Platform Release Notes Timeline
Last updated on 06 May, 2024September 27, 2021
v.159 Release Notes
Updated on November 1, 2021
- Added support in the Audit logs for displaying device, device ID, DataSource ID, PropertySource, and PropertySource ID details when the device and PropertySource are updated respectively.
- Added details for failed login in the audit logs and captcha code prompt for failed login attempts.
- Feature Highlights: Added support for Veeam 11. Resource groups can now be used in log alert pipelines. The LogicMonitor APM Lighthouse Program is now available for users who would like to test our APM capabilities.
- General Updates: Added enhancements to the OpenTelemetry Collector and cloud monitoring features, fixed several user interface issues, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor session counts and standalone server disk status, automatically discover clusters on resources with the “elasticsearch.api.port” property set, and more.
September 07, 2021
v.158 Release Notes
Updated on September 14, 2021
- New versions of the REST API documentation for the Go and Python SDKs. See General Updates: REST API
- MGD Collector 30.001 will be released on October 27, 2021. Collectors will be automatically updated to this version. See Looking Ahead: MGD Collector 30.001 release
- Feature Highlights: GD Collector 30.001 was released.
- General Updates: Dynamic Thresholds can now be applied to as many datapoints as needed, the default time range for Traces is now one minute, fixed the importing of Zoom LogicModules, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to gather performance metrics for Azure Synapse, Salesforce Lightnighg, Linux metrics exposed via Prometheus Node Exporter, discover Sonic Firewalls, and more.
August 17, 2021
v.157 Release Notes
- Feature Highlights: New Logstash monitoring, support for one year log retention with LM Logs Enterprise, topology visualization for relationships between AWS services, and support for customizing Azure Monitor datapoints.
- General Updates: Added access to the new design of the Alerts page, mapping of AWS Trusted Advisor severity in the EventSource, updates to Distributed Tracing, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor Logstash metrics, provide topology support for AWS services, and more.
July 27, 2021
v.156 Release Notes
Updated on August 12, 2021
- Argus version 6.0.0 availability has been moved to a future release.
- Feature Highlights: Added support for monitoring Azure Virtual Desktops as well as resources hosted in AWS ap-east-1 region. Added a new Analysis tab to the Alerts page. EA Collector 30.102 is now available.
- General Updates: Added several enhancements to LM APM, changed the way resources are displayed in the LM logs pipeline, fixed issues with dynamic group memberships, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor Aurora serverless cluster metrics, collect Performance Insights counters for Aurora MySQL databases, a new suite of ConfigSources that follows a more reliable approach to config collection, and more.
July 07, 2021
v.155 Release Notes
Updated on July 22,2021
- CHANGED users without full administrator access can now use the Push Metrics API to create resources and ingest metrics for the resources in groups they have access to manage. This is available via the optional resource group specification.
- CHANGED resources that are only ingesting data via the Push Metrics API no longer display as dead.
- Feature Highlights: Added Unbalanced Service Detection to Service Insights. LM APM is now available, with support for Push Metrics, OpenMetrics, and OpenTelemetry-based Distributed Tracing.
- General Updates: Added a new property-based TopologySource, support for Airbrake Monitoring and SaaS Lite Monitoring, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor Airbrake, SalesForce Lightning usage, RDS Performance Insights, and many more.
June 16, 2021
v.154 Release Notes
Updated on June 30, 2021
- FIXED an issue that caused data latency when monitoring AWS environments.
- General Updates: Added a details panel to the LM Logs table to show log messages and alerts information, added support for several AWS services in LM Logs, fixed an issue with data collection in Cloud Monitoring, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New and updated LogicModules to monitor Microsoft SQL Server database status and health, track the throughput of Direct Connect Virtual Interfaces, and support topology mapping for Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS).
- Looking Ahead: Push Metrics API, OpenMetrics DataSource, and Distributed Tracing goes GA on June 30th. Find out more!
May 24, 2021
v.153 Release Notes
- General Updates: Added support for AWS RDS Performance Insights in Cloud Monitoring, support for AWS EC2 flow logs and AWS NAT Gateway flow logs in the CloudWatch integration for LM Logs, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor Zoom as part of SaaS Monitoring, GCP Billing as part of Cloud Monitoring, Cisco DNA Center.
- Looking Ahead: Push Metrics API, OpenMetrics DataSource wizard, and Distributed Tracing are continuing in beta. Find out more!
May 03, 2021
v.152 Release Notes

LogicMonitor v.152 is scheduled to roll out to customer portals from May 12th to May 24th.
- General Updates: Added filtering based on alert status to LM Logs, improvements and fixes to onboarding for Cloud Integrations onboarding, the Alerts page, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor Microsoft Azure SignalR and NetSNMP memory usage.
- Looking Ahead: Push Metrics API, OpenMetrics DataSource wizard, and Distributed Tracing will be entering beta in an upcoming release. Find out more!
General Updates
- ADDED functionality to save header graph selections as part of a “Saved View” for the Alerts page.
- ADDED alert sounds to the Alerts page. You can enable sounds for Critical, Error, and Warning alerts.
- CHANGED the default behavior when resetting time range and filter selection. The time range should be set to “Any Time” and all severity toggles should be enabled.
- FIXED an issue where it wasn’t possible to change the time range to view Anomaly Detection graphs associated with Alerts.
- FIXED issues where Datapoint name was missing or showed “null” in Audit Logs for resource and instance-level changes to Dynamic Thresholds.
- FIXED an issue where Audit Logs included information for datapoints even when they were not updated. The log should only contain information for the dynamic and static thresholds that are changed or updated.
Cloud Monitoring
- ADDED “Test AppliesTo” functionality for Cloud integrations where Local Collectors are applied.
- ADDED capability for users to clear Permissions warnings and errors for Cloud accounts when “Test Permissions” is clicked when managing and adding integrations.
- ADDED access controls to the Cloud Integrations page to display only Cloud and SaaS tiles that users have access to.
- CHANGED the Microsoft Azure configuration options to make the billing country an optional field.
- FIXED an issue in Azure accounts where users could not edit permissions for the account when the secret key expired.
