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v.150 Release Notes

Last updated on 15 October, 2022

LogicMonitor v.150 is scheduled to roll out to customer portals from March 29th through April 7th.


  • Feature Highlights: Cloud and SaaS Monitoring integrations have a new onboarding and management experience, with updated workflows and embedded help documentation.
  • General Updates: Added functionality to Kubernetes and Cloud Monitoring, improvements to dynamic thresholds, various fixes to Alerts, and more.
  • Updated Monitoring: New DataSources to monitor application and device metrics for Microsoft Office 365 services, new DataSources to track usage and status for CommVault solutions, and more.

Feature Highlight: New management experience for Cloud and SaaS Integrations

Cloud and SaaS Integrations in LM Exchange.
Cloud and SaaS Integrations in LM Exchange.

Onboarding and management for Cloud Monitoring have a new look and feel. Changes include updated workflows and embedded documentation to create a more seamless and intuitive onboarding and management experience. You can add new integrations directly from the Exchange tab under Cloud Integrations.

Additionally, we are bringing cloud methodology to SaaS Monitoring by implementing API-based monitoring for all your business needs. You can monitor business critical SaaS’s for usage, availability, consumption, and more. This API approach will start with Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce in this release, with more integrations to come in future releases. Reach out to your Sales and CSM team for more information.

New SaaS Integrations will also be available from Exchange > Cloud Integrations. Vote for Integrations to help us prioritize upcoming SaaS releases.

General Updates

General Updates describes the changes made to LogicMonitor features in this release.


  • CHANGED the dynamic thresholds algorithm to improve handling of sparse data. As a result, you may see a gap in alerting and suppression by dynamic thresholds of approximately 5 hours where this new algorithm retrains historical data.
  • FIXED an issue where the ##INSTANCEGROUP## token was not populating in the active alert integration payload.
  • FIXED an issue with the ServiceNow integration. When you updated the Note field in the Alert details, log alerts were being acknowledged in ServiceNow but not in LM Alerts.
  • FIXED an issue where External Ticket ID was not showing in a device Alert tab or Report, even when it was present in integration logs. You may need to manually add an External Ticket ID column to the device’s Alert tab or Report if it is not already added.

Cloud Monitoring

  • ADDED Azure SignalR Metrics that are exposed in Azure Monitor: ConnectionCount, InboundTraffic, MessageCount, OutboundTraffic, SystemErrors, UserErrors.
  • CHANGED GCP Billing integrations to follow GCP standards. For example, new and existing billing integrations now use BigQuery Table IDs.

Collector Releases

Kubernetes Monitoring

  • ADDED new properties to log Argus versions for better troubleshooting: argus.app-version and argus.app-version.history.
  • ADDED a retention period for Argus resources that are removed from monitoring.
    • When you set deleteDevices = true in your Argus Helm deployment, it will automatically set a property kubernetes.resourcedeleteafterduration = 1 day at the group level for your cluster. This setting will retain the resources for 1 day after they are terminated. Terminated resources awaiting deletion are added to a new dynamic group with alerting disabled to avoid alert noise.
    • You can override the value (for how long the resources are retained) by setting this property at the device or sub-group level. The maximum value is 10 days (P10DT0H0M0S).
    • Note: While we recommend LM Service Insight to ensure you retain historical data at the application and service level, this retention option will enable you to get granular historical data for individual resources (such as pods).

LM Config

  • FIXED an issue where config alerts were automatically clearing before they were acknowledged if “Clear when acknowledged” was selected.

LM Logs

  • FIXED a bug where navigating from Alert graphs to View Logs resulted in a line marked ‘undefined’ on the logs overview graph.
  • FIXED a timeout issue that was occurring when searching for certain time periods of logs.


User Interface

  • FIXED an issue where the search query and cleared alerts wouldn’t display at the same time in the new Alerts UI.
  • FIXED an issue where hostcluster, batchjob, and eventsource alerts were incorrectly labeled as website alerts. 
  • FIXED an issue to correct the pagination of the new Alerts page when there are no alerts.

User Management

  • FIXED an issue where cloning an existing role would select all Saved Maps groups. It should only apply the selection from the existing role.

Website Monitoring

  • FIXED an issue where inheriting and overriding a custom Website property would cause it to display twice because the case in the property didn’t match.

LogicModule Changes

Enhance your monitoring with new and updated LogicModules, which are available for you to import from the LogicMonitor Public Repository.

New LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
(2 DataSources) Added new DataSource to track pool usage and online status.

