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v.207 Release Notes

Last updated on 08 July, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Release of LogicMonitor OpenTelemetry Collector 4.0.00
  • New Security Page
  • Cost Optimization Billing and Recommendations Features Now Available

Monitoring Updates

  • New monitoring for Kubernetes Certificate and Cert-Manager
  • New SNMP based Ubiquiti Modules for access points
  • New API-based monitoring coverage for Versa Networks Secure SD-WAN environments
  • Added monitoring to provide logs for Meraki Assurance Alerts

Collector Settings

Security Upgrade

Windows Collectors Least Privilege

Windows Collectors can now run using non-administrator credentials. This provides you with improved security standards and mitigates the risk of unauthorized access and misuse within your installation environment.

Warning: As a result of this security enhancement, you must migrate all Windows Collectors to run as non-admin.

You can use a prompt-based wizard to complete this migration.

To leverage the enhanced security, you need EA Collector 35.400 or later installed. For more information see the EA Collector 35.400 Release Notes.

For more information, see the following in the product documentation:

For more information about LogicMonitor’s security mandates, see the Important Security Announcement in the LM Community.

Security Upgrade

Linux Collectors Least Privilege

Linux Collectors can now run using non-root credentials. This provides you with improved security standards and mitigates the risk of unauthorized access and misuse within your installation environment.

Warning: As a result of this security enhancement, you must migrate all Linux Collectors to run as non-root users.

You can use either a prompt-based wizard or a silent migration process to complete this migration.

To leverage the enhanced security, you need Collector GD 36.000 or later installed. For more information, see the GD Collector 36.000 Release Notes.

For more information, see the following in the product documentation:

For more information about LogicMonitor’s security mandates, see the Important Security Announcement in the LM Community.

Cost Optimization


Cost Optimization Billing and Recommendation Features Now Available

Cost Optimization Billing and Recommendations are now available as a new monitoring product. Monitor costs associated with your cloud environments, and get detailed recommendations for optimizing your resources and the associated costs.

For more information on purchasing Cost Optimization, see https://www.logicmonitor.com/pricing. For details on Billing monitoring and Recommendations, see Cost Optimization – Billing and Cost Optimization – Recommendations.



Added Notes updated HTTP delivery option for ServiceNow

Use this HTTP delivery method to update the Work notes section of the incident in ServiceNow

If the HTTP URL and HTTP method of the Notes updated section of your existing ServiceNow integration is blank, use your existing working configuration of Active HTTP delivery options to update the configuration. Use the following token configuration for alert data for the Notes updated HTTP delivery method:

{   “number”: “##EXTERNALTICKETID##”,   “logicmonitor_alert_id”: “##ALERTID##”,   “work_notes”: “##ALERT_NOTE##” }

For more information, see ServiceNow (Incident Management) Integration in the product documentation.



Improved Cisco Meraki NetScan

The improved Enhanced Script NetScan for Cisco Meraki LogicModules now adds support for meraki.api.key.addToAllDevices, which if set to false prevents the Meraki NetScan from adding the meraki.api.key property to newly added resources.

For more information, see Cisco Meraki Monitoring in the product documentation.


New LogSource and New Properties added to Cisco Meraki Monitoring

Meraki Assurance Alerts LogicSource is available for Cisco Meraki Monitoring. In addition, new optional Meraki properties meraki.api.key.addToAllDevicesmeraki.disable.network.events, meraki.disable.security.events, and meraki.disable.assurance.alerts are available.

For more information, see Cisco Meraki Monitoring in the product documentation.


LogicModules Migrated to Modules

LogicModules are no longer available from Settings. You can access the Exchange, My Module Toolbox, and all settings for managing modules from Modules in the navigation bar.

For more information, see Modules Overview in the Product Documentation.


Apache Groovy 4 Support for all LogicMonitor-Provided LogicModules

In a future release, LogicMonitor Collectors will no longer support Apache Groovy 2. All official LogicMonitor-provided modules will be compatible with Apache Groovy 4. To support this migration, LogicMonitor will be releasing updates to official LogicModules to be compatible with Groovy 4.

As a result of this migration, you must do the following:

  • Validate any customized or community-provided modules to ensure compatibility
    For more information about validating your customized modules, see Custom Module Groovy Migration Validation in the product documentation.
  • Install a module update for LogicMonitor-provided modules that have compatibility changes released. The released updated modules are listed in the LogicModules Release section.
    For more information, see Modules Management in the product documentation.

