Managing OpenTelemetry Collectors
Last updated on 17 December, 2024Access installed OpenTelemetry Collectors from Settings > OpenTelemetry Collectors page in LogicMonitor. For each Collector in the table, you can view its status, manage its settings, and delete it from LogicMonitor.

View Collector status
The OpenTelemetry Collectors page displays each Collector with a status: Running, Stopped, or Unregistered. “Running” indicates that the Collector is actively forwarding trace data to LogicMonitor.
Monitor Collectors
You can monitor the OpenTelemetry Collectors in the same way that you monitor traditional LogicMonitor Collectors. Each monitored resource that an OpenTelemetry Collector is installed on will have a suite of DataSources applied so that you can monitor and alert on the Collector’s performance and availability.

Delete a Collector
From the OpenTelemetry Collectors page, you can delete a Collector by clicking the trash can under Actions. This action will unregister the Collector from LogicMonitor, which means that you will no longer be able to manage it from the UI. Deleting the Collector will not uninstall it from the resource it is installed on.
Note: Uninstalling the Collector is a separate, manual step you will need to perform. See Removing a Collector.
Restart the Collector
Currently, you are not able to restart the OpenTelemetry Collector from within LogicMonitor. If you need to restart the Collector, follow the relevant instructions below.
Restarting the Collector on Linux
You can restart the Collector installed on a Linux server using the systemctl
Root user:
# status check
$ systemctl status lmotel
# restart
systemctl restart lmotel
Non-root user:
# Restart:
# cd to lmotel installation path
cd installation_path/logicmonitor
$ source installation_path/logicmonitor/config/.lmotel_env
$ cd installation_path/logicmonitor/lmotel
$ ./lmotel --config=config.yaml &
Restarting the Collector in Docker
You can restart the Collector installed in a Docker container using the following commands:
# Get lmotel container name or container id
$ docker ps | grep lmotel
# container id/ name will be required to stop or restart the lmotel docker collector.
$ docker restart container-name
Restarting the Collector in Kubernetes
There are two methods for restarting your OTel Collector running in Kubernetes: Using a Rolling Restart or Scaling the number of replicas.
Method 1: Rolling Restart
kubectl rollout restart statefulset [statefulset_name] -n <namespa
Method 2: Scaling the number of replicas
First set the replica count to zero, and then scale the replica to fit your environment.
kubectl scale --replicas=0 statefulset.apps/<statefulset_name> --namespace=<namespace>
kubectl scale --replicas=<replica_count> statefulset.apps/<statefulset_name> --namespace=<namespace>