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Collector Capacity

Last updated on 06 February, 2025

Disclaimer: This content applies to the legacy UI and is no longer maintained. It will be removed at a future time. For up-to-date content, see Collector Capacity. At the time of removal, you will automatically be redirected to the up-to-date content.

The amount of data that a Collector can handle depends on the Collector’s configuration and resources. You can monitor the data collection load and performance of your Collector to minimize disruption and notify when a collector is down. See Monitoring your Collectors.

If you have a large environment, and are experiencing alerts on the Unavailable Task Rate datasource of your Collectors, you may need to tune your Collector to increase its monitoring capacity.

Device Capacity Limits

The following table describes the capacity of collectors in different sizes. It is measured in requests per second (RPS) (except for Syslog, which is measured in events per second (EPS).


  • We have attached 50 instances to every device. Thus, to get the number of instances, multiply the number of devices by 50. For example, 50 x 211 (devices) = 10550 instances
  • These measurements are estimates and the actual capacity may vary as per production environment.
ProtocolSmall CollectorMedium CollectorLarge CollectorExtra Large (XL) CollectorDouble Extra Large (XXL) Collector
CPU: 1 Intel Xeon Family

System Memory: 2GiB

JVM maximum memory: 1GiB
CPU: 2 Intel Xeon E5-2680v2 2.8GHz

System Memory: 4GiB

JVM maximum memory: 2GiB
CPU: 4 Intel Xeon E5-2680v2 2.8GHz

System Memory: 8GiB

JVM maximum memory: 4GiB
CPU: 8

System Memory: 16GiB

JVM maximum memory: 8GiB
CPU: 16

System Memory: 32GiB

JVM maximum memory: 16GiB
SNMP v2c
300 standard devices
76 RPS
1000 standard devices
256 RPS
4000 standard devices
1024 RPS
8000 standard devices
2048 RPS
15000 standard devices
3840 RPS
SNMP v3855 standard devices
220 RPS
1087 standard devices
278 RPS
1520 standard devices
390 RPS
2660 standard devices
682 RPS
4180 standard devices
1074 RPS
HTTP320 standard devices
160 RPS
1400 standard devices
735 RPS
2400 standard devices
1260 RPS
4500 standard devices
2000 RPS
7500 standard devices
3740 RPS
WMI211 standard devices
77 RPS
287 standard devices
102 RPS
760 standard devices
272 RPS
1140 standard devices
409 RPS
1330 standard devices
433 RPS
BatchScript94 standard devices
124 standard devices
180 standard devices
11 RPS
295 standard devices
17 RPS
540 standard devices
32 RPS
Perfmon200 standard devices
87 RPS
400 standard devices
173 RPS
800 standard devices
347 RPS
JMX1000 standard devices
416 RPS
2500 standard devices
1041 RPS
5000 standard devices
2083 RPS
SyslogTBD500 EPS
(assuming event size of 100-200 bytes)
2500 EPS
(assuming event size of 100-200 bytes)
4000 EPS
(assuming event size of 100-200 bytes)
7000 EPS
(assuming event size of 100-200 bytes)
SNMP v2 TrapTBD17 standard devices87 standard devices140 standard devices245 standard devices
SNMP v3 TrapTBD14 standard devices70 standard devices112 standard devices196 standard devices

The capacity also depends on the number of instances that need to be discovered for each monitored device. For example, if each device is a load balancer with 10,000 instances, collector capacity will be lower. If each device is a switch with hundreds of interfaces, collector capacity may be lower because it is limited by discovery.


  • For monitoring production critical applications and infrastructure, it is recommended to use medium and above size collector as per your requirements. You can use small size collector for testing purpose.
  • If a collector runs on an Amazon EC2 instance, we recommend that you use a fixed performance instance type (such as M5 or C5) instead of a credit based instance type (such as T2).
  • The nano collector size is not included in this table. The nano collector is used for testing and hence, no recommended device-count capacity has been assigned to it.
  • Collectors using JDK 11 (supported by collector version 28.400 and later) will see roughly 10% more memory and CPU usage than the previous JDK 8 collectors on the same hardware.
  • Incase of the estimated collector performance numbers for SNMP v2 and v3 Trap LogSource, we have assumed that each device generates 10 traps per second.

