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Autotask Integration

Last updated on 06 February, 2025

Disclaimer: This content applies to the legacy UI and is no longer maintained. It will be removed at a future time. For up-to-date content, see Autotask Integration. At the time of removal, you will automatically be redirected to the up-to-date content.

Your LogicMonitor account comes pre-configured to integrate with Autotask. The out-of-the-box integration enables LogicMonitor to open, update, and close Autotask tickets based on LogicMonitor alerts.

As discussed in the following sections, you’ll need to perform the following primary steps in order to configure the Autotask integration:

  1. Create an Autotask API-only user account that LogicMonitor will use to create, update, and close tickets in Autotask
  2. Configure the Autotask integration from within LogicMonitor
  3. Create an alert rule and escalation chain to route alert data to Autotask

Create an Autotask User Account

To create, update, and close tickets in Autotask, LogicMonitor needs to access Autotask with an authorized user account. Autotask requires that this user be an API user with an API-only security level assigned to it.

As best practice, it is recommended that you create a copy of Autotask’s built-in “API User (System) (API-only)” security level for assignment to the LogicMonitor API user account. This allows you to significantly slim down the account’s permissions to just those required for proper functioning of the Autotask integration.

Important: Do not give the user an API Tracking Identifier; LogicMonitor’s integration code does not currently support this.

Minimum Permissions

When creating a more restrictive copy of the “API User (System) (API-only)” security level, name it something similar to “LogicMonitor API User” and leave the following minimum permissions in place:

  • Section: CRM
    • Account & Contact Access
      • Select “All” for all dropdowns in the Permission column.
    • Object Permissions
      • For Configuration Items & Subscriptions, select “All” from the View column’s dropdown; all other areas and permission levels should have a value of “None”.
    • Other Permissions
      • Check the Display ALL accounts in account pick lists and data selectors option.
    • Dashboard Display
      • Select “All” from the dropdown.
  • Section: SERVICE DESK
    • Object permissions
      • For Tickets, select “All” from the View and Delete columns’ dropdowns; select “Yes” from the Add and Edit columns’ dropdowns.
      • For Ticket Notes, select “All” from the Edit and Delete columns’ dropdowns.
    • Other Permissions
      • Check all options under this heading with the exception of the Can access Dispatch Calendar option.
  • Section: ADMIN
    • Feature Access – check the following options:
      • Application-Wide (Shared) Features (Full Access)
      • Your Organization
      • Accounts & Contacts
      • Service Desk (Tickets)
    • Section: WEB SERVICES API
      • Check the Can login to Web Services API option

Recommendation: With the exception of the permissions listed, disallow all other permissions

For more information, see Autotask’s Autotask PSA: API User security level documentation.

Configure the Autotask Integration

To configure the Autotask integration, select Settings > Integrations > Add > Autotask. From the Add Autotask Integration dialog that appears, you’ll configure three categories of settings, discussed in the following sections.

Autotask Authentication Settings

The information provided in the Autotask Authentication area of the dialog provides LogicMonitor with access to Autotask. Upon entering authorization information, you will need to validate authorization in order to proceed with the configurations.

Note: When updating credentials for an existing integration configuration, it’s important to realize that the authentication process will reset some of the configurations to their default values, including payloads. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you create a clone of your integration (especially if you have customized payloads) for later reference before authenticating new credentials.


In the Zone field, enter your Autotask WSDL zone (typically can be found in your Autotask URL). This must be a numeric value.

Username and Password

In the Username and Password fields, enter the username and password that correspond with the Autotask API-only user created in the previous Create an Autotask User Account section of this support article.


Click the Authenticate button to authenticate access to Autotask using the zone, username, and password provided. If authentication is successful, the Autotask Settings section, discussed next, will dynamically appear.

Autotask Settings

The information provided in the Autotask Settings area of the dialog determines how LogicMonitor will create, update, and close tickets in Autotask.


From the Account field’s dropdown menu, select the Autotask account that tickets should be created under.

If you’d like to create, update and delete tickets across multiple Autotask accounts, you can do that by setting the autotask.accountid property on the resource whose alerts should trigger the creation (or editing) of Autotask incidents under another account. The value of this property must be the numeric ID associated with the account, not the company name.

When an alert is triggered and routed to the Autotask integration, LogicMonitor will first check to see if this property exists for the resource associated with the alert. If it does exist, its value will be used instead of the value set in this dialog.

Due Date

In the Due Date field, enter an integer that represents the number of days after the LogicMonitor alert start time that the Autotask ticket’s due date should be automatically set to.

