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Collector Release Notes Timeline

Last updated on 27 March, 2024

March 30, 2021

EA Collector – 29.109


  • Fixed an issue in EA 29.107 where upgrading failed if the Collector is running as root.

Upgrading from EA 29.107

Note: This issue only applies to upgrades if the Collector is running as root.

To upgrade from EA 29.107 if you’re running it as root, you’ll need to first go to the LogicMonitor portal and try to upgrade the Collector. This upgrade will fail.

Once it fails, execute the following script in the Collector installation directory:

/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/upgradeFrom29107.sh 29107 29109

The Collector will update after the script runs.

March 17, 2021

EA Collector – 29.108


March 09, 2021

EA Collector – 29.107


  • Fixed various issues to improve performance for LM Logs and Syslog collection.
  • Fixed an issue for NetFlow NBAR that caused the Collector memory to max out.

Known Issues

  • EA Collector 29.107 fails to upgrade if the collector is running as root. This has been fixed in EA Collector 29.109. See Release Notes.

Downgrading to older versions

If you are downgrading the Linux Collector from EA 29.107 to EA 29.106 or EA 29.105, the commands are different:

To downgrade to EA 29.106, run the following commands:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/nonroot_enhancements.sh
sudo /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/nonroot_enhancements.sh upgrade

To downgrade to EA 29.105, run the following commands:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/nonroot_enhancements.sh
sudo /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/nonroot_enhancements.sh downgrade

February 10, 2021

EA Collector – 29.106

Important: This Collector version fixes the known issue present in versions 29.101 through 29.105 that was resulting in resources with heartbeats to be incorrectly marked as dead/down.


  • Added JMX metrics for LM Logs
  • To better support LM Logs, two new settings have been added to the Collector agent.conf file:
    • lmlogs.syslog.hostname.format – To accommodate syslog hostname headers, set a value of “DO_NOTHING” for this new setting to instruct the Collector to bypass DNS resolution, thus avoiding a resolution on an already-resolved hostname.
    • lmlogs.syslog.useTimestampWhenCollectorReceivedLogs – In order to avoid incorrect time parsing, this new setting should be set to TRUE (FALSE is default) if the syslog events you are sending to LogicMonitor do not include timezone information.
  • Non-root installation no longer requires changes to /etc/sudoers. See the Removing Entries from /etc/sudoers File section of these release notes for instructions on removing the entries placed in this file by older Collector installers.
  • NetFlow NBAR2 support now honors application slots from optional templates.
  • The MongoDB JAR has been upgraded to version 4.0.22.
  • Improved handling of blank responses for internal Web Checks.


  • Fixed the known issue present in versions 29.101 through 29.105 that was resulting in resources with heartbeats to be incorrectly marked as dead/down.
  • Fixed issue causing JDBC Active Discovery to ignore non-default ports (the port for a given instance will be stored in WILDVALUE2).
  • Fixed SiteMonitor issue causing redirects containing percentage sign (%) characters to fail to be resolved.
  • Fixed issue preventing NetFlow data from being displayed.

Removing Entries from /etc/sudoers File

If you installed a Linux-based Collector version 29.105 or earlier running as non-root, edits were made to your /etc/sudoers file to allow the Collector to restart.

As of Collector version 29.106, there is now a separate binary with SUID for this purpose. This means that, upon update to 29.106, edits to your /etc/sudoers file are no longer needed and you can safely remove them—either manually or via script.

Manual Removal of /etc/sudoers Entries

  1. Open /etc/sudoers.
  2. Remove the following lines:

    Defaults:root !requiretty
    Cmnd_Alias SYSTEMD_LOGICMONITOR_WATCHDOG = /bin/systemctl start logicmonitor-watchdog.service, /bin/systemctl stop logicmonitor-watchdog.service, /bin/systemctl restart logicmonitor-watchdog.service, /bin/systemctl status logicmonitor-watchdog.service
    Cmnd_Alias SYSTEMD_LOGICMONITOR_AGENT = /bin/systemctl start logicmonitor-agent.service, /bin/systemctl stop logicmonitor-agent.service, /bin/systemctl restart logicmonitor-agent.service, /bin/systemctl status logicmonitor-agent.service
    Defaults:logicmonitor !requiretty
    logicmonitor ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
  3. Run the following commands as root.

