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v.202 Release Notes

Last updated on 01 April, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Launch of LM Co-Pilot
  • Node Grouping for Dynamic Maps
  • General Availability of Usage Reporting
  • Usage Reporting for Cloud

Monitoring Updates

  • New monitoring for Cisco Meraki MT-series IoT sensors
  • Added Meraki API-based LogSource for Security Events