Container Monitoring 3.2.0
Last updated on 03 April, 2024Note: For previous Release Notes versions, refer to Platform Release Notes.
What’s New
- Added the following PropertySources and TopologySources that provide details on their configuration and relationships:
- PropertySources
- addERI_Kubernetes_ClusterRole
- addERI_Kubernetes_Role
- addERI_Kubernetes_ServiceAccount
- TopologySources
- Kubernetes_ClusterRoleBinding_Topology
- Kubernetes_ClusterRoleBinding_Topology
- PropertySources
- Refactored the following Kubernetes ConfigSource to improve error handling:
- Kubernetes_ClusterRoleBindings
- Kubernetes_ClusterRoles
- Kubernetes_ConfigMaps
- Kubernetes_CustomResourceDefinition
- Kubernetes_LimitRanges
- Kubernetes_NetworkPolicies
- Kubernetes_PriorityClass
- Kubernetes_ResourceQuotas
- Kubernetes_RoleBindings
- Kubernetes_Roles
- Kubernetes_Secrets
- Kubernetes_ServiceAccounts
- Kubernetes_StorageClass
Upgrade Steps
- Install the LM Container Charts version
To install the latest LM Container Charts version, see the LM repository. - Run the following Helm command:
helm repository update
- Run the following Helm upgrade command:
helm upgrade \
--install \
--debug \
--wait \
--namespace="logicmonitor" \
--create-namespace \
-f lm-container-configuration.yaml \
lm-container --version "3.2.0" logicmonitor/lm-container
For more information on Installing the LM Container chart, see Installing LM Container Chart using CLI and Installing the LM Container Helm Chart.