- FIXED an issue where the setting to “automatically delete terminated resources” was not working.
Container Monitoring
- CHANGED the commands for adding the LogicMonitor Helm chart repository to use ‘’ because GitHub has stopped redirecting from ‘’. If you previously added LogicMonitor charts, you will need to re-add the charts with the ‘’ command to avoid future Helm update failures:
helm repo add logicmonitor
LM Collector
- RELEASED GD Collector 30.000 on 29 April 2021. This version incorporates updates and fixes from GD 29.003 and EA versions. See GD Collector 30.000 Release Notes for more information.
- RELEASED EA Collector 30.100 on 20 April 2021. This version adds support for Kubernetes Events and Windows Events Logs collection for LM Logs, new OpenMetrics collection, and more. See EA Collector 30.100 Release Notes for more information.
- ADDED support for all identifiable transmission protocols (beyond TCP and UDP) supported by Netflow and IPFIX.
- FIXED an issue where some sensitive information (such as passwords and API keys) is masked during configuration but not in responses.
LM Exchange
- DEPRECATED the Safe LogicModule Merge (SLM) feature in LM Exchange. SLM will be removed in v.155. This removal is temporary as we continue to update the LM Exchange UI and capabilities, and we plan to reintroduce the functionality in a future release.
LM Integrations
- RELEASED v1.1.0 update for our official Ansible integration. This release includes support for enhanced provisioning functionality and support for auto-balanced collector groups. The certified integration is available now at Automation Hub, and the community version is still available via Ansible Galaxy. See the documentation for the Ansible Integration.
- FIXED an issue where exporting existing HTTP integration would return a 500 error code when the payload format is null or empty. The payload is expected to be one of the following: form data, JSON, plain text, url-encoded form data, or XML. As long as the payload is valid, the integration should export to a JSON file.
LM Logs
- ADDED filters for logs messages based on alert severity (Critical, Error, Warning). The clickable icons are located next to the Raw Logs icon. There will also be an icon on the log messages that generated an alert.
- ADDED a new method for deploying the LM Logs Azure integration. This deployment option streamlines the creation of the Azure Function and Event Hub with a button click, and also provides an easier method for forwarding logs to these new resources. You may find this useful if you are unfamiliar with Terraform or Gradle, which were previously the only deployment options offered.
- FIXED an issue where logs failed to initially load if a user did not have access to all devices and the user would need to select a resource group to see the logs they had access to. This issue has been corrected and logs for all devices a user has access to will be displayed without action required.
- KNOWN ISSUE If you delete an alert condition from a log processing pipeline in LM Logs, the pipeline will not match.
- CHANGED the requirements for Two Factor Authentication to make phone numbers auto-populated and not editable by the user. A notification message will display to 2FA users that they will need to update their phone numbers beginning in the next release.
- FIXED an issue with SSO that prevented users from signing in to all portals if they used the same IDP provider (such as Azure) for multiple portals.
- FIXED an issue where expressions containing parentheses in AppliesTo criteria returned an invalid expression error. This was caused by a check for sensitive properties and has been reverted.
- FIXED issues where some LogicModule datapoints would lose metric names upon import from repository.
- FIXED issues where Interface names did not appear in Graphs and Reports if they contained double quotes.
- FIXED the sorting behavior of Resource Metric Trends Report.
- CHANGED the workflow of system.hoststatus property to improve updates for the status of devices (normal, dead, dead-collector).
- FIXED issues where properties that are case insensitive were treated as different properties at different levels. With the exception of system properties, properties are now case insensitive across levels, and if the child property is a different case it will override the parent property. In appliesTo functions, the device will match from the immediate child value of the property.
- FIXED an issue that caused instance-level properties to be overridden in some cases.
- ADDED a note to the Python SDK documentation. For Python SDKs, the REQUEST parameters can contain camelCase or an underscore. However, the RESPONSE parameters will always contain an underscore. See LogicMonitor SDKs.
- FIXED an issue where the getAlerts endpoint was returning “No Data”. See “Sunset of the RPC API”.
User Management
- FIXED an issue where users were not seeing options to “Add dashboard” and “Add dashboard group” when they were assigned the Manage permissions.
- CHANGED how hashcodes are calculated to improve performance and reduce the gaps displayed in the Website’s graph.
- CHANGED the column length of Website folder names to support up to 255 characters (similar to resource group names).
LogicModule Releases
New and updated LogicModules are available for you to import from the LogicMonitor Public Repository. This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed under the General Updates section.
New LogicModules
LogicModule/System Name | Details |
Microsoft_Azure_SignalR | (DataSource) Measures the number of connections, amount of traffic and the percentage of system and user errors for Azure SignalR. |
NetSNMP_Memory_Usage_Solaris addCategory_SolarisNetSNMP |
(1 DataSource, 1 PropertySource) Monitors physical memory metrics. Excludes remaining datapoints present in NetSNMP_Memory_Usage due to Solaris not returning data or consistently reporting 0 values for those metrics.
