forecast Training Basis dropdown, select the time range to use to predict future trends.
  • In the Display Options for “Days until” Alert dropdown, select whether you want to display the number of days until a Warning, Error, or Critical alert is triggered.
  • In the Minimum Confidence to Include dropdown, select a percentage to specify the minimum level of confidence in LogicMonitor’s algorithm must have in order to predict an alert.
    For example, if you choose a 70% minimum confidence, you’re saying LogicMonitor’s forecasting algorithm must be at least 70% certain of a future alert before it can issue a prediction.

Note: This option appears as a display column called Days Until Alert in the Table widget and shows the number of days until the corresponding datapoint surpasses its alert threshold. If a datapoint is already triggering an alert, an icon indicating the alert severity will appear in this column.

5. In the Active Items To Display field, choose the number of top or bottom items to display in the dynamic Table widget.

6. In the Columns settings, select + Add Record to add columns.
cloumns settings

  • In the DataSource Name field, enter the name of a datasource and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all datasources.
  • In the Datapoint Name field, enter then name of a datapoint and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all datapoints.

7. In the Column Name field, enter a name for this column.

Note: Use custom display tokens for the column label, like a customer’s name, to reuse information when copying widgets and dashboards.

8. (Optional) In the Unit Label field, enter a unit of measurement for the datapoint.
The unit of measurement is appended to the value in each cell of the column.

9.(Optional) Toggle on Enable Alert Forecasting to enable the alert forecasting you configured in the Table Options settings for this datapoint.

10. (Optional) In the Rounding field, choose a decimal rounding option for the datapoint.
Rounding option

11. (Optional) Toggle on Perform Expression on Datapoint, select Insert Datapoint and insert as many datapoints as you want, and then enter a groovy script. For more information, see Perform Expression on Datapoint.
perform-expression-on-datapoin option

12. (Optional) Toggle on Show Colored Bars to color-code the value of datapoints based on a designated threshold for an at-a-glance view of your environment’s health, and then complete the following:

13. Toggle on Show As Percentage to show a percentage next to the value in the cell.

  • In the Minimum field, enter a minimum percentage.
  • In the Maximum field, enter a maximum percentage.

14. Configure the thresholds for the colored bars (red, orange, and yellow).
For example, choose to highlight a datapoint cell as red or orange if it crosses a 90% or 85% threshold.
highlight datapoint option

15. When finished configuring the column datapoint, select Apply.
Continue adding as many column datapoints as you want.

16. In the Rows settings, select + Add Record to begin adding rows.
add record rows settings

  • In the Resource Group Display Name field, enter the resource group name and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all resource groups.
  • In the Resource Display Name field, enter a resource name and select it from the results list or enter a * glob expression to select all resources associated with the selected resource group.

17. In the Row Name field, enter a name for this row.
Use the following custom display tokens for the row label to reuse information when copying widgets and dashboards:

  • ##RESOURCENAME##- Displays the resource name
  • ##INSTANCE##- Displays the instance name
  • ##DSIDESCRIPTION##- Displays the instance description
    Note: The ##DSIDESCRIPTION## token is supported only for Dynamic Tables.

    table widget rows add option

18. When finished creating the row, select Apply.
Continue adding as many row datapoints as you want.

Note: For each row where you want to have data, there must be at least one datapoint synonym to supply that data, otherwise the row will be blank.

19. (Optional) In the Results Per Page field, select the number of results you want to see per page of the Table widget.

20. Complete the standard widget configurations, and then select Save. For more information, see Configuring Standard Widget Settings.

Viewing Resource Property 

  1. Navigate to Dashboards > Add Widget.
  2. In the Add Widget panel, select Table.

    add table widget page
  3. Select Add Record to add datapoints.
    Note: You must add a minimum of one datapoint. For information on adding datapoint, see Configuring a Dynamic Table
    Once you add the datapoint, the Resource Property option will be enabled.
  4. In the Columns settings, select Resource Property.

    resource property option
  5. In the Rows settings, enter the following details:
    • Resource Group Display Name: Enter or search the required resource group name.
    • Resource Display Name: Enter or search the required resource name.
    • Instance Name: Enter the required instance name.

      Add table widget pageAdd table widget page
  6. Select Apply.
  7. Select  Save.

Perform Expression on Datapoint

You can embed a groovy script to perform an expression on a datapoint. There are a few things to keep in mind when performing an expression on a datapoint:

  • If you’re selecting a datapoint that isn’t applicable to all the resources you’ve added to the table, consider adding an alternate datasource. When an alternate datasource is added, and the primary datasource doesn’t apply to a resource in the table, the alternate datasource will be used. You can add up to 5 alternate datasources for each column.
    For example, if you’re comparing CPU busy percent across 4 Linux servers and 1 Windows server, set the primary datasource as “NetSNMPCPUwithCores” and set the alternate datasources to “WinCPU”.
  • If you select a datapoint for a multi-instance datasource, you’ll see a Select Instance button. This gives you the option to select an instance per device row in the table, or you can select the instance in one row and also check the Apply to cells in this column option to look at the datapoint value for the same instance across all devices.
  • After column datapoints are added, a check mark will display to the right of the datapoint for every resource that belongs to that datapoint. If a selected datapoint doesn’t exist for the resource, the related row in the table appears blank.

The table configuration indicates which datapoint values are displayed for each resource.

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