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Platform Release Notes Timeline

Last updated on 06 May, 2024

March 03, 2021

v.149 Release

v.149 of the LogicMonitor portal is scheduled to roll out to customers from March 8 through March 17.


  • General Enhancements and Fixes: A new auto-assigned system property for on-premises devices, several enhancements to LM Logs, and more.
  • New and Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules for monitoring Storage Spaces Direct (S2D), Citrix NetScaler, and more.

    IMPORTANT: The snmpIf- and snmp64_If- DataSources will be officially deprecated in this release and replaced by the SNMP_Network_Interfaces DataSource. Learn more under Updated LogicModules.
  • Entering Beta: Push Metrics API (ongoing), and Alert Grouping Graph on Alerts page (ongoing).
  • Looking Ahead: Sunset of the RPC API.

General Enhancements and Fixes


  • (FIX) Addressed several issues related to initiating SDT from the Alerts page:
    • Fixed issue preventing SDT in durations of weeks, months, or years from being scheduled.
    • Fixed issue preventing the SDT icon from being immediately shown after setting SDT for an alert.
    • Fixed issue preventing SDT initiation for the device associated with an alert.
    • Attempting to initiate SDT from the old Alerts page UI (available by transforming “/alerts” to “/alert” in the URL) was causing a blank page to be generated. This has been fixed and SDT can now be initiated from the previous UI version of the Alerts page.
  • (FIX) Improved warning message when acknowledging a previously acknowledged alert. When acknowledging an alert that was previously acknowledged, LogicMonitor now displays a descriptive warning message:  “Alert <ID> has already been acknowledged”. Previously, the warning consisted of a 400 error.

Audit Logs

  • (FIX) Unnecessarily capturing unchanged static thresholds. Previously, LogicMonitor’s Audit Logs were unnecessarily capturing unchanged static threshold data when dynamic threshold data was updated at the resource group level. This has been fixed and Audit Logs now only capture details of dynamic threshold updates.

Cloud Monitoring

  • (FIX) Microsoft Azure. The Azure File Storage Capacity was not triggering an alert because the allowed delay time limit was too short. This delay time has been increased (default 2 hours). Added GCC configurations: azure.collector.allowedDelay and azure.allowedDelay.collectionTypes.
  • (FIX) Microsoft Azure. Added subscriptionId as additional argument to string.format() to fix an issue where Azure Advisor EventSource was not working.


  • EA 29.106. Collector version EA 29.106 was released on February 10. This version fixes the known issue present in versions 29.101 through 29.105 that caused resources with heartbeats to be incorrectly marked as dead/down.

Collector releases are deployed independently of LogicMonitor platform releases. For more information on the different Collector versions available for upgrade, see Collector Versions.

LM Logs

  • (NEW) Added RBAC support! New Logs permissions for: viewing logs, viewing pipelines, and managing pipelines are now available within roles. You may find this useful for controlling which users can see which logs, and who can create alert conditions. To view logs, a user also needs access to the resources the logs are associated with.

Note: Users who don’t have access to all resources will only be able to view logs for up to 300 resources when no filters are used on the Logs page. This will be fixed in an upcoming release. To avoid this, use at least one filter as a workaround.

  • (HOTFIX) Some customers were unable to Add Role when LM Logs was disabled. A fix for this has been deployed.
  • (NEW) Multiple resource selection in Pipelines. You’re now able to select more than one resource when creating pipelines.
  • (NEW) Two new resource group filtering options were added to the Logs page, allowing you to (1) filter logs associated with resources directly in the selected group and (2) filter logs associated with resources in the selected group AND its subgroups. These filters may be useful for displaying desired logs more efficiently.
  • (ENHANCEMENT) Log Alerts. Consistent with other alert types, users can now un-acknowledge log alerts.
  • (ENHANCEMENT) Log Alerts. Removed the option to create log alerts from a row in the logs table if at least one log processing pipeline does not exist, because alert conditions are created within pipelines.


  • (FIX) NetFlow widget. Previously, the NetFlow widget only displayed the top 10 flows, regardless of the number specified (10, 20, 50 or 100) when configuring the widget. This has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Top Applications pie chart not properly rendering on dashboard. Previously, when the Top Applications pie chart was added as a widget to a dashboard (from the Traffic tab), the pie chart remained static, only displayed a solid circle at 100%. This issue has been fixed and the pie chart now correctly displays percentage segmentations when viewed from a dashboard.


  • (FIX) Argus v5 was crashing in some cases following API rate limiting. This has been fixed.
  • (ENHANCEMENT) Added Kubernetes Monitoring support for Kubernetes 1.20.

Netflow Traffic Monitoring

  • (ENHANCEMENT) Improved support for Cisco ASA devices. Previously, some Cisco ASA devices were not showing network traffic flow data. To resolve this issue, LogicMonitor now accepts alternative initiator and responder fields from the ASA flows to fulfill field requirements.

Important: Collector version 29.107 or higher is required for this enhancement; 29.107 has not yet been released.


  • (NEW) New system.hoststatus property. A new auto-assigned system information property named system.hoststatus has been added for all on-premises devices (it is not applicable to cloud resources). This property updates the status of the device every two minutes. Valid values for this property are:
    • normal – device and associated Collector host are both up
    • dead-collector – device’s associated Collector host is down device and Collector host are both down
    • dead – device is down and associated Collector host is up


  • (FIX) Alerts report. Log alerts weren’t being reflected in the output of the Alerts report. This has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Email notification of report generation failure. When LogicMonitor determines that a report will take a long time to generate, the user is notified that results will be delivered via email. However, if the report were to subsequently encounter an error, users were not being notified via email that generation had failed. This has been fixed. 
  • (FIX) Resource Metric Trends report. Two updates have been made to the Resource Metric Trends report:
    • Duplicate graph lines. Previously, this report created duplicate graph lines if duplicate datapoints were present. To resolve this issue, instance checks are now performed while generating graphs and identified duplicate datapoints are treated as a single datapoint with a single plotting.
    • Differing timestamp formats. Previously, the timestamps that displayed when hovering over a point on the graph featured differing formats depending on the duration of the reporting period. This has been fixed and all timestamps are now uniformly formatted.


  • (ENHANCEMENT) More precise error messages for appliesTo field updates. Previously, if a request to update the appliesTo field was made by a read-only user and an incorrect value for the logicModuleId field was provided, the response generated was “Unknown error.” This has been fixed and responses now precisely detail the reason for the error.
  • (ENHANCEMENT) More precise error messages for “Invalid json body” errors. The general error response message of “Invalid json body” has been enhanced to additionally include information about the cause of the exception.
  • (FIX) Incorrect value returned for the enableFailOverOnCollectorDevice field when Collector is a member of an ABCG. Previously, the API response provided by a request to the  /setting/collector/collectors/{id} endpoint would return the incorrect value of “false” for the enableFailOverOnCollectorDevice field when the Collector was part of an ABCG (Auto-Balanced Collector Group). This has been fixed and the value of “true” is now returned in this case.

User Interface

  • (FIX) Pagination preservation. Previously, pagination on the Alerts page was sticky. This has been fixed and pagination is now appropriately reset once you navigate away from the Alerts page.
  • (ENHANCEMENT) Topology Mapping. Updated map icons and hover behavior to be consistent with new UI.

User Management

  • (FIX) Permissions for Big Number widget on dashboards. Big Number widget (including resourceCount metrics) should be visible for users with Manage permissions on Dashboard and View permissions on the Resources.

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_InfobloxDHCP (PropertySource) Probes both the DHCP IPv4 and IPv6 Infoblox OIDs in order to set the “InfobloxDHCP” category.
addCategory_NetscalersActive (PropertySource) Automatically applies the “NetscalersActive” system category to the SNIP of Netscaler HA devices. Requires that the device hostname match the SNIP. It is recommended that customers remove any manually set “NetscalersActive” categories from devices since the PropertySource will not. May cause alerts on import if new SNIP devices are discovered.

Note: The Netscaler_lb_vip- DataSource for this monitoring package has also been updated.
(3 DataSources) Monitors virtual disk health, storage pool status along with aggregated metrics for throughput and performance for Microsoft Storage Spaces Direct.

Note: The addCategory_WindowsFailoverCluster PropertySource for this monitoring package has also been updated to support these new DataSources.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
SNMP_Network_Interfaces (DataSource) Added discovery filters, alerts and datapoints for throughput in Mbps; made various script fixes and optimizations; allowed for filtering commonly filtered interface types by setting the interface.filtering property on the host to “true”.

IMPORTANT: With these updates, LogicMonitor is officially deprecating the snmpIf- and snmp64_If- DataSources. All the functionality of these DataSources is provided in the SNMP_Network_Interfaces DataSource, along with enhancements including additional datapoints, scripted data collection for improved performance, instance-level properties for additional filtering capabilities, and more precise alerting to eliminate alert storms caused by the old DataSources.

Customers are recommended to disable monitoring of the now-deprecated DataSources at the Resource or Resource Group-level after importing the replacement. See Deprecated LogicModules for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.
addCategory_Isilon (PropertySource) Updated to ensure that the fallback discovery method is executed when the device does not have the “Isilon” category set; fixed an invalid sysinfo check that was preventing “Isilon” category from being added to devices.
addCategory_WindowsFailoverCluster (PropertySource) Updated to apply appropriate categories for monitoring Storage Spaces Direct. Updated to use PowerShell remoting.

Note: Three new DataSources were added to this monitoring package to support monitoring of Storage Spaces Direct
addERI_Device (ERI PropertySource) Fixed incorrect identification of FortiSwitch devices as firewalls; blocked problematic SunOS MAC address.
addERI_Juniper (ERI PropertySource) Blocked MAC for redundant ethernet interface (reth).
Cisco_CUCM_LBM (DataSource) Updated the AppliesTo statement to correctly reference the cucm.api.user and cucm.api.pass properties (previously these API credential properties were being referenced with incorrect names).
Cisco_IPSec_PolicyBasedTunnels (DataSource) Updated wildvalues to be unique. This will create new instances which will result in the loss of historical data for existing instances.
(3 DataSources) Fixed an issue related to wildvalue handling in 29.10x Collectors.
Linux_SSH_CPUMemory (DataSource) Fixed complex datapoint expression for PercentUsedMemory, was previously calculating a decimal value instead of a percentage.
LogicMonitor_Collector_LMLogs (DataSource) Removed alert on SizeOfBigQueue datapoint.
(7 DataSources) Fixed incorrect aggregation method and consolidation function on various graphs.

Removed alerts graphs from LogicMonitor_Portal_Overview due to API bug causing invalid data to be returned. Datapoints were not removed so historical data will not be affected.
Microsoft_SQLServer_Databases (DataSource) Fixed integer overflow bug that occurred when using the SUM() statement.
Netscaler_lb_vip- (DataSource) Added multiple DP’s that track health, vserver hits/misses/spillovers, and SYN floods. Moved the ServicesDown alert to a new CDP called AlertingServicesDown which only alerts about downed services if the vServer is in an up state, there is another alert that alerts on non-optimal states and this avoids double alerting. Removed the ServicesUp alert since there are plenty of valid configurations where the user might have a single backend service.

Note: A new addCategory_NetscalersActive PropertySource was added to this monitoring package.
Networking_L2_snmpSwitch (TopologySource) Parse out MAC address from HP Switch CDP ID. Account for MAC addresses delimited with “-” instead of “:”
PaloAlto_FW_BGP (DataSource) Updated to ensure that wildvalues are properly sanitized.
PaloAlto_L2_HA (TopologySource) Fixed active-passive mapping for PaloAlto High Availability pairs.
VMware_vCenter_DatastoreCapacity (DataSource) Improved script performance by caching the datastore summary. Reduced incorrectly set timeout of 10000 seconds to 30 seconds.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules when we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there may be times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement Reason End of Support Date

LogicModules Deprecated in v.149


(2 DataSources) All the functionality of these now-deprecated DataSources is present in the SNMP_Network_Interfaces DataSource, along with significant enhancements including additional datapoints, scripted data collection for improved performance, instance-level properties that provide for additional filtering capabilities, and more precise alerting to eliminate alert storms caused by the old DataSources. 2021-03-19

(2 DataSources) Postfix no longer provides the data requested by the modules. 2021-05-24

LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)


(DataSource) This DataSource was creating excessive instances, resulting in degraded Collector performance. 2021-05-05

(2 DataSources) Released in v.145, Cisco_CPU_Usage performs the same functions as these deprecated DataSources in a more efficient manner. 2021-03-08

(4 DataSources) The replacement DataSources use scripted Active Discovery to ensure unique instance naming, a known issue with the now-deprecated DataSources. 2021-03-08

(DataSource) Development DataSource that was inadvertently published. Immediate

(DataSource) The now-legacy DataSource produced indecipherable instance names. The replacement DataSource remedies this as well as features new overview graphs and datapoint descriptions.. 2021-03-08
Unomaly Anomalies Frequency Spikes
Unomaly Known Events
Unomaly New Anomalies

New LM Logs feature, released in fourth quarter of 2020.
(3 EventSources) Functionality has been fully replaced by LogicMonitor’s new LM Logs feature. 2021-02-17

(1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. 2021-02-09

(1 deprecated DataSource) Enhancements featured by replacement include an updated AppliesTo statement that includes OpenBSD systems; updated filters to exclude /proc and /dev and allow discovery of files between 0-100 bytes on filesystems; new complex datapoints; and support for drives over 8 TB and block sizes other than 4 K. 2021-01-19

(7 deprecated DataSources) The replacement DataSources apply to the cluster VNN rather than each node individually, significantly reducing the incidence of duplicate alerts.

Note: The six replacement DataSources listed here are part of a bigger monitoring package for Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters that was released in v.146.

(1 DataSource) Converted to a scripted DataSource and uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. 2021-01-04
Liebert Power lines
Liebert Temperature probes-
Liebert UPS Temperature probes-

(3 DataSources) Rewrote DataSources as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) LogicMonitor released five new DataSources that provide 15 additional datapoints and group related metrics into separate DataSources, making it easier to hone in on specific aspects of your portal. For more information, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) “VMware” was removed from the DataSource name as the backups are not VMWare specific. 2020-12-07

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable monitoring of the DataSource instances at the resource or resource group level after you have imported its replacement. When DataSource monitoring is disabled in this way, it stops querying the host and generating alerts, but maintains all historical data. At some point in time, you may want to delete the legacy DataSource altogether, but consider this move carefully as all historical data will be lost upon deletion. For more information on disabling DataSource monitoring, see Disabling Monitoring for a DataSource or Instance.

Entering Beta

Alert Grouping with New Header Graph on Alerts Page

Recently released as a beta feature in v.148 for all Enterprise and Enterprise MSP customer accounts, the Alerts page incorporates a brand new time-series header graph that provides immediate visual insight into an alert storm or other event requiring investigation.

Beta for this new header graph will continue in v.149 as we make performance improvements and align the graph filters with the Alerts page filters.