    chown root $DEST_DIR/agent/bin/CollectorServiceController
    chmod +x $DEST_DIR/agent/bin/CollectorServiceController
    chmod u+s $DEST_DIR/agent/bin/CollectorServiceController
  4. Where “DEST_DIR” is the location of the installed Collector. The default location is /usr/local/logicmonitor/

Script Removal of /etc/sudoers Entries

  1. Open a shell on the Collector.
  2. Give the script execution rights:
    1. sudo chmod +x
    2. sudo /user/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/nonroot_enhancements.sh
    3. You are prompted for the Collector install directory. (If default directory is in use, hit Return.)
    4. The script will remove the entries and restart the Collector.

December 09, 2020

EA Collector – 29.105

Known issues in this version:

  • An issue is resulting in resources falsely appearing and alerting as dead/host down when they aren’t actually down. As of now, there is no workaround (other than downgrading), but we are actively working on it.
  • LogicMonitor’s default use of SSE (Standalone Script Engine) to execute script DataSources is causing some LogicModules (notably Cisco Meraki DataSources) to fail to execute properly on this Collector version. As a workaround, you can disable SSE in the Collector’s configurations by updating the value of the groovy.script.runner setting to “agent”. See Editing the Collector Config Files for instructions on editing Collector configurations.

Note: Both of these issues are resolved in EA 29.106.


  • A new DataSource named LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatencyJMX for monitoring latency of the Collector buffer data reporter (via JMX) has been released to specifically work with Collector versions 29.105 and higher. The existing DataSource (LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatency) is still required for versions 29.104 and lower. LogicMonitor recommends that, even if you’re not yet using Collector version 29.105, you still import this new DataSource. The newer DataSource will not associate until the Collector version is updated to 29.105 or higher at which time it will automatically associate, ensuring a smooth monitoring transition. At that time, the older DataSource will cease to function.


  • LM Logs
    • Previously, syslog events without a hostname header were dropped by the Collector for the LM Logs syslog integration. For these log events, the Collector will now use the socket IP rather than dropping the events (which is consistent with the Syslog EventSource logic). This is particularly relevant for syslog events from Cisco devices.
    • Added support for parsing RFC 3164 and RFC 5424 formatted log events. Previously, the Collector failed to parse the hostname for these formats.
  • Several new properties, listed next, are now available to tune requests for Web Checks. These properties all default to 30 seconds and all support an acceptable value range between >0 and <=60.
    • website.http.client.so.timeoutInSec (socket timeout in seconds)
    • website.http.client.connect.timeoutInSec (TCP connection timeout in seconds)
    • website.http.client.read.timeoutInSec (read timeout in seconds)


  • Fixed issue with syslog collection from Cisco devices.
  • Fixed issue preventing ingestion of flow sampling rate when sent in an optional template, which resulted in NetFlow traffic underreporting.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause JDBC Active Discovery to ignore the “Port # List” field.
  • Fixed an issue where configuration monitoring would change line ending characters.

November 10, 2020

EA Collector – 29.104

Known issues in this version:

  • LogicMonitor’s default use of SSE (Standalone Script Engine) to execute script DataSources is causing some LogicModules (notably Cisco Meraki DataSources) to fail to execute properly on this Collector version. As a workaround, you can disable SSE in the Collector’s configurations by updating the value of the groovy.script.runner setting to “agent”. See Editing the Collector Config Files for instructions on editing Collector configurations.

    Note: This issue is resolved in EA 29.106.


  • Support for LM Logs has been added.
  • Upgraded Amazon Java Corretto to (October 2020 quarterly update). The Windows Collector has been upgraded to, which includes a Windows-only fix in addition to the quarterly update.
  • Support for the Suppress duplicate EventIDs even when messages differ option has been added. This option resides on the configuration dialog for Windows Event Log EventSources and allows you to override the default suppression that takes place for events with identical EventIDs.
  • Upgraded included JBoss Java libraries from 2.0.0 to 2.0.10.
  • The !splist debug command now shows the name of the PropertySource in addition to its ID.
  • Removed unused syslog related directives from the agent.conf file.
  • Enhanced logging for ignored received syslog messages.
  • Performance improvements for Windows Event Log EventSources.
  • Various minor security improvements.
  • Updated the default value of the collector.batchscript.threadpool configuration to 20 threads to support LogicMonitor’s increasing reliance on BatchScript in DataSources.
  • Implemented aggregation logic to preserve remaining network flow traffic as “remaining traffic” to persist values to equal bandwidth records.


