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v.131 Release: New Monitoring for Apache Hadoop; Extended Topology Coverage

Last updated on 14 September, 2022


New and Updated Monitoring Coverage

Upon your account’s upgrade to v.131, import our new and updated LogicModules from the LogicMonitor repository to expand and enhance your monitoring coverage.

New Monitoring Coverage

  • Apache Hadoop – 21 DataSources, 5 PropertySources
    • Monitors metrics for the HDFS NameNode, HDFS DataNode, Yarn, and MapReduce components. See Apache Hadoop Monitoring for more details on what this package monitors, as well as instructions for setting up monitoring.
  • AWS AppStream – 1 DataSource
    • Monitors Amazon AppStream fleet performance and capacity, as reported by CloudWatch.
  • AWS MQ – 1 DataSource
    • Monitors Amazon MQ Broker performance data, as reported by CloudWatch.
  • Axcient Backup – 3 DataSources, 1 PropertySource
    • New LogicModules have been released to replace all legacy Axcient LogicModules. The new DataSources feature underscores (_) in their definition names (for example, Axcient_Backup_Jobs), as compared to the deprecated DataSources which do not (for example, Axcient Backup Jobs). If you are currently monitoring Axcient using the legacy DataSources, you will not experience any data loss upon importing the newer DataSources because names have been changed to eliminate module overwriting. However, you will collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both sets of DataSources are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable the legacy Axcient DataSources after importing the new ones.
  • Barracuda Load Balancer – 1 TopologySource, 1 PropertySource
    • The new BarracudaLoadBalancer_HA TopologySource and addERI_BarracudaLoadBalancer PropertySource provide topology support for Barracuda Load Balancers.
  • Cisco Transceiver Sensors (CLI) – 1 DataSource, 1 PropertySource
    • This new DataSource offers the same monitoring capabilities as the existing SNMP-based Cisco_Transceiver_Sensors DataSource, but offers performance and efficiency improvements gained as a result of CLI access. The new addCategory_CiscoTransceiversCLI PropertySource checks to see if CLI access will work correctly and if it deems compatibility is present, adds the properties necessary for the new CLI version of this DataSource to apply.
  • EMC Avamar Troubleshooter – 1 DataSource
    • Assists in ensuring the Avamar host is configured appropriately.
  • HP Stack – 1 SNMP SysOID Map
    • New sysOID for newer HP Switches.
  • Meraki – 1 TopologySource, 1 PropertySource
    • The new Meraki_Cloud_Topology TopologySource and addERI_Meraki PropertySource provide topology support for Meraki cloud devices. As highlighted in the following section, several Meraki DataSources have also been updated to improve topology support.
  • Microsoft PowerShell Info – 1 PropertySource
    • The new Microsoft_Powershell_Info PropertySource captures PowerShell version information and determines if WinRM is enabled/disabled.
  • Oracle Database System Metrics – 1 DataSource
    • Displays the system metric values for the prior 60 seconds from the V$Sysmetric table on an Oracle database.
  • Ubiquiti UniFi – 1 TopologySource, 1 PropertySource
    • The new Ubiquiti_UniFi_Wireless TopologySource and addERI_Ubiquiti_UniFi PropertySource provide topology support for Ubiquiti UniFi gear. As highlighted in the following section, several Ubiquiti UniFi DataSources have also been updated to improve topology support.
  • Veeam Backup & Replication Managed Agent Backups – 1 DataSource
    • Monitors Veeam managed agent backups.
  • VMware ESXi – 1 TopologySource
    • The new VMware_ESXi_Topology TopologySource provides topology support for standalone ESXi. As highlighted in the following section, several VMware ESXi/vSphere DataSources have also been updated to improve topology support.