Mirroring the alerts currently displayed in the alert table, this header graph’s aggregated alert counts can be grouped by different dimensions including alert severity, associated alert triggers (resource, LogicModule, instance, datapoint), matching alert rules, or the escalations chains used to deliver alert notifications. The ability to group alerts by relevant dimensions can greatly speed up troubleshooting during an alert storm as well as aid in the identification of recurring issues that require remediation or adjustments to alert thresholds.

For more information on using this new alert header graph, see Managing Alerts from the Alerts Page.

Push Metrics API

LogicMonitor is developing a Push Metric API in order to allow metrics to be sent directly to LogicMonitor without the use of a Collector. 

The first phase of the beta, which consists of a REST API that features endpoints for metric ingestion, has been ongoing since early January. The second phase of the beta, which we opened up in early February and includes the addition of a Python SDK, is continuing as well.

If you are interested in participating in the first phase and would like to expand your testing to include the new Python SDK, see the Push Metrics API Solution guide. If you are not currently participating in the first phase, please complete the Customer Beta survey and use the comments section to indicate your interest in participating in testing for the Push Metrics API Python SDK.

Looking ahead: Sunset of RPC API

We have decided to focus on improving the LogicMonitor REST API, which has higher security standards and integration capabilities more in-line with our future development goals. This means that we are preparing to end support for the RPC API after this summer. If you are using the RPC API for Ansible, reach out to Support for guidance on migrating playbooks to the REST API.

February 09, 2021

v.148 Release

v.148 of the LogicMonitor portal is scheduled to roll out to customers from February 17 through March 1.

v.148 Highlights:

Feature Highlight: Log Alerting

You can now generate alerts automatically on logs!

This release introduces a new concept called Pipelines, which are used to define filters and processing steps on logs as they are ingested. Pipelines are currently scoped to match one resource, but we’ll expand this scope with an upcoming release.

  • Add a pipeline to filter logs from resources you always want to track. Manage pipelines in the new Logs > Pipelines page. See Log Processing Pipelines.

The first processing step lets you add alert conditions using regular expressions to match the logs in a pipeline.

  • Create alerts directly from any log event or anomaly listed in the Logs page or from a configured Pipeline. Manage alerts from Logs > Pipelines > Pipeline alerts. See Log Alert Conditions.

When log alerts conditions are matched, they trigger standard LogicMonitor alert notifications based on the alert settings (critical, warning, error). You can also view the log alert in the Logs graph, where it will display as a line alongside the alerting log event, and acknowledge the alert in the log list.

You may find this new functionality useful for making logs more actionable, and automating the process of notifying someone when known issues occur.

General Enhancements and Fixes


  • (FIX) Dynamic thresholds display on Alert Tuning tab. Previously, dynamic thresholds set at the resource group and DataSource levels were not displaying on Alert Tuning tabs. These inherited thresholds are now displayed appropriately in the Dynamic Threshold column, consistent with how inherited static thresholds display in the Static Threshold column.
  • (FIX) SDT icon displaying for future SDT time window. On the Alerts page, alerts associated with resources/instances with scheduled downtime (SDT) for a future time window were erroneously displaying the SDT icon for a brief period of time after being selected. This has been fixed and alerts will now only display the SDT icon when the SDT is currently active.


  • EA 29.106. Collector version EA 29.106 was released on February 10. This version fixes the known issue present in versions 29.101 through 29.105 that was resulting in resources with heartbeats to be incorrectly marked as dead/down. Collector releases are deployed independently of LogicMonitor platform releases. For more information on the various Collector versions available for upgrade and the differences between EA (early access), GD (general deployment), and MGD (minimum general deployment) versions, see Collector Versions.

LM Logs

  • (FIX) Timeout issue preventing log display. Previously, a timeout issue was preventing the Logs page from displaying larger numbers of logs as a result of longer time range filters. This has been fixed.


  • (ENHANCEMENT) More secure report URLs. Reports generated by LogicMonitor (either manually or scheduled) are accessible via a short link URL for a configurable period of time. Previously, the short link URL to access the report consisted of five characters. Conceivably, an attacker could brute-force this value to retrieve and access unexpired links. To safeguard report URLs from being guessed through brute force, report URLs now incorporate 17-character strings that are created by base62-encoding randomly generated 96-bit numbers.
  • (ENHANCEMENT) Interface Bandwidth report. The Interface Bandwidth report now features a new Scale by units of 1024 checkbox. (By default, this report is scaled by units of 1000.)


  • (Enhancement) Users with read-only privileges for LogicModules prohibited from passing any values to AppliesTo logic. Previously, users with read-only privileges for LogicModules were able to pass anything to AppliesTo logic. These users are now restricted to default values only when making updates in AppliesTo logic.

Topology Mapping

  • Edge filter available when viewing topology maps from the Alerts page. When viewing topology maps associated with alerts from the Maps tab of the alert detail pane, you can now filter the maps by edges. Edge filtering is activated by selecting it as a filter from the dropdown of the funnel icon. When activated, deselected edge types will be removed from the topology map along with any unfocused nodes that are connected to them. Edge filters are not persisted and will reset upon page refresh, tab change, or other context change. The ability to remove edges and nodes that are not relevant can aid in faster troubleshooting.
  • Access to relevant, previously-saved topology maps from the Alerts page. When viewing topology maps associated with alerts from the Maps tab of the alert detail pane, you are now able to access and display saved topology maps that incorporate the alerts’ triggering resources/instances. Use the dropdown, initially named after the alert ID, to select a saved map. If the dropdown is disabled, no relevant saved topology maps are available.

User Interface

  • (FIX) Payment method edits. An “Unknown error” exception was occurring when attempting to edit the payment method listed in the platform’s financial settings (Settings | Account Information | Financial). This has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Erroneous redirect on Resources page. Previously, when selecting the Manage Alert Tuning option for a DataSource listed in the Graphs tab for a selected resource, the user was not being appropriately directed to the Alert Tuning tab for the DataSource. This has been fixed.

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, our new and updated LogicModules are available for import to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addERI_Cisco_SDWAN (ERI PropertySource) Sets ERIs and ERTs for Cisco SDWAN/Viptela devices.

Note: Several Cisco DataSources and one TopologySource have also been updated for the purpose of improving Cisco topology mapping.
AWS_WAFv2_WebACL (DataSource) A new DataSource designed to monitor v2 of AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) has been added. This DataSource monitors the same metrics as the current AWS_WAF_GlobalWebACL DataSource, which has also been updated for v.148.
(6 DataSources,1 PropertySource) A new monitoring package for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) has been released that leverages the CUCM XML API to monitor Location Bandwidth Manager bandwidth, MTP resource usage, replication state, service status, SIP calls, and overall system performance. For setup and monitoring details, see Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) API Monitoring.
(4 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) A new monitoring package for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) has been released that processes CDR and CMR files to provide summary metrics for call failures/success, durations, jitter, latency, throughput, queues, mean opinion score (MOS), cause codes, and processing of the the files themselves. For setup and monitoring details, see Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) Records Monitoring.

Note: Requires Collector version 29.101 or higher.
Cisco_IPSec_PolicyBasedTunnels (DataSource) Tracks throughput and session status for Cisco Policy-based IPSec tunnels over SSH.
Cisco NCS Alerts
(1 DataSource, 1 EventSource, 1 PropertySource) Tracks alerts, receive/transmit power, and alarm/degrade states of interfaces for Cisco ONS 15454 devices.
(4 DataSources) New H3C DataSources have been released that replace existing H3C DataSources. The new DataSources use scripted Active Discovery to ensure unique instance naming. In addition, the new modules feature expanded alerting, minor graph fixes, updated tech notes and more frequent data collection.

Note: Four DataSources are deprecated by the release of these new DataSources. See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.

Note: Historical data collected by the now-deprecated modules may be inconsistent with data collection by new modules if the system had components with duplicate names.
Netscaler_GSLB_Domains (DataSource) A new DataSource for monitoring domains served by Netscaler GSLB has been released with improved instance naming, overview graphs, and datapoint descriptions.

Note: The NetscalerGSLBDomains- DataSource is deprecated by the release of this new module. See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.
(4 DataSources) Added new DataSources for devices running v18 and above to accommodate the use of a new OID. Metrics monitored are the same as the existing Sophos XG DataSources with the exception of Sophos_XG_HAStatus_v18+ which tracks HA enabled/disabled status instead of HA state and licenses to account for an updated licensing model.

Note: Requires the new \.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.2604 SNMP SysOID Map (locator code: 2PEHAN).

Note: The Sophos_XG_Product_Info PropertySource has been updated to support v18+ devices.
VMware_Horizon_Product_Info (PropertySource) Determines the Horizon product version and writes it to a property.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_Meraki_API (PropertySource) Updated to additionally assign “NoPing” to the system.categories property because, as of 21-01-20, no longer responds to ICMP pings; fixed script failures for organizations without any devices.
addCategory_StatusPageIO_Key (PropertySource) Fixed typo in LogicModule description.
addCategory_TopoSwitch (PropertySource) Updated to extract RuggedCom LLDP data via SNMP; updated to pass null instead of empty maps for options parameter when doing SNMP walks.
(2 ERI PropertySources) Updated to ensure Cisco Catalyst 2360 devices are properly classified as switches; added ERI generation for network managed APC UPS systems.
addERI_Windows (ERI PropertySource) Updated to block VMware PVSCSI Controller WWNs.
AWS_WAF_GlobalWebACL (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery to use a new built-in method targeting Classic Web Application Firewalls.
(6 DataSources) Updated collection script to dynamically determine threadpool size based on the number of instances; implemented retry logic and removed hardcoded SNMP timeout.
Cisco_Nexus_Line_Card_Status (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery to ensure that the correct slot number is included in the instance name.
Cisco_Nexus_CPU_Memory (DataSource) Converted to scripted collection to use values from 64-bit OIDs when possible with fallback to 32-bit counters and account for value overflow; updated descriptions and added overview graphs.
Cisco_SDWAN_Topology (TopologySource)
(3 DataSources, 1 TopologySource) Updated to use hostname instead of IP for ERIs; moved some data to instance properties; added local token caching and management to mapping script.

Note: A new ERI PropertySource has also been released for the purpose of improving Cisco topology mapping.
Citrix_XenApp_UserExperience (DataSource) Rewrote collection script for significant performance gains (previous versions use classes which have been known to cause performance issues on some Collectors)
Dell_Networking (ConfigSource) Updated scripts to use “no-more” command for pagination processing; added Boolean property dell.basicmode to control whether the module runs in basic mode (defaults to TRUE); accounted for more CLI prompt variations.
EMC_ScaleIO_Devices (DataSource) Updated complex datapoints and graphs to provide latency value in milliseconds, previously recorded values were in microseconds.
Linux_Chrony (DataSource) Fixed bug in error catch code; updated all variable declarations to be data specific.
LogicMonitor_Collector_LMLogs (DataSource) Added a datapoint that measures the time taken for the ingest API to respond to requests (requires Collector version 29.106 or higher); added alert thresholds to the SizeOfBigQueue datapoint.
LogicMonitor_Portal_Users (DataSource) Fixed various regressions inadvertently introduced in the previous version.
Microsoft_Azure_VMBackupStatus (DataSource) Removed HealthStatus datapoint as that metric is no longer returned by the API.
MongoDB- (DataSource) Updated the Collector version alert messaging to more clearly communicate the advance warning that the current set of LogicModules being used to monitor MongoDB will stop working upon upgrade to Collector version 29.106 or higher.
PaloAlto_FW_Reports_TopSources (DataSource) Added support for IPv6 instances; made changes to ensure wildvalues are sanitized.
(1 DataSource, 1 TopologySource) Added support for devices that return MAC addresses in binary format; fixed issue preventing whitespace from being trimmed for shared namespaces.
SonicWall_SonicOS (ConfigSource) Added filters for authentication related lines.
Sophos_XG_Product_Info (PropertySource) Updated to support v18+ devices.

Note: Four new DataSources have additionally been released to accommodate v18+.
(2 DataSources) Updated to ensure that spaces are removed from wildvalues.
VMware_ESXi_HostInterfaces (DataSource) Added debug messages.
(16 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) For DataSources, removed explicit usage of TLS 1.1 protocol which was required for compatibility with the no longer supported Horizon v6.1; made various graph and description fixes; added alert for datastore space usage; limited discovery runs on Windows devices without Horizon credentials; and added support for Horizon v8.

For PropertySource, updated script to PowerShell and moved version discovery to a new PropertySource (this new PropertySource is also released in version v.148).
VMware_vCenter_Alerts (DataSource) Updated DataSource description to indicate that the DataSource monitors only alerts for ESX hosts in vCenter. Additional alerts not associated with an ESX host will not be discovered.
VMware_vCenter_VMInterface (DataSource) Fixed graphs to display values corresponding to the label (previously displayed values were in kB/s while graph label was bps).
(2 DataSources, 1 TopologySource) Added support for vCenter installations with VMs but no ESXi hosts; updated to handle permissions errors encountered while querying clusters.
(7 DataSources) Updated to ensure CIM sessions are properly closed and scripts return the correct exit code.
Update made across an assortment of LogicModules:



(1 DataSource, 5 ConfigSources, 3 PropertySources) Made necessary updates to ensure PowerShell sessions are properly closed before exiting scripts.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable monitoring of the DataSource instances at the resource or resource group level after you have imported its replacement. When DataSource monitoring is disabled in this way, it stops querying the host and generating alerts, but maintains all historical data. At some point in time, you may want to delete the legacy DataSource altogether, but consider this move carefully as all historical data will be lost upon deletion. For more information on disabling DataSource monitoring, see Disabling Monitoring for a DataSource or Instance.

LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement Reason End of Support Date

LogicModules Deprecated in v.148


(DataSource) This DataSource was creating excessive instances, resulting in degraded Collector performance. 2021-05-05

(2 DataSources) Released in v.145, Cisco_CPU_Usage performs the same functions as these deprecated DataSources in a more efficient manner. 2021-03-08

(4 DataSources) The replacement DataSources use scripted Active Discovery to ensure unique instance naming, a known issue with the now-deprecated DataSources. 2021-03-08

(DataSource) Development DataSource that was inadvertently published. Immediate

(DataSource) The now-legacy DataSource produced indecipherable instance names. The replacement DataSource remedies this as well as features new overview graphs and datapoint descriptions.. 2021-03-08

LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)

Unomaly Anomalies Frequency Spikes
Unomaly Known Events
Unomaly New Anomalies

New LM Logs feature, released in fourth quarter of 2020.
(3 EventSources) Functionality has been fully replaced by LogicMonitor’s new LM Logs feature. 2021-02-17

(1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. 2021-02-09

(1 deprecated DataSource) Enhancements featured by replacement include an updated AppliesTo statement that includes OpenBSD systems; updated filters to exclude /proc and /dev and allow discovery of files between 0-100 bytes on filesystems; new complex datapoints; and support for drives over 8 TB and block sizes other than 4 K. 2021-01-19

(7 deprecated DataSources) The replacement DataSources apply to the cluster VNN rather than each node individually, significantly reducing the incidence of duplicate alerts.