  • Excessive DNS lookups are now avoided through the utilization of the local cache with LM Logs.
  • An issue causing Script EventSources to not properly report events when running in the SSE has been resolved.

September 29, 2020

GD Collector – 29.003


  • Upgraded the JRE to Amazon Corretto


  • Fixed an issue where PropertySource timeouts weren’t set until after the task was complete, causing them to improperly timeout.
  • Fixed a buffer overflow bug in sbproxy that would cause it to restart when trying to process some Windows Event Log EventSource events (only applicable to Windows Collectors).

Known issues

  • There is an issue where the installer may not apply the proxy settings input. This only affects the installer. If you already had the properties set they should continue to still work. The workaround is to install another version.

September 15, 2020

EA Collector – 29.102

Known issues in this version:

  • An update of the log4j Collector JAR (from 1.2.17 -> 2.13.2) is causing Cisco_IOS and Cisco_NXOS ConfigSources to fail. New versions of these ConfigSources are available that resolve this issue.
  • (Update: This issue is resolved in EA 29.106) LogicMonitor’s default use of SSE (Standalone Script Engine) to execute script DataSources is causing some LogicModules (notably Cisco Meraki DataSources) to fail to execute properly on this Collector version. As a workaround, you can disable SSE in the Collector’s configurations by updating the value of the groovy.script.runner setting to “agent”. See Editing the Collector Config Files for instructions on editing Collector configurations.


  • Adjusted the output text width of Collector debug information (as displayed in various locations in the UI such as Collector Debug Facility or test script), making Java exception text easier to read.
  • IPFIX flow records lacking required fields are now properly discarded.
  • VMware detection now correctly differentiates between vCenter, ESXi, and workstation.
  • The Collector installer now depends on `od` instead of `xxd`, which will fix issues installing the Collector on RHEL.
  • We’ve removed the following Java libraries from the Collector:
    • Dom4j-1.6.1.jar
    • Commons-ssl-1.0.jar
    • Commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
  • We’ve updated the following JARs:
    • jackson-databind -> 2.11.0
    • jetty-server 8.1.12 ->
    • jetty-http 8.1.12 ->
    • jetty-util 8.1.12 ->
    • commons-beanutils 1.9.2 -> 1.9.4
    • log4j 1.2.17 -> 2.13.2
    • bcprov-jdk15on 1.60 -> 1.66
    • jboss-remoting 5.0.0 -> 5.0.17
    • commons-io 2.2 -> 2.6
    • fastjson 1.2.57 -> 1.2.62
    • commons-codec 1.1.0 -> 1.14


  • Fixed issue causing sbproxy to continuously restart on Windows Collectors when collecting Windows Event Logs.
  • Fixed issue where NetScan timeout in seconds was interpreted as milliseconds, causing unexpected timeout conditions.
  • Docker Collector installation now works for EA.

August 17, 2020

GD Collector – 29.002

Collector version GD 29.002 fixes an issue causing web page collection tasks to get held up and consume CPU.

August 06, 2020

EA Collector – 29.101

Known issues in this version:

  • LogicMonitor’s default use of SSE (Standalone Script Engine) to execute script DataSources is causing some LogicModules (notably Cisco Meraki DataSources) to fail to execute properly on this Collector version. As a workaround, you can disable SSE in the Collector’s configurations by updating the value of the groovy.script.runner setting to “agent”. See Editing the Collector Config Files for instructions on editing Collector configurations.

    Note: This issue is resolved in EA 29.106.


  • Upgraded the JDK to Amazon Corretto
  • NetScan Groovy scripts are now run in the SSE.
  • NBAR slots support for Direction, IPv6, Application.
  • Linux Collector uninstaller will remove its modifications to /etc/sudoers, stop the service, and remove the service symlink.


  • Fixed issue that would cause PropertySource output to be parsed incorrectly if more than one property was to be set.
  • Fixed issue in 29.100 on Windows where custom install path was ignored.
  • NetFlow collection properly discards negative values.
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