See NetSNMP_Memory_Usage in Updated LogicModules. |
Updated LogicModules
LogicModule/System Name | Details |
addERI_ESXi addERI_Linux |
(2 PropertySources) Added SuperMicro specific ERI to ensure that IPMI servers are properly merged with their corresponding ESXi instances. Fixed conditional logic in addERI_ESXi for block that was not supposed to execute against UCS devices. |
Arista_Sensor_Current Arista_Sensor_DOM Arista_Sensor_DOMLaserBias Arista_Sensor_Fans Arista_Sensor_Temperature Arista_Sensor_Voltage |
(6 DataSources) Add hardcoded SNMP timeout to scripts since default timeout was too short for successful ad/collection for some devices. |
AWS_RDS | (DataSource) Fix graphs. Revert accidental inclusion of timezone in all day alert timeframe. |
AWS_Elasticsearch AWS_Elasticsearch_DataNodes AWS_Elasticsearch_MasterNode AWS_Elasticsearch_MasterNodes |
(4 DataSources) Changed collection interval to 1 minute. Previous interval of 2 minutes was populating invalid data. Please note that this change may result in increased Cloudwatch costs due to more frequent polling. |
BGP_Topology | (TopologySource) Added previously undeclared variable for toggling debug output. |
Cisco_CUCM_CollectionPath | (PropertySource) Ensure that the correct path separator for the Collector OS is used in the set property. |
CiscoSLA_jitter- | (DataSource) Remove alert threshold from MOS datapoint. Moved alerting to MOSAlerts complex datapoint which ignores 0 scores, which indicate that MOS data was not generated. Added second complex datapoint, MOSDataNotGenratedAlerts, to optionally alert on 0 scores, note that the alert threshold is not set by default. |
Dell_PowerVaultME4_ControllerPorts Dell_PowerVaultME4_Controllers Dell_PowerVaultME4_DiskGroups Dell_PowerVaultME4_Disks Dell_PowerVaultME4_Drawers Dell_PowerVaultME4_Enclosures Dell_PowerVaultME4_Fans Dell_PowerVaultME4_HostPorts Dell_PowerVaultME4_Pools Dell_PowerVaultME4_PSUs Dell_PowerVaultME4_VDisks Dell_PowerVaultME4_Volumes addCategory_DellEMC_PowerVaultME4 |
(12 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Tracks throughput, latency, queue depth, caching, IOPs, status and health of network interfaces, volumes, disks, vdisks and pools . Also monitors jobs, storage allocation and controller performance. Provides health status for controllers, ports, PSUs, fans, drawers and enclosures. |
LogicMonitor_Collector_CredentialVault | (DataSource) Replace VaultAPIResponseTime with a complex datapoint that returns accurate values. |
Microsoft_Azure_ApplicationGateway_v2 | (DataSource) Removed BlockedCount, BlockedRequestCount, CPUUtilization and MatchedCount datapoints which were not recognized as valid by the API. |
Microsoft_Azure_Function | (DataSource) Added datapoints for average response time, raw response time, request count and HTTP 4xx response counts. |
Microsoft_Azure_BlobStorage | (DataSource) Updated Transactions_raw datapoint to use the current Azure aggregation method and changed type from derive to gauge to show request counts instead of rate. |
Microsoft_Azure_ExpressRouteCircuitPeering | (DataSource) The AZURE EXPRESS ROUTE CIRCUIT PEERING collection method now uses the Get Peering Stats API.
Due to the resulting change in returned data the state datapoint has been removed and datapoints for secondaryBytesIn and secondaryBytesOut have been added. The totalBytes complex datapoint expression has been updated to include the two new datapoints. As a result, the primaryBytesIn and primaryBytesOut datapoints now return data, but the state datapoint no longer does. |
Microsoft_DHCP_IPv4ScopesConfig Microsoft_DHCP_IPv4OptionsConfig |
(2 ConfigSources) Fixed grouping. |
NetApp_7mode_Aggregates NetApp_7mode_CableConnectors NetApp_7mode_ClusteringServices NetApp_7mode_CurrentSensors NetApp_7mode_Disks NetApp_7mode_Fans NetApp_7mode_GlobalPerformance NetApp_7mode_HostAdapters NetApp_7mode_iSCSI NetApp_7mode_LUNs NetApp_7mode_NFS NetApp_7mode_NIC NetApp_7mode_PowerSupplies NetApp_7mode_QTree NetApp_7mode_RAID NetApp_7mode_Snapmirror NetApp_7mode_Snapshots NetApp_7mode_SnapshotScheduler NetApp_7mode_Status NetApp_7mode_Targets NetApp_7mode_TemperatureSensors NetApp_7mode_VoltageSensors NetApp_7mode_Volumes NetApp_7mode_WAFL addCategory_NetApp NetApp_System_Info |
(24 DataSources, 2 PropertySources) Removed extraneous try/catch statements which were obscuring errors. |
Netflow_Device_Heartbeat | (DataSource) Updated netflowHeartbeat and netflowAgentId datapoints to use the corresponding newly added radio buttons. |
NetSNMP_Memory_Usage | (DataSource) Updated AppliesTo to exclude Solaris devices. Please use the new modules mentioned above to monitor Solaris memory usage. |
Oracle_Database_RMANAllBackupFilesSets | (DataSource) Stop printing the hardcoded SQL query as part of active discovery and collection output. |
PaloAlto_FW_DroppedPackets | (DataSource) Updated collection script to use Long values to prevent integer overflows. |
SNMP_Network_Interfaces | (DataSource) Added filters for common unwanted interfaces that were being filtered in snmp64_if-. Do not delete inactive instances. Ensure module works on all supported collector versions. Moved InTotalPkts and OutTotalPkts calculation to collect script. Alerting added for InDiscardPercent, OutDiscardPercent, Status and StatusFlap .Implemented “interface.description.alert_enable” ILP functionality for enabling alerting only on interfaces / instances that meet the regex criteria. Only set the description property when a description was set by the user, otherwise set to the interface ID and MAC address of the interface. Check both 32 and 64 bit OIDs for data. Added legacy “ActualSpeed” and “ActualSpeedUpstream” properties alongside newer “in_speed” and “out_speed” (ActualSpeed and ActualSpeedUpstream are meant to be given in Mbps, while in_speed and out_speed are meant to be giving in bps.). Performed sanitation on the interface descriptions. General code cleanup.
Adjust the Status datapoint to separate Alerting Off from Administratively Down, shows -1 for “Alerting Off” and 0 for “Administratively Down”, previously reported 0 for either state.Interfaces are now discovered during AD even if the interface only reports traffic on InOctets or OutOctets. Added AdminState, OutTotalPkts and InTotalPkts datapoints. Updated technical notes. Updated complex datapoints expressions for InDiscardPercent and OutDiscardPercent.
NOTE: snmp64_If- used the wildalias/description of an instance for filtering. While this is still true for SNMP_Network_Interfaces, the actual description equivalent is now in the ILP “auto.interface.alias”, so the code compares the regex in interface.description.alert_enable to the auto.interface.alias ILP. This was done to make sure that customers moving from snmp64_If- could use the same regex configuration. No changes are required as long as the interface.description.alert_enable ILP has been defined on a host level. |
VMware_ESXi_DatastorePerformance | (DataSource) Fix regression that removed discovery filter for virtual volumes. Note that this will result the deletion of discovered virtual volume instances. |
VMware_ESXi_Resources | (DataSource) Updated display name. |
VMware_Horizon_DesktopPools | (DataSource) Added datapoint for the provisioning status of a given desktop pool. |
Deprecated LogicModules
This table lists LogicModules which we are deprecating in this release. This means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. A replacement LogicModule is listed, if there is one available.