Note: The six replacement DataSources listed here are part of a bigger monitoring package for Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters that was released in v.146.

(4 DataSources)General cleanup of DataSources that are not widely used and no longer work correctly. 2021-01-19

(1 DataSource) Converted to a scripted DataSource and uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. 2021-01-04
Liebert Power lines
Liebert Temperature probes-
Liebert UPS Temperature probes-

(3 DataSources) Rewrote DataSources as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) LogicMonitor released five new DataSources that provide 15 additional datapoints and group related metrics into separate DataSources, making it easier to hone in on specific aspects of your portal. For more information, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) “VMware” was removed from the DataSource name as the backups are not VMWare specific. 2020-12-07
Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools-

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources offer a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data. 2020-11-16

Entering Beta

Python SDK for Push Metrics API

LogicMonitor is developing a Push Metric API in order to allow metrics to be sent directly to LogicMonitor without the use of a Collector.

The first phase of the beta is continuing and we are now opening up the second phase of the beta which features a Python SDK for the Push Metrics API.

If you are currently participating in the first phase and would like to expand your testing to include the new Python SDK, see the Push Metrics API Solution guide (this guide will be updated shortly with SDK details).

If you are not currently participating in the first phase, please complete the Customer Beta survey and use the comments section to indicate your interest in participating in testing for the Push Metrics API Python SDK.

Easy Alert Grouping with New Header Graph on Alerts Page

Available as a beta feature for all Enterprise and Enterprise MSP customer accounts, the Alerts page incorporates a brand new time-series header graph that provides immediate visual insight into an alert storm or other event requiring investigation.

Mirroring the alerts currently displayed in the alert table, this graph’s aggregated alert counts can be grouped by a number of dimensions including alert severity, associated alert triggers (resource, LogicModule, instance, datapoint), matching alert rules, or the escalations chains used to deliver alert notifications.

In just a few clicks, you can group alerts by highly relevant dimensions. This can greatly speed up troubleshooting during an alert storm as well as aid in the identification of recurring issues that require remediation or adjustments to alert thresholds.

Available by clicking the more options icon located in the upper right corner of the Alerts page, the header graph is highly interactive, allowing you to zoom in on a time range or use the graph’s legend to quickly include/exclude a group of alerts. As you interactively change the graph’s filters, the alert table will automatically update to remain in sync.

Use the graph’s legend to quickly home in on a group of alerts. Here, we’ve grouped the past hour of alerts by their associated datapoint and then focused in on a particular datapoint.

Note: As a beta feature, this header graph may exhibit some performance or functional issues; closing the graph will eliminate any potential impacts you experience when using other aspects of the Alerts page.

For more information on using this new alert header graph, see Managing Alerts from the Alerts Page.

In the following months, LogicMonitor will continue enhancing alert grouping capabilities with the addition of treemap graphs for subgrouping and new grouping dimensions.

January 19, 2021

v.147 Release

v.147 Highlights:

  • General Enhancements and Fixes: New alert filter for identifying alerts with suppressed alert notifications, new NetFlow health widget, and more.
  • New and Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules have been released for the monitoring of Extreme Networks, the LogicMonitor portal, Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager, Palo Alto firewalls, and more.
  • Entering Beta: Push Metrics API and Cloud Integrations in LM Exchange.

General Enhancements and Fixes


  • New “Suppression Type” alert filter. A new alert filter (and alert table column) provides visibility into alerts whose notifications are suppressed by LogicMonitor for the purpose of reducing unnecessary alert noise. The new filter allows you to organize alerts according to the reason behind notification suppression. There are five available suppression types that can be used as filter criteria:
    • None. Returns alerts whose notifications have not been suppressed. (Note: Refrain from using the None filter criterion as it is not working as intended. This is a known issue that will be addressed in an upcoming release.)
    • SDT. Returns alerts whose notifications have been suppressed due to scheduled downtime (SDT) of the triggering resource/instance.
    • Host Down. Returns alerts whose notifications have been suppressed because the Collector has not been able to access the triggering resource (host) for a period of six minutes or more.
    • Cluster Alert. Returns alerts whose notifications have been suppressed because the triggering resources/datapoints are members of a cluster alert and the cluster alert has been configured to supersede the individual alerts.
    • Collector Down. Returns alerts whose notifications were suppressed as a result of being triggered by devices impacted by a down Collector.
    • Anomaly Detection. Returns alerts whose notifications were suppressed as a result of being determined non-anomalous by LogicMonitor’s dynamic thresholds.

    Note: To include the accompanying suppression column in your alert table, you’ll need to customize the column settings for your alert table. To learn more about filtering alerts and customizing alert table settings on the Alerts page, see Managing Alerts from the Alerts Page.

  • (FIX) Alert notification sound not playing. In the prior version of the Alerts page, which is accessible by removing the “s” from the very end of the Alerts page URL (transforming “/alerts” to “/alert”), alert sounds were not playing upon arrival of alerts. This issue has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Error on opening anomaly detection version of graph from Alerts page. Previously, when attempting to open the anomaly detection version of a graph from the Graphs tab that displays in an alert detail summary, an error was returned. This has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Alert clear notifications not delivered during SDT. Previously, LogicMonitor would only deliver alert clear notifications during scheduled downtime (SDT) if alert creation time occurred before SDT start time. Now, alert clear notifications will be delivered during SDT regardless of alert creation time.
  • (FIX) Alerts erroneously referencing dynamic threshold as trigger. Previously, alerts generated by static datapoint thresholds with a Delta operator were referencing dynamic thresholds as trigger if dynamic thresholds were also configured for the datapoint. This issue has been fixed.

Audit Logs

  • Capturing dynamic threshold updates at resource group/instance levels. LogicMonitor’s Audit Logs now comprehensively capture updates made to dynamic thresholds at the resource group/instance level (from the Resources page).

Cloud Monitoring

  • AWS updates:
    • Discovery improvements for AWS SQS. Previously, AWS did not support pagination and only returned the first 1000 Simple Queue Service (SQS) resources. An update from AWS now allows LogicMonitor to discover SQS resources beyond the initial 1000 SQS resources. Note: If you have more than 1000 SQS resources, this discovery improvement could result in an increase in the number of billable cloud resources.
    • New system properties for monitoring AWS RDS. LogicMonitor now sets four new system properties for AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) resources for the purpose of limiting data collection to RDS instances with Performance Insights enabled. These properties are:

Kubernetes Monitoring

  • New Argus version available. The new v5.0.0 version of Argus is now available. As with all major Argus version releases, opt-in is required. See Upgrading Kubernetes Monitoring Applications for upgrade details and enhancements featured in this new version.

LM Logs

  • (FIX) Intermittent log visibility on Logs page. Fixed an issue that was preventing the display of new logs on the Logs page, even upon page refresh.
  • (FIX) ELB logs incorrectly mapped to LM resources. Fixed an issue that was preventing correct mapping of ELB logs forwarded from sub-directories in an S3 bucket.

Network Traffic Flow Monitoring

  • NetFlow Health widget. The Traffic tab now displays an expandable/collapsible widget that provides network traffic flow monitoring health at a glance. This widget highlights the status of several key network flow markers and graphs the last 60 minutes of network traffic monitoring activity.

    Because there is not always an obvious sign that network traffic flow monitoring has been diminished or interrupted, this new widget will serve to provide an earlier warning for time sync issues or high volumes of malformed templates or flows.

    Note: This widget requires Collector version 30.100 or greater. Because this version is not yet available, the widget will be auto-collapsed upon release.


  • (FIX) Dynamic threshold settings not reported. Previously, dynamic thresholds configured for datapoints were not displaying in the output of the Alerts Thresholds report (or on the Alert Tuning tab). This issue has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Resource Metric Trends report. In some cases, the Resource Metric Trends report was including negative values on its y-axis scale—even when all reported datapoint values were positive. This issue has been fixed.
  • (FIX) NetFlow Device Metric report. IPv6 resolved DNS hostnames now display in the NetFlow Device Metric report.

Topology Mapping

  • (FIX) Higher-priority ERTs not assigned. Previously, a higher-priority External Resource Type (ERT) would not be set on a device if a lower, different category ERT was present. This issue has been fixed.

User Interface

  • (FIX) Erroneous display of dynamic threshold usage warning upon login. Previously, LogicMonitor erroneously displayed a warning message upon portal login that the allowed limit for configured dynamic thresholds had been exceeded. This issue has been fixed.
  • (FIX) Missing note prompt when updating static datapoint thresholds at resource group/instance level. Upon removing, adding, or updating static datapoint thresholds at the resource group or instance level (from the Resources page), users were no longer being allowed to add notes to accompany the action for display in the static threshold history. This ability had been inadvertently removed in a previous version, but has now been returned.

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, our new and updated LogicModules are available for import to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_XenServer (PropertySource) Applies the “XenServer” category to the system.categories property of devices running version 8 and above.

As discussed in the Updated LogicModules section of these release notes, the DataSources for Citrix XenServer monitoring have been updated to recognize this new category.
ExtremeNetworks_PowerSupply_Status (DataSource) Tracks power usage, input voltage and status for Extreme Networks chassis PSUs; resolves alerting issues with the PowerAlarm datapoint in the Extreme Chassis Status DataSource.
(2 DataSources) Tracks instance, datapoint and alert counts for the other DataSources in the LogicMonitor Portal monitoring package; provides summary metrics for instances, alerts, dashboards, groups and topology maps.

Note: The other LogicModules in the LogicMonitor Portal monitoring package have been updated to support the endeavors of these two new DataSources.
Microsoft_Azure_TrafficManager (DataSource) Tracks health status and queries for Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager profiles.
PaloAlto_FW_QoS_V8+ (DataSource) Supports the monitoring of QoS metrics on devices using the new API endpoint (PAN-OS v8+); tracks passed bits, dropped packets, and throughput per QoS class.

(1 PropertySource, 1 TopologySource) Adds topology support for VeloCloud Edge routers and links.

As discussed in the Updated LogicModules section of these release notes, existing LogicModules for VMware VeloCloud monitoring have been updated to provide topology support.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_Isilon (PropertySource) Updated the AppliesTo statement to exclude CloudGenix devices, which have been identified as inappropriately responding to Isilon OIDs; updated script to check the sysinfo property before trying to query SNMP.

Important: This update will prevent any newly added CloudGenix devices from having the “Isilon” category applied for the system.categories property; however, since categories are not removed by Active Discovery, users will need to manually update the categories on any affected CloudGenix devices.
Arista_EOS (ConfigSource) Updated to filter out free memory values.
Aruba_WirelessController (ConfigSource) Updated pagination regex to be case insensitive.
(3 DataSources) Updated collection interval to 60 minutes to match the frequency of AWS Trusted Advisor updates; increased Active Discovery intervals.
Cisco_Nexus_FRU_Power (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery to only discover instances of ports that do not have an operating state of “down”; disabled instance deletion so previously discovered instances are not removed when ports are taken down; added safeguard to prevent instance properties from being populated with empty/null data.
(10 DataSources) For all DataSources except Cisco_Meraki_UplinkLossAndLatency, updated collection script to use datasourceinstanceProps to gather wildvalues when running on Collectors with version 29.105 and above due to collection issues.

For Cisco_Meraki_UplinkLossAndLatency only, updated to ignore timeseries with null data when calculating averages.
Cisco_Wireless_RogueAccessPoints (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery script to avoid calling macOID; updated to avoid walking the whole rogue routers entities table by making multiple smaller calls for specific metrics; moved casting dates to its own function and checking for null values.
Cohesity_DataPlatform_ProtectionJobs (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery script to discover all protection jobs that have ever been run and removed filtering conditions; updated endpoints used for collection and Active Discovery; added datapoint for hours since last backup; iIncreased collection interval; updated technical notes.
F5_BigIP_SSL_VIP_Certs (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery script to support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; added debug output.
FreeBSD_Filesystem_Usage (DataSource) Updated filters to filter out devfs files and the entirety of the /proc and /dev folders.
LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatencyJMX (DataSource) Fixed display name; added to “Collector” DataSource group; removed unused/invalid datapoint; updated AppliesTo statement to match on the system.categories property rather than the system.collector property.

(6 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Made updates to prevent devices from incorrectly showing as dead; added support for and logicmonitor.access.key properties to support functioning of the two new DataSources released for the LogicMonitor Portal monitoring package (these new DataSources are highlighted in the New LogicModules section of these release notes).

For the LogicMonitor_Portal_Users and LogicMonitor_Portal_Alerts DataSources only, fixed regression unintentionally introduced in previous DataSource versions where collection output functions were removed.

For the LogicMonitor_Portal_Users DataSource only, added datapoints for roles and session users.
(9 ConfigSources) Added retry logic; updated collection script to fallback to using WinRM if the device is not a Collector and the Collector credentials are not being used and use PSSessions; added session health check command to collection script for Microsoft_ActiveDirectory_FSMORoles.
Microsoft_Azure_ExpressRouteCircuit (DataSource) Added metrics ARP/BGP availability and throughput for Microsoft, public and private peering types; changed collection interval to one minute.
Microsoft_Azure_ResourceHealth (DataSource) Removed the AvailabilityStateWarningAlerts complex datapoint; updated the description of the AvailabilityState datapoint to clarify the purpose of the Unknown status code.
Microsoft_FailoverCluster_Resources (DataSource) Fixed invalid AppliesTo statement.
Networking_L2_snmpSwitch (TopologySource) Updated to filter out which is used in some CDP IDs.
All Oracle_Database_* DataSources

(19 DataSources) Updated the technical notes for all DataSources in the Oracle monitoring package with a link to the Oracle Monitoring support article.

(PropertySource) Updated script to validate device OS using the property in addition to system.sysinfo property to address cases where system.sysinfo is not populated (usually when SNMP is not enabled for the device).
PaloAlto_FW_GlobalProtectGateway_ConfigXML (ConfigSource) Updated to filter out ephemeral lines under the “ip-pool-next-ip” and “ip-pool-next-ip-v6” tags from configs.
PaloAlto_GlobalProtect_Sessions (DataSource) Updated display name to match other LogicModules in the PaloAlto GlobalProtect monitoring package.

(2 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Added external resource identifier (ERI) generation for VeloCloud Edge routers and links.

Note: As discussed in the New LogicModules section of these release notes, two new LogicModules have been added to the VMware VeloCloud monitoring package that add topology support.
Xen Host CPU-
Xen Host NIC-
Xen Host Status-
Xen Pool-
Xen Storage-
Xen VM Disk-
Xen VM Performance-
(8 DataSources) Updated the AppliesTo statement to additionally look for the “XenServer” category.

Note: As discussed in the New LogicModules section of these release notes, a new PropertySource has been released for Citrix XenServer that applies the new “XenServer” category.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable monitoring of the DataSource instances at the resource or resource group level after you have imported its replacement. When DataSource monitoring is disabled in this way, it stops querying the host and generating alerts, but maintains all historical data. At some point in time, you may want to delete the legacy DataSource altogether, but consider this move carefully as all historical data will be lost upon deletion. For more information on disabling DataSource monitoring, see Disabling Monitoring for a DataSource or Instance.

LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement Reason End of Support Date

LogicModules Deprecated in v.147

Unomaly Anomalies Frequency Spikes
Unomaly Known Events
Unomaly New Anomalies

New LM Logs feature, released in fourth quarter of 2020.
(3 EventSources) Functionality has been fully replaced by LogicMonitor’s new LM Logs feature. 2021-02-17

LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)


(1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. 2021-02-09

(1 deprecated DataSource) Enhancements featured by replacement include an updated AppliesTo statement that includes OpenBSD systems; updated filters to exclude /proc and /dev and allow discovery of files between 0-100 bytes on filesystems; new complex datapoints; and support for drives over 8 TB and block sizes other than 4 K. 2021-01-19

(7 deprecated DataSources) The replacement DataSources apply to the cluster VNN rather than each node individually, significantly reducing the incidence of duplicate alerts.

Note: The six replacement DataSources listed here are part of a bigger monitoring package for Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters that was released in v.146.

(4 DataSources)General cleanup of DataSources that are not widely used and no longer work correctly. 2021-01-19

(1 DataSource) Converted to a scripted DataSource and uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. 2021-01-04
Liebert Power lines
Liebert Temperature probes-
Liebert UPS Temperature probes-

(3 DataSources) Rewrote DataSources as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) LogicMonitor released five new DataSources that provide 15 additional datapoints and group related metrics into separate DataSources, making it easier to hone in on specific aspects of your portal. For more information, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) “VMware” was removed from the DataSource name as the backups are not VMWare specific. 2020-12-07
Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools-

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources offer a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data. 2020-11-16

(1 DataSource) Uses a deprecated API. It is strongly recommended that this LogicModule be deleted and the replacement LogicModule be used. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. 2020-10-26

Entering Beta

Push Metrics API

LogicMonitor is developing a Push Metric API in order to allow metrics to be sent directly to LogicMonitor without the use of a Collector. Some technology landscapes where this capability is becoming vital include server-less infrastructures such as AWS Lambda, large distributed microservices environments with custom metrics (including business metrics), and IoT environments.

The first phase of beta for Push Metrics API is underway! In this first beta phase, a REST API is provided for beta participants that features endpoints for metric ingestion, resource property update, and instance property update.

In the second beta phase (targeted for the later half of Q1 2021), the REST API and a Python SDK will additionally be available for beta participants. We plan on making other language-specific SDKs available soon after.

If you have a compelling use case and the resource availability, and would like to be considered for participation in either the first or second beta phase, please complete the Customer Beta survey. In the comments section please let us know if you would like to use the REST API directly, via Python SDK, or have a request of another language-specific SDK such as Go, Java, or .NET.

Cloud Integrations in LM Exchange

In this beta release, we’ve made some cloud integrations available through LM Exchange in your LogicMonitor portal. LM Exchange will make it possible for you to sort and filter for modules by type or status, for example, to see when upgrades are available or to review all the LogicModules available in a package.

Specifically, for this beta, the AWS cloud integration onboarding has received a facelift and can now be initiated from LM Exchange. Microsoft Azure and GCP will follow suit in future releases.

Also, as part of this beta, we are beginning our SaaS API authentication for Office365—with more SaaS solutions (Zoom, SalesForce, and so on) to follow in coming releases. This marks a new method for agentless collection of SaaS application metrics.

If you are interested in participating in the beta program for SaaS integrations, reach out to your LogicMonitor representative. Ideal partners are already leveraging cloud monitoring and are willing and able to integrate with at least one Office 365 subscription and participate in feedback rounds.

December 21, 2020

v.146 Release

v.146 Highlights:

  • General Enhancements and Fixes: Enhanced Kubernetes monitoring, addition of new Middle East AWS region, new properties for website monitoring, and more.
  • New and Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules have been released for the monitoring of AWS Kinesis Video Streams, GCP Cloud Trace, Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters, Palo Alto, MongoDB, Silver Peak, and more.
  • Entering Beta: Push Metrics API.

IMPORTANT: Beginning with the rollout of v.146, LogicMonitor is updating its new version deployment window to 7:30-10:30 p.m. PT (previously, the window was 6-9 p.m PT). We will continue to provide in-app notification 48 hours in advance of a new version deployment.

General Enhancements and Fixes


  • Ability to link alert to its associated components. The alert detail pane now provides hyperlinks to the resource/website/service associated with the alert and the DataSource (if applicable).
  • (FIX) Alert acknowledgement. Resolved an issue that was causing exceptions when users with a particular combination of permissions attempted to acknowledge alerts.
  • (FIX) Cleared ConfigSource alerts. Fixed issue preventing cleared alerts triggered by ConfigSources from displaying in the Alerts page.
  • (FIX) Time zones in graph legends. Resolved issue where graph legends (as displayed on the Graphs tab of the alert detail pane) were not honoring the user’s configured time zone.
  • (FIX) Severity icon display. Resolved an issue preventing the display of severity icons in some cases when viewing the pop-out version of an alert from the Alerts page.

Cloud Monitoring

  • AWS updates:
    • AWS Bahrain region added. Added support for the AWS Bahrain region (me-south-1), which is the first AWS region in the Middle East. Customers can now monitor services in the Bahrain region that are supported by LogicMonitor’s AWS monitoring.
    • New StorageType property for AWS RDS. Added StorageType as a property for AWS Relational Database Service (RDS). This new property ( allows logical grouping and filtering according to StorageType.
    • (FIX) AWS Kinesis Streams permissions. Previously, AWS Kinesis Streams permissions were not being properly tested. In some cases, this resulted in customers not being alerted that additional permissions were required to be able to monitor AWS Kinesis Streams from the LogicMonitor portal. This issue has been resolved.


  • Alert List widget. The behavior of the anomaly filter available in the alert list widget configurations now aligns with that of the anomaly filter available on the Alerts page.
  • (FIX) Custom Graph widget. The Custom Graph widget was returning an “invalid virtual datapoint expression” error when attempting to calculate virtual datapoints that referenced datapoints belonging to the same DataSource, but applying to different resources. This issue has been resolved. If you previously experienced this issue, open the Custom Graph widget configuration dialog and simply save the current configurations – no edits are necessary.
  • (FIX) Rounding of Y-axis values. In some cases, the Y-axis value for some graphs was not displaying as a rounded value. This issue has largely been resolved, although there is still a remaining corner case that we are actively working on where non-rounded values still display if display type is selected as “Line” and data is constant (data is displayed in a straight line) for virtual datapoints

Kubernetes Monitoring

The following new features and improvements will be available with the new v5.0.0 version of Argus, which is targeted for arrival in early January.

  • Avoiding name conflicts in discovery. To avoid name conflicts and subsequent issues with discovery, the following enhancements were made:
    • Resource type (for example, “Pod”) is appended by default to the LogicMontior display name
    • New Argus Helm chart options, FullDisplayNameIncludeNamespace and FullDisplayNameIncludeClusterName, are available to append namespace and cluster name respectively to the LogicMonitor display name (default: false). You may find that enabling one of these two new options is useful for avoiding naming conflicts in cases where pods with the same names are running across multiple namespaces and/or clusters.
    • For resources that fail to be added due to name conflicts, the conflicting resource will be added to a dynamic group named “_conflicts”.
  • Discovery filtering by pod name. Pod name is now available for use with discovery filtering, including handling of special characters such as hyphens. You may find this useful for filtering pods in/out of monitoring based on names rather than labels.
  • Discovering EKS Fargate nodes and pods. Previously, nodes and pods for EKS Fargate weren’t being discovered properly due to shared IPs, but no host network specification in the pod manifests (EKS Fargate pods each run on a distinct node and share IPs, but don’t use the Kubernetes Host Network specification). To account for this, we’re now categorizing pods with the EKS Fargate label “” as pods configured with host networking. This will ensure (1) the right value for the system.hostname property gets set, (2) the right DataSources apply, and, most importantly, (3) there are no discovery conflicts between pods and nodes for EKS Fargate.

LM Exchange

  • New LogicModule statuses. LogicModule statuses “Beta” and “Deprecated” now display in the LogicModule metadata table.

LM Logs

  • Log events +/- three hours no longer accepted. Log events with timestamps more than three hours in the past or future are no longer accepted, and will result in a new 4006 API response code. This is to ensure relevance of data and protect against misconfigured timestamp settings.

Network Traffic Flow Monitoring

  • New benchmarks. New capacity benchmarks for network traffic flow have been published for the Large, XL, and XXL Collectors. These benchmarks show a dramatic increase in the number of flows per second that can be comfortably monitored and were reached as a result of an ongoing initiative to enhance and optimize LogicMonitor’s network traffic flow monitoring capabilities. See Collector Capacity for the new benchmarks.
  • Support for sFlow version 5. Added support for sFlow version 5 (Collector version 29.105 or higher is required).
  • DNS lookups. Increased the DNS cache storage duration to 24 hours (previously duration was 30 minutes) to resolve repeated DNS queries preventing the resolved names from displaying.
  • (FIX) IPv6 address format display. Normalized IPv6 address format display for NetFlow IPv6 endpoints that do not resolve via DNS.


  • (FIX) Locked API tokens. Previously, locked API tokens due to multiple unsuccessful authentication attempts were causing an exception to occur. This issue has been resolved.
  • (FIX) Updating a device via PATCH request. Previously, submitting a PATCH request to modify both a device “name” and its customProperties would result in the device name updating to the name of one of the customProperties. This issue has been resolved.
  • (FIX) /apiStats/externalApis. Previously, /apiStats/externalApis was returning separate values for API calls to the same endpoint depending on whether the user made the call with or without a trailing forward slash (/). This has been corrected and calls with either variation are now appropriately identified and aggregated as a single entry in the response.

Website Monitoring

  • New Web Check properties. Several new properties are now available for manipulating the settings of Web Checks. Specifically, these settings provide some flexibility in cases where sites may load slower than the default timeouts used by LogicMonitor’s external checkpoints.

    The following built-in properties all default to 30 seconds and all support an acceptable value range between >0 and <=60.

    • (socket timeout in seconds)
    • website.http.client.connect.timeoutInSec (TCP connection timeout in seconds)
    • (read timeout in seconds)

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, our new and updated LogicModules are available for import to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
Amazon_Kinesis_VideoStreams (DataSource) Gathers throughput, latency, request and error metrics for Kinesis Video Streams.
FreeBSD_Filesystem_Usage (DataSource) This new DataSource deprecates the now-legacy snmpFreeBSDDisk- DataSource. Enhancements include an updated AppliesTo statement that includes OpenBSD systems; updated filters to exclude /proc and /dev and allow discovery of files between 0-100 bytes on filesystems; new complex datapoints; and support for drives over 8 TB and block sizes other than 4 K.

Note: See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.
GCP_Operations_CloudTrace (DataSource) Monitors billing spans (billing/monthly_spans_ingested and billing/spans_ingested) during the polling interval and month-to-date for Cloud Trace.
Juniper_VirtualChassis_Info (PropertySource) Retrieves additional Juniper device information for virtual chassis members where PropertySource Device_BasicInfo is unable to do so.
Kubernetes_HPA (DataSource) Monitors Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) metrics related to health, scaling status, replica counts, system stats, latency and Grafana requests.

Note: If you are using an existing version of Argus (4.2.0 or a lower version), you may not see HPA resources discovered due to insufficient permission and may need to upgrade to 4.3.0 (releasing shortly) first.

Note: The addCategory_NoPing PropertySource has been updated to apply the category of “NoPing” to monitored Kubernetes HPA devices.
LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatencyJMX (DataSource) A new DataSource for monitoring latency of the Collector buffer data reporter (via JMX) has been released to specifically work with Collector versions 29.105 and higher. The existing DataSource (LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatency) is still required for versions 29.104 and lower.

Note: LogicMonitor recommends that, even if you’re not yet using Collector version 29.105, you still import this new DataSource. The newer DataSource will not associate until the Collector version is updated to 29.105 or higher at which time it will automatically associate, ensuring a smooth monitoring transition. At that time, the older DataSource will cease to function.
(12 DataSources) New monitoring for Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters that features new/improved monitoring for cluster state, disk utilization, MRR messages, message/network throughput, reconnection rate, message queue size, interface state, individual/summary node states, node vote weight, node count, print server jobs, and RCM metrics. These DataSources apply to the cluster VNN rather than each node individually. For setup and monitoring details, see Windows Server Failover Cluster Monitoring.

Note: Seven DataSources are deprecated by the release of these new modules. See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on which DataSources were deprecated and how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.
(3 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) With the release of these new LogicModules, LogicMonitor is supporting two sets of MongoDB LogicModules simultaneously. Both sets offer the same coverage, but this new set uses a newer driver that is required for compatibility with Collector version 29.106 (and higher). Because of a hard JAR dependency, the older set only works with Collector versions under 29.106. For setup and monitoring details for either set, see MongoDB Monitoring.


(18 DataSources, 3 ConfigSources, 1 PropertySource) A large number of new LogicModules have been added to the Palo Alto firewall monitoring package to significantly expand monitoring capabilities. New monitoring includes certificate expiry, actions taken by filter policies, licensing, log forwarding queues, zone active connections and various 24 hour report metrics.

Note: As highlighted in the Updated LogicModules section of these release notes, LogicMonitor has also updated 24 existing Palo Alto firewall monitoring LogicModules.
Silver Peak (5 DataSources, 2 PropertySources, 1 TopologySource) Monitors disk and memory usage, next WAN hops, tunnel states, and overall system status for Silver Peak devices. Includes topology support. For setup and details, see Silver Peak Monitoring.

Note: This new monitoring package was originally released in v.144, but because it was inadvertently left out of the initial publishing of the release notes for v.144, it is being included here to ensure awareness of its availability.
(2 DataSources) Designed to eventually replace snmpHRDisk- and snmpHRLargeDisk-, these two new DataSources offer superior monitoring. Status monitoring has been pulled out from usage monitoring to prevent filtering of instances where filesystem usage data would be desired. The Percentage used is no longer adjusted by 5% for root reservation, and a separate datapoint has been added to account for root reservation.