Queue Id

From the Queue Id field’s dropdown menu, select the Autotask queue in which new tickets should be created.

Autotask Priorities

In the Autotask priorities area, map LogicMonitor’s alert severity levels to Autotask’s ticket priority levels to determine what priority Autotask tickets will be assigned upon creation. LogicMonitor has three alert severity levels whereas Autotask has four priority levels. By default, Autotask’s “High” priority level is excluded from mapping, but you can override this if necessary.

Autotask Status

In the Autotask status area, map LogicMonitor’s alert statuses to Autotask’s ticket statuses. LogicMonitor will use this mapping to determine what status Autotask tickets will be assigned when a new Autotask ticket is created based upon a new LogicMonitor alert, as well as how its status will change when the LogicMonitor alert is acknowledged, escalated/de-escalated, or cleared.

Generate Delivery Options

After completing the configurations in the Autotask Settings section, click the Generate Delivery Options button to generate the default set of HTTP requests that are responsible for creating and updating Autotask tickets. As discussed next, the HTTP Delivery section will dynamically appear.

HTTP Delivery Settings

The information provided in the HTTP Delivery area of the dialog determines how LogicMonitor will create, update, and close tickets in Autotask.

Will requests be sent to different URLs?

Select whether HTTP requests for alert acknowledgments, clears and escalations/de-escalations should be sent to the same URL that HTTP requests for new alerts should be sent to, or with different alert data in the request. If ‘Use the same URL and data to notify on various alert activity’ is selected, all HTTP requests will be sent to the same URL (you can choose what alert updates prompt an HTTP request) and the same alert data format will be used each time. If ‘Use different URL or data format to notify on various alert activity’ is selected, you can map out which alert status updates should trigger an HTTP request to which URLs and how the alert data should be formatted for each request. The configuration fields for each HTTP request are the same for both options.

By default, LogicMonitor will pre-populate four different requests, one for each of the following events:

  • New alerts (Active)
  • Acknowledged alerts (Acknowledged)
  • Cleared alerts (Cleared)
  • Escalated alerts (Escalated)

For each request, you can select which alert statuses trigger the HTTP request. Requests are sent for new alerts (status: Active), and can also be sent for alert acknowledgements (status: Acknowledged), clears (status: Cleared) and escalations/de-escalations/adding note (status: Escalated)

Note: If the escalated status is selected and a note is added to the alert, an update request is sent whether the alert is active/cleared. If the escalated status is not selected and a note is added to the alert, a request is not sent.

HTTP Method

The HTTP method for Autotask integrations is restricted to POST.


The URL that the HTTP request should be made to. This field is auto-populated based on information you’ve provided.

Alert Data

The custom formatted alert data to be sent in the HTTP POST request (used to create, update and close Autotask tickets). This field will be auto-populated for you, and is restricted to XML raw data. If desired, you can customize the alert data field using tokens.

Tokens Available

The following tokens are available:

  • LogicModule-specific alert message tokens, as listed in Tokens Available in LogicModule Alert Messages.
  • ##ADMIN##. The user the alert was escalated to.
  • ##MESSAGE##. The rendered text of the alert message. This token will also pass all relevant acked information (e.g. the user that acknowledged the alert, ack comments, etc.).
  • ##ALERTTYPE##. The type of alert (i.e. alert, eventAlert, batchJobAlert, hostClusterAlert, websiteAlert, agentDownAlert, agentFailoverAlert, agentFailBackAlert, alertThrottledAlert).
  • ##EXTERNALTICKETID##. The Autotask ticket ID.

Include an ID provided in HTTP response when updating alert status

Check this option if you’d like LogicMonitor to find the Autotask ticket ID returned in the response to the HTTP request associated with a new alert, and use the ID in any subsequent requests for alert acknowledgements, clears and escalations/de-escalations. By default, this option will be selected.

HTTP Response Format

If LogicMonitor is to use the ID provided in the response, select the format the response will be in. By default, this option is set to XML and the Xpath for the Autotask ticket ID is auto-populated

Test Alert Delivery

This option sends a test alert and provides the response, enabling you to test whether you’ve configured the integration correctly.

Creating an Alert Rule and Escalation Chain

Alert rules and escalation chains are used to deliver alert data to your Autotask integration. Specifically, when a triggered alert matches the alert rule and is routed to the escalation chain with the Autotask integration, a ticket will be created in your Autotask account. The ticket can then be updated and/or closed when the alert is acknowledged, escalated, de-escalated and/or cleared. For more information, see Alert Rules and Escalation Chains.

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