v.210 Release Notes
Last updated on 10 September, 2024Cloud Monitoring
Resource Explorer Widget Filter Property Enhancements
Widgets for Resource Explorer now reflect filter properties applied in the Resource Explorer dashboard.
If a widget filter property is the same as the property in the Resource Explorer dashboard, the values in the dashboard property filter will override those of the widget.
After integrating Microsoft Teams with Custom HTTP integration, when you test the alert delivery, the test alert is delivered to the configured MS Teams channel. However, a message Timeout Received Waiting for HTTP Response is displayed while testing the alert delivery.
Improved Juniper Mist NetScan
Enhanced Script NetScan for Juniper Mist now properly handles mist.api.org.collector.sites.csv when provided.
For more information, see Juniper Mist Monitoring in the product documentation.
Improved Cisco Catalyst Center NetScan
Enhanced Script NetScan for Cisco Catalyst Center now excludes devices without a display name.
For more information, see Cisco Catalyst Center in the product documentation.
Apache Groovy 4 Support for all LogicMonitor-Provided LogicModules
In a future release, LogicMonitor Collectors will no longer support Apache Groovy 2. All official LogicMonitor-provided modules will be compatible with Apache Groovy 4. To support this migration, LogicMonitor will be releasing updates to official LogicModules to be compatible with Groovy 4.
As a result of this migration, you must do the following:
- Validate any customized or community-provided modules to ensure compatibility
For more information about validating your customized modules, see Custom Module Groovy Migration Validation in the product documentation. - Install a module update for LogicMonitor-provided modules that have compatibility changes released. The released updated modules are listed in the LogicModules Release section.
For more information, see LogicMonitor Provided Modules Groovy 4 Migration in the product documentation.
For more information on the timeline of this migration, see Apache Groovy 2 End-of-Life Milestone Public Announcement.
The LogicMonitor EA Collector 34.500 or later is compatible with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. For more information about the EA Collector release, see the EA Collector 34.500 Release Notes.
When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception can be thrown when using the GroovyScriptHelper to incorporate LogicMonitor snippets in your script:
exception:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property:
To mitigate this issue, adjust the way the class is imported, similar to the following:
if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {
modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {{{}}
modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
For example, the following demonstrates how GroovyScriptHelper is used in Groovy 2:
import com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper as GSH
import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets
modLoader = GSH.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader()).withBinding(getBinding())
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true)
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"
You can modify the script to use the GroovyScriptHelper in Groovy 4, demonstrated in the following:
import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets
if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {
modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {
modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true)
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"
Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.
When running a module using Apache Groovy 4 with legacy classes in your script, the following exception can be thrown:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed
To mitigate this issue, migrate to JPMS-compliant package names. Making this change does not break backward compatibility with Groovy 2.
For example, the following script uses legacy classes:
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()
You can replace the legacy classes with JPMS-compliant package names in Groovy 4 to resolve the exception, similar to the following:
import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
import groovy.xml.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()
Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.
When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using java.util.Date.format(), the following exception is thrown:
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.
When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using java.util.Date.format(), the following exception is thrown:
exception:groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.Date.format() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss z]
Note: This issue is fixed with the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later. To mitigate this issue when running a module using Apache Groovy 4, ensure you upgrade to the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later
Updates to LogicMonitor REST API v3 Swagger and SDK
LogicMonitor has now updated LogicMonitor REST API v3 Swagger, v3 Python, and GO SDK files with new endpoints. You can find API endpoints added to the new categories: ConfigSources, EventSources, JobMonitor, OID, PropertySource, and Topology. In addition, LogicMonitor has also updated some existing categories with new endpoints. For more information, see REST API Change Log and REST API v3 Swagger Documentation. The Swagger and SDK files will be available after the v210 deployment to production is complete. For any questions, contact your LogicMonitor Customer Success Manager.
Security Settings
Enhanced Security Recommended Actions
We have added the following security recommendations for configuring and securing your portal.
- Remove LMV1 tokens associated with the OOB Administrator role.
- Remove Bearer Tokens associated with users with the OOB Administrator role.
- Remove API tokens LMV1/Bearer tokens associated with the lmsupport support user.
- Update your Windows Collectors to run as a non-administrator.
- Update your Linux Collectors to run as non-root.
To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Security.
For more information, see LogicMonitor Security Recommended Actions in the product documentation.
2FA Push Approval
The two-factor Authentication push approval function is disabled as we no longer use the deprecated Authy API. We may consider reintroducing a similar function in a future release. For more information on available 2FA options such as TOTP, see Two-Factor Authentication Account Access in the product documentation.
Topology Optimization Update
To enhance clarity and performance, topologies exceeding 500 nodes will be automatically grouped by resource type. Multiple edges between nodes will be represented by a single aggregate edge.
For more information, see Node Grouping in our support documentation.
Undiscovered Vertices Deprecation
With this release, the topology map will no longer support undiscovered vertices. This feature is deprecated to improve overall performance.
