LogicMonitor MGD Collector 33.007 is released on October 06, 2023. GD Collector 33.007 is designated as MGD Collector 33.007, and includes the following updates:
Fixed Issue
Fixed an issue where after upgrading Linux collector to GD Collector 33.006, the value in the Service Group field was overwritten. This prevented Logicmonitor-agent service from starting when the group was non-existent. After implementing the fix, Logicmonitor-agent service is able to start successfully. This is applicable only to collectors running as non-root, and where the non-root username and group name are different.
Included Versions
MGD Collector 33.007 also includes the following GD and patch releases.
Fixed an issue where collector stopped responding and reported that the Host Status IdleInterval increased for all monitored hosts, and created multiple HostStatus alerts.
Fixed an issue where when you upgrade a docker collector from root to non-root using the UpgradeToNonroot.sh script, the script failed and led to errors.
Fixed an issue where the chronicle map of script cache crashed due to corrupt cache file and led to high CPU spike in collectors.
Increased the SPSE thread count and queue size of collectors of different sizes.
Fixed an issue where after upgrading to GD C33.001, certain datasources if timed out during active discovery led to an exception and exited the SPSE threads.
Fixed an issue where Active Discovery scripts behaved differently and failed to collect data when evaluating an undefined property (for example, host property does not exist).
Upgraded Apache ivy to version 2.5.1, netty-common to version netty-common-4.1.79.Final jar, and aws-java-sdk-s3 to version aws-java-sdk-s3-1.12.264 jar for various minor security updates.