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Reinstalling Collector

Last updated on 06 September, 2024

This article describes the steps to reinstall a collector onto the same device. Reinstalling a collector requires you to shut down the collector and its services, download and install a new collector, and remove the old collector.

If you are reinstalling the collector onto a different device (or replacing a collector), we recommend that you download and install a new collector onto the new device and then transfer the monitored resources from the old collector to the new collector. See Moving Collector to Another Machine.

Re-downloading Collector

When reinstalling the collector, you may re-download the collector’s installer file from its listing:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Collectors.
  2. Under the Collectors tab, select the collector that you want to redownload.  
  3. Select the More option and then select Download Collector.
    Download collector option
    The Download Collector page is displayed.
    Download collector page
  4. Select the OS, version, and size of the collector.
  5. Download and install the collector.
  6. Select Finish.


  • Each installer file has a unique identifier string. Make sure that you install the executable that you have just downloaded or the installation will fail.
  • During installation, LogicMonitor checks for the existence of a duplicate collector (for example, if this collector is not already running on another device). Because of this, the old collector must be stopped for at least 5 minutes before you can install the new collector.

Reinstalling Windows Collector

1. (Optional) Put the collector you want to reinstall into SDT to prevent unwanted alerts during this process. See, Adding SDT to Collector.

2. On the local collector machine, remove LogicMonitor Collector from the Control Panel\Add or Remove Programs menu.

3. Rename the directory C:\Program Files\LogicMonitor to C:\Program Files\LogicMonitor_OLD.

4. In services.msc, verify that both logicmonitor-watchdog and logicmonitor-agent are not present.

a. If the services still exist, open cmd with admin priveleges and run the following commands to remove them:

sc delete logicmonitor-watchdog
sc delete logicmonitor-agent

b. Restart the collector machine and verify that the services have been removed.

Note: To make sure that the collector reinstalls successfully, LogicMonitor must have enough time to recognize that the old collector is down. This may take up to 5 minutes.

5. Re-download the collector installer executable file from the list in Settings > Collectors. For more details see, Re-downloading Collector.

6. Run the installer file. (We recommend using the installation wizard.)

7. If there are logs or jar files in the old collector install directory, confirm that they are no longer required or have been backed up if needed.

8. Delete the old collector directory: C:\Program Files\LogicMonitor_OLD

Reinstalling Linux Collector

1. (Optional) Put the collector you want to reinstall into SDT to prevent unwanted alerts during this process. See, Adding SDT to Collector.

2. As a root user on the local collector machine, run the sbshutdown script to stop the collector and Collector Watchdog services. By default, this script is located in /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin.

[root@collector-host ~]# cd /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/
[root@collector-host bin]# ./sbshutdown

3. Uninstall the collector by running the uninstall script or manually removing the collector directory and all its contents:

a. (Recommended) Uninstall the collector using

[root@collector-host bin]# ./

b. Remove the logicmonitor collector directory (user/local/logicmonitor) and all its contents using the command:

[root@collector-host bin]# rm -rf usr/local/logicmonitor

If there are symbolic links for logicmonitor.collector and logicmonitor.watchdog, those should be removed from /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d.

4. Change to the directory where you want to install the collector.

5. Re-download the collector installer executable file from the list in Settings > Collectors. For more details see, Re-downloading Collector.

If you are working from a command line, you may copy the curl or wget commands to download the collector onto the host machine.

6. Change the permissions for the installer so that it is executable and run it:

[root@collector-host ~]# chmod +x LogicmonitorCollector64_[COLLECTOR_ID].bin
[root@collector-host ~]# ./LogicmonitorBootstrap64_[COLLECTOR_ID].bin

7. When the installation completes, verify that the Collector and Watchdog services are running:

[root@collector-host bin]# ./logicmonitor-watchdog status
[root@collector-host bin]# ./logicmonitor-agent status
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