The LogicMonitor EA Collector 34.500 or later is compatible with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. For more information about the EA Collector release, see the EA Collector 34.500 Release Notes.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception can be thrown when using the GroovyScriptHelper to incorporate LogicMonitor snippets in your script:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property:

To mitigate this issue, adjust the way the class is imported, similar to the following:

if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {
    modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {{{}}
    modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())

For example, the following demonstrates how GroovyScriptHelper is used in Groovy 2:

import com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper as GSH
import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
modLoader = GSH.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader()).withBinding(getBinding()) 
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true) 
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"

You can modify the script to use the GroovyScriptHelper in Groovy 4, demonstrated in the following:

import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {    
modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {   
modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true) 
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4 with legacy classes in your script, the following exception can be thrown:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed

To mitigate this issue, migrate to JPMS-compliant package names. Making this change does not break backward compatibility with Groovy 2.

For example, the following script uses legacy classes:

import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

You can replace the legacy classes with JPMS-compliant package names in Groovy 4 to resolve the exception, similar to the following:

import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
import groovy.xml.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper() 
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and the module includes an invalid type parameter for a data structure, the module throws the following runtime exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: 

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using java.util.Date.format(), the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.Date.format() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss z]

Important: This issue is fixed with the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later. To mitigate this issue when running a module using Apache Groovy 4, ensure you upgrade to the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.RunTimeException: Unable to load FastStringService 



Addition of Access Groups and Access Group ID Fields

In this release, we have added the accessGroups and accessGroupIds fields to LogicMonitor REST API v3.

You can find the accessGroups and accessGroupIds in the request of the following API endpoints:


CategoryAPI Endpoint
AppliesToFunctionsPOST /setting/functions

PUT /setting/functions/{id
PATCH /setting/functions/{id
DatasourcesPOST /setting/datasources

PUT /setting/datasources/{id
PATCH /setting/datasources/{id

Additionally, you can find the accessGroups and accessGroupIds in the response of the following API endpoints:

CategoryAPI Endpoint
AppliesToFunctionsGET /setting/functions

GET /setting/functions/{id
DatasourcesGET /setting/datasources

GET /setting/datasources/{id

For details, see REST API v3 Swagger Documentation.

Security Upgrade

API Token Authentication Restrictions

The ability to create API tokens is now restricted to users who are not lmsupport, along with users who do not have the Administrator role. This restriction prevents unauthorized access and potential misuse of elevated permissions, ensuring that API keys are generated and managed within a controlled and secure framework.

As a result of this restriction, you must migrate any previously created API tokens assigned to the LMSupport user or a user with the Administrator role to a new API token assigned to a new user and role with appropriate permissions.

To access this, navigate to Settings > Users and Roles > select the LMv1 API Token or Bearer Tokens tab accordingly.

For more information, see API Tokens.

For more information about LogicMonitor’s security mandates, see the Important Security Announcement in the LM Community.

Security Settings


Auto Disable Unused LMv1, Bearer, and Widget Tokens

You can now automatically disable tokens after a set number of days of inactivity. This helps mitigate risks related to the disclosure of previously generated and unused LMv1, Bearer, and Widget Tokens. By default, for all new accounts, the option is set to 365 days, and for all the existing accounts it is set to 0 days. Admin users with Manage Security permission can set the number of inactive days.
To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Security Settings, and set the number of inactive days for the Disable Tokens (LMv1, Bearer, Widget) after _ days of inactivity option.
For more information, see LMv1,
 Bearer, and Widget tokens product documentation.


Enhanced LogicMonitor Security Code Notification

The LogicMonitor Security Code notification emails sent during Two-factor Authentication login and password reset now include information regarding the user who performed the action, IP address, time & date, LogicMonitor logo, and a privacy policy link for complete transparency.


New Security Page

You can now control all the settings related to security for your LogicMonitor portal from a single location. The new Security page provides the latest recommendations for configuring and securing your portal. All the authentication-related settings and other critical settings (for example, remote session and test script) from the Portal Settings page are now moved to the new Security page.

You must have a LogicMonitor user with the new Security permission set to configure the Security settings. This permission set is available when you add a role from Settings> Users and Roles > Add Role. For more information, see Adding a Role.
This permission is cloned from the existing Account Information permissions.

To access this feature, navigate to SettingsSecurity.

For more information, see Security Settings in the product documentation.



Release of LogicMonitor OpenTelemetry Collector 4.0.00

LogicMonitor OpenTelemetry Collector (lmotel) is updated to version 4.0.00 for application performance monitoring. This release includes the following updates:

For more information, see OpenTelemetry Collector Versions in the product documentation.

