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ConnectWise Monitoring

Last updated on 30 September, 2024


ConnectWise is CRM software for IT solution providers. Using LogicMonitor’s ConnectWise package, you can monitor many aspects of ConnectWise’s functioning (cloud or on-premises), including ticket metrics (e.g. the number of created tickets, stale tickets, open tickets, closed tickets, etc.), sales opportunity metrics, and invoicing data.

Note: In addition to providing comprehensive ConnectWise monitoring, LogicMonitor can also seamlessly integrate with ConnectWise for the automatic creation of tickets based on alerting from monitored devices. For more information on our out-of-the-box alert integration for ConnectWise, see ConnectWise Integration.


LogicMonitor’s ConnectWise package is compatible with the following versions of the ConnectWise API:

  • REST API (v3)
  • SOAP API (v1.5, v2.0)

Setup Requirements

Import LogicModules

From the LogicMonitor Repository, import all ConnectWise LogicModules, which are listed in the LogicModules in Package section of this support article.

Add Host Into Monitoring

Add your ConnectWise host into monitoring. If you have no on-premises ConnectWise host (i.e. you are using a cloud hosted version), select a device to which you will apply the LogicModules via the assignment of custom properties (discussed in a following section). LogicMonitor uses the value of connectwise.companysite (REST API) or (SOAP API) property to determine where to send API requests.

Generate a clientId

In August of 2019, ConnectWise introduced requirements for clientIds. These are unique GUIDs that are required by LogicMonitor for all integrations. ConnectWise typically mandates that clientIds not be shared, but LogicMonitor integrations are an exception as discussed in ConnectWise’s developer documentation.

When generating a clientId, complete ConnectWise’s Generating a clientId dialog as follows:

  • Integration Name. Enter “LogicMonitor-LogicModules” as the integration name.
  • Description. Add a detailed description describing the purpose of the clientId.
  • Integration Type. Select the Private option as the integration type.
  • Product. Select “Manage” from the Product field’s dropdown menu.

For more information on generating a clientId, see the clientID section of ConnectWise’s developer documentation.

Set Properties on the LogicMonitor Resource

LogicMonitor must provide the appropriate credentials and settings in order to successfully access the ConnectWise API. As highlighted in the following two sections, these credentials and settings vary depending upon whether you are accessing the REST or SOAP API and must be entered as properties on the ConnectWise host within LogicMonitor. For more information on setting properties in LogicMonitor, see Resource and Instance Properties.

Properties Required for the ConnectWise REST API

Set the following properties on the ConnectWise host to begin monitoring via the REST API:



system.categories Add “ConnectWiseV3” (this value must be manually added as a category for the system.categories property)
connectwise.companysite ConnectWise company site
connectwise.companyloginid Company name
connectwise.clientid A unique GUID that is required by ConnectWise for all integrations. See previous section for instructions on creating a clientId.
connectwise.public.key REST API public and private keys (see ConnectWise’s documentation for information on generating a public and private key)

Properties Required for the ConnectWise SOAP API

Set the following properties on the ConnectWise host to begin monitoring via the SOAP API:



system.categories Add “ConnectWise” (this value must be manually added as a category for the system.categories property) Company name
connectwise.login User name for the ConnectWise SOAP API
connectwise.pass Password for the ConnectWise SOAP API
connectwise.version The ConnectWise SOAP API version (“1.5” or “2.0”)

LogicModules in Package

LogicMonitor’s package for ConnectWise consists of the following LogicModules. The majority of LogicModules listed next are designed for use with Connectwise’s REST API, but there are several legacy DataSources still available for Connectwise’s SOAP API (see the API column in the below table).

Display Name




ConnectWise Product Info PropertySource REST Gathers various bits of metadata such as version, cloud or on-premises and server timezone info.
Company Overview DataSource REST Monitors the company contacts and service ticket metrics.
Company Sales Activity DataSource REST Lists all ConnectWise companies and sales activity counts.
Invoices DataSource REST Lists all open ConnectWise invoices along with their due dates and values.
Sales Ops DataSource REST Time information for sales opportunities.
Sales Ops by Representative DataSource REST Opportunity status totals for each sales representative.
Sales Ops by Status DataSource REST Monitors sales opportunity count by status.
Stale Tickets by Service Board DataSource REST Monitors the number of stale tickets that have been open but not updated in the past 5 days.
Ticket Overview by Company DataSource REST Lists all active ConnectWise companies and open/closed/total ticket counts, along with some average time metrics.
Ticket Overview by Service Board DataSource REST Lists all ConnectWise service boards and open/closed/total ticket counts, along with some average time metrics.
Ticket Overview by Service Board (No Children) DataSource REST Lists all ConnectWise service boards and open/closed/total ticket counts, along with some average time metrics. Child tickets are filtered.
Ticket Overview by Ticket Owner DataSource REST Lists all ConnectWise ticket owners and open/closed/total ticket counts.
Ticket Status by Service Board DataSource REST Monitors ConnectWise ticket statuses by service board.
Tickets Without Response Time by Service Board DataSource REST Monitors the number of tickets that are open but have no response time.
Ticket Types by Service Board DataSource REST Number of ticket types for each service board.
ConnectWise Service Board Stats (SOAP) DataSource SOAP ConnectWise service board ticket statistics
ConnectWise Ticket Resolution Stats by Rep (SOAP) DataSource SOAP Ticket resolution stats per representative averages from 10 most recent closed tickets.
ConnectWise Ticket Stats by Rep (SOAP) DataSource SOAP Ticket statistics per active ConnectWise representative.
ConnectWise Ticket Status Stats (SOAP) DataSource SOAP Gathered statistics from different ticket statuses.

When setting static datapoint thresholds on the various metrics tracked by this integration package, LogicMonitor follows the technology owner’s best practice KPI recommendations. If necessary, we encourage you to adjust these predefined thresholds to meet the unique needs of your environment. For more information on tuning datapoint thresholds, see Tuning Static Thresholds for Datapoints.

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