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Add a Dashboard

Last updated on 02 February, 2021


You can use LogicMonitor’s REST API to programmatically add dashboards to your account. As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.

Request Information


URI: /dashboard/dashboards

Request Parameters: You can POST the following properties for all new dashboards.

Property Description Required? Type
groupId The id of the group the dashboard belongs to. Note that if sharable=false, groupId will be ignored, and the dashboard will be automatically added to a group for the dashboard owner No. Defaults to 1 (root group) Integer
name The name of the dashboard Yes String
description The description of the dashboard No. Defaults to a blank string. String

(this property must be spelled “sharable”; “shareable” will not be recognized)
Whether or not the dashboard is sharable. When true, the dashboard is public. When false, the dashboard is private & group will be set automatically to a group designated to the dashboard owner. No. Defaults to false. Boolean
owner This field will be empty unless the dashboard is a private dashboard, in which case the owner will be listed No. Defaults to the user who adds the dashboard. String
groupName The name of the group the dashboard belongs to. Note that if sharable=false, groupName will be ignored and the dashboard will be automatically added to a group for the dashboard owner No. Defaults to the root group. String
useDynamicWidget Whether or not this will be a dashboard that uses dashboard tokens No. Defaults to false. Boolean
widgetTokens If useDynamicWidget=true, this field must at least contain tokens defaultDeviceGroup and defaultServiceGroup, e.g. “widgetTokens”:[{“name”:”defaultDeviceGroup”,”value”:”*”},{“name”:”defaultServiceGroup”,”value”:”*”}] Only if useDynamicWidget=true JSON Object
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