User Access


Access Groups for Granular Control of Modules

You can now provide users with granular control of modules using Access Groups. This allows you to enable specific users with access to a module, providing you with more granular control of the users that have access and the level of access to the modules in My Module Toolbox. For example, you can create an Access Group that allows users to create a module but not commit the module. You could also prevent users from editing specific fields.

You can also remove Access Groups from modules as necessary. Removing an Access Group from a module completely removes access to that module for the users associated with the Access Group.

To set up this feature, you must create the Access Group and then configure the user access with the Access Group. To set up Access Groups, navigate to Settings > Users and Roles. For more information, see Access Groups Settings and Modules Role Permissions in the product documentation.

To leverage this feature in Modules, navigate to Modules > My Module Toolbox and add or edit a module. The settings for Access Groups are displayed in the module editor. For more information, see Access Groups for Modules in the product documentation.


Email Notifications for Portal Setting Changes

If any changes are made to portal settings, an email notification is sent to the primary contact and all the additional contacts mentioned in the portal. In addition, if the Require Two-FactorAuthentication for all Roles and Users option is enabled or disabled, an email notification is sent to all local users along with primary and additional contacts.

To view the settings, navigate to Settings > Account Information > Portal Settings.

For more information, see the Portal Settings article in the product documentation.

Security Upgrade

Required Two-Factor Authentication for all Users

If your environment does not leverage Single Sign-On (SSO), all users with access to your LogicMonitor portal are required to use two-factor authentication (2FA) to access the portal. Leveraging 2FA provides you with stronger security measures to protect your account.

Using 2FA in your environment involves globally enabling 2FA in your LogicMonitor account and setting up 2FA account access using a third-party application, such as Authy.

To enable 2FA, navigate to Settings > Security Settings, and enable Require Two-Factor Authentication for all Roles and Users.

For more information about globally enabling 2FA for your LogicMonitor account, see Security Settings in the product documentation.

For more information about setting up 2FA with a third-party application, see Two-Factor Authentication Account Access in the product documentation.

For more information about LogicMonitor’s security mandates, see the Important Security Announcement in the LM Community.

Collector Releases

  • GD Collector 35.002 was released on June 03, 2024. For more information, see the GD Collector 35.002 Release Notes.
  • GD Collector 36.000 was released on June 05, 2024. For more information, see the GD Collector 36.000 Release Notes.

Container Monitoring Releases

Container Monitoring 8.0.0 was released on June 06, 2024. For more information on new Container Monitoring features, enhancements, fixed and known issues, and the upgrade steps, see Container Monitoring 8.0.0 Release Notes.

LogicModule Releases

New and updated LogicModules are available for you directly in your LogicMonitor portal. You can install new modules from the Exchange and update existing modules in My Module Toolbox. For more information, see Modules Installation, and Modules Management in the product documentation.

This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed in the General Updates section.

New LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
2 DataSources:
  – Kubernetes_Certificate
  – Kubernetes_Certificate_Manager
New monitoring for Kubernetes Certificate and Cert-Manager.

3 DataSources:
  – Ubiquiti_UniFiAP_Performance
  – Ubiquiti_UniFiAP_Radios
  – Ubiquiti_UniFiAP_SSIDs
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_UbiquitiUniFiAP
New SNMP based Ubiquiti Modules for access points.

5 DataSources:
  – Versa_SDWAN_API
  – Versa_SDWAN_ApplianceHealth
  – Versa_SDWAN_ApplianceInterfaces
  – Versa_SDWAN_AppliancePerformance
  – Versa_SDWAN_Tunnels
2 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_Versa_SDWAN_Appliance
  – addERI_Versa_SDWAN
1 TopologySources:
  – Versa_SDWAN_Topology
New API-based monitoring coverage for Versa Networks Secure SD-WAN environments.

1 LogSources:
  – Meraki Assurance Alerts
Added monitoring to provide logs for Meraki Assurance Alerts.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
1 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_SQLServer_BackupAge
Reverted previous changes to quotations in select statement.

1 TopologySources:
  – Networking_L2_snmpSwitch
Added support for unclaimed LLDP entries whose device ID is a MAC address of an interface bridge.