Note: It is intended that these two new DataSources will eventually replace snmpHRDisk- and snmpHRLargeDisk-. However, due to widespread usage, we will not be deprecating these at this time and, instead, are rolling out the new DataSources without alert thresholds in place. Recommended alert thresholds are documented in the technical notes if you should choose to enable alerting.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_Cohesity (PropertySource) Updated collection script to fall back to using the “/public/cluster” endpoint to determine version (previous endpoint was known to fail on Cohesity version 6.5.1).
addCategory_NoPing (PropertySource) Updated to apply the category of “NoPing” to newly-monitored Kubernetes HPA devices (as enabled by the newly-released Kubernetes_HPA DataSource).
addCategory_Veeam_BackupAndReplication_PowerShell (PropertySource) Updated to use here-strings to allow for credentials containing special characters.
APC UPS- (DataSource) Updated technical notes to indicate that BadBattPacks is no longer reported in XL devices after firmware 5.1.7.
Aruba_WirelessController (ConfigSource) Filter edout uptime value from output.
Azure Advisor Recommendations (EventSource) Updated alerting to map severity from Azure Advisor.
Checkpoint_Sensors_Temperature (DataSource) Converted collection method to scripted and added logic to retry collection multiple times within the interval to prevent data gaps; added datapoint to measure the number of retries needed to successfully collect per interval; renamed Temp datapoint to Temperature, which will cause historical data to be lost for the old datapoint.
Cisco_AIPSSM_MemoryPools (DataSource) Replaced invalid characters in wildvalues; fixed collection output.
Note: Some instances may be deleted upon upgrade, however, these instances should have not been collecting data due to the issues addressed by the upgrade.
Cisco_CPU_Usage (DataSource) Fixed invalid and duplicate wildvalue/alias being set; updated collection output; increased SNMP timeout on both scripts.
(2 DataSources) Re-implemented caching layer; added code to gracefully handle credential changes to ensure that ‘loggedout’ tokens are refreshed.
Cisco_NTP (DataSource) Added a two-second delay after sending “show time” command to resolve collection issue; updated technical notes.
Cohesity_DataPlatform_Alerts (EventSource) Fixed invalid token in debug messages; increased loopback timeout.
Cohesity_DataPlatform_Troubleshooter (DataSource) Changed the collection interval to match the Active Discovery interval of 15 minutes; updated to alert after two consecutive failures to prevent excessive alerting.
EMC_LUN_NaviSecCLI (DataSource) Fixed issue where replacement of invalid characters was causing collection to fail upon empty metric return.
EMC_ScaleIO_Info (PropertySource)
(11 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Removed generic catch statement that was obscuring error messages; fixed incorrectly scoped HTTP object that was preventing sessions from being closed correctly on failure; updated collection scripts to ensure all available metrics are outputted; removed the numOfMappedScsiInitiators datapoint from the EMC_ScaleIO_Volumes DataSource.
EMC_Unity_Datastores (DataSource) Updated Active Discovery script to no longer discover non-Unity datastores.
Note: Upon update, non-Unity datastore instances will be deleted.
Fortinet_FortiManager_HAPeers (DataSource) Updated the OID being used by the peerStatus datapoint (previous OID was incorrect).
HP_3PAR_HardwareHealth (DataSource) Updated disk parsing regex to allow for “?” characters and extended state data.
LogicMonitor_Collector_LMLogs (DataSource) Updated datapoint descriptions; removed alert from SizeOfBigQueue datapoint; fixed errors in the names of the SyslogMessagesIgnoredDueToHostNameRetreival and SyslogMessagesIgnoredDueToHostNameRetreivalRaw datapoints (name changes will result in the loss of historical data for these datapoints).
MongoDB Databases
MongoDB Replication
(3 DataSources) Added alert to indicate incompatibility with Collector versions 29.106 and higher. As discussed in the New LogicModules section of these release notes, a new set of MongoDB LogicModules has been released to work with Collector versions 29.106 and higher.
Nimble_Array_Info (DataSource) Fixed expression for TotalArrayUsagePercent complex datapoint; updated expression used in the collection script to match “snapshot usage” rather than “uncompressed snapshot usage” to support data printout formatting used by newer versions of Nimble software.
Nimble_SSD_Disks (DataSource) Updated scripts to align with Nimble_HDD_Disks DataSource; added support for multiple arrays; added disk serial as instance description; updated tech notes and graphs.

(23 DataSources, 1 ConfigSource) For DataSources, converted to batchscript where possible; moved to using builtin groovy URL library; Added instance-level properties where relevant; updated technical notes.

For ConfigSource, updated collection script to no longer use deprecated HTTP library; fixed output formatting to allow collected configs to be restored without modification. Note: Due to the nature of the formatting change, all devices that the ConfigSource is applied to will generate an alert upon update. Note: As highlighted in the New LogicModules section of these release notes, LogicMonitor has also released 22 new LogicModules for significant enhancement of Palo Alto firewall monitoring capabilities.
snmpHR_NFSMount- (DataSource) Changed graph to show raw usage instead of percentage usage. Updated alert message for StorageNotAccessible datapoint.
SonicWall_SonicOS (ConfigSource) Add regex to exclude “ftp password” from configs.
VMware_vCenter_VMStatus (DataSource) Fix incorrect post processor parameter for the GuestToolsVersionStatus datapoint.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable monitoring of the DataSource instances at the resource or resource group level after you have imported its replacement. When DataSource monitoring is disabled in this way, it stops querying the host and generating alerts, but maintains all historical data. At some point in time, you may want to delete the legacy DataSource altogether, but consider this move carefully as all historical data will be lost upon deletion. For more information on disabling DataSource monitoring, see Disabling Monitoring for a DataSource or Instance.

LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement Reason End of Support Date

LogicModules Deprecated in v.146


(1 deprecated DataSource) Enhancements featured by replacement include an updated AppliesTo statement that includes OpenBSD systems; updated filters to exclude /proc and /dev and allow discovery of files between 0-100 bytes on filesystems; new complex datapoints; and support for drives over 8 TB and block sizes other than 4 K. 2021-01-19

(7 deprecated DataSources) The replacement DataSources apply to the cluster VNN rather than each node individually, significantly reducing the incidence of duplicate alerts.

Note: The six replacement DataSources listed here are part of a bigger monitoring package for Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters that was released in v.146.

LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)


(1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. 2021-02-09

(4 DataSources)General cleanup of DataSources that are not widely used and no longer work correctly. 2021-01-19

(1 DataSource) Converted to a scripted DataSource and uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. 2021-01-04
Liebert Power lines
Liebert Temperature probes-
Liebert UPS Temperature probes-

(3 DataSources) Rewrote DataSources as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) LogicMonitor released five new DataSources that provide 15 additional datapoints and group related metrics into separate DataSources, making it easier to hone in on specific aspects of your portal. For more information, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) “VMware” was removed from the DataSource name as the backups are not VMWare specific. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) Windows SNMP support has been deprecated by Microsoft since Server 2012 R2. As a result, this DataSource does not collect reliable data for Server 2016 and above. 2020-12-02
Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools-

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources offer a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data. 2020-11-16

(1 DataSource) Uses a deprecated API. It is strongly recommended that this LogicModule be deleted and the replacement LogicModule be used. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) Did not provide accurate/useful data and can be deleted; the existing Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus DataSource has been retooled in v.141 to perform the same function. 2020-09-18

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSource offers several advantages including (1) the use of the more widely supported nstat (part of iproute2) command and netstat as fallback if nstat is not available and (2) additional monitoring for packet, datagram and error related metrics 2020-09-18
QNAP Volumes

(1 DataSource) Changed the collection method from standard SNMP to scripted SNMP to properly handle the units returned for the VolFreeSize and VolTotalSize datapoints. In the now-deprecated version, these datapoint calculations were failing if the returned values were not expressed as terabytes leading to data misrepresentation. 2020-09-18

Entering Beta: Push Metrics API

LogicMonitor is developing a Push Metric API in order to allow metrics to be sent directly to LogicMonitor without the use of a Collector. Some technology landscapes where this capability is becoming vital include server-less infrastructures such as AWS Lambda, large distributed microservices environments with custom metrics (including business metrics), and IoT environments.

Beta for Push Metrics API is targeted for January. If you have a compelling use case and the resource availability, and would like to be considered for participation, please complete the Customer Beta survey.

November 30, 2020

v.145 Release

v.145 Highlights:

General Enhancements and Fixes


  • Bulk alert acknowledgement. The new UIv4.1 version of the Alerts page, rolled out in v.143, now supports the ability to acknowledge multiple alerts at once.
  • Dynamic threshold usage limit. The usage limit calculation for dynamic thresholds has been updated to use the contracted resourced count rather than the current resource count. The new calculation (contracted resource count * 8) more accurately (and consistently) reflects dynamic threshold usage limits.
  • (FIX) Alert overview graphs. Customers without access to the dynamic thresholds feature were receiving permissions errors when attempting to view the overview graph that displays as part of the Overview tab of an alert’s detail view (found on the Alerts page). To resolve this issue, overview graphs will no longer attempt to load expected ranges in portals where dynamic thresholds are not supported.
  • (FIX) Detail URL for cleared alerts. When opening the detail views for cleared alerts in new browser tabs—either from the LogicMonitor interface or from delivered alert notifications that incorporate the ##ALERTDETAILURL## token—the resulting web pages were opening as blank pages. This has been fixed.

Cloud Monitoring

  • AWS updates:
    • AWS Africa region added. Added support for the AWS Africa region (af-south-1), which is the first AWS region in Africa. Customers can now monitor services in the AWS Africa region that are supported by LogicMonitor’s AWS monitoring.
    • Updated AWS Direct Connect connection state mapping. AWS Direct Connect is changing from a “default to unavailable” to a “default to available” for monitoring. There remain two connection states for removing instances (“Deleting” and “Deleted”) and three connection states that are unavailable for monitoring (“Requesting”, “Ordering” and “Rejected”). Remaining connection states will map to an available state, allowing clients to monitor in LogicMonitor.
    • Using recommended AWS STS methods. LogicMonitor has updated the method it uses to obtain cross-account authorization tokens from AWS Security Token Service (STS). The new method follows AWS’ best practices and will allow for easier future addition of new AWS regions to the LogicMonitor portal. No action is required on the customer’s end.
    • (FIX) AWS Trusted Advisor API. As a result of changes made to the AWS Trusted Advisor API, several DataSources were not associating: AWS_IAM_ServiceLimits, AWS_VPC_TrustedAdvisorServiceLimit, and AWS_EC2_TrustedAdvisorServiceLimits. To resolve this issue, LogicMonitor has updated the method for validating and calling the Trusted Advisor API.
  • Azure updates:
    • Name adjustments for Notification Hubs and SQL Elastic Pools services. Previously, when attempting to change the display names of Notification Hubs and SQL Elastic Pools services with forward slashes (/) in their resource names, errors were returned. To resolve this issue, forward slashes found in the names of Notification Hubs and SQL Elastic Pools services will be replaced with colons (:). Note: Only resource names are affected by these changes; forward slashes may still appear in display names, where permitted.
    • (FIX) Billing data calculations. There was an issue in calling cached RateCards to calculate the Azure billing data. This is fixed and should require no action from the clients.


  • EA 29.104. Collector version EA 29.104 was released on November 10. Collector releases are deployed independently of LogicMonitor platform releases. For more information on the various Collector versions available for upgrade and the differences between EA (early access), GD (general deployment), and MGD (minimum general deployment) versions, see Collector Versions.


  • (FIX) NOC widget. Instance-level filters containing OR operations, as formatted with the pipe symbol (|), were not being correctly evaluated, causing a “Resource Not Found” error to be returned by the widget display. This has been fixed.

LM Exchange

  • (FIX) LM Locator code display. The LM Locator code was not displaying for installed LogicModules. Impacting the Exchange and Settings pages, this has been fixed.

Network Traffic Flow Monitoring

  • (FIX) NBAR2 application type. Application type (as sourced from NBAR2) was not displaying properly in the Traffic Tab visualizations for network traffic flow data. This has been fixed.

Role-Based Access Control

  • Improved error handling when acknowledge privileges are missing. More descriptive error messages are now returned when users with SDT-only or threshold-only privileges for a resource attempt to acknowledge alerts triggered by that resource.

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, our new and updated LogicModules are available for import to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
Cisco_CPU_Usage (DataSource) A new scripted DataSource for monitoring Cisco CPU usage has been released that uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. In addition, a new datapoint has been added for five-minute CPU usage.

Note: This new DataSource deprecates CiscoCPU-. Due to merging of wildvalues, historical data for the now-deprecated DataSource may not be accurate. See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.
(2 DataSources) Monitors WAN uplink status, latency and packet loss.
GCP_CloudDataLossPrevention (DataSource) Gathers metrics for transformations and inspections as well as counts of findings, job results, and trigger runs.
GCP_CloudDNS (DataSource) Tracks responses returned by type from the GCP CloudDNS resolver.
GCP_CloudTPU (DataSource) Monitors CPU, memory and network metrics for GCP Cloud TPUs (Tensor Processing Units).
GCP_Compute_ComputeEngineAutoscaler (DataSource) Monitors autoscaler utilization and serving capacity.
(2 DataSources) These DataSources replace the now-deprecated Liebert Power lines, Liebert Temperature probes-, and Liebert UPS Temperature probes- DataSources. See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.

Updates: Rewrote as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines.
(5 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Complementing the existing LogicMonitor_Portal_APIUtilization DataSource, the LogicMonitor Portal monitoring package, which leverages the LogicMonitor API to monitor the status of your LogicMonitor portal, now features a total of seven LogicModules. For setup and monitoring details, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring.

Note: The existing LogicMonitor_Portal_APIUtilization DataSource has been updated as part of this release.

Note: The LogicMonitor_Portal_Metrics DataSource is deprecated by the release of these new modules. See the Deprecated LogicModules section of these release notes for details on how to transition from a deprecated to a replacement LogicModule.
Kubernetes_CoreDNS Monitors CoreDNS caching and DNS request activity metrics.
Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute Virtual Network Gateways (DataSource) Created new DataSource to separate monitoring functionality of the ExpressRoute virtual network gateway type from the existing Microsoft_Azure_VirtualNetworkGateway DataSource.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_Tintri (PropertySource) Narrowed the AppliesTo logic to require the presence of the tintri.user and tintri.pass properties on the device to prevent unnecessary API calls and reduce Collector load.
Cisco_Firepower_Fans (DataSource) Updated collection and Active Discovery script to accommodate the return of null values for metrics and properties.
(9 DataSources) Updated technical notes to state that the collections script requires the DataSource name to remain unchanged.

(PropertySource) Refactored the collection script to use the Groovy HTTP library instead of the Collector’s HTTP library to address discovery failures; added missing parameter to function call that was causing script failures.
Citrix_XenApp_Troubleshooter (DataSource) Converted script to Groovy due to authentication issues with PowerShell. This DataSource now uses the same authentication scheme as the other LogicModules in the Citrix XenApp monitoring package.
JIRA Issues Count (DataSource) Updated the collection script to use an updated API authentication method; the method previously used by the script has been deprecated by Atlassian.
LogicMonitor_Portal_APIUtilization (DataSource) Added pagination support to scripts; updated request headers.

Note: As discussed in New LogicModules, LogicMonitor portal monitoring has been significantly enhanced with the release of six new LogicModules.
Microsoft_Azure_VirtualNetworkGateway (DataSource) Monitoring of the ExpressRoute virtual network gateway type has been removed from this DataSource and is now performed by the newly released Microsoft_Azure_ExpressRouteVirtualNetworkGateway DataSource.

Note: Some instances may be deleted upon update; however, impact should be minimal as it is unlikely that these instances were collecting valid or complete data.
Topology Mapping:

(TopologySource) Updated to not link Aruba devices where the MAC has the same OUI as the LLDP device id.