Collector memory requirements in a VM

Part of a Collector’s system memory allocation is devoted to Standalone Script Engine (SSE), which is enabled by default and used to execute script DataSources (Groovy scripts).

Collector Size SSE Memory Requirements
Small 0.5GiB
Medium 1GiB
Large 2GiB
Extra Large 4GiB
Double Extra Large 8GiB

In general, the SSE requires half of the amount of memory allotted to the JVM. The memory requirements are not shared, rather the SSE requirement is in addition to the JVM memory requirements. If the Collector does not have this memory available, the SSE will not start and you will see “Can’t find the SSE Collector Group” in the Collector Status dialog. The Collector will work without the SSE, but Groovy scripts will be executed from the Agent instead of the SSE.

If the Collector is executed in a VM, this safeguard can be overridden because the OS indicates there is free memory. This burst memory capacity in VMs can increase memory use above the system memory requirements listed previously. Although this can happen for Collector of any size, it is far more likely to happen to small Collectors.

To disable SSE and prevent additional memory use, edit the Collector’s agent.conf:

  • If the configuration setting reads groovy.script.runner=sse, change it to groovy.script.runner=agent.
  • If the previous setting is not present, update the following setting: collector.script.asynchronous=false.

For more information, see Editing the Collector configuration files.

NetFlow Capacity

The following table describes the capacity of NetFlow collectors across different sizes and OS platforms. It is measured in flows per second (FPS).


  • For optimum performance, we recommend that you use the NetFlow collector only for collecting and processing NetFlow data.
  • All numbers mentioned below are captured in the in-house PSR lab under controlled conditions. Hence, collector’s actual capacity may vary based on the nature of the NetFlow traffic at the customer’s end.
  • Processing NetFlow data is CPU intensive. In case of a CPU crunch, we recommend that you first increase the resources (CPU cores) on the Collector Host to support more number of flows. You can then switch to a bigger size collector if increasing the CPU capacity does not help.
OS PlatformMetricSmall CollectorMedium CollectorLarge CollectorExtra Large (XL) CollectorDouble Extra Large (XXL) Collector
Windows 64 bit
Linux 64 bit
Supported Flows/sec780013797231663741852817

Tuning Collector size

You can adjust the Collector size from the LogicMonitor UI, especially for performance tuning and increasing the Collector capacity after you installed it.

From Manage Collector | Support| Collector Configuration, select the Collector size from the dropdown menu. After you “Save and Restart” the settings, LogicMonitor will automatically verify that your host has enough available memory to support the new Collector size.


  • Older Collectors will display their current size as “Custom (xGiB)” in the dropdown, even if no parameters have been modified since installing. This is because our definition of size has changed since the Collector was installed. If you want to ensure the Collector configuration is up to date, simply select the size you want (or had installed originally) and select Save and Restart.
  • Changing a Collector’s size has no effect on parameters unrelated to its size. The parameters listed in the section below, Configuration Details, are the only ones impacted by a change in the Collector’s size.

If you are manually changing the Collector’s config parameters, we will run a validity check after you select “Save and Restart” to ensure that no errors were made in the new configuration. If errors are detected, we will display which lines are missing/duplicated so they can be corrected.

Small Collector

Config File Parameters Description
wrapper.conf Minimum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector Maximum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector
sbproxy.conf wmi.stage.threadpool.maxsize=100 The maximum size of threads to handle WMI query/fetch data in sbwinproxy.exe
wmi.connection.threadpool.maxsize=50 The maximum size of threads for WMI to connect to remote machine in sbwinproxy.exe
agent.conf sbproxy.connector.capacity=8192 The maximum number of requests that the Collector can send in parallel to sbwinproxy and sblinuxproxy
discover.workers=10 Allocates resources to Active Discovery iterations
autoprops.workers=10 The thread pool size for AP
reporter.persistent.queue.consume.rate=10 The max count of data entries that will be reported for each API call.
reporter.persistent.queue.consumer=10 The thread count used to read from buffer and execute reporting.
collector.script.threadpool=100 The max thread count to run script tasks.
website.conf sse.max.spawn.process.count=3 N/A