1 DataSources:
  – SNMP_Network_Interfaces
Added Juniper MX 960 sysOID to table for automatic SNMP getconcurrent for optimized SNMP collection due to identified performance issues with these devices.
2 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_ControllerHealth
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_DeviceHealth
Fixed a bug that caused data collection to fail for devices that do not provide an expiry date in the API response.
1 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_SQLServer_DatabaseStorage
Added support for large datasets.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_API
1 PropertySources:
  – addERI_Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN
Added fallback for cisco.sdwan.device.id host property to use auto.cisco.sdwan.device.id set by addCategory_Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN PropertySource.
1 LogSources:
  – VMware SDWAN Alerts
Converted output to JSON format and reduced cache expiry time.
1 DataSources:
  – NetApp_Cluster_SVM
Added a new status code for sync_destination servers in a stopped state as it is expected behavior and should not generate an alert. Corrected the resource properties Server SubType and Server Type. Previously, Server SubType was incorrectly reported as the resource property ServerType.
1 DataSources:
  – LogicMonitor_ConfigSource_Metrics
Updated to provide more detailed information for troubleshooting.
122 DataSources:
  – Apache_Hadoop_MapReduceJobs
  – Cisco_CUCM_LBM
  – Cisco_CUCM_MTPDeviceStatistics
  – Cisco_CUCM_Replication
  – Cisco_CUCM_SIP
  – Cisco_CUCM_Services
  – Cisco_CUCM_SystemPerformance
  – Citrix_XenApp_ConnectionFailureTrends
  – Citrix_XenApp_DeliveryGroups
  – Citrix_XenApp_LogonPerformance
  – Citrix_XenApp_MachineCatalogs
  – Citrix_XenApp_MachineFailureTrends
  – Citrix_XenApp_Machines
  – ConnectWise_Service_Board_Statistics
  – ConnectWise_Ticket_Resolution_Statistics_by_Representative
  – ConnectWise_Ticket_Statistics_by_Representative
  – ConnectWise_Ticket_Status_Statistics
  – EMC_Avamar_Checkpoints
  – EMC_Avamar_ClientBackups
  – EMC_Avamar_DataDomains
  – EMC_Avamar_Datasets
  – EMC_Avamar_Groups
  – EMC_Avamar_ServerGarbageCollection
  – EMC_Avamar_ServerNodes
  – EMC_Avamar_Servers
  – EMC_Avamar_Troubleshooter
  – LogicMonitor_Collector_Snippets
  – NetApp_7mode_Aggregates
  – NetApp_7mode_CableConnectors
  – NetApp_7mode_ClusteringServices
  – NetApp_7mode_CurrentSensors
  – NetApp_7mode_Disks
  – NetApp_7mode_Fans
  – NetApp_7mode_GlobalPerformance
  – NetApp_7mode_HostAdapters
  – NetApp_7mode_LUNs
  – NetApp_7mode_NFS
  – NetApp_7mode_NIC
  – NetApp_7mode_PowerSupplies
  – NetApp_7mode_QTree
  – NetApp_7mode_RAID
  – NetApp_7mode_Snapmirror
  – NetApp_7mode_SnapshotScheduler
  – NetApp_7mode_Snapshots
  – NetApp_7mode_Status
  – NetApp_7mode_Targets
  – NetApp_7mode_TemperatureSensors
  – NetApp_7mode_VoltageSensors
  – NetApp_7mode_Volumes
  – NetApp_7mode_WAFL
  – NetApp_7mode_iSCSI
  – NetApp_Cluster_Aggregate
  – NetApp_Cluster_BatteryLifeSensors
  – NetApp_Cluster_CIFS
  – NetApp_Cluster_CurrentSensors
  – NetApp_Cluster_Disks
  – NetApp_Cluster_FCPInitiators
  – NetApp_Cluster_Failover
  – NetApp_Cluster_FanSensors
  – NetApp_Cluster_FibreChannel
  – NetApp_Cluster_GlobalPerformance
  – NetApp_Cluster_HAInterconnectPair
  – NetApp_Cluster_HighAvailability
  – NetApp_Cluster_Interfaces
  – NetApp_Cluster_LUNs
  – NetApp_Cluster_NFS
  – NetApp_Cluster_Nodes
  – NetApp_Cluster_PSU
  – NetApp_Cluster_Peer
  – NetApp_Cluster_PolicyGroups
  – NetApp_Cluster_QTree
  – NetApp_Cluster_Quotas
  – NetApp_Cluster_RAID
  – NetApp_Cluster_SVM
  – NetApp_Cluster_SVMPeers
  – NetApp_Cluster_ShelfBayHealth
  – NetApp_Cluster_SnapMirror
  – NetApp_Cluster_Snapshots
  – NetApp_Cluster_Status
  – NetApp_Cluster_StorageAdapters
  – NetApp_Cluster_TemperatureSensors
  – NetApp_Cluster_VoltageSensors
  – NetApp_Cluster_Volumes
  – NetApp_Cluster_iSCSI
  – PaloAlto_FW_BGP
  – PaloAlto_FW_Certificates
  – PaloAlto_FW_DataplaneCores
  – PaloAlto_FW_Disk
  – PaloAlto_FW_DroppedPackets
  – PaloAlto_FW_Fans
  – PaloAlto_FW_FilterActions
  – PaloAlto_FW_GlobalPerformance
  – PaloAlto_FW_HA_Interface
  – PaloAlto_FW_IPSecTunnelOverview
  – PaloAlto_FW_IPSecTunnelStats
  – PaloAlto_FW_Licenses
  – PaloAlto_FW_Logical_Interface
  – PaloAlto_FW_OSPF
