v.127 Release: Remote Session via HTTP/S; New Monitoring for Azure HDInsight and Istio
Last updated on 14 September, 2022Rolling out through early November, LogicMonitor v.127 offers a new remote session protocol, as well as out-of-the-box monitoring for Azure HDInsight, GCP Pub/Sub Snapshots, Istio, Linux sensors, and more!
- Release Highlight: Remote session support for HTTP/S protocol
- Brand New Monitoring Coverage: Azure HDInsight, GCP Pub/Sub Snapshots, Istio, Linux sensors, and more!
- Other v.127 Enhancements: New “cleared” alert icon; important improvements to ConnectWise and F5 BIG-IP monitoring
- Looking Ahead: Integrations page (new!)
Release Highlight: Remote Session Support for HTTP/S Protocol
In July, we introduced two new remote session protocols: Telnet and VNC. With v.127, LogicMonitor’s Remote Session feature will now support HTTP/S as well, allowing you to remotely connect to devices with web-based configuration interfaces from within the LogicMonitor platform. (The new HTTP/S protocol will be activated for all customer portals on November 7.)
There are a few limitations to be aware of when using HTTP/S to connect to your devices. Specifically, the following scenarios are not supported:
- Domain/device redirects
- Port redirects
- SSO login redirects (affects vCenter remote session login)
- Link parsing in the HTTP body request (affects some devices such as Cisco UC devices)
To learn more about these limitations, and the Remote Session feature in general, see Remote Session.
Note: Collector version EA28.600 or higher is required in order to use the new HTTP/S protocol.
Brand New Monitoring Coverage
Upon your account’s upgrade to v.127, import our newest LogicModules from the LogicMonitor repository to expand your monitoring coverage.
- Arista EOS Configs – 1 ConfigSource
- Collects various Arista EOS device configurations and information.
- Azure HDInsight – 1 DataSource
- Monitors Azure HDInsight cluster performance metrics.
- Azure SQL Database Managed Instance – 1 DataSource
- Input/output, CPU, and storage utilization metric monitoring for Microsoft Azure SQL Database managed instances.
- Topology mapping Cisco ASA – 1 PropertySource, 1 TopologySource
- For topology mapping coverage for Cisco ASA, import the addERI_Cisco_ASA PropertySource and the Cisco_ASA_L2_HA TopologySource
- Cisco UCS – 2 SNMP SysOID maps
- Consolidated existing SNMP SysOID map entries as well as expanded coverage to other UCS devices.
- Cisco WSA Global Stats – 1 DataSource, 1 SNMP SysOID map
- Monitors Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA) global performance metrics including CPU, memory, storage, client proxy backlog, and open files and sockets.
- FortiSwitch – 1 SNMP SysOID map
- GCP Pub/Sub Snapshots – 1 DataSource
- Added discovery and monitoring for Google Cloud Platform PubSub snapshots.
- F5 BIG-IP – 17 DataSources
- The F5 BIG-IP monitoring suite has been extensively restructured to provide improved monitoring coverage and quality. As discussed in F5 BIG-IP Monitoring, the current F5 BIG-IP DataSources are being retired and we strongly recommend that you download the new suite of F5 BIG-IP DataSources.
- Topology mapping Huawei – 1 PropertySource
- For topology mapping visualization for Huawei, import the addERI_Huawei PropertySource. (Note: LogicMonitor does not yet offer monitoring coverage for Huawei networking devices; this is targeted for Q1 2020.)
- Istio Kubernetes – 9 DataSources
- Provides comprehensive monitoring of the metrics from the backing Prometheus time-series database (TSDB) that comes bundled with Istio. See Istio Monitoring (Kubernetes) for details on this new monitoring package.
- Linux Sensors – 3 DataSources, 1 PropertySource
- Monitoring for Linux sensors (fans, temperature, and voltage) via SNMP. These DataSources read data generated by lm-sensors.
Other v.127 Enhancements
“Cleared” alert icon added to the Alerts page display. Previously, in the newly-released Alerts page UI, the icon for an alert did not change when the alert cleared; rather, the original severity icon (i.e. Warning, Error, Critical) remained associated with the alert. To allow you to quickly differentiate between active alerts that still require attention and those that have cleared, a new icon has been introduced to denote cleared alert status.