Updated Monitoring Coverage

  • Axcient Backup – All 3 DataSources
    • New LogicModules have been released to replace all legacy Axcient LogicModules. The new DataSources feature underscores (_) in their definition names (for example, Axcient_Backup_Jobs), as compared to the deprecated DataSources which do not (for example, Axcient Backup Jobs). If you are currently monitoring Axcient using the legacy DataSources, you will not experience any data loss upon importing the newer DataSources because names have been changed to eliminate module overwriting. However, you will collect duplicate data and receive duplicate alerts for as long as both sets of DataSources are active. For this reason, we recommend that you disable the legacy Axcient DataSources after importing the new ones.
  • Cisco APIC – All 9 DataSources, 1 PropertySource
    • Quick exit if error is experienced; verbose error printing message.
  • Cisco Entity Sensors – 1 DataSource
    • Added CLI compatibility and alert order updates to address Cisco hosts which either do not support SNMP-based metrics or return conflicting data as compared to CLI output. In addition, fixed an incorrectly named token in the custom alert message in place for the “low_alert” and “high_alert” datapoints.
  • Cisco HyperFlex Datastores – 1 DataSource
    • Fixed issue in “StorageUtilization” datapoint calculation.
  • Cisco Nexus FRU Cluster Power – 1 DataSource
    • Deprecated the Cisco_Nexus_FRU_Cluster_Power DataSource as it shares the same functionality as the Cisco_Nexus_FRU_Power DataSource. If you are currently running this deprecated DataSource, consider disabling it (do not immediately delete it to avoid losing history) after ensuring that you are running the version that has not been deprecated.
  • Cisco NX-OS – 1 ConfigSource
    • Fixes were applied to the Cisco_NXOS ConfigSource to setMaxBackupIndex to only store three “permanent files” for each instance instead of 10. In addition, log level was changed from INFO to ERROR, resulting in less lines in the logs.
  • Cisco QoS – 1 DataSource
    • Removed filtering of default class with improved graphs.
  • Cisco Transceiver Sensors – 1 DataSource
    • Added CLI compatibility and alert order updates to address Cisco hosts which either do not support SNMP-based metrics or return conflicting data as compared to CLI output.
  • Citrix All Licenses – 1 DataSource
    • Moved away from Get-WMIObject in favor of Get-CIMInstance for performance improvements as well as reduced system logging.
  • Citrix EUEM – 1 PropertySource
    • Updated WMI query for the addCategory_CitrixEUEM PropertySource to improve assignment of the system.category property value.
  • Device Basic Info – 1 PropertySource
    • Addressed an issue with core/logical core counts for the Device_BasicInfo PropertySource.
  • EMC Avamar Checkpoint – 1 DataSource
    • Added a 30-day instance persistence flag that serves to delete instances that are no longer valid.
  • EMC XtremIO Data Protection Groups – 1 DataSource
    • Added handling for deprecated API datapoint.
  • Fujitsu Eternus – 1 PropertySource
    • Made AppliesTo logic updates and cleaned up script for the addCategory_FujitsuEternus PropertySource.
  • HP 3PAR Disks – 1 DataSource
    • Updated to capture disk health even on broke run; regex cleanup.
  • IPMI Full Sensors – 1 DataSource
    • Fixed issue with datapoint thresholds.
  • Liebert Global Status – 1 DataSource
    • Updated datapoint OID; updated tech notes to explain missing data on certain devices.
  • Linux SSH – 7 DataSources, 1 PropertySources
    • For all Linux SSH DataSources (named Linux_SSH_*) and the addCategory_Linux_SSH PropertySource, fixed Active Discovery and collection scripts to properly accept alternate ports. In addition, the Linux_SSH_NetworkInterfaces DataSource specifically has been updated to remove regex reliance from its collection script for the sake of compatibility and stability.
  • LogicMonitor Collector [Config Collecting Tasks | Global Stats] – 2 DataSources
    • Removed No Data alerting for the LogicMonitor_Collector_ConfigCollectingTask DataSource; fixed issue in “uptime” datapoint description and graph for the LogicMonitor_Collector_GlobalStats DataSource.
  • Meraki [MR Stats | MS Stats | MX Stats | Z Stats] – 4 DataSources
    • Improved topology support. As highlighted in the previous section, there is also a new Meraki TopologySource and PropertySource available for topology coverage.
  • Microsoft DHCP IPv4 [Scopes | Server] – 2 DataSources
    • Moved away from Get-WMIObject in favor of Get-CIMInstance for performance improvements as well as reduced system logging.
  • NetApp 7-Mode Status – 1 DataSource
    • Fixed issue with broken disk count.
  • NetApp E-Series – 1 PropertySource
    • Performed script updates for the addCategory_NetApp_ESeries PropertySource to properly match against the value of the system.ips property.
  • NetScaler [Load Balancing VIPs | Content Switching VIPs] – 2 DataSources
    • Added missing datapoint descriptions.
  • NetSNMP Memory Usage – 1 DataSource
    • Added checks for edge-case kernel strings.
  • Palo Alto Firewall System Resources – 1 DataSource
    • Updated script to address system resource pattern changes in newer firmwares.
  • Redis – 1 DataSource
    • Performed script updates to address timeouts.
  • SonicWall SonicOS – 1 ConfigSource
    • Corrected a space conversion issue that was preventing instance discovery.
  • Topology mapping Updated PropertySources – 1 PropertySource
    • Performed various category ERT (external reference type) updates for the addCategory_TopoSwitch PropertySource.
  • Topology mapping Updated TopologySources – 1 TopologySource
    • Performed various category ERT (external reference type) updates for the Networking_L2_snmpSwitch TopologySource.
  • Ubiquiti UniFi [Access Points | Clients Wired | Clients Wireless | Switches] – 4 DataSources
    • Improved topology compatibility. As highlighted in the previous section, there is also a new Ubiquiti UniFi TopologySource and PropertySource available for topology coverage.
  • Veeam Backup & Replication Configuration Backup – 1 DataSource
    • Made minor improvements to datapoint descriptions.
  • VMware ESXI/vSphere [ESXi Datastore Performance | ESXi Datastore Status | vSphere vDisk Capacity | vSphere VM Performance | vSphere VM Status] – 5 DataSources
    • Improved topology compatibility for standalone ESXi. As highlighted in the previous section, there is also a new VMware ESXi TopologySource available for topology coverage.
  • VMware Horizon PCoIP Sessions – 1 DataSource
    • Moved away from Get-WMIObject in favor of Get-CIMInstance for performance improvements as well as reduced system logging.
  • VMware vCenter [VM Performance | VM Status] – 2 DataSources
    • Added threading to help reduce collection times. Set esx.vmperformance.poolsize to a value between 1 and 10 to customize (default is 5).
  • Windows HyperV (2008/2008r2/2012/2012r2/2016) [Hypervisor Statistics | Virtual Machines | Virtual Storage | CPU | Snapshots | Virtual Network Adapter | Virtual Switch Ports] – 15 DataSources
    • Moved away from Get-WMIObject in favor of Get-CIMInstance for performance improvements as well as reduced system logging.