LogicModule Name Deprecated/Replacement |
Details | End of Support Date |
Deprecated: CiscoTemp- Replacement: Cisco_TemperatureSensors |
(DataSource) New module uses scripted active discovery to ensure that instance names are unique and nonephemeral. | 2021-05-21 |
For the list of LogicModules deprecated over the past five releases, see the support article Deprecated LogicModules.
Looking Ahead
In this section you will find announcements about upcoming beta features, updates about ongoing beta features, and information about the end-of-life of existing features.
Distributed Tracing enters beta
LogicMonitor’s distributed tracing functionality will be entering beta soon! With this new distributed tracing capability, you will be able to forward traces from your instrumented applications to LogicMonitor. This will enable you to see end to end traces as they flow through the services in your environment (from a new Traces page in LogicMonitor), presented with contextual metrics and logs to enable faster troubleshooting and more proactive identification of performance bottlenecks.
To participate in this beta, fill out this form: Tracing Beta Survey
Push Metrics API enters beta in production environments
The Push Metrics API is now available for beta participants in production environments, but the feature must be enabled. Prior to enablement we would like to discuss best practices for testing and implementation as well as pricing considerations once the feature is generally available.
To participate in this beta, fill out this form: Push metrics API Production Beta
OpenMetrics DataSource Wizard enters beta
The OpenMetrics DataSource Wizard beta is available as an open beta in both sandbox and production environments. The wizard requires the EA Collector 30.100 or later. The wizard can be used to quickly load OpenMetrics (Prometheus exposition format) data from a provided URL endpoint and create a datasource for ingesting the data into your LM account.
To participate in this beta, fill out this form: OpenMetrics Beta Survey
Sunset of the RPC API
We have decided to focus on improving the LogicMonitor Rest API, which has higher security standards and integration capabilities that are more in-line with our future development goals. This means that we are preparing to end support for the RPC API with the upcoming release of LogicMonitor v.156.
If you are using the RPC API for Ansible, reach out to Support for guidance on migrating playbooks to the REST API.
April 12, 2021
v.151 Release Notes

LogicMonitor v.151 is scheduled to roll out to customer portals from April 19th through April 28th.
- Feature Highlight: Alert Grouping in the new header graph is generally available and now includes a Tree Map visualization option.
- General Updates: Added Zoom and Azure EA Billing to Cloud Monitoring, various fixes to Alerts and LM Logs, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor Alcatel Aruba OS, Rubrik, Ruckus SZ systems, and more.
Feature Highlights
Alert Grouping, now with Tree Map Visualization
The new header graph and alert grouping functionality is now generally available on all LogicMonitor accounts. In an earlier version of this feature, the time-series header graph provided immediate visual insight into an alert storm or related events requiring investigation. In this release, we’ve improved the performance of the alert grouping and added a new Tree Map visualization option for the header graph.

The Tree Map graph allows you to select two dimensions when grouping alerts. For example, you can select LogicModule and Resources to get a grouping of all LogicModules that are “in alert” for the given time range, as well as a count of the number of resources with each LogicModule alert. Using the header graph to drill down into a LogicModule will further group the alerts by Resources with that LogicModule alert.
For more information about the alert graph header and alert grouping, see Managing Alerts from the Alerts Page.
General Updates
- ADDED Datapoint names to the Audit Log records when changes are made to the Datapoint value in Dynamic Thresholds.
- ADDED an error message if the number of alerts being grouped exceeds the maximum limit of 10,000 alerts.
- CHANGED the column name “Dependency Routing State” to “Notification State” on the Alerts page.
- FIXED an issue in the Alerts page where expanding the Support panel caused it to overlap the workspace. The panel will now “push” the content as it expands, allowing users to see what they are working on as well as the Support information. This fix also applies to modals.
- FIXED an issue in the Alerts page where selecting and deselecting filters changed the total alert count. The total alert count should be the same regardless of filter selection.
- FIXED an issue in the Alerts page where the UI showed time-based thresholds when they didn’t exist.
Cloud Monitoring
- ADDED support for Azure Enterprise Agreement type billing information. To monitor your Azure EA Billing, input your subscription information and import the new DataSources to your portal. (Note: LogicModule updates will be available in an upcoming release.)
- ADDED support for monitoring data from Zoom. Add Zoom to your portal from Exchange > Cloud Integrations. To monitor data from Zoom, you will need to provide a Client ID and Secret Key when setting up the integration, add the resource, and import the Zoom DataSources.
Container Monitoring
- CHANGED the naming of HPA resources to use a combination of name and namespace. Previously, HPA resources were not being added if their system.hostname value were duplicated in the Collector.
- CHANGED the commands for adding the LogicMonitor Helm chart repository. GitHub has stopped redirecting from ‘’ to ‘’. Because of this, we’ve updated the ‘helm repo add’ command in our UI. If you’ve previously added LogicMonitor charts, you will need to run the following command to re-add charts with the ‘’ command to avoid failure of helm updates:
helm repo add logicmonitor
LM Collector
- EA Collector 30.101 will be available in an upcoming release.
LM Logs
- ADDED alerts into the Logs page. Alerts are now viewable in the logs table and header graph.
- ADDED RBAC Logs management for log ingestion. Permissions can be set to specify which users are allowed to send logs to LM Logs.
- FIXED an issue in Pipelines where the regular expression was matching incorrectly and causing the pipeline to not work.
LM Service Insight
- FIXED an issue where delayed data will result in incorrect aggregations and sometimes lead to false alerts. We will show “No Data” for aggregations if we don’t have enough data to avoid this issue.
- CHANGED appliesTo criteria to not allow any sensitive property within functions.
- FIXED an issue where editing Dynamic Groups would display different error messages if the description was too long and included the keyword “update”. The maximum limit for the description field is 255 characters.
