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About the SDT Resource

Last updated on 25 November, 2020

The SDT resource allows you to programmatically manage your LogicMonitor scheduled down times (SDTs).

Note: As with all of our API calls, authentication is required.

Resource URI


Resource Properties

All SDTs have the following properties:




id The Id of the SDT. This value will be in the following format “XX_##” where XX will refer to the type of SDT and ## will refer to the number of SDTs of that type. String
sdtType 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Indicates whether the SDT is one time or repeating
admin The name of the user that created the SDT String
comment The notes associated with the SDT String
weekDay 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
The day of the week that the SDT will be active for a weekly SDT

  • 1: Sunday
  • 2: Monday
  • 3: Tuesday
  • 4: Wednesday
  • 5: Thursday
  • 6: Friday
  • 7: Saturday
monthDay 1 | 2….| 31
The day of the month that the SDT will be active for a monthly SDT
hour 1 | 2….| 24
The hour that the SDT will start for a repeating SDT (daily, weekly, or monthly)
minute 1 | 2….| 60
The minute of the hour that the SDT should begin for a repeating SDT
endHour 1 | 2….| 24
The hour that the SDT ends for a repeating SDT
endMinute 1 | 2….| 60
The minute of the hour that the SDT ends for a repeating SDT
duration The duration of the SDT in minutes Integer
startDateTimeOnLocal The date, time and time zone that the SDT will end at String
startDateTime The epoch time, in milliseconds, that the SDT will start Integer
endDateTimeOnLocal The date, time and time zone that the SDT will end at String
endDateTime The epoch time, in milliseconds, that the SDT will end Integer
isEffective true: the SDT is currently actice
false: the SDT is currently inactive
type The type resource that this SDT is for:
ServiceSDT | ServiceGroupSDT | DeviceSDT | DeviceGroupSDT | CollectorSDT | DeviceBatchJobSDT | DeviceDataSourceSDT | DeviceEventSourceSDT | DeviceDataSourceInstanceSDT | DeviceDataSourceInstanceGroupSDT

Additional properties apply depending on the type of SDT – see the following sections:

Service SDTs

Service SDTs (i.e. SDTs with type=ServiceSDT) have the following additional properties:




serviceId The Id of the service that the SDT applies to Integer
serviceName The name of the service that the SDT applies to String

Service Group SDTs

Service Group SDTs (i.e. SDTs with type=ServiceGroupSDT) have the following additional properties:




serviceGroupId The Id of the service group that the SDT applies to Integer
serviceGroupName The name of the service group that the SDT applies to String

Device SDTs

 Device SDTs (type=DeviceSDT) have the following additional parameters:




deviceId The id of the device that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceDisplayName The name of the device that this SDT will be associated with String

Device Group SDTs

Device Group SDTs (type=DeviceGroupSDT) have the following additional properties:




deviceGroupId The id of the device group that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceGroupFullPath The full path of the device group that this SDT will be associated with String
dataSourceId The id of the datasource that this SDT will be associated with, for the specified group. dataSourceId 0 indicates all datasources. Integer
dataSourceName The name of the datasource that this SDT will be associated with, for the specified group. dataSourceName “All” indicates all datasources. String

Collector SDTs

Collector SDTs (type=CollectorSDT) have the following additional properties:




collectorId The id of the collector that the SDT will be associated with Integer

Device Datasource SDTs

Datasource SDTs (type=DeviceDataSourceSD) have the following additional properties:




deviceDataSourceId The id of the device datasource that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceId The id of the device associated with the datasource that the SDT will apply to Integer
deviceDisplayName The display name of the device associated with the datasource that the SDT will apply to String
dataSourceName The name of the datasource that the SDT will apply to String

Device Eventsource SDTs

Eventsource SDTs (type=DeviceEventSourceSDT) have the following additional properties:




deviceEventSourceId The id of the device eventsource that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceId The id of the device associated with the eventsource that the SDT will apply to Integer
deviceDisplayName The display name of the device associated with the eventsource that the SDT will apply to String
eventSourceName The name of the eventsource that the SDT will apply to String

Device Batchjob SDTs

Batchjob SDTs (type=DeviceBatchJobSDT) have the following additional properties:




deviceBatchJobId The id of the device batchjob that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceId The id of the device associated with the batchjob that the SDT will apply to Integer
deviceDisplayName The display name of the device associated with the batchjob that the SDT will apply to String
batchJobName The name of the batchjob that the SDT will apply to String

Instance SDTs

Instance SDTs (type=DeviceDataSourceInstanceSDT) have the following additional properties:




dataSourceInstanceId The id of the datasource instance that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceId The id of the device that the SDT will be associated with Integer

Instance Group SDTs

Instance Group SDTs (type=DeviceDataSourceInstanceGroup) have the following additional properties:




deviceDataSourceInstanceGroupId The id of the device datasource instance group that the SDT will be associated with Integer
deviceDataSourceInstanceGroupName The name of the device datasource instance group that the SDT will be associated with String
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