  – PaloAlto_FW_Power
  – PaloAlto_FW_QoS
  – PaloAlto_FW_QoS_V8+
  – PaloAlto_FW_QoS_V9+
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopApplicationCategories
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopApplications
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopAttackers
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopDestinationCountries
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopDestinations
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopEgressZones
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopHTTPApplications
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopIngressZones
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopRules
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopSourceCountries
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopSources
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopTechnologyCategories
  – PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopVictims
  – PaloAlto_FW_SDWAN_Tunnel
  – PaloAlto_FW_Spec_Interface
  – PaloAlto_FW_SystemResources
  – PaloAlto_FW_Temperature
  – PaloAlto_FW_ThreatAnalysis
  – PaloAlto_GlobalProtect_Sessions
  – PaloAlto_Panorama_Devices
Updated to support compatibility with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. Added import of a new JPMS compliant package to continue support of XMLSlurper.
14 DataSources:
  – Cisco_ISE_ActiveSessions
  – Cisco_ISE_PosturedEndpoints
  – Cisco_ISE_ProfilerServiceSessions
  – Cisco_ISE_ServerSessions
  – Cisco_ISE_TotalActiveUsers
  – HP_MSA_Disks
  – HP_MSA_Fans
  – HP_MSA_Ports
  – HP_MSA_Redundancy
  – HP_MSA_SASLinkHealth
  – HP_MSA_VirtualDisks
  – HP_MSA_Volumes
Updated to support compatibility with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. Added import of a new JPMS compliant package to continue support of XMLParser.
1 DataSources:
  – PaloAlto_Prisma_SDWAN_Underlay
Updated tech notes to mention an going issue getting LQM data for WAN interfaces.
1 TopologySources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_Topology
Added support for property meraki.topology.observer in event first device is not added.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityApplianceTunnels
Added safe navigation to results in case device serial is not found.
1 PropertySources:
  – Config_Fortinet_Generic
Updated to apply to both “ssh.user” and “config.user” credentials.
1 PropertySources:
  – Config_Dell_Generic
Added SmartFabric to Common Config Dell Generic and made credential matches more generous.
1 DataSources:
  – Kubernetes_KSM_Pods
Updated cpuUsagePercent calculation.
1 PropertySources:
  – addERI_Cisco_UCS
Added UCS mgmt MAC address as ERI.
1 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_SQLServer_DatabaseFiles
Removed incorrect filenames from instance descriptions without proper SQL Server permissions and added an ILP indicating permissions are inadequate for access.
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_PaloAlto_PrismaSDWAN
Added support for metric related API calls on devices outside US that require X-PANW-Region header.
6 ConfigSources:
  – SSH_Exec_Dynamic
  – SSH_Exec_Standard
  – SSH_Interactive_Dynamic
  – SSH_Interactive_Standard
  – Telnet_Interactive_Dynamic
  – Telnet_Interactive_Standard
Common Configs now feature the host property “config.tolerance.drop”. When set, this value will cause configs that drop in size by an amount larger than the prop specified to error out instead of returning. This is useful for filtering fluctuations in devices from the UI Diff.
1 DataSources:
  – Ubiquiti_UniFiAP_SSIDs
Updating UpStatus alert threshold.
1 DataSources:
  – HP_MSA_Controllers
Updated to support compatibility with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. Added import of a new JPMS compliant package to continue support of XMLParser.
1 DataSources:
  – HP_MSA_Volumes
Resolved a NullPointerException that resulted in module failure when a single piece of data was missing from the response.
2 DataSources:
  – VMware_SDWAN_BGP_Sessions
  – VMware_SDWAN_Tunnels
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_VMwareSDWAN
Refactored and added comments for clarity.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Add support for meraki.disable.network.events, meraki.disable.security.events, and meraki.disable.assurance.alerts.