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Migrating Collector from Root to Non-root User

Last updated on 06 September, 2024

Initially, you could run Linux Collectors using root credentials. Later, we extended this support to users with non-root credentials to install Collectors.

We have now enhanced the migration process to enable users to migrate Collectors running as root to run under non-root users without uninstalling Collector or losing any data. You can follow both prompt based and silent migration processes to migrate Collectors running as root to run under non-root user.

You must run the script updateToNonRoot.sh. The default path is, /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/updateToNonRoot.sh


  • When you upgrade Linux collectors that are running as root users to EA Collector 35.400, they are automatically migrated to non-root users. This might impact the collector status and device monitoring. If a collector stops to monitor devices or if it goes down after the upgrade, run the revertToRootUser.sh script to roll back to the root user.
  • To migrate the Docker collector to non-root user, see Running a Linux Collector in a Docker Container as a Non-Root User.


  • Users with root credentials can execute the script.
  • Ensure that the Collector is installed as a root user.

Points to Consider

  • In case of silent migration, you must place the parameters in the following sequence: -q -u -d
  • When migrating Linux Collector using the silent migration method, to access help you can enter the parameter -h after the script ./updateToNonRoot.sh. The following parameters are displayed:
-hProvides help.
-qIndicates to the installer that the migration should be done in Silent mode.
-uProvide name of the non-root user under whom you want to migrate the Collector service.
-dIndicates the path where the Collector is installed. By default, the Collector is installed at /usr/local/logicmonitor. If the Collector is not installed at the default path, then enter the custom path where you have installed the Collector.

Migrating Linux Collectors

You can migrate Linux Collector from root to non-root user using the silent or prompt based migration method. Note that when you install Linux Collector using any of the two installation methods, LogicMonitor creates a default non-root user ‘logicmonitor’. When migrating Linux Collector from root to non-root user, if the non-root user that you specified for migration does not exist, the ./updateToNonRoot.sh script will create that non-root user.

Silent Migration

In the command prompt, run the following commands:

  1. Log in to the machine with root credentials.
  2. Navigate to the agent/bin folder of your Collector.
  3. Enter and run the command ./updateToNonRoot.sh followed by the parameters for silent migration. The format and sequence is -q -u [non-root username] -d [custom path, if any]

After you run the script, the Linux Collector is migrated from root to non-root. 

Prompt based Migration

In the command prompt, run the following commands:

  1. Log in to the machine with root credentials.
  2. Navigate to the agent/bin folder of your Collector.
  3. Run the script ./updateToNonRoot.sh.
    The system will prompt you to specify the user to migrate the Collector to non-root.
  4. The script will create a default non-root user ‘logicmonitor’ and use it. You can create and use your own non-root user account, if necessary.
  5. By default, the Collector is located at /usr/local/logicmonitor. If the Collector is located at some other directory, then specify that path.
    After you run the script, the Linux Collector is migrated from root to non-root. 

Verifying Migration

To verify if the Collector has successfully migrated from root to non-root, follow these steps 10 minutes after the migration is complete:

  1. In LogicMonitor, navigate to Collectors and search for the Collector ID which you migrated to non-root user.
  2. In the Manage column corresponding to the specific Collector, click the Settings icon. The Manage Collector dialog box is displayed. 
  3. Click the Support drop-down and select Collector Status.

Rolling Back Migration

In case the updateToNonRoot.sh script fails to migrate Linux Collector from root to non-root, or if you face any issue after migration, you can run the revertToRootUser.sh script to roll back migration. The script is available in the agent/bin folder.


  • The destination path must be the path where the Collector is currently installed.
  • The rollback script is available in EA Collector 32.400 and later.
  • If you want to rollback migration for Collector version prior to 32.400, you can copy the script given below to create the script file.