Known Issues
- When inheriting properties, the device will match the child-level property only, so you may see an addition or deletion of resources depending on the case.
LogicModule Releases
New and updated LogicModules are available for you to import from the LogicMonitor Public Repository. This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed under the General Updates section.
New LogicModules
LogicModule/System Name | Details |
addCategory_ArubaOIDComp | (PropertySource) Applies the “ArubaOIDComp” category to Alcatel devices running Aruba OS.
See Updated LogicModules for related DataSources and ConfigSource. |
LogicMonitor_Collector_CredentialVault | (DataSource) Collects vault count, device, request, latency and retry related metrics for the collector credential vault. Requires Collector version 30.100 or newer. |
Rubrik_Backups_Filesets Rubrik_Backups_MSSQLDatabases Rubrik_Backups_PhysicalHosts Rubrik_Backups_VirtualMachines Rubrik_Cluster_CompressionStatistics Rubrik_Cluster_GlobalPerformance Rubrik_JobMonitoring_ActivePast24Hours Rubrik_Node_Drives Rubrik_Node_Statistics Rubrik_Reports_TasksBySLADomain Rubrik_SLA_Domains Rubrik_Storage_ManagedVolumes Rubrik_Storage_UnmanagedObjects addCategory_Rubrik |
(13 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Tracks throughput, storage, streams, ingest, compression, filesets, system performance, drive status and SLA related metrics for clusters and nodes. Monitors per host and summary metrics for backups and snapshots. |
Ruckus_SZ_AlarmSummary Ruckus_SZ_ClusterSummary Ruckus_SZ_ControllerInventory Ruckus_SZ_ControllerSummary Ruckus_SZ_DeviceSummary Ruckus_SZ_EventSummary Ruckus_SZ_ManagementSummary Ruckus_SZ_Uptime addCategory_Ruckus_SZ addCategory_Ruckus_SZ_ClusterMode |
(8 DataSources, 2 PropertySources) Tracks alarms, events, network throughput, performance, client, uptime and summary data for Ruckus SmartZone (SZ) systems. NOTE: This Ruckus SZ suite will not work with Virtual SmartZone (vSZ) devices. Monitoring vSZ systems is not recommended for scaling and performance reasons. |
Updated LogicModules
LogicModule/System Name | Details |
addCategory_ApacheSolr addCategory_AxcientBackup addCategory_BlueCat addCategory_Checkpoint addCategory_Cisco_APIC addCategory_Cisco_ISE_MNT addCategory_Cisco_UCS addCategory_Cisco_vManage addCategory_CiscoCUCMAPI addCategory_CiscoFCM addCategory_CiscoFirepowerSNMP addCategory_CiscoFMC addCategory_CiscoHyperFlex addCategory_CiscoIntersight addCategory_CiscoNCS addCategory_CiscoNTP addCategory_CiscoSIP addCategory_CiscoTransceiversCLI addCategory_CiscoVoiceDialControl addCategory_Citrix_Licensing addCategory_CitrixEUEM addCategory_CitrixMonitorServiceV2 addCategory_CommVault addCategory_Consul addCategory_CouchbaseConsole addCategory_Datacore addCategory_Dell_Compellent addCategory_Dell_SC addCategory_DellEMC_XtremIO addCategory_EclipseJetty addCategory_EMC_ECS_Cluster addCategory_EMC_ScaleIO addCategory_EMC_VPLEX addCategory_EMCUnity addCategory_F5GTM addCategory_FujitsuEternus addCategory_Hadoop_DataNode addCategory_Hadoop_NameNodePrimary addCategory_Hadoop_NameNodeSecondary addCategory_Hadoop_ResourceManager addCategory_Huawei addCategory_HyperV addCategory_InfinidatInfinibox addCategory_IPMI addCategory_ISDNChannels addCategory_Linux_Chrony addCategory_Linux_Sensors addCategory_Linux_SSH addCategory_LogicMonitorPortal addCategory_Lync addCategory_mGuard addCategory_Microsoft_DHCPServer addCategory_Microsoft_DNSserver addCategory_MicrosoftDomainController addCategory_MicrosoftExchange addCategory_MicrosoftIIS addCategory_MongoDB addCategory_MSSQL addCategory_MySQL addCategory_NetApp addCategory_NetApp_ESeries addCategory_NetscalerFeatures addCategory_NetSNMP_ExtendMeminfo addCategory_Nomad addCategory_NoPing addCategory_NTPResponds addCategory_Office365 addCategory_Office365Reports addCategory_OracleDatabase addCategory_OSPF addCategory_PCoIP addCategory_PureStorage addCategory_SlackService addCategory_snmpUptime addCategory_StandaloneESXi addCategory_SwiftStack addCategory_Synology addCategory_Tintri addCategory_TopoSwitch addCategory_Ubiquiti_UniFi addCategory_Vault addCategory_vCenterHA addCategory_VeloCloudAPI addCategory_VMAX addCategory_VMware_NSX addCategory_VMwareBlast addCategory_VMwareHorizonConnectionServer addCategory_ZoomService Device_BasicInfo HashiCorp_Nomad_Info Linux_SSH_Info |
(91 PropertySources) Updated AppliesTo function for PropertySources that solely set categories to exclude devices which already have those categories set. Removed redundant SNMP parameters from scripts. Only handle specific exceptions. Add port checks to addCategory_Linux_SSH, addCategory_MySQL, addCategory_Nomad, addCategory_Vault, Linux_SSH_Info and adddCategory_Consul. Moved properties set by addCategory_HyperV to Device_BasicInfo. Pass filter to WMI query rather than fetching all services and enumerating in script in addCategory_Citrix_Licensing. Updated AppliesTo for addCategory_MicrosoftExchange to look for devices monitored by Windows collectors instead of Linux collectors. |
addCategory_CitrixEUEM | (PropertySource) Make Citrix EUEM detection work even when there aren’t any running sessions. |
addCategory_Dell_PowerConnect | (DataSource) Check SNMP response size instead of enumerating over response content. |
addCategory_Dell_PowerConnect | (PropertySource) Check SNMP response size instead of enumerating over response content. |
addCategory_LogicMonitorPortal | (PropertySource) Updated AppliesTo function to exclude devices. Note: The category will need to be manually removed from any on which it is already set since is not a valid LogicMonitor portal. |
addCategory_PureStorage | (PropertySource) Connect using HTTPS instead of HTTP. Use URL library instead of the deprecated HTTP library. Add support for collection via proxy. |
addCategory_VMwareHorizonConnectionServer | (PropertySource) Fix failure caused by invalid output format. |
addERI_Cisco | (PropertySource) Block problematic MAC that was common to mutliple Cisco Firepower Threat Defense appliances. Allow use of proprietary interfaces (type 53) for generation of Firepower Threat Defense ERIs. |
addERI_Juniper | (PropertySource) Do not map jsrv interfaces. |
Aruba_WirelessController Aruba AP Radios Aruba AP status Aruba Authentication Servers Aruba CPU Aruba ESSID Aruba Fan Status Aruba Memory Usage Aruba Power Supplies Aruba status Aruba Storage Aruba_IAP_Clients Aruba_IAP_GlobalStats Aruba_IAP_SSIDStats |
(1 ConfigSource, 13 DataSources) Update AppliesTo to include the “ArubaOIDComp” category.