Updates to Traces Data Ingestion with Probabilistic Sampling
LogicMonitor now performs probabilistic sampling when you ingest traces through the REST API. The default sampling ratio is 0.1 of the total traces. For example, if you ingest 1000 traces through the REST API, approximately 100 traces are sampled and visible on your LogicMonitor portal.
Release of LogicMonitor OpenTelemetry Collector 5.0.00
LogicMonitor OpenTelemetry Collector (lmotel) is updated to version 5.0.00 for application performance monitoring. LogicMonitor now enables you to upgrade your OpenTelemetry Collectors.
For more information, see OpenTelemetry Collector Versions in the product documentation.
User Access
Separate Options to Manage Access Groups and Map/Unmap Modules
To perform the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for access group and to map or unmap modules with access group, previously, LogicMonitor supported a combined option Manage Access Groups. It was placed under Users and Roles > Roles > Manage > Permissions > Modules > Manage Access Groups. For better granular access control, LogicMonitor has now separated the actions and added two options.
- The Access Groups option—Enables you to perform the CRUD operations for access group permission. To access the option, navigate to Users and Roles > Roles > Manage > Permissions > Settings > Access Groups.
- The Map and unmap Modules to Access Groups option—Enables you to map or unmap LM Module with the existing access groups. To access the option, navigate to Users and Roles > Roles > Manage > Permissions > Modules > Map and unmap Modules to Access Groups.
For more information, see Settings Permissions and Configuring Modules Permissions in the product documentation.
Collector Release
The following Collector releases are available:
- EA Collector 36.200 was released on August 07, 2024. For more information, see the EA Collector 36.200 Release Notes.
- MGD Collector 35.003 was released on August 12, 2024. For more information, see the MGD Collector 35.003 Release Notes.
LogicModule Releases
New and updated LogicModules are available for you directly in your LogicMonitor portal. You can install new modules from the Exchange and update existing modules in My Module Toolbox. For more information, see Modules Installation, and Modules Management in the product documentation.
This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed in the General Updates section.
New LogicModules
LogicModule Name | Details |
1 DataSource: – Microsoft_Azure_Disk | New monitoring for Azure Disk. |
Updated LogicModules
LogicModule Name | Details |
1 DataSource: – Linux_SSH_TCPUDP | Fixed regression to Linux_SSH_SCPUDP introduced in the last version. |
1 DataSource: – Cato_SDWAN_API | Updated a Cato SDWAN debug option to be more useful. The debug option now prints the entire list of site-device data in a concise manner. |
1 TopologySource: – VMware_vCenter_Cluster_Topology | Remove bad vCenter ERI setting. |
1 DataSource: – AWS_Bedrock | Adjusted the metrics path on the datasource to support “:” in the model ID. |
1 DataSource: – APC UPS- | Set the alert threshold for BadBattPacks to trigger only if more than one bad battery pack is detected. |
1 DataSource: – Microsoft_Windows_Cluster_Resources | Moved from powershell over to WMI and groovy. IMPORTANT: The updates to this module results in instance name changes, some history may be lost. |
1 DataSource: – Kubernetes_KSM_Pods | Updated graphs to follow style guidelines. |
13 DataSources: – Cisco_Meraki_APIUsage – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPoint_Interfaces – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPoints – Cisco_Meraki_DeviceCount – Cisco_Meraki_Gateway_Interfaces – Cisco_Meraki_Gateways – Cisco_Meraki_OrgDeviceCount – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityAppliance_Interfaces – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityAppliances – Cisco_Meraki_Switches – Cisco_Meraki_Troubleshooter – Cisco_Meraki_UplinkApplianceStatus – Cisco_Meraki_UplinkLossAndLatency | Updated to use the latest version of lm.debug snippet to support compatibility with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. Resolved missing property error in Groovy 4. |
1 DataSource: – VMware_SDWAN_Health | Updated collection interval to 1 minute to keep devices alive. |
1 DataSource: – Cisco_Transceiver_Sensors | Added a new optional property “sensor.metric.filter” which allows users to disable filtering on metric values. Defaults to “on” but can be set to “off” to disable filtering. |
1 DataSource: – VMware_vSphere_DatastoreUsage | Removed the maximum value constraint for ProvisionedPercent, which was preventing data from being displayed. |
1 DataSource: – PaloAlto_FW_Power | Resolved issue datapoint logic for high_alarm. |
1 EventSource: – PowerStore Alerts | Added host property `dell.powerstore.alert.levels` to align with docs. Kept `powerstore.alert.levels` for backward compatibility. |
1 DataSource: – NetApp_Cluster_HAInterconnectPair | Added a null check to avoid NullPointerException during calculation execution. |
1 PropertySource: – addCategory_WindowsFailoverCluster | Added check for situations where the availability group is the owner group. |
2 PropertySources: – ConfigCheck_5_Telnet 2 ConfigSources: – Telnet_Interactive_Dynamic – Telnet_Interactive_Standard | Telnet Common Configs now support basic responses to IAC requests. |
1 PropertySource: – Config_Brocade_Generic | Brocade Common Configs now support devices that identify as a Fibre Channel Switch. |