Other v.131 Enhancements


  • Invalid time format causing error in “Alert Began” column. Previously, an invalid time/date or time zone formatting error introduced via the API resulted in a display error in the “Alert Began” column of the alert table. Now, when invalid formatting is detected, the column will default to the user’s default time zone (as established in the user account) or, if one hasn’t been set at the user level, the time zone set for the global LogicMonitor account, when displaying timestamp data.


  • Infinity values incorrectly interpreted by dashboard widgets. Previously, datapoint values of infinity were being displayed as 100% on dashboard widgets. Now, NaN (not a number) displays instead.


  • Property capture when resources are added into monitoring. When adding a resource into monitoring via expert mode, any properties assigned to the resource from the Add Device dialog are now logged in the Audit Log.

NetFlow Monitoring

  • New custom property available that allows acceptance of NetFlow source that is different from device IP. A new property named netflow.allowips is now available for customization when your NetFlow exporter’s main IP address in LogicMonitor is not the same as the IP address that is used to actually export the data. This property accepts either a single IP or a comma-separated list as its value; it does not accept a range.


  • Transition to signing SP metadata with SHA-256. Metadata associated with SSO that was configured prior to LogicMonitor’s transition to signing service provider metadata with SHA-256 is still being signed with SHA-1 (with RSA). Starting with v.131, downloading this metadata signed by SHA-1 will trigger a prompt that asks whether LogicMonitor should transition to signing the metadata with SHA-256. This prompt supports deliberate triggering of the transition, which has the potential to impact existing SSO setups (for example, setups with a provider that does not yet support SHA-256).
  • Support for firstName and lastName attributes. firstName and lastName attributes will now be used to populate first and last name for users in LogicMonitor if givenName and surname are not present. You may find this workflow easier when working with providers (for example, OneLogin) that don’t easily support givenName and surname.

Web Interface

  • HTTP/2 and TLS 1.3. Enabled HTTP/2 and TLS 1.3 for all customer portals. This provides speed and security benefits.