- Improved labeling in Alert Forecast report. Previously, when generating alert forecasting data using the Alert Forecast report, datapoints currently in alert were inaccurately labeled as being one day away from an alert condition. Now, the report displays the corresponding alert severity icons for datapoints currently in alert.
This Alert Forecast report indicates a datapoint is currently in a warning condition.
The following LogicModules have been updated. Upon your account’s upgrade to v.127, import these latest versions from the LogicMonitor repository for enhanced monitoring operations.
- Topology mapping Updated PropertySources – 9 PropertySources
- For improved topology mapping functionality, update the following PropertySources: addCategory_TopoSwitch, addERI_Arista, addERI_Cisco, addERI_Device, addERI_F5, addERI_HPSwitch, addERI_Juniper, addERI_Linux, and addERI_PaloAlto.
- Topology mapping Updated TopologySources – 2 TopologySources
- For improved topology mapping functionality, update the Networking_L2_snmpSwitch
and PaloAlto_L2_HA TopologySources.
- For improved topology mapping functionality, update the Networking_L2_snmpSwitch
- AWS EC2 (EBS | EBSBurstBalance) – 2 DataSources
- Refined AppliesTo logic for AWS/EC2 instance types to ensure other instance types aren’t being wrongly included.
- AWS Elasticsearch – 1 DataSource
- Added new datapoints and graphs.
- ConnectWise – 18 DataSources, 1 PropertySource
- Added support for ConnectWise’s new clientID token, which is now required for all REST API integrations. For instructions on setting this token as a property (connectwise.clientid) on the ConnectWise host, see ConnectWise Monitoring.
- F5 BIG-IP – 17 DataSources
- The F5 BIG-IP monitoring suite has been extensively restructured to provide improved monitoring coverage and quality. As discussed in F5 BIG-IP Monitoring, the current F5 BIG-IP DataSources are being retired and we strongly recommend that you download the new suite of F5 BIG-IP DataSources.
- Fortinet FortiOS – 1 ConfigSource
- Expanded AppliesTo logic to include FortiSwitch; improved filtering.
- HP 3PAR VLUN by [Host|Volume] – 2 DataSources
- Improved regex matching.
- HTTP and HTTPS – 2 DataSources
- Updated to follow redirects (max of 3); improved request headers, graphs, datapoints and alerting.
- Kubernetes Deployment – 1 DataSource
- Added null checks.
- Kubernetes Node – 1 DataSource
- Fixed minor issues in the Ready datapoint description and alert message template.
- Palo Alto Firewall System – 1 DataSource
- Updated support for newer PAN-OS versions for proper regex matching.
- Raritan Power Distribution Inlets – 1 DataSource
- Fixed issue with activeEnergyState datapoint.
- Sentry3 Tower – 1 DataSource
- Fixed issue with percentage alerting datapoint.
- WinOS Memory and Processes – 1 DataSource
- Improved various datapoints, alerting, and graphs.
- VMware ESXi Datastore [Capacity|Performance|Status] – 3 DataSources
- Improved alerting to reduce noise; updated datapoint descriptions.
- VMware vCenter Datastore Capacity – 1 DataSource
- Adjusted alert thresholds.
- VMware [vCenter|ESXi] Object Count – 2 DataSources
- Added missing datacenter count datapoints.
Looking Ahead: Integrations Page (new!)
As part of LogicMonitor’s ongoing UI initiative, we’ll soon be launching a brand new interface for the management of LogicModules. This new interface, called the Integrations page, will provide a centralized view into all LogicModule integrations (e.g. DataSources, PropertySources, EventSources, etc.) that are available for use in your monitoring activities.
The new Integrations page brings the LogicMonitor repository right into the platform. Using the LM Exchange tab, you can easily browse, search, and import new and updated LogicModules—whether published by LogicMonitor or by a member of the LogicMonitor user community. (UI image captured from alpha version; subject to change.)