See New LogicModules for related PropertySource. |
Cisco_FRU_Power | (DataSource) Add custom status code (-1) for PoE ports that do not have a device that requires PoE connected, to prevent alerting by default on this state. Added a complex datapoint with alerting disabled by default for the aforementioned status to allow for adding an alert for this state if desired. |
Cisco_Product_Info | (PropertySource) Added additional auto properties. Add support for SNMP v3. Only handle specific exceptions. |
Cisco_Transceiver_Sensors | (DataSource) Fixed matching of transceivers to their parent interfaces. |
Cisco_vManage_Alarms Cisco_vManage_ApplicationAwareRoutingSLAClasses Cisco_vManage_BFDDeviceSummary Cisco_vManage_BFDPerTLOC Cisco_vManage_BFDSessions Cisco_vManage_CertificateSummary Cisco_vManage_ControlWANInterfaces Cisco_vManage_Devices Cisco_vManage_IPv4Interfaces Cisco_vManage_OMP Cisco_vManage_OMPPeers Cisco_vManage_Sites Cisco_vManage_TransportHealth Cisco_vManage_WANEdgeInventory addCategory_Cisco_vManage |
(14 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Allow for collection via proxy. Retrieve CSRF tokens for vManage version 19.2.1 and above. Ensure logout function conforms to Cisco security best practices. PropertySource now sets version number as a property, note that this reverts the AppliesTo change made in the last version of the module. |
EMC_ECS_Capacity EMC_ECS_Disks EMC_ECS_Node EMC_ECS_Nodes EMC_ECS_Processes EMC_ECS_ReplicationGroups EMC_ECS_StoragePools addCategory_EMC_ECS_Node addERI_EMC_ECS_Cluster EMC_ECS_Topology |
(7 DataSources, 2 PropertySources, 1 TopologySource) Updated scripts to use URL library instead of deprecated HTTP library. Implemented local cookie caching. Allowed for more flexibility in display name matching for addCategory_EMC_ECS_Node. |
EMC_Unity_Pools | (DataSource) Updated datapoint descriptions to include units. |
Juniper_VirtualChassis_Info | (PropertySource) Increased SNMP timeout to prevent failed discovery in larger environments. |
Kubernetes_Pod | (DataSource) Fix invalid variable assignment in collection script that was causing memory values reported in “M” to be set to 0. |
Liebert_System_Temperature | (DataSource) Fixed complex datapoint expressions. Updated alert messages. |
LogicMonitor_Collector_LMLogs | (DataSource) Added new datapoints for WindowsEventsReceived, WindowsEventsIgnoredFilters, NumberOfWindowsEventsProcessedPerSec. Replaced the syslogMessagesSentToIngest datapoint with lmLogMessagesSentToIngest and SyslogMessagesAddedToQueue with lmLogMessagesAddedToQueue. Updated graphs. |
LogicMonitor_Portal_Alerts LogicMonitor_Portal_APIUtilization LogicMonitor_Portal_Collectors LogicMonitor_Portal_DataSources LogicMonitor_Portal_Overview LogicMonitor_Portal_Resources LogicMonitor_Portal_Users LogicMonitor_Portal_Websites |
(8 DataSources) Added support for collectors behind proxies. |
PaloAlto_FW_GlobalPerformance | (DataSource) Removed invalid “delta” parameter from API command. |
Sophos_XG_ServiceStatus_v18 | (DataSource) Updated descriptions and alert thresholds to match status codes reported by v18+ devices. |
Win_WMI_Access_Denied_ErrorCodes | (DataSource) Ensure that module only applies to Windows devices. |
Deprecated LogicModules
This table lists LogicModules which we are deprecating in this release, this means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. A replacement LogicModule is listed, if there is one available.
LogicModule Name Deprecated/Replacement |
Details | End of Support Date |
Deprecated: Cisco_Wireless_MobileStations Cisco_Wireless_RogueAccessPoints Replacement: N/A |
Modules generate an excessive amount of instances for ephemeral devices, in some cases multiple for a single device. These modules are known to cause performance issues and should be deleted or disabled. | 2021-07-01 |
Deprecated: Juniper_RPM_Tests Replacement: Juniper_RPM_ProbeTests |
Old module did not produce unique wildvalues, new module uses scripted discovery to produce unique wildvalues by combining test name and owner. It is recommended that the old module be disabled to preserve historical data. | 2021-04-22 |
For the list of LogicModules deprecated over the past five releases, see the support article Deprecated LogicModules.
Looking Ahead
OpenMetrics DataSource Wizard enters beta
The OpenMetric DataSource Wizard will be available on sandbox account environments soon. The wizard requires EA Collector 30.100. The wizard can be used to quickly load OpenMetrics (Prometheus exposition format) from a provided URL endpoint and create a DataSource for ingesting the data into your LogicMonitor account. If you are interested in participating in the beta, please contact your CSM for more information.