CommVault_Job_Status will be replaced with CommVault_Job_Backups. See Deprecated LogicModules.
(15 DataSources) Monitors app and device usage, licensing, storage and activity metrics for Office365 services via the Cloud Collector.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule/System Name Details
addCategory_CommVault (PropertySource) Updated script to query API instead of WMI.
addCategory_NetApp_ESeries (PropertySource) Change broad “isDevice()” AppliesTo function to target devices with netapp.rest.user, netapp.rest.pass and netapp.rest.url properties instead.
(1 PropertySource, 12 DataSources) Ensure script output is properly sanitized. Various graph fixes. Add datapoint for percentage of space used by a backup to Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_BackupSync. Add instance grouping to Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Jobs_ManagedAgentBackups.
(2 DataSources) Update collection script to use double instead of long for numerical values to allow for larger values.
Cisco_CPU_Exceptions (DataSource) Collects CPU statistics for instances that represent either more than one physical entity or no physical entity.
Cisco_CPU_Usage (DataSource) Updated AppliesTo to include ASA devices.
Cisco_FRU_Power (DataSource) Added instance property for administrative state. Add filter to avoid discovering new instances in the “administratively offline” state.
Cisco_IPSec_PolicyBasedTunnels (DataSource) Update AppliesTo to exclude ASA devices as they do not support the “show crypto session detail” command.
(5 DataSources) Updated AppliesTo to include Catalyst 9800 Virtual Controllers. Updated collection script for Cisco_Wireless_RogueAccessPoints to account for time formats returned by 9800 devices.
(2 DataSources) Use closures instead of maps to reduce memory consumption. Fix data parsing.
F5_BigIP_PoolMemberStats (DataSource) Updated collection script to perform more targeted SNMP walks, removed dependency on instance properties.
F5_BigIP_VIP_Statistics (DataSource) Fixed datapoint types for ClientCurrentConnections, ClientTotalConnections, EphemeralCurrentConnections, EphemeralTotalConnections, PVAAssistCurrentConnections, PVAAssistTotalConnections, PVACurrentConnections and PVATotalConnections.
GCP_DataAnalytics_CloudComposer (DataSource) Increase collection interval to 5 minutes to match polling interval for some datapoints. Removed complex datapoints for Health related metrics since normalized values were misleading.
GCP_Storage_CloudFilestoreInstance (DataSource) Fix invalid Resource Label Name for all datapoints.
HostStatus (DataSource) Updated collection interval to match actual collection frequency of 1 minute. Updated tech notes with reminder that changing the collection interval has no effect for this DataSource.
(2 DataSources) Fixed collection bug for cpu and memory limits/requests. Removed cpu_total_count and cpu_allocated_count datapoints since the API does not return data for these datapoints, note that all historical data for these datapoints will be lost but is expected to be empty. Various description and complex datapoint expression fixes.
Kubernetes_CoreDNS (DataSource) Replace RegEx expressions in collection script with parser function to improve reliability. Gather total metrics for all zones by targeting the ‘.’ zone. Added datapoints for panics and buckets of request duration data.
Microsoft_Azure_ExpressRouteCircuit (DataSource) Fix regression with collection interval, should have a minimum 5 minute interval.
Microsoft_SQLServer_Databases (DataSource) Remove mention of un-monitored metric (active sessions) from DataSource description.
(2 DataSources) Added alert thresholds.

Announced in v.146, these DataSources will replace snmpHRDisk- and snmpHRLargeDisk-. See Deprecated LogicModules.
SNMP_Network_Interfaces (DataSource) Fix for devices that return null values for octet data.
SSL_Certificates (DataSource) Removed ports used by LDAP, Oracle DB and Docker that return errors by default from ad script.
VMware_ESXi_DatastoreCapacity (DataSource) Added complex datapoint that does not depend on device type (standalone vs non-standalone) to report capacity usage.
VMware_Horizon_Product_Info (DataSource) Removed unnecessary filtering of language packs when using the Win32_Product WMI class.
(3 DataSources) Ensure that collection does not completely fail due to collections errors for individual hosts.
(4 DataSources) Rewrote scripts to use the URL library. Fix version number detection function that was unable to detect that VCSA v7 was higher than v6.7. Fix incorrect unit conversion in VMware_VCSA_DiskPerformance collection script. Add instance level properties to VMware_VCSA_BackupInstances. Various updates to graphs, descriptions and alert messages.

Deprecated LogicModules

This table lists LogicModules which we are deprecating in this release, this means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. A replacement LogicModule is listed, if there is one available. For the list of LogicModules deprecated over the past five releases, see the support article Deprecated LogicModules.

LogicModule Name
Reason End of Support Date

Deprecate modules in favor of single a DataSource for all backup jobs. New DataSource uses pagination which provides significant performance improvements, particularly for large deployments. 2021-04-07

Customers wishing to preserve historical data should disable these modules to prevent double collection and alerting. Please update SNMP_Filesystem_Status and SNMP_Filesystem_Usage to at least v1.1 before disabling these modules as alerts were not set in earlier versions. 2021-04-07