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v.213 Release Notes

Last updated on 27 November, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Enhanced Azure Cost and Usage Data Support
  • Release of LogicMonitor OpenTelemetry Collector 5.0.01
  • Improved VMware vSphere Netscan

Monitoring Updates

  • New Cisco_Meraki_LinkLayer_Topology TS
  • Meraki Dashboard API usage optimizations
  • Added support for NasBackup job type

Cloud Monitoring


Improved Google Cloud Platform Region Support

LogicMonitor now supports the following Google Cloud Platform regions:

  • africa-south1
  • europe-west10
  • europe-west12
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • me-central1
  • me-central2
  • me-west1
  • us-east5
  • us-south1

Enhancements to Azure Disks Tiers Support

LogicMonitor now reports device property information for the following tiers of Azure Disks:

  • sku.tier
  • properties.tier

For more information on supported services and resources, see Cloud Services and Resource Units.

Cost Optimization


Enhanced Azure Cost and Usage Data Support

Cost Optimization Billing now supports all current dataset schemas and versions of Cost and Usage Details and Cost and Usage Details (FOCUS) for Azure.

For more information, see Cost Optimization – Billing.


Known Issue

Resource Explorer Widget Report

The Resource Explorer Widget report is not populating data after selecting the Share Dashboard Report URL.



Improved VMware vSphere Netscan

The updated Enhanced Script NetScan for VMware vSphere adds vCenter and ESXi credentials, organizes vCenter devices into their own root folder for improved management, adds resources by DNS and IP address, avoids adding template VMs, and resolves tag issues.

For more information, see VMware vSphere Monitoring in the product documentation.


Enhanced Script NetScans Now Groovy 4 Compatible


Exchange Version Numbers Now Viewable

Exchange version numbers are now visible in the Audit Log and Local History on the Modules page. This enhancement makes it easier to track version changes and switch between versions of previously saved LogicModules.


Apache Groovy 4 Support for all LogicMonitor-Provided LogicModules

In a future release, LogicMonitor Collectors will no longer support Apache Groovy 2. All official LogicMonitor-provided modules will be compatible with Apache Groovy 4. To support this migration, LogicMonitor will be releasing updates to official LogicModules to be compatible with Groovy 4.

As a result of this migration, you must do the following:

For more information on the timeline of this migration, see Apache Groovy 2 End-of-Life Milestone Public Announcement.

The LogicMonitor EA Collector 34.500 or later is compatible with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. For more information about the EA Collector release, see the EA Collector 34.500 Release Notes.

Note: Starting with the release of EA Collector 37.100 in December of 2024, the collector will utilize Groovy4 instead of v2. In accordance with Collector versioning, a stable EA version is designated as an optional general release (GD).

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using the groovy.json.JsonSlurper(), the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.RunTimeException: Unable to load FastStringService

Note: This issue is fixed with the LogicMonitor Collector version 36.200 or later. To mitigate this issue when running a module using Apache Groovy 4, ensure you upgrade to the LogicMonitor Collector version 36.200 or later.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and the module includes an invalid type parameter for a data structure, the module throws the following exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:|

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception can be thrown when using the GroovyScriptHelper to incorporate LogicMonitor snippets in your script:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property:

To mitigate this issue, adjust the way the class is imported, similar to the following:

import com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper 
import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
def modLoader = GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance(GroovySystem.version).getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader()).withBinding(getBinding())

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4 with legacy classes in your script, the following exception can be thrown:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed

To mitigate this issue, migrate to JPMS-compliant package names. Making this change does not break backward compatibility with Groovy 2.

For example, the following script uses legacy classes:

import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

You can replace the legacy classes with JPMS-compliant package names in Groovy 4 to resolve the exception, similar to the following:

import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
import groovy.xml.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper() 
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using java.util.Date.format(), the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.Date.format() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss z]

Note: This issue is fixed with the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later. To mitigate this issue when running a module using Apache Groovy 4, ensure you upgrade to the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later



Enhancements to Resource Explorer Quick Add Lists

You can now customize Quick Add properties in Resource Explorer. To further customize Resource Explorer filter and grouping features, you can add customized filter and group properties and customize the order of Quick Add lists.

For more information, see Resource Explorer.

Security Settings


Enhanced Security Recommended Actions

We have added the following security recommendations for configuring and securing your portal.

