Creating and Editing Rules in Edwin AI

Last updated on 16 October, 2024

In Edwin AI, rules are used to add application logic to determine the outcome of a change made to particular data in the system. For example, you can set up rules to trigger certain actions when data is added, changed, or deleted from the system. Rules follow the logic ‘If this data is changed in a certain way, then the system reacts this way’. For more information, see About Rules.


ConfigurationCheck the Manage option. For more information on roles and permissions, see Edwin AI Roles and Users.


  1. On the left-side pane, navigate to Rules.
    Tip: For info on navigating the rules page, see Rules Page.
  2. To create a new rule, navigate to Edit rules > Create rule.
    • Name: Add a descriptive name for the rule, for example, Create Incident.
    • Description: Describe what the rule is used for.
    • Type Select the rule type, Interactive or Automatic. Determines if the associated action group is triggered manually or automatically.
    • Action Group: Select the action group to associate with the rule. Available options here depend on the type of rule selected (interactive or automatic).
    • Status—Set to Enabled when you want the rule to take effect. Set to Disabled to deactivate a rule so it will not be applied.
    • Overrides—Select the rule which will override the default if it also matches the condition. Can only be added for rules associated with an automatic action (type “Automatic”).
    • Frequency—Determines how often and when the action can be executed. Add a duration, an operator, and a threshold value.
    • Group By—Fields entered here will be used to build an aggregation key, for example to group by customer ID. Continue by adding configuration as needed under the FilterAdditional Inputs, and Parameters tabs.
    • Filter—Apply a filter to set the condition for the rule. Select Add expression to choose a field, available options depend on the input type for the associated action group. Select an operator, enter a value, and select Add. Select And or Or to add more conditions as required.
    • Parameters—You can assign Message parameters to corresponding parameters for the executed action. Select a parameter.
  3. Select Save to add the rule.
  4. Select Submit all to execute the new rule.
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