Configurations Parameters
Last updated on 12 October, 2023Disclaimer: Argus and Collectorset-Controller Helm Charts are being phased out. For more information to switching to the new LM Container Helm Chart for a simpler install and upgrade experiencere, see Migrating Existing Kubernetes Clusters Using LM Container Helm Chart.
Configuring Collectorset-Controller using Helm Charts
The Collectorset-Controller Helm chart supports the following values:
Required Values
Parameters | Description |
accessID (default: “”) | The LogicMonitor API key ID |
accessKey (default: “”) | The LogicMonitor API key |
account (default: “”) | The LogicMonitor account name |
Optional Values
Parameters Settings
Parameters | Description |
imageRepository (default: “logicmonitor/collectorset-controller”) | The image repository of the Collectorset-Controller container |
imageTag | The image tag of the Collectorset-Controller container |
proxyURL (default: “”) | Http/s proxy URL |
proxyUser (default: “”) | Http/s proxy username |
proxyPass (default: “”) | Http/s proxy password |
Advanced Parameters Settings
Parameters | Description |
enableRBAC (default: true) | If your cluster does not have RBAC enabled, this value should be set to false |
etcdDiscoveryToken (default: “”) | The public etcd discovery token used to add etcd hosts to the cluster device group |
imagePullPolicy (default: “Always”) | The image pull policy of the Collectorset-Controller container |
nodeSelector (default: {}) | It provides the simplest way to run Pod on particular Node(s) based on labels on the node |
affinity (default: {}) | It allows you to constrain which nodes your Pod is eligible to be scheduled on |
priorityClassName (default: “”) | The priority class name for Pod priority. If this parameter is set then you must have PriorityClass resource created otherwise Pod will be rejected |
tolerations (default: []) | Tolerations are applied to Pods and allow the Pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints |
Configuring Argus using Helm Chart
The Argus Helm chart supports the following values:
Required Values
Parameters | Description |
accessID (default: “”) | The LogicMonitor API key ID |
accessKey (default: “”) | The LogicMonitor API key |
account (default: “”) | The LogicMonitor account name |
clusterName (default: “”) | A unique name given to the cluster’s device group |
logLevel (default: “info”) | Set Argus Log Level |
collector.replicas (default: 1) | The number of collectors to create and use with Argus |
collector.size (default: “”) | The collector size to install. Can be nano, small, medium, or large |
Optional Values
Parameters | Description |
clusterGroupID (default: 1) | A clusterGroupID is a user-defined static or dynamic group under which Kubernetes Cluster’s dynamic group is created. A cluster group is a logical organization of Kubernetes clusters and is uniquely identified through its numeric identifier. Every Kubernetes cluster must be associated with a cluster group by specifying the group’s id in this field. If not specified, the default value corresponding to the root group (1) is added to the cluster group ID. Note: The dynamic groups have references to resources according to AppliesTo function evaluation. |
resourceGroupID (default: 1) | The resourceGroupID is the ID of the primary resource group where the Argus resources are created. If not specified, the resourceGroupID takes the default value corresponding to the root group (1). Note: The root group contains special logic to display only the groups and not the resources, so we recommend setting the resourceGroupID value to other values if you need to narrow the scope of the API tokens beyond the root group. |
imageRepository (default: “logicmonitor/argus”) | The image repository of the Argus container |
imageTag | The image tag of the Argus container |
proxyURL (default: “”) | The Http/s proxy URL |
proxyUser (default: “”) | The Http/s proxy username |
proxyPass (default: “”) | The Http/s proxy password |
collector.groupID (default: 0) | The ID of the group of the collectors |
collector.escalationChainID (default: 0) | The ID of the escalation chain of the collectors |
collector.collectorVersion (default: 0) | The version of the collectors |
collector.useEA (default: false) | On a collector downloading event, either download the latest EA version or the latest GD version |
collector.proxyURL (default: “”) | The Http/s proxy URL of the collectors |
collector.proxyUser (default: “”) | The Http/s proxy username of the collectors |
collector.proxyPass (default: “”) | The Http/s proxy password of the collectors |
Advanced Parameter Settings
Parameters | Description |
enableRBAC (default: true) | Enable RBAC. If your cluster does not have RBAC enabled, this value should be set to false |
etcdDiscoveryToken (default: “”) | The public etcd discovery token used to add etcd hosts to the cluster resource group |
imagePullPolicy (default: “Always”) | The image pull policy of the Argus container |
nodeSelector (default: {}) | It provides the simplest way to run Pod on particular Node(s) based on labels on the node |
affinity (default: {}) | It allows you to constrain which nodes your Pod is eligible to be scheduled on |
priorityClassName (default: “”) | The priority class name for Pod priority. If this parameter is set then the user must have PriorityClass resource created otherwise Pod will be rejected |
tolerations (default: []) | Tolerations are applied to Pods, and allow the Pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints |
filters.pod (default: “”) | The filtered expression for Pod resource type. Based on this parameter, Pods would be added or deleted for discovery on LM |
filters.service (default: “”) | The filtered expression for Service resource type. Based on this parameter, Services would be added or deleted for discovery on LM |
filters.node (default: “”) | The filtered expression for Node resource type. Based on this parameter, Nodes would be added or deleted for discovery on LM |
filters.deployment (default: “”) | The filtered expression for Deployment resource type. Based on this parameter, Deployments would be added/deleted for discovery on LM |
collector.statefulsetspec | Holds the Collector Pod’s Statefulfulset specification as per the Kubernetes statefulset object’s spec format. Refer statefulset basics for more information |