  • Disable Enable Collector Debug you are actively performing troubleshooting, with our support or otherwise
  • Enable Keep Me Signed – Disable unless you require login sessions that do not expire
  • Disable Remote Session unless you are actively using the Remote Session feature functionality
  • Update User Session Timeout of 8 or less hours
  • Disable Allow scripts in the dashboard text widget you are actively using script functions within your dashboard widgets
  • Update Keep Me Signed in days limit to 30 or less
  • Specify which email domains are allowed. If left blank, all domains are allowed
  • Specify which IP addresses are allowed. If left blank, all IP addresses are allowed
  • Disable Allow Shared Reports you have a need to generate and share reports that do not require a user to authenticate to your portal

To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Security.

For more information, see LogicMonitor Security Recommended Actions in the product documentation.


Enhanced Email Template for Automatic User Suspension Notification

LogicMonitor has now improved the email notifications sent to you when your LogicMonitor account is automatically suspended due to inactivity, based on the admin settings. The updated email now includes important details such as the username, company, and the specific reason for the suspension.



Enhancements to Advanced Filtering in Distributed Tracing

You can now filter or search your trace data using the traceId and spanId keywords in the query box on the Traces page.

For more information, see Advanced Filtering Criteria for Distributed Tracing in the product documentation.

LogicModule Releases

New and updated LogicModules are available for you directly in your LogicMonitor portal. You can install new modules from the Exchange and update existing modules in My Module Toolbox. For more information, see Modules Installation, and Modules Management in the product documentation.

This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed in the General Updates section.

New LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
1 TopologySources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_LinkLayer_Topology
Added new Cisco_Meraki_LinkLayer_Topology TS, which implements the new network level endpoint fetching LLDP and CDP data.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Mitigates risk of making unnecessary API calls to getNetworkEvents by increasing the perPage parameter from the default (10) to the maximum (1000). These API calls are used by the Meraki Network Events LogSource and can be eliminated by adding the meraki.disable.network.events host property. For more information, see Cisco Meraki Monitoring.
1 PropertySources:
  – VMware_vSphere_Info
Adds alternative way to get serial.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Meraki Dashboard API usage optimizations:
Mitigates paging of getNetworkClients for SSID usage.
Checks for getNetworkApplianceWarmSpare data in cache before fetching, resulting in 1 API fetch a day post collector restart rather than polling every 14 minutes.
1 PropertySources:
  – Microsoft_SQLServer_Connections
Fixed problem with uppercase property names in hostprops.
1 PropertySources:
  – addERI_Fortinet_FortiGate
2 TopologySources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_Topology
  – Networking_L2_snmpSwitch
Added setting system.sysname ERI to addERI_Fortinet_Fortigate.
Added a try catch for the switch stack calls in Cisco_Meraki_Topology.
Added a minor bug fix to Networking_L2_snmpSwitch for Cisco/Meraki switches that have no CDP interface tables.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_FTD_Services
Updated Active Discovery Interval to 15 minutes. New services get a new process ID every time they are restarted.
2 DataSources:
  – Veeam_BackupAndReplication_BackupSessions
  – Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_Backups
Added support for NasBackup job type.
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_CiscoASA
Adds CiscoASA property to devices running ASA.
1 LogSources:
  – VMware SDWAN Alerts
Updated severity to appear in “log_level” field
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_CommVault
Add null check for API token in order to prevent errant CommVault system category from being set when there is an issue.
1 DataSources:
  – LogicMonitor_ConfigSource_Metrics
Fix to time detection of config metrics.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Add 300 per page limit to assurance alerts endpoint.
1 DataSources:
  – PaloAlto_FW_BGP
Changed the Active Discovery interval from “when device changes” to 15 minutes. This improves HA failover function.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Firepower_SecurityModule
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_CiscoFirepowerSNMP
Includes fixes for .3054 sysOID suffix and daily gaps in data when hours or device reset uptime.
1 DataSources:
  – MongoDB_Server_Replication
Updated the graphs to eliminate a datapoint used for alerting and not intended for display. Added graph for hours in addition to seconds.
1 DataSources:
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineNetworkInterface
Resolved incorrect throughput graph calculation.
12 DataSources:
  – VMware_ESXi_CPU
  – VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachinePerformance
  – VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachineStatus
  – VMware_vSphere_DatastoreStatus
  – VMware_vSphere_DatastoreThroughput
  – VMware_vSphere_DatastoreUsage
  – VMware_vSphere_HostStatus
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineDiskCapacity
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineNetworkInterface
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachinePerformance
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineSnapshots
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineStatus
1 PropertySources:
  – VMware_vSphere_Info
Fix tag issues across the VMware suite.