# get the name of init process
get_init_proc_name() {
    cat $file_name|cut -f1 -d')'|cut -f2 -d'('
# get a string as answer from the stdin
get_input() {
    prompt_msg=${1:?"prompt message is required"}
    if [ "$default_value" != "" ];then
        prompt_default_value=" [default: $default_value]"
    read -p "$prompt_msg$prompt_default_value:" value
    if [ "$value" = "" ];then
    echo $value
help() {
    echo "Usage : [-h] [-y] [-u install user] [-d install path]
            -h        help           - show this message
            -y        silent-update  - update silently
            -d        install path   - installation path of collector(default: /usr/local/logicmonitor)"
    exit 1
while getopts "hqu:d:" current_opts; do
    case "${current_opts}" in
if [ "$OPTS_SILENT" != "true" ]; then
  DEST_DIR=`get_input "Enter the directory under which collector is installed" "$DEST_DIR"`
if [ -d "$DEST_DIR/agent" ]; then
    service logicmonitor-watchdog stop
    service logicmonitor-agent stop
    systemctl disable logicmonitor-agent.service
    systemctl disable logicmonitor-watchdog.service
    CUR_USER=$(stat -c '%U' $DEST_DIR)
    if [ "$CUR_USER" != "root" ]; then
     sed -i.bak "s#User=$CUR_USER#User=root#g" $LM_WATCHDOG_SERVICE
     sed -i.bak "s#Group=$CUR_USER#Group=root#g" $LM_WATCHDOG_SERVICE
     rm -f $LM_WATCHDOG_SERVICE.bak
     sed -i.bak "s#User=$CUR_USER#User=root#g" $LM_AGENT_SERVICE
     sed -i.bak "s#Group=$CUR_USER#Group=root#g" $LM_AGENT_SERVICE
     rm -f $LM_AGENT_SERVICE.bak
    chown -R $DEST_USER:$DEST_GROUP $DEST_DIR/agent
    if [ "$INIT_PROC" = "systemd" ];then
      mkdir /etc/systemd/user
      cp $DEST_DIR/agent/bin/logicmonitor-agent.service /etc/systemd/system
      cp $DEST_DIR/agent/bin/logicmonitor-watchdog.service /etc/systemd/system
      chown $DEST_USER:$DEST_GROUP /etc/systemd/system/logicmonitor-agent.service
      chown $DEST_USER:$DEST_GROUP /etc/systemd/system/logicmonitor-watchdog.service
      chmod 0644 /etc/systemd/system/logicmonitor-agent.service
      chmod 0644 /etc/systemd/system/logicmonitor-watchdog.service
      systemctl enable logicmonitor-agent.service
      systemctl enable logicmonitor-watchdog.service
      rm -f /etc/systemd/user/logicmonitor-watchdog.service
      rm -f /etc/systemd/user/logicmonitor-agent.service
      systemctl daemon-reload
      echo "Succesfully reverted collector services to run under $DEST_USER"
      ln -sf ./bin/logicmonitor-agent /etc/init.d/logicmonitor-agent
      ln -sf ./bin/logicmonitor-watchdog  /etc/init.d/logicmonitor-watchdog
      chown $DEST_USER:$DEST_GROUP /etc/init.d/logicmonitor-agent
      chown $DEST_USER:$DEST_GROUP /etc/init.d/logicmonitor-watchdog
      /sbin/chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/logicmonitor/logicmonitor-agent 2>/dev/null
      /sbin/chkconfig --add /etc/init.d/logicmonitor/logicmonitor-watchdog 2>/dev/null
      #if update-rc.d exists, let's run it to install our services
      if which update-rc.d 2> /dev/null;then
        # We found update-rc.d, let's use it ...
         update-rc.d logicmonitor-agent defaults 2>/dev/null
         update-rc.d logicmonitor-watchdog defaults 2>/dev/null
      echo "Succesfully reverted collector services to run under $DEST_USER"
 $DEST_DIR/agent/bin/logicmonitor-watchdog start
  echo "The agentPath is not $DEST_DIR or is not provided. Please provide correct path where collector is installed and run the script again."
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