Sunset of the RPC API
We have decided to focus on improving the LogicMonitor Rest API, which has higher security standards and integration capabilities that are more in-line with our future development goals. This means that we are preparing to end support for the RPC API with the upcoming release of LogicMonitor v.156. If you are using the RPC API for Ansible, reach out to Support for guidance on migrating playbooks to the REST API.
March 23, 2021
v.150 Release Notes

LogicMonitor v.150 is scheduled to roll out to customer portals from March 29th through April 7th.
- Feature Highlights: Cloud and SaaS Monitoring integrations have a new onboarding and management experience, with updated workflows and embedded help documentation.
- General Updates: Added functionality to Kubernetes and Cloud Monitoring, improvements to dynamic thresholds, various fixes to Alerts, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New DataSources to monitor application and device metrics for Microsoft Office 365 services, new DataSources to track usage and status for CommVault solutions, and more.
Feature Highlight: New management experience for Cloud and SaaS Integrations

Onboarding and management for Cloud Monitoring have a new look and feel. Changes include updated workflows and embedded documentation to create a more seamless and intuitive onboarding and management experience. You can add new integrations directly from the Exchange tab under Cloud Integrations.
Additionally, we are bringing cloud methodology to SaaS Monitoring by implementing API-based monitoring for all your business needs. You can monitor business critical SaaS’s for usage, availability, consumption, and more. This API approach will start with Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce in this release, with more integrations to come in future releases. Reach out to your Sales and CSM team for more information.
New SaaS Integrations will also be available from Exchange > Cloud Integrations. Vote for Integrations to help us prioritize upcoming SaaS releases.
General Updates
General Updates describes the changes made to LogicMonitor features in this release.
- CHANGED the dynamic thresholds algorithm to improve handling of sparse data. As a result, you may see a gap in alerting and suppression by dynamic thresholds of approximately 5 hours where this new algorithm retrains historical data.
- FIXED an issue where the
token was not populating in the active alert integration payload. - FIXED an issue with the ServiceNow integration. When you updated the Note field in the Alert details, log alerts were being acknowledged in ServiceNow but not in LM Alerts.
- FIXED an issue where External Ticket ID was not showing in a device Alert tab or Report, even when it was present in integration logs. You may need to manually add an External Ticket ID column to the device’s Alert tab or Report if it is not already added.
Cloud Monitoring
- ADDED Azure SignalR Metrics that are exposed in Azure Monitor: ConnectionCount, InboundTraffic, MessageCount, OutboundTraffic, SystemErrors, UserErrors.
- CHANGED GCP Billing integrations to follow GCP standards. For example, new and existing billing integrations now use BigQuery Table IDs.
Collector Releases
- EA Collector – 29.108 was released on March 11, 2021. This release adds integration support for external credential management using CyberArk Vault. Note: The vault integration is currently an open beta release. For more information, see Credential Vault Integration for the LM Collector.
Kubernetes Monitoring
- ADDED new properties to log Argus versions for better troubleshooting:
. - ADDED a retention period for Argus resources that are removed from monitoring.
- When you set
deleteDevices = true
in your Argus Helm deployment, it will automatically set a propertykubernetes.resourcedeleteafterduration = 1 day
at the group level for your cluster. This setting will retain the resources for 1 day after they are terminated. Terminated resources awaiting deletion are added to a new dynamic group with alerting disabled to avoid alert noise. - You can override the value (for how long the resources are retained) by setting this property at the device or sub-group level. The maximum value is 10 days (
). - Note: While we recommend LM Service Insight to ensure you retain historical data at the application and service level, this retention option will enable you to get granular historical data for individual resources (such as pods).
- When you set
LM Config
- FIXED an issue where config alerts were automatically clearing before they were acknowledged if “Clear when acknowledged” was selected.
LM Logs
- FIXED a bug where navigating from Alert graphs to View Logs resulted in a line marked ‘undefined’ on the logs overview graph.
- FIXED a timeout issue that was occurring when searching for certain time periods of logs.
- The LogicMonitor REST API 2.0.0 documentation was updated on March 18, 2021.
User Interface
- FIXED an issue where the search query and cleared alerts wouldn’t display at the same time in the new Alerts UI.
- FIXED an issue where hostcluster, batchjob, and eventsource alerts were incorrectly labeled as website alerts.
- FIXED an issue to correct the pagination of the new Alerts page when there are no alerts.
User Management
- FIXED an issue where cloning an existing role would select all Saved Maps groups. It should only apply the selection from the existing role.
Website Monitoring
- FIXED an issue where inheriting and overriding a custom Website property would cause it to display twice because the case in the property didn’t match.
LogicModule Changes
Enhance your monitoring with new and updated LogicModules, which are available for you to import from the LogicMonitor Public Repository.