Medium Collector

Config File Parameters Description
wrapper.conf Minimum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector Maximum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector
sbproxy.conf wmi.stage.threadpool.maxsize=200 The maximum size of threads to handle WMI query/fetch data in sbwinproxy.exe
wmi.connection.threadpool.maxsize=100 The maximum size of threads for WMI to connect to remote machine in sbwinproxy.exe
agent.conf sbproxy.connector.capacity=8192 The maximum number of requests that the Collector can send in parallel to sbwinproxy and sblinuxproxy
discover.workers=40 Allocates resources to Active Discovery iterations
autoprops.workers=10 The thread pool size for AP
reporter.persistent.queue.consume.rate=12 The max count of data entries that will be reported for each API call.
reporter.persistent.queue.consumer=10 The thread count used to read from buffer and execute reporting.
collector.script.threadpool=200 The max thread count to run script tasks.
website.conf sse.max.spawn.process.count=5 N/A

Large Collector

Config File Parameters Description
wrapper.conf Minimum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector Maximum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector
sbproxy.conf wmi.stage.threadpool.maxsize=400 The maximum size of threads to handle WMI query/fetch data in sbwinproxy.exe
wmi.connection.threadpool.maxsize=200 The maximum size of threads for WMI to connect to remote machine in sbwinproxy.exe
agent.conf sbproxy.connector.capacity=16384 The maximum number of requests that the Collector can send in parallel to sbwinproxy and sblinuxproxy
discover.workers=80 Allocates resources to Active Discovery iterations
autoprops.workers=15 The thread pool size for AP
reporter.persistent.queue.consume.rate=12 The max count of data entries that will be reported for each API call.
reporter.persistent.queue.consumer=15 The thread count used to read from buffer and execute reporting.
collector.script.threadpool=300 The max thread count to run script tasks.
website.conf sse.max.spawn.process.count=5 N/A

XL Collector

Config File Parameters Description
wrapper.conf Minimum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector Maximum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector
sbproxy.conf wmi.stage.threadpool.maxsize=800 The maximum size of threads to handle WMI query/fetch data in sbwinproxy.exe
wmi.connection.threadpool.maxsize=400 The maximum size of threads for WMI to connect to remote machine in sbwinproxy.exe
agent.conf sbproxy.connector.capacity=32768 The maximum number of requests that the Collector can send in parallel to sbwinproxy and sblinuxproxy
discover.workers=160 Allocates resources to Active Discovery iterations
autoprops.workers=20 The thread pool size for AP
reporter.persistent.queue.consume.rate=15 The max count of data entries that will be reported for each API call.
reporter.persistent.queue.consumer=20 The thread count used to read from buffer and execute reporting.
collector.script.threadpool=400 The max thread count to run script tasks.
website.conf sse.max.spawn.process.count=10 N/A

XXL Collector

Config File Parameters Description
wrapper.conf Minimum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector Maximum Java Heap Size(MiB) for Collector
sbproxy.conf wmi.stage.threadpool.maxsize=1600 The maximum size of threads to handle WMI query/fetch data in sbwinproxy.exe
wmi.connection.threadpool.maxsize=800 The maximum size of threads for WMI to connect to remote machine in sbwinproxy.exe
agent.conf sbproxy.connector.capacity=65536 The maximum number of requests that the Collector can send in parallel to sbwinproxy and sblinuxproxy
discover.workers=320 Allocates resources to Active Discovery iterations
autoprops.workers=30 The thread pool size for AP
reporter.persistent.queue.consume.rate=20 The max count of data entries that will be reported for each API call.
reporter.persistent.queue.consumer=30 The thread count used to read from buffer and execute reporting.
collector.script.threadpool=600 The max thread count to run script tasks.
website.conf sse.max.spawn.process.count=15 N/A

Minimum Recommended Disk Space

Although the Collector operates in memory, operations such as caching require available disk space on its host. The exact amount of required storage varies and depends on factors such as Collector size, configuration, NetFlow usage, number of Collector logs, and so on.

These are examples of required disk space based on these factors:

  • A brand new install Collector will use about 500MiB.
  • At most, Collector logs will use 800MiB.
  • Temporary files (ie. upgrade files) will use less than 1500MiB.
  • Report cache data will use less than 500MiB by default (this figure represents 30 minutes of cached data for a Large Collector)
  • If using NetFlow the disk usage is less than 30GiB.

In total, this means Collector disk usage will be less than 3.5GiB without NetFlow and up to 33.5GiB with NetFlow enabled.

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