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Navigating the Service Insights Page

Last updated on 06 March, 2025

You manage all your monitored services from the Services page. The Services page consists of the navigation panel on the left and the detail panel on the right.

services overview page

Note: For information on how to add services to your account, see Adding a Service.

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel has the following tabs:

  • The Services tab — Displays services and service groups. 
  • The Favorites tab — Provides quick access to items you have set as favorites.

Services Tab

Use the services tab to search, navigate, and identify relationships between the services in your LogicMonitor account.

services tree
  1. Search Tree to search for services by keyword.
  2. Filter services based on alert status, collector status, or scheduled down time status.
  3. Sort resources by Alphabetical A-Z, Alphabetical Z-A, or By Alert Severity.

The following table shows the common navigation tools available in the Services Tree.

Navigation arrowsExpands or contracts the resource in the Services Tree.
Using the right and down-facing arrows, you can open and close elements (groups, services, or multi-instance DataSources) to view its contents.
service navigation arrows
Note: Clicking a navigation arrow does not change the view in the detail panel.
Services icon/nameSelecting the service icon or name opens the service in the detail panel.
service icons
ResizeThe right border of the Services Tree can be adjusted (drag) to widen or narrow the view. Widths between 300 and 1000 pixels are supported.
services resize option
Show or HideThe Services Tree is displayed by default. You can use the Hide Panel arrow to temporarily hide the Services Tree.
services show or hide option
FocusThe focus icon appears when you hover over any service group, service, or instance. When you select it, the Services Tree focuses on the selected instance only. 
services focus icon
Select the focus again to reset the Services Tree to the root level.
Also, when you hover over a Service group, a tooltip appears mentioning the number of resources available inside that service group.
BreadcrumbsBreadcrumbs are provided at the top of the LogicMonitor window and offer an optional way to navigate your services. The focus of the detail panel updates when you select a breadcrumb.
services breadcrumb

You can limit your search results by specifying a search category. When you use a search category, only the services for that specified category are searched.

services search option

The following search categories are available:

ResourceSearch CategoryDescription
Instancei:Search Instance names for a keyword match.
Groupg:Search group names for a keyword match.
Deviced:Search services and cloud resource names for a keyword match.
DataSourceds:Search DataSource names for a keyword match.


  • If you specify two or more keywords for the same category, the criteria is logically interpreted as an OR. For example, g:DEV g:AWS returns device groups containing DEV or AWS in their names. If you specify two or more keywords for different categories, the criteria is logically interpreted as an AND. For example, g:AWS ds:EBS returns DataSources that contain EBS in their names and are members of groups that contain AWS in their names.
  • To search using the search category, do not enter any space between the colon and the search keyword. If a space is entered, the search displays results for all the categories for the keyword you are searching.

The following filters are available on the Services tab:

critical iconCritical
error iconError
warning iconWarning
disabled alert iconDisabled Alert
dead resources iconDead Resources
dead collectors iconsDead Collectors
SDt status iconsSDT Status

Note: Filters are applied to the active view (focus) of the services tree. For example, if the services tree is currently focused on a group, only services from that group are displayed.

An icon is displayed next to each resource to help identify the service type (device, cloud resource, group, instance, or module). Hover over any icon in the services tree to display its description.

root iconRoot
service iconService
service group iconService Group
lm group iconLogic Module Group
datasource iconDataSource
instance iconInstance
aws iconAWS
azure iconAzure
gcp iconGCP

The Favorites tab in the Services Tree is used to view and manage the services that you visit frequently.

services favorites tab

Favorites are added from the Detail Panel using the Add to Favorites icon. Once applied, the selected resource is displayed in the Favorites tab.

 Add to favorites page

The detail panel provides the detail view and functionality for the service that is selected in the services Tree. 

services details panel

By default, the detail panel displays tabs based on the information included for the selected service. Based on the type of service, the availability of tabs vary. You can use Manage Tabs option to configure which tabs to display from the available tabs. You can show, hide, or reorder the tabs on the detail panel.

Depending on the service selected, the following tabs may be present:

Tab NameDescription
OverviewAppears when a host resource is selected from the services Tree. It provides an at-a-glance view of uptime, DataSources, and associated graphs.
TrafficShows the flow of traffic over a NetFlow resource.
Scheduled Down Time (SDT)Displays completed, active, and pending SDTs that apply to the resource. At the group level, displays SDTs for subgroups, member services, or member DataSources. At the instance level, displays SDTs for a parent resource or group.
Raw DataProvides all the data returned for the defined datapoints of an instance. 
Matched EventsShows messages that meet the test parameters and filters defined in the EventSource configurations.
MapsShows the relationships between the selected service and other elements in your network.
LogsDisplays a summary listing, which can be filtered, for the logs associated with a service.
LocationsDisplays cloud services information by geographical location.
JobMonitor ExecutionsDisplays Scheduled At, Executed At, and Completed At details for alerts that are run against JobMonitor modules. 
InventoryDisplays all services in a group. 
InstancesDisplays multi-instance DataSources from the Services Tree.
InfoProvides general information, such as group membership and properties.
GraphsDisplays graphs based on DataSource and Instance data.
Note: You can also view data forecast graphs and anomaly detection. For more information, see Data Forecast Visualization and Anomaly Detection Visualization..
ConfigsProvides a summary (list) of the ConfigSource instance versions.
Cluster Alert TuningProvides a quick insights into the overall state of a collection of devices or cloud services.
Alerts TuningProvides a user interface for adjusting static thresholds or adding new static and dynamic thresholds to your datapoints (resource group or instance level).
AlertsShows a filtered view of the Alerts page, with active alerts only, for the selected service.
TracesDisplays the traces and operations of the trace data from your instrumented applications.

Depending on the Resource that’s selected, there are function buttons present on the Detail Panel.

services details panel options

For Service and Service Groups, the following functions are present on the detail panel:

add to fav iconAdd to FavoritesAdds the selected service to the Favorites tab.
SDT iconSchedule SDTOpens the Confirm Your Actions window, where you can schedule downtime for a given service.
manage iconManageOpens the Manage window, where you can manage the Name, Description, and Properties for the selected service.
manage resources iconManage Service OptionsDepending on the resource that’s selected:

At the service group level, opens a menu that provides option to Disable Alert Generation.

At the service level, opens a menu that provides options to Run Active DiscoveryForce DataSource Re-MatchRe-evaluate MembershipClone Service, and Disable Alert Generation.

For DataSources and Instances, the following functions are present on the Detail Panel:

add fav iconAdd to FavoritesAdds the selected resource to the Favorites tab.
sdt iconSchedule SDTOpens the Confirm Your Actions window, where you can schedule downtime for a given DataSource.
manage service iconManage Service OptionsOpens a menu that provides options to Manage ServiceRun Active DiscoveryForce DataSource Re-Match, and Re-evaluate Membership.
manage resources opt iconManage Service OptionsDepending on the resource that’s selected:

At the DataSource level, opens a menu that provides an option to set Global Definition.

At the Instance level, opens a menu that provides options to Disable Alert Generation, Stop Collecting, and to set Global Definition.