New LogicModules
LogicModule/System Name | Details |
CommVault_Job_Status CommVault_Storage_Pools |
(2 DataSources) Added new DataSource to track pool usage and online status. CommVault_Job_Status will be replaced with CommVault_Job_Backups. See Deprecated LogicModules. |
Microsoft_Office365_EmailActivity Microsoft_Office365_EmailAppUsage Microsoft_Office365_MailboxQuotaStatus Microsoft_Office365_OneDriveAccounts Microsoft_Office365_OneDriveFileCount Microsoft_Office365_OneDriveStorage Microsoft_Office365_SharepointSiteDetails Microsoft_Office365_SharepointStorage Microsoft_Office365_Skype_DeviceUsage Microsoft_Office365_Skype_PeerActivity Microsoft_Office365_Skype_PeerActivityMinutes Microsoft_Office365_Teams_Activity Microsoft_Office365_Teams_Device_Usage Microsoft_Office365_UserCount Microsoft_Office365_Yammer_Device_Usage |
(15 DataSources) Monitors app and device usage, licensing, storage and activity metrics for Office365 services via the Cloud Collector. |
Updated LogicModules
LogicModule/System Name | Details |
addCategory_CommVault | (PropertySource) Updated script to query API instead of WMI. |
addCategory_NetApp_ESeries | (PropertySource) Change broad “isDevice()” AppliesTo function to target devices with, and properties instead. |
addCategory_Veeam_BackupAndReplication_PowerShell Veeam_BackupAndReplication_BackupSessions Veeam_BackupAndReplication_HyperVProxyServers Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Backups Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_BackupSync Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_ConfigBackup Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Copy Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_ManagedAgentBackups Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Replicas Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_SureBackups Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_WindowsAgent Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Repositories Veeam_BackupAndReplication_VMwareProxyServers |
(1 PropertySource, 12 DataSources) Ensure script output is properly sanitized. Various graph fixes. Add datapoint for percentage of space used by a backup to Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_BackupSync. Add instance grouping to Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_ManagedAgentBackups. |
Cisco_AIPSSM_MemoryPools Cisco_AIPSSM_Processor |
(2 DataSources) Update collection script to use double instead of long for numerical values to allow for larger values. |
Cisco_CPU_Exceptions | (DataSource) Collects CPU statistics for instances that represent either more than one physical entity or no physical entity. |
Cisco_CPU_Usage | (DataSource) Updated AppliesTo to include ASA devices. |
Cisco_FRU_Power | (DataSource) Added instance property for administrative state. Add filter to avoid discovering new instances in the “administratively offline” state. |
Cisco_IPSec_PolicyBasedTunnels | (DataSource) Update AppliesTo to exclude ASA devices as they do not support the “show crypto session detail” command. |
Cisco_Wireless_AccessPointInterfaces Cisco_Wireless_AccessPointRadio Cisco_Wireless_AP Cisco_Wireless_MobileStations Cisco_Wireless_RogueAccessPoints |
(5 DataSources) Updated AppliesTo to include Catalyst 9800 Virtual Controllers. Updated collection script for Cisco_Wireless_RogueAccessPoints to account for time formats returned by 9800 devices. |
ConnectWise_SalesOps_v3 ConnectWise_Invoices_v3 |
(2 DataSources) Use closures instead of maps to reduce memory consumption. Fix data parsing. |
F5_BigIP_PoolMemberStats | (DataSource) Updated collection script to perform more targeted SNMP walks, removed dependency on instance properties. |
F5_BigIP_VIP_Statistics | (DataSource) Fixed datapoint types for ClientCurrentConnections, ClientTotalConnections, EphemeralCurrentConnections, EphemeralTotalConnections, PVAAssistCurrentConnections, PVAAssistTotalConnections, PVACurrentConnections and PVATotalConnections. |
GCP_DataAnalytics_CloudComposer | (DataSource) Increase collection interval to 5 minutes to match polling interval for some datapoints. Removed complex datapoints for Health related metrics since normalized values were misleading. |
GCP_Storage_CloudFilestoreInstance | (DataSource) Fix invalid Resource Label Name for all datapoints. |
HostStatus | (DataSource) Updated collection interval to match actual collection frequency of 1 minute. Updated tech notes with reminder that changing the collection interval has no effect for this DataSource. |
Kubernetes_Container Kubernetes_Pod |
(2 DataSources) Fixed collection bug for cpu and memory limits/requests. Removed cpu_total_count and cpu_allocated_count datapoints since the API does not return data for these datapoints, note that all historical data for these datapoints will be lost but is expected to be empty. Various description and complex datapoint expression fixes. |
Kubernetes_CoreDNS | (DataSource) Replace RegEx expressions in collection script with parser function to improve reliability. Gather total metrics for all zones by targeting the ‘.’ zone. Added datapoints for panics and buckets of request duration data. |
Microsoft_Azure_ExpressRouteCircuit | (DataSource) Fix regression with collection interval, should have a minimum 5 minute interval. |
Microsoft_SQLServer_Databases | (DataSource) Remove mention of un-monitored metric (active sessions) from DataSource description. |
SNMP_Filesystem_Status SNMP_Filesystem_Usage |
(2 DataSources) Added alert thresholds.
Announced in v.146, these DataSources will replace snmpHRDisk- and snmpHRLargeDisk-. See Deprecated LogicModules. |
SNMP_Network_Interfaces | (DataSource) Fix for devices that return null values for octet data. |
SSL_Certificates | (DataSource) Removed ports used by LDAP, Oracle DB and Docker that return errors by default from ad script. |
VMware_ESXi_DatastoreCapacity | (DataSource) Added complex datapoint that does not depend on device type (standalone vs non-standalone) to report capacity usage. |
VMware_Horizon_Product_Info | (DataSource) Removed unnecessary filtering of language packs when using the Win32_Product WMI class. |
VMware_vCenter_DatastorePerformance VMware_vCenter_HostInterfaces VMware_vCenter_HostPerformance |
(3 DataSources) Ensure that collection does not completely fail due to collections errors for individual hosts. |
VMware_VCSA_BackupInstances VMware_VCSA_Backups VMware_VCSA_DiskPerformance VMware_VCSA_Services |
(4 DataSources) Rewrote scripts to use the URL library. Fix version number detection function that was unable to detect that VCSA v7 was higher than v6.7. Fix incorrect unit conversion in VMware_VCSA_DiskPerformance collection script. Add instance level properties to VMware_VCSA_BackupInstances. Various updates to graphs, descriptions and alert messages. |
Deprecated LogicModules
This table lists LogicModules which we are deprecating in this release, this means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. A replacement LogicModule is listed, if there is one available. For the list of LogicModules deprecated over the past five releases, see the support article Deprecated LogicModules.
LogicModule Name Deprecated/Replacement |
Reason | End of Support Date |
Deprecated: CommVault_Job_Status CommVault_Job_Subclients CommVault_Job_VMwareSubclients CommVault_Job_VMwareSubclientVMs Replacement: CommVault_Job_Backups |
Deprecate modules in favor of single a DataSource for all backup jobs. New DataSource uses pagination which provides significant performance improvements, particularly for large deployments. | 2021-04-07 |
Deprecated: snmpHRDisk- snmpHRLargeDisk- Replacement: SNMP_Filesystem_Status SNMP_Filesystem_Usage |
Customers wishing to preserve historical data should disable these modules to prevent double collection and alerting. Please update SNMP_Filesystem_Status and SNMP_Filesystem_Usage to at least v1.1 before disabling these modules as alerts were not set in earlier versions. | 2021-04-07 |