(PropertySource) Added safe navigation to allow for missing SNMP sysinfo which was causing some devices to not be mapped correctly.
(3 DataSources) Added handling for capitalized sensor state values returned by ESX 7.0 and above.
Minor update made to an assortment of DataSources:

Host Uptime-
(18 DataSources) For one or more datapoints contained within these DataSources, fixed incorrectly worded alert messages.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable monitoring of the DataSource instances at the resource or resource group level after you have imported its replacement. When DataSource monitoring is disabled in this way, it stops querying the host and generating alerts, but maintains all historical data. At some point in time, you may want to delete the legacy DataSource altogether, but consider this move carefully as all historical data will be lost upon deletion. For more information on disabling DataSource monitoring, see Disabling Monitoring for a DataSource or Instance.

LogicModule Deprecated/Replacement Reason End of Support Date

LogicModules Deprecated in v.145


(1 DataSource) Converted to a scripted DataSource and uses an additional OID to resolve duplicate wildvalues. 2021-01-04
Liebert Power lines
Liebert Temperature probes-
Liebert UPS Temperature probes-

(3 DataSources) Rewrote DataSources as scripted SNMP; merged monitoring of temperature and UPS temperature probes into a single DataSource; added new power and voltage metrics for power lines monitoring; fixed an incorrect filter for power lines. 2021-01-04

(1 DataSource) LogicMonitor released five new DataSources that provide 15 additional datapoints and group related metrics into separate DataSources, making it easier to hone in on specific aspects of your portal. For more information, see LogicMonitor Portal Monitoring. 2021-01-04

LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)


(1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. 2021-02-09

(4 DataSources)General cleanup of DataSources that are not widely used and no longer work correctly. 2021-01-19

(1 DataSource) Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) “VMware” was removed from the DataSource name as the backups are not VMWare specific. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) Windows SNMP support has been deprecated by Microsoft since Server 2012 R2. As a result, this DataSource does not collect reliable data for Server 2016 and above. 2020-12-02
Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools-

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources offer a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data. 2020-11-16

(1 DataSource) Uses a deprecated API. It is strongly recommended that this LogicModule be deleted and the replacement LogicModule be used. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) Did not provide accurate/useful data and can be deleted; the existing Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus DataSource has been retooled in v.141 to perform the same function. 2020-09-18

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSource offers several advantages including (1) the use of the more widely supported nstat (part of iproute2) command and netstat as fallback if nstat is not available and (2) additional monitoring for packet, datagram and error related metrics 2020-09-18
QNAP Volumes

(1 DataSource) Changed the collection method from standard SNMP to scripted SNMP to properly handle the units returned for the VolFreeSize and VolTotalSize datapoints. In the now-deprecated version, these datapoint calculations were failing if the returned values were not expressed as terabytes leading to data misrepresentation. 2020-09-18

Entering Beta: Push Metrics API

LogicMonitor is developing a Push Metric API in order to allow metrics to be sent directly to LogicMonitor without the use of a Collector. Some technology landscapes where this capability is becoming vital include server-less infrastructures such as AWS Lambda, large distributed microservices environments with custom metrics (including business metrics), and IoT environments.

Beta for Push Metrics API is targeted for January. If you have a compelling use case and the resource availability, and would like to be considered for participation, please complete the Customer Beta survey.

November 12, 2020

v.144 Release

v.144 Highlights:

Feature Highlight: LM Logs

Launching on November 18, LM Logs offers a unique and unified approach to log analysis centered on algorithmic root-cause analysis. LM Logs analyzes log events after they are ingested and mapped to a monitored resource to identify normal patterns and deviations from these patterns: anomalies.

Log anomalies represent log events that are new, or seen for the first time on the monitored resource it’s associated with. These anomalies are displayed in two places: (1) the new Logs page, where you can review raw logs and investigate log anomalies across your entire infrastructure and (2) the Graphs tab for alerts, where they are displayed contextually with metric alerts to help speed troubleshooting.

In addition to residing in their own dedicated Logs page, log anomalies also display on the Graphs tab for alerts, where they are presented contextually with metric alerts to help speed troubleshooting.

To get logs into LogicMonitor, you can choose from one of our provided integrations or send custom logs directly to the logs ingestion API. For more information, see the LM Logs Documentation.

Platform Enhancements

Audit Logs

  • (FIX) Capturing dynamic threshold updates. In some instances, updates to dynamic thresholds were not being captured comprehensively in the audit logs. This has been corrected.

Cloud Monitoring

  • AWS updates:
    • AWS SWF Workflow support for duplicate names. Domain names will now be included as part of SWF Workflow naming conventions to support the presence of identical names across multiple domains. Note: Any dashboards that have been customized with AppliesTo statements that reference specific SWF Workflow names may need to be updated to accommodate this new naming convention.
    • (FIX) AWS Kinesis Stream purging. Some removed AWS Kinesis Streams were not being properly purged from the portal. A fix has been made to resolve this issue moving forward and to retroactively remove any streams that were falsely persisting.
    • (FIX) Route53 instances. Two issues pertaining to Route53 instances have been resolved:
      • Custom AWS tags were not properly coming through on Route53 instances.
      • Pagination was limited to 100 instances, even if more instances were present.
  • GCP updates:
    • (FIX) GCP usage count. An issue was causing inconsistent display of GCP usage from the resource usage count tables available on the Account Information page (Settings | Account Information). This has been fixed.

Kubernetes Monitoring

  • (FIX) Data collection for host-networking pod configurations. The system.ips property wasn’t being populated properly for some pods configured with host-networking, which caused Ping and Host Status data collection issues for these pods. This has been fixed.

LM Exchange

  • (FIX) Importing modules. When importing a module from the public repository, an issue was causing the install status to display “Installing…” indefinitely. This has been fixed.

Network Traffic Flow Monitoring

  • Exclude conversations filter. The conversations filter on the Traffic tab has been enhanced to support the exclusion of explicit conversations between one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many endpoints.

User Interface (UI)

  • (FIX) Visual display errors for graphs on Alerts page. For graphs that compare usage to total capacity, the visual display was incorrectly stacking, causing visual misalignment with actual capacity values. This was happening for graphs that displayed on the Alerts page; graphs that displayed on the Resources page did not experience this issue. This issue has been fixed.

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, our new and updated LogicModules are available for import to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
AWS Kinesis Video Streams (DataSource) Gathers throughput, latency, request, and error metrics for Kinesis Video Streams.
BlueCat Address Manager (5 DataSources, 1 PropertySource) Monitors status and utilization metrics for the BlueCat IP Address Manager server and DNS/DHCP appliances as well as utilization metrics for DHCP pools and subnets.
Cohesity Views (DataSource) Monitors Cohesity Storage Platform View alerts and threshold data. Alerts are set in Cohesity when the View is created.
F5_BigIP_PoolMemberStats (DataSource) This DataSource replaces the now-deprecated F5_BigIP_PoolMemberStatistics DataSource. Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency.
Silver Peak (5 DataSources, 2 PropertySources, 1 TopologySource) Monitors disk and memory usage, next WAN hops, tunnel states, and overall system status for Silver Peak devices. Includes topology support. For setup and details, see Silver Peak Monitoring.
Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_SureBackups (DataSource) This DataSource replaces the now-deprecated Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_VMWareSureBackups DataSource. The name was adjusted to remove “VMware” as the backups are not VMWare specific.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
Cisco_AIPSSM_Processor (DataSource) The UsedPercent datapoint no longer alerts on NoData.
Cisco_Meraki_Switch_Interfaces (DataSource) Added datapoints for each type of packet counter, multicast, crc errors, packet alignments errors, stp topology detection, and so on; added warningCount and errorCount datapoints that report how many errors the switch detected in that port; common occurrences like disconnected/disabled ports are now ignored (users will have to check those errors in the console as the DataSource cannot report text in a clean way); added datapoints reporting connection enabled; added instance grouping.
Cisco_FRU_Power (DataSource) Fixed invalid token (##auto.serial_number##) present in alert messages.
Cisco_NXOS (ConfigSource) Updated script to support Cisco UCS devices running NXOS.
Citrix_Netscaler_FullBackup (ConfigSource) Improved filtering of shell lines in output; increased connection timeout; removed spaces from log file name.
Cohesity_DataPlatform_Alerts (EventSource) Added special handling of alerts to prevent duplication. Although this EventSource will work on all Collector versions, Collector 29.001 or higher is required to ensure duplicate prevention.
Cohesity_DataPlatform_Fans (DataSource) Removed unused variables from Active Discovery script.
Kubernetes_Container (DataSource) The container image is now recorded under “auto.image”.
LogicMonitor_Collector_BufferDataReporterLatency (DataSource) Gathers newer queue status metrics for Collector versions 29.104 or higher; removed alerting from minReportLatency datapoint; renamed santabaConnection datapoint to persistentQueueStatus (note that this will delete historical data for this datapoint upon import).
(4 ConfigSources) Fixed sort order issue in collection script requests to return consistently sorted configurations between runs. Note: These ConfigSources will generate alerts upon initial import.
(2 ConfigSources) Made significant updates to collection scripts; sorted output by IP address to reduce noise; added check for WinRM.
Microsoft_SQLServer_AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroups Microsoft_SQLServer_AlwaysOnAvailabilityReplicas Microsoft_SQLServer_AlwaysOnDatabaseReplicaCluster Microsoft_SQLServer_AlwaysOnDatabaseReplicas Microsoft_SQLServer_Troubleshooter Microsoft_SQLServer_Databases Microsoft_SQLServer_SystemJobs Microsoft_SQLServer_GlobalPerformance (8 DataSources) Updated scripts for all eight DataSources with connection.close() to ensure all opened connections are closed upon exit.

For the Microsoft_SQLServer_AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroups DataSource only, the Active Discovery script now creates instance names in uppercase to match Microsoft naming convention.
Microsoft_SQLServer_SQLAuthConnections Microsoft_SQLServer_Connections (2 PropertySources) Included the loginTimeout parameter in JDBC strings to resolve high CPU usage on Collector v29.003 caused by the script not timing out correctly.
NetSNMP_Memory_Usage (DataSource) Updated collection script to fallback if snmpd version cannot be retrieved via the net-snmp version OID; updated datapoint descriptions; added graph for PercentSwapUsed datapoint.
Nimble_Array_Info (DataSource) Improved OS version detection in Active Discovery script; fixed collection output spacing; performed general code cleanup; added alerts for TotalArrayUsagePercent datapoint; updated alert persistence and added graph for status datapoint; fixed overview graphs.
NTP (DataSource) Updated AppliesTo statement to no longer match devices with the “CiscoNTP” category due to collection issues on these device types.
PingMulti- (DataSource) Improved description; added technical notes.
snmp64_If- (DataSource) Updated the alert description of the Status datapoint.
SNMP_Network_Interfaces (DataSource) Reintroduced fix for UtilizationPercent datapoint calculations that was accidentally reverted in v1.6 of the DataSource; Fixed integer overflow bug that was causing invalid interface speed properties to be set on interfaces over 2.14Gbps.
Topology Mapping:
(TopologySource) Improved linking of VMware macs to generate missing edges; resolved issue of false edges between HP switches.
Veeam_BackupAndReplication_BackupSessions Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Backups Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_BackupSync Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Copy Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_ManagedAgentBackups
Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Replicas Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Repositories
(7 DataSources) Added a datapoint to monitor time since a job was last run; fixed issue preventing backup copy jobs from being discovered for Veeam version 10 and above.
Zoom_User_Stats (DataSource) Fixed indices used for request by the collection script (previously the indices were not correctly matched to license types); updated the collection interval to one hour.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any immediate data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, there will be a diversion in data collection between the deprecated and new LogicModule, and you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable (rather than delete) the deprecated LogicModule after you have imported its replacement to provide time to (1) verify that it is working as expected and (2) build up a new set of historical data.

LogicModule Deprecated/Replaced Reason End of Support Date

LogicModules Deprecated in v.144


(1 DataSource) It has been determined that all data gathered by this DataSource is being reported more robustly through the existing NetSNMPCPUwithCores and NetSNMP_Memory_Usage DataSources, making it redundant and unnecessary. 2021-02-09

(1 DataSource) Active Discovery and data collection methods were converted from SNMP to script to improve overall efficiency. 2020-12-07

(1 DataSource) “VMware” was removed from the DataSource name as the backups are not VMWare specific. 2020-12-07

LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)


(4 DataSources)General cleanup of DataSources that are not widely used and no longer work correctly. 2021-01-19

(1 DataSource) Windows SNMP support has been deprecated by Microsoft since Server 2012 R2. As a result, this DataSource does not collect reliable data for Server 2016 and above. 2020-12-02
Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools-

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources offer a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data. 2020-11-16

(1 DataSource) Uses a deprecated API. It is strongly recommended that this LogicModule be deleted and the replacement LogicModule be used. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSources filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. 2020-10-26

(1 DataSource) Did not provide accurate/useful data and can be deleted; the existing Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus DataSource has been retooled in v.141 to perform the same function. 2020-09-18

(1 DataSource) The replacement DataSource offers several advantages including (1) the use of the more widely supported nstat (part of iproute2) command and netstat as fallback if nstat is not available and (2) additional monitoring for packet, datagram and error related metrics 2020-09-18
QNAP Volumes

(1 DataSource) Changed the collection method from standard SNMP to scripted SNMP to properly handle the units returned for the VolFreeSize and VolTotalSize datapoints. In the now-deprecated version, these datapoint calculations were failing if the returned values were not expressed as terabytes leading to data misrepresentation. 2020-09-18

Entering Beta: Push Metrics API

LogicMonitor is developing a Push Metric API in order to allow metrics to be sent directly to LogicMonitor without the use of a Collector. Some technology landscapes where this capability is becoming vital include server-less infrastructures such as AWS Lambda, large distributed microservices environments with custom metrics (including business metrics), and IoT environments.

Beta for Push Metrics API is targeted for December. If you have a compelling use case and the resource availability, and would like to be considered for participation, please complete the Customer Beta survey.

October 19, 2020

v.143 Release

v.143 Highlights:

  • Feature Highlights: Alerts Page Refresh and New Profile Menu
  • Platform Enhancements: Independent configuration of dynamic threshold suppression and generation capabilities, a significant number of Kubernetes monitoring enhancements, additional usage summary counts, expanded NetFlow support, and more
  • New and Updated Monitoring: AWS Elemental MediaConvert, Cohesity, VMware VCSA, VMware VeloCloud, and more LogicModules

Feature Highlights

Feature Highlight: Alerts Page Refresh

LogicMonitor is releasing significant UI enhancements for the Alerts page. The new UI is more intuitive and efficient, featuring:

  • Increased data density
  • Fewer clicks to accomplish a task
  • Faster loading times
The new UI significantly reduces the height of the filter content area to maximize display of the Alerts table.

While the capabilities of the new Alerts page UI are largely parallel to those of the previous UI, some new functionality is being introduced, including:

  • Bulk SDT action enhancements. You can now put parent devices (or device groups) into SDT from the bulk SDT action.
  • Ability to escalate alerts or add notes to alerts as bulk actions. You can now escalate multiple alerts or add a note to multiple alerts at once from the bulk actions menu.

  • Inverse alert selection. When selecting multiple alerts for the purpose of performing an action in bulk, the selection dropdown offers the ability to invert current selection, allowing you to select all except those currently selected.
  • User-friendly alert detail display. The Overview tab features several new user-friendly display features that make alert detail viewing more efficient and intuitive.

    When viewing the details of an alert, the new UI provides an at-a-glance sparkline for the datapoint in alert and brings alert notations front and center. In addition, as highlighted here, it provides options for maximizing the display of alert details, allowing you to “Expand” the alert detail pane upwards to fill more of the Alerts page screen or, for unobstructed viewing, to link to a new page that displays a maximized view of the alert detail pane.

Note: Upon deployment of the new UI, the left-hand Alerts navigation menu will automatically open the new Alerts page. However, you can still access the prior version of the Alerts page by removing the “s” from the very end of the Alerts page URL (transforming “/alerts” to “/alert”). The prior version of the Alerts page will remain available through at least version v.144.

For more information on using the new UI, see Managing Alerts from the Alerts Page.

Feature Highlight: New Profile Menu

The left-hand navigation menu features a new Profile menu. Only available when viewing areas of the product with version 4.x of the UI (currently the Alerts and Exchange pages), this menu is unique per user, allowing you to manage your user account, access support/training, configure various appearance settings, and log out.

Currently, the appearance settings only impact the Alerts page display, but as more areas of the product are transitioned to the new UI version, these appearance settings will be in effect globally.

Note: When viewing areas of the product with version 3 of the UI, you can find these options (manage user account, access support/training, log out) in the upper right corner of the platform header.

Platform Enhancements


  • Alert notification suppression independently configurable from alert generation. Alert notification suppression is now independently configurable from the alert generation capabilities of dynamic thresholds. This means you can have dynamic thresholds that trigger alerts for anomalies, suppress notifications for alerts that correspond to expected performance, or both. This is useful when there are different use cases for suppression and alert generation (for example, a percentage-based metric for which there is a very clear good and bad range may benefit more from suppression than alert generation). For more information on using these capabilities independently or in cooperation, see Enabling Dynamic Thresholds for Datapoints.

    Upon rollout of this enhancement, any existing dynamic threshold configurations will update to having both the “Suppress notification within the band” and “Trigger alerts when” options checked to ensure no changes to expected current behavior.

Alert Integrations

  • Improved alert clear behavior around instance deletion. Several enhancements have been made in this area to prevent orphaned tickets in third-party integrations:
    • If an alert is cleared and the instance triggering the alert then gets deleted via Active Discovery, the alert will be cleared prior to the instance being deleted.
    • If an alert’s severity level is upgraded and, prior to sending notification of upgrade, the instance triggering the alert is deleted via Active Discovery, an alert clear will now be sent for the initial severity level. Previously, this notification was unintentionally suppressed due to alert upgrade.
    • If an alert’s severity level is upgraded and, prior to sending notification of upgrade, the upgraded alert is cleared and the instance triggering the alert is then deleted via Active Discovery, an alert clear will now be sent for the initial severity level. Previously, this notification was unintentionally suppressed due to alert upgrade.
  • (FIX) ConnectWise alert integration cloning. Resolved an issue that was preventing the cloning of ConnectWise alert integrations without “Escalated” payloads. This has been fixed and the ability to clone a ConnectWise integration is now available regardless of the types of payloads configured for it.


  • (FIX) NOC widget. Fixed an issue introduced by an update to the Chrome browser that was displaying hyperlinks in the NOC widget for non-privileged users (users with read only permissions for dashboard). The hyperlinks were leading non-privileged users to invalid URLs. This has been fixed and non-privileged users will no longer see rendered hyperlinks in the NOC widget.


  • (FIX) Device association with DataSources and dynamic groups. Resolved an issue that was preventing DataSources and dynamic groups from applying to a device (despite the device matching the AppliesTo statement of DataSource(s) or dynamic group(s)) after the device’s properties were updated by an ERISource PropertySource. While this issue is resolved and will not occur moving forward, remedial steps must be performed on any impacted devices and/or dynamic groups in order to enable appropriate associations:
    • To manually fix missing DataSource associations… Open each device in the Resources page and select Manage | Force DataSource Re-Match.
    • To manually fix missing dynamic group associations… This can be accomplished using one of the following two methods:
      • Temporarily update AppliesTo statement for dynamic group. Temporarily update the AppliesTo statement for each dynamic group in order to trigger dynamic group evaluation across all devices. It is recommended that you add an OR condition that adds a dummy property to the AppliesTo statement so as not to remove any currently associated devices or associate any new devices. To accomplish this, put the existing statement in parentheses and then append the OR condition. For example: (<existing AppliesTo statement>) || == xyz.

        After saving the new statement and waiting a few moments, revert the AppliesTo back to its original statement and save once again.

      • Create a temporary PropertySource. Create and trigger a PropertySource that sets a dummy property on the devices whose memberships need to be reevaluated. The PropertySource can consist of a script as simple as a one line print statement: println("auto.triggerdynamicgroups=true"). To trigger immediate evaluation of the PropertySource across your devices, select More | Run PropertySource from the PropertySource definition. Once the dynamic groups are updated, delete the PropertySource.
  • Helper text added to Dynamic Group configuration window. The following informational note has been added to the Add Dynamic Group and Update Dynamic Group configuration windows to provide further explanation of which properties the group’s AppliesTo statement evaluates.

    Note: To avoid circular references, the criteria that determines which devices are auto-assigned to a dynamic group (i.e. the AppliesTo script) can only evaluate properties of the host itself, not any inherited properties from those groups of which it is a member.”

  • Improved warning message when adding devices to a device group. When adding devices to a device group, if a Collector (or Auto-Balanced Collector Group) other than the one currently assigned to the device is chosen, the following warning now displays in the UI.

    “The highlighted devices are not being monitored by their preferred collector/group. To change the preferred collector or to perform failback, go to Collector Settings. In case of a device being monitored by an ABCG, check if the device has been moved to other group.”

Kubernetes Monitoring

  • Editable and downloadable YAML configuration files. The Add Kubernetes Cluster wizard now provides editable and downloadable YAML configuration files for the LM Container Argus and Collectorset-Controller deployments. You may find this install process simpler than the previous copy/paste Helm commands (the new process is a one-line install using the Kubernetes cli to apply from the YAML file), and particularly useful when customizing configuration options that weren’t exposed in the UI wizard previously (all options are present in the YAML file).
  • Kubernetes and Helm version properties. New properties are automatically added at the cluster (group) level to capture Kubernetes and Helm versions. This information is intended to help provide the LogicMonitor team the information they need in troubleshooting situations.
  • Disabling Spinnaker versioning. New Helm chart options have been added to disable Spinnaker versioning. If you use Spinnaker, you may find this useful for avoiding issues with Spinnaker versioning on the config maps/secrets.
  • Resource deletion retry. Argus will now retry deleting resources (e.g. pods) in monitoring when the initial delete request fails. This compensates for any issues that may interfere with initial deletion, helping to ensure monitoring stays up to date.
  • (FIX) Improved handling of duplicate resource names. Kubernetes resources with the same names in different namespaces of the same cluster were previously not properly added into monitoring. To resolve this issue, namespaces are now appended to resource names in this scenario to ensure unique naming.
  • Argus version 4.2.0. In Argus version 4.2.0, which was recently released, pod naming convention changes from <pod name> to <pod name-namespace>. This change was made to accommodate pods with the same names running in different namespaces, but it will result in pods being deleted and re-added under the new naming convention. If you wish to avoid this, you can update your Argus image tag in Helm to 4.1.0 so that you do not get the 4.2.0 release. In a future release we will change this behavior so that pods can simply be renamed without being deleted/re-added.

Network Traffic Flow Monitoring

  • Network traffic flow monitoring available for more systems. Adjusted flexibility of mandatory field requirements in traffic flows to allow for network traffic flow monitoring on systems that do not provide both source and destination ports and/or interfaces. Although dependent on specific models, this enhancement should serve to expand LogicMonitor’s network traffic flow monitoring support to Cisco ASA, Cisco Meraki, and VMware VeloCloud systems—as well as other systems not yet directly known to us.
  • Support for the SNMP_Network_Interfaces DataSource. Interface descriptions can now also be obtained via the newer SNMP_Network_Interfaces DataSource. Previously, only the snmp64_if DataSource was supported for this purpose.
  • Group-level filtering. The Traffic tab that displays at the device group level now offers the same filtering capabilities as the Traffic tab that displays at the device level.
  • (FIX) NetFlow Device Metric report. Adjusted report to handle aggregate devices.
  • (FIX) NetFlow Device Metric report. Resolved issue that was preventing report generation if fields were missing data.
  • (FIX) Missing IFout field. Fixed issue causing the interface out ID to display as 2147483648 when IFout field was not found.

User Interface (UI)

  • Continued expansion of usage summary counts. In v.141, LogicMonitor introduced several new usage count summaries on the Account Information page (Settings | Account Information) including usage counts for user roles, alert rules, dashboards, and others. Continuing with this initiative of enhanced tracking of resource usage, new usage counts have been added for session users, external API users, open alerts, and previous day alerts. In addition, these counts have been broken down into four logical grouping tables. For detailed descriptions of the various usage accounts available, see About the Account Information Page.
  • Remote support status icon. The left-hand navigation menu features a new remote support status icon. This icon only displays if you are currently viewing an area of the product with version 4.x of the UI (currently the Alerts and Exchange pages). As discussed in Users, this icon provides the current status of LogicMonitor remote support access.

    Note: When viewing areas of the product with version 3 of the UI, remote support status displays in the upper right of the platform header.

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, our new and updated LogicModules are available for import to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

  • AWS Elemental MediaConvert – 1 DataSource

    Monitors AWS Elemental MediaConvert job output duration, errors, and transcoding/standby time.

  • Cisco_AIPSSM_Processor – 1 DataSource

    Replacing the SNMP-based Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools DataSource, this new DataSource offers a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data.

  • Cisco ASA – 1 SNMP SysOID Map

    The \.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.9\.1\.2406 SNMP SysOID Map applies Cisco_ASA_* LogicModules to Firepower 2130 devices.

  • Cohesity – 12 DataSources, 1 EventSource, 1 PropertySource

    Monitors metrics related to storage, clusters, nodes, consumers, hardware, and data protection for your Cohesity platform. For setup and monitoring details, see Cohesity DataProtect and DataPlatform Monitoring.

  • VMware VeloCloud – 5 DataSources, 1 PropertySource

    Gathers metrics for VeloCloud edge health, throughput, performance, and errors via the VeloCloud Orchestrator API. Also gathers system CPU and memory metrics via SNMP. For setup and monitoring details, see VMware VeloCloud Monitoring.

Updated LogicModules

  • Cisco_Meraki_Licensing – 1 DataSource

    Updated to no longer fail to collect data on devices that have a license expiration date set to “N/A”.

  • Citrix_Netscaler_AAA – 1 DataSource

    Updated the metric type of the CurICASessions datapoint from derive to gauge.

  • HP MSA – 10 DataSources

    The scripted DataSources in the HPA monitoring suite have been updated to improve handling of leading 0s in the authentication hash.

  • Infoblox_Appliance_DHCPv4Statistics – 1 DataSource

    Changed the metric types of all datapoints from counter to derive.

  • Linux_SSH_Filesystems – 1 DataSource
    • Replaced invalid characters in wildvalues. Note: Upon import of this update, instances with invalid characters in their names will be deleted and replaced with new instances; however, impact should be minimal as the replaced instances would not have been successfully collecting data.
    • Updated Active Discovery to no longer discover loop devices as they are dynamically allocated and thus always report 100% utilization resulting in unnecessary alerts.
  • Microsoft SQL Server – 2 PropertySources

    The Microsoft_SQLServer_SQLAuthConnections and Microsoft_SQLServer_Connections PropertySources now include the loginTimeout parameter in JDBC strings to resolve high CPU usage on Collector v29.003 caused by the PropertySource script not timing out correctly.

  • NetApp – 2 PropertySources

    The addCategory_NetApp and addCategory_NetApp_ESeries PropertySources now assign the category of “NetApp” to the system.categories property from API-based PropertySources rather than relying only on sysOIDs.

  • NetSNMPCPUwithCores – 1 DataSource

    Updated the appliesTo function to associate with F5 devices.

  • Nimble_Array_Info – 1 DataSource

    A value of NoData (rather than -1) is now returned for metrics that are not returned by the array.

  • PaloAlto_FW_ThreatAnalysis_Events – 1 EventSource

    This LogicModule now accepts the property paloalto.timezone which specifies a timezone offset in hours. If this property is not set, the offset defaults to UTC (0). Customers should check their devices to ensure that event timestamps from their devices are in UTC and set this new property accordingly.

  • Printer Consumables- 1 DataSource

    Added graphs and complex datapoints for status codes that are sometimes included as a negative return value for the Level metric, which should prevent incorrect graphs and false alerts. Added missing descriptions.

  • Slack Events – 1 EventSource

    Resolved issue that was causing outage updates to be displayed as duplicates of the same event.

  • SNMP_Network_Interfaces – 1 DataSource

    Fixed incorrect calculation of In/OutUtilizationPercent datapoint values.

  • Topology Mapping – 1 TopologySource

    General updates to LogicMonitor’s topology-mapping-specific LogicModules include:

    • Networking_L2_snmpSwitch TopologySource

      Discontinued matching OUI and LLDP edges on Brocade devices due to non-existent edges being generated.

    • addERI_Device PropertySource

      Added new OIDs for ERT discovery.

  • VMware vCenter Server Appliance – 10 DataSources

    Updated all VMware VCSA DataSources to accept credentials via the vcsa.user/vcsa.pass properties. To ensure backwards compatibility, the DataSources will fallback to using esx.user/esx.pass if no VCSA-specific credentials are provided. Customers should migrate their VCSA-specific credentials to the new properties at their earliest convenience.

  • WinSystemUptime – 1 DataSource

    Added an UptimeDays complex datapoint to represent system uptime in days. Added missing datapoint descriptions.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable the deprecated LogicModule after you have imported its replacement and verified that it is working as expected.

LogicModule Name/Type Replaced By Reason End of Support Date
LogicModules Deprecated in v.143
(4 DataSources)
N/A General cleanup of DataSources that are not widely used and no longer work correctly. 2021-01-19
Cisco AIP SSM Memory Pools
Cisco_AIPSSM_Processor The replacement DataSource offers a scripted SNMP version that returns accurate values. If you were previously using the now-deprecated DataSource, it can be deleted as it was providing invalid data. 2020-11-16
LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)
N/A Windows SNMP support has been deprecated by Microsoft since Server 2012 R2. As a result, this DataSource does not collect reliable data for Server 2016 and above. 2020-12-02
LogicMonitor_Portal_Metrics Uses a deprecated API. It is strongly recommended that this LogicModule be deleted and the replacement LogicModule be used. 2020-10-26


The replacement DataSources filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. 2020-10-26
Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus Did not provide accurate/useful data and can be deleted; the existing Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus DataSource has been retooled in v.141 to perform the same function. 2020-09-18
Linux_SSH_TCPUDP The replacement DataSource offers several advantages including (1) the use of the more widely supported nstat (part of iproute2) command and netstat as fallback if nstat is not available and (2) additional monitoring for packet, datagram and error related metrics 2020-09-18
QNAP Volumes
QNAP_Volumes Changed the collection method from standard SNMP to scripted SNMP to properly handle the units returned for the VolFreeSize and VolTotalSize datapoints. In the now-deprecated version, these datapoint calculations were failing if the returned values were not expressed as terabytes leading to data misrepresentation. 2020-09-18

October 01, 2020

v.142 Release

v.142 Highlights:

Platform Enhancements


  • (FIX) Alert filtering. Entering multiple exclude criteria for the instance filter (e.g. !(InstanceNameA | InstanceNameB)) was resulting in no filter exclusions for the instance filter. This was impacting both the Alert List widget and the Alerts page. This has been fixed.

Alert Integrations

  • PagerDuty. Collector down alerts are now supported for PagerDuty alert integrations by default. To achieve this, the source fields in LogicMonitor’s default payloads were changed from "source":"##HOST####WEBSITE##" to "source":"##HOST## ##WEBSITE## ##AGENTID## ##AGENT_DESCRIPTION##".

Audit Logs

  • Audit log entry restructure. Audit log entry descriptions for all operations performed on devices, DataSources, and instances have been restructured so as to facilitate parsing of audit logs in a more efficient manner. A typical format of an audit log entry now includes action, type, and description as key-value pairs. Other key-value pairs are additionally present depending upon the operation.


  • (FIX) Gauge widget. The Gauge widget was failing to generate data when “last calendar month” was selected as the value in the Peak time range configuration. This has been fixed.

LM Cloud

  • AWS updates:
    • AWS EMR cluster state mapping. The mapping of EMR cluster states to the property has been updated. Previously, the cluster states of STARTING, BOOTSTRAPPING, and WAITING were mapped to a value of “2” which indicates unavailable. With v.142, these states are now being mapped to a value of “1”, which indicates OK, to ensure monitoring is being properly performed on allocated resources.
  • Microsoft Azure updates:
    • New properties discovered for Azure VM. Operating system name and version are now being discovered as instance properties for existing and new Azure VMs. You may find this additional detail helpful when filtering or grouping by properties.
    • (FIX) Azure Storage Service Limits Probe collection method. A recent Azure API upgrade caused the Azure Storage Service Limits Probe collection method to collect service limits per region and not per Azure subscription. As a result, DataSources using this collection method began alerting because expected data was not being returned. This has been fixed.
    • (FIX) Upgraded Azure API. The API used for Azure VMs was upgraded in order to resolve an issue in which properties were being dropped due to discovery timeouts.

LM Container

  • LM Container Argus v4 now available. A new major version of LM Container is now available that provides improved compatibility with LogicMonitor API rate limits; support for pod priority class; and toleration specifications that are helpful for preventing Argus, Collectorset-Controller, and Collector pods from being scheduled on tainted nodes. Because of the extent of the updates in this major version, you will need to opt in to this upgrade. For upgrade details and instructions, see LM Container Argus v4 Release.
  • Discovery filtering. Discovery filtering has been added to LogicMonitor’s Kubernetes monitoring capabilities. This discovery filtering, which is similar to what is available via LM Cloud, can be used to exclude certain resources (for example, QA or dev deployments) from monitoring based on labels. For larger clusters where API server resources are not scalable, discovery filtering can help you better manage API server load due to monitoring. Discovery filtering can be configured in the LogicMonitor UI (from the Add Kubernetes Cluster wizard) or directly in your Helm deployment.
  • (FIX) Dynamic node group queries. Queries for dynamic node groups based on worker role weren’t properly including the correct nodes in some cases; this has been fixed.

LM Exchange

  • (FIX) Automatically Delete Instance slider state. Fixed issue in LM Exchange in which the Automatically Delete Instance on/off slider was visually rendering the state opposite to the actual state.

Network Traffic Flow Monitoring

  • Enhanced filtering at device group level. The filtering options available for filtering network traffic flow data at the device group level are now at functional parity with those available at the device level.

Topology Mapping

  • Node filtering. Node filtering based on edge type has been added to topology maps that display from the Resources page (on the Maps tab).

New, Updated, and Deprecated LogicModules

Recently released to the LogicMonitor public repository, import our new and updated LogicModules to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New LogicModules

  • Arista Switch – 3 DataSources

    Three new DataSources have been released to replace the now-deprecated and more general Arista_Switch_Storage DataSource. The new DataSources (Arista_Switch_FlashStorage, Arista_Switch_Memory, and Arista_Switch_StorageUsage) filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. Alerts have been added for Arista_Switch_StorageUsage.

  • Fortinet FortiGate – 1 PropertySource, 2 TopologySources

    For improved FortiGate topology mapping operations, two new TopologySources (Fortinet_FortiGate_HA and Fortinet_FortiGate_SDWAN) for generating HA and SDWAN edges respectively have been created. In addition, one new PropertySource (addERI_Fortinet_FortiGate) to support ERI discovery for Layer 2, Layer 3, high availability and SDWAN ERIs has been added.

    Note: As discussed in the Updated LogicModules section, updates to two existing LogicModules are also available for improved FortiGate topology mapping.

  • HPE Nimble – 1 PropertySource

    A new PropertySource named addCategory_NimbleSSH was added to the HPE Nimble monitoring suite. This PropertySource tests SSH access to Nimble devices and applies the “NimbleStorageSSH” category.

    As noted in the Updated LogicModules section, enhancements have additionally been made to several existing HPE Nimble LogicModules.

  • VMware NSX – 6 DataSources, 2 PropertySource, 2 ConfigSources

    Collects metrics for NSX manager system resource utilization and component status; NSX controller resource utilization; uptime and node failover status; and edge service health and interface throughput. Monitors configs for NSX controllers and edge services. For setup and monitoring details, see VMware NSX Monitoring.

Updated LogicModules

  • APC_Environment_Monitor_Humidity- – 1 DataSource

    Fixed unclear descriptions and alert messages on the humidity threshold breach datapoints.

  • AWS_RDS_ServiceLimits – 1 DataSource

    Added missing metric names that were causing data collection to fail.

  • Cisco_FRU_Power – 1 DataSource

    Removed three complex datapoints (operatingStatusAlert*) and moved their alerting to the OperatingStatus datapoint.

    Important: Any instance-level tuning or alert rule configurations currently referencing these three removed complex datapoints will need to be reconfigured to reference the OperatingStatus datapoint. Historical data for the OperatingStatus datapoint will not be impacted, but historical data will be lost for the three removed operatingStatusAlert* complex datapoints.

  • Cisco_NXOS – 1 ConfigSource

    Removed log4j usage due to incompatibilities with the version of the library bundled with Collector versions 29.102 and higher; updated filters for the DifferenceTest config check.

  • Citrix_Netscaler – 1 ConfigSource

    Removed log4j usage due to incompatibilities with the version of the library bundled with Collector versions 29.102 and higher.

  • DataCore_Symphony_VirtualDisks – 1 DataSource

    Removed unused jackson-databind import to align with Collector versions 29.102 and higher.

  • Dell EMC – 1 PropertySource

    For improved topology mapping operations, updated the addERI_Linux PropertySource to set “Switch” as external resource type for Dell EMC networking devices.

  • Device_BasicInfo – 1 PropertySource

    Updated to use the actual hostname instead of its string representation to generate values for the property. This prevents invalid values from being set for the property due to DNS resolution issues.

  • Fortinet FortiGate – 1 DataSource, 1 PropertySource

    For improved FortiGate topology mapping operations, updates have been made to the Fortinet_FortiGate_HighAvailabilityPeers DataSource and the addERI_Device PropertySource.

    Note: As discussed in the New LogicModules section, three new LogicModules have been released for improved FortiGate topology mapping.

  • HPE_Network_Config – 1 ConfigSource

    Removed log4j usage due to incompatibilities with the version of the library bundled with Collector versions 29.102 and higher.

  • HPE Nimble – 5 DataSources, 1 PropertySource

    Updated the AppliesTo statement to use new “NimbleStorageSSH” category set by the newly-released addCategory_NimbleSSH PropertySource for the following SSH-based LogicModules: Nimble_Array_Info, Nimble_HDD_Disks, Nimble_SSD_Disks, Nimble_Volume_Latency, and Nimble_Array_Properties (PropertySource).

  • Linux SSH – 1 DataSource, 1 PropertySource

    Updated the regex in the Linux_SSH_Filesystems DataSource to handle output split on multiple lines; added debug mode.

    Updated the Linux_SSH_Info PropertySource to use the actual hostname instead of its string representation to generate values for the property. This prevents invalid values from being set for the property due to DNS resolution issues.

  • LogicMonitor_Portal_Metrics – 1 DataSource

    Removed usages of the commons-codec library, to align with Collector versions 29.102 and higher.

  • Microsoft_Azure_BlobStorage – 1 DataSource

    Due to changes to the Azure Service Insights API, the collection interval for this DataSource has been increased to one hour. The previous one-minute interval was resulting in data collection issues caused by too-frequent polls of the API.

  • Microsoft_Azure_ExpressRouteCircuit – 1 DataSource

    Increased the data collection interval to five minutes to match Azure’s recently adjusted minimum allowed collection frequency. The previous one-minute interval was resulting in gaps in historical data.

  • Office365_MSOnline_AccountLicense – 1 DataSource

    Updated to support Microsoft Office 365 licensing SKU updates (see Microsoft documentation for a current listing of SKUs); added datapoints and graphs to track the total units.

    Important: There may be some historical data loss upon import due to instances being deleted and replaced with instances corresponding to the updated SKUs.

  • OSPF_Neighbors – 1 DataSource

    Changed the metric type of the neighborEvents datapoint from gauge to derive; added datapoint and graph for the retransmit queue length.

  • Palo Alto Firewall – 1 DataSource, 1 ConfigSource

    Fixed misleading description and alert message for the swap_pct_used datapoint found in the PaloAlto_FW_SystemResources DataSource.

    Removed log4j usage from the PaloAlto_FW_CLIConfigs due to incompatibilities with the version of the library bundled with Collector versions 29.102 and higher.

  • RabbitMQ Queue – 1 DataSource

    Updated wildvalue to exclude special characters in instance names.

    Important: This may result in historical data loss for existing instances with special characters in their names due to new instances being created with sanitized names.

  • snmpIf- – 1 DataSource

    Added StatusAlert complex datapoint similar to the datapoint already present in the snmp64_If- DataSource. Alerting has not been moved to the new datapoint to prevent instance-level alert rule changes. Note: An improved interfaces DataSource is targeted for release in an upcoming version.

  • Topology Mapping – 2 PropertySources, 3 TopologySources

    General updates to LogicMonitor’s topology-mapping-specific LogicModules include:

    • BGP_Topology TopologySource
      • Disabled BGP topology for Fortigate devices due to merging issues caused by the use of restricted and overlapping private IPs.
      • Includes the BGP peer address during edge discovery.
    • Networking_L2_snmpSwitch TopologySource.
      • Added support for shared namespaces, short OUIs (organizationally unique identifiers) for mapping some IBM devices, and OUIs for some Emulex and PCS equipment.
      • Made minor fix to account for devices that do not return 802.1Q bridge table entries over SNMP, as is the case for some HP Switches.
    • OSPF_Topology TopologySource
      • Disabled OSPF topology for Fortigate devices due to merging issues caused by the use of restricted and overlapping private IPs.
      • Included the OSPF neighbor id during edge discovery
    • addERI_BGP PropertySource
      • Disabled BGP topology for Fortigate devices due to merging issues caused by the use of restricted and overlapping private IPs.
    • addERI_OSPF PropertySource
      • Fixed external resource type for OSPF switches that were incorrectly classified as routers.
      • Disabled OSPF topology for Fortigate devices due to merging issues caused by the use of restricted and overlapping private IPs.
  • Viptela_System_Memory – 1 DataSource

    Added new SystemStatusMemTotal_KB datapoint for total system memory; updated memoryUtilization complex datapoint to account for total memory, buffers and cache.

  • VMware VCenter – 1 TopologySource

    Change: Added safe navigation to the VMware_vCenter_Topology TopologySource to resolve topology generation issues resulting from an unknown HA state.

  • WinVolumeUsage- – 1 DataSource

    Updated the Capacity Detail graph to scale by bytes rather than gigabytes.

Deprecated LogicModules

LogicMonitor deprecates LogicModules for a variety of reasons. Most often, it is because we have published a replacement LogicModule that provides superior access to the monitored technology (for example, supports more versions of the technology or provides improved scalability).

However, there are times when a LogicModule is deprecated with no replacement (for example, when a technology becomes defunct or security issues beyond LogicMonitor’s control arise).

Note: When importing a replacement LogicModule, you will not experience any data loss due to the name variation that LogicMonitor expressly adds. However, you will potentially collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both LogicModules are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable the deprecated LogicModule after you have imported its replacement and verified that it is working as expected.

LogicModule Name/Type Replaced By Reason End of Support Date
LogicModules Deprecated in v.142
LogicMonitor_Portal_Metrics Uses a deprecated API. It is strongly recommended that this LogicModule be deleted and the replacement LogicModule be used. 10/26/2020


The replacement DataSources filter out instances to allow for separate DataSource monitoring of memory, flash storage, and standard storage. 10/26/2020
LogicModules Previously Deprecated (over past five versions)
N/A Windows SNMP support has been deprecated by Microsoft since Server 2012 R2. As a result, this DataSource does not collect reliable data for Server 2016 and above. 2020-12-02
Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus Did not provide accurate/useful data and can be deleted; the existing Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus DataSource has been retooled in v.141 to perform the same function. 2020-09-18
Linux_SSH_TCPUDP The replacement DataSource offers several advantages including (1) the use of the more widely supported nstat (part of iproute2) command and netstat as fallback if nstat is not available and (2) additional monitoring for packet, datagram and error related metrics 2020-09-18
QNAP Volumes
QNAP_Volumes Changed the collection method from standard SNMP to scripted SNMP to properly handle the units returned for the VolFreeSize and VolTotalSize datapoints. In the now-deprecated version, these datapoint calculations were failing if the returned values were not expressed as terabytes leading to data misrepresentation. 2020-09-18

Entering Beta

LogicMonitor is currently beta testing significant UI enhancements for the Alerts page. The new UI is more intuitive and efficient, featuring:

  • Increased data density
  • Faster loading times
  • More advanced filtering options

Any customer with a sandbox portal will be able to test drive these UI enhancements in their sandbox portal, targeted for roll out October 6 (subject to change). To access the new UI, open the Alerts page and add an “s” onto the very end of the URL (transforming “/alert” to “/alerts”).

Feedback on the new UI is welcome and can be submitted right through your portal, as outlined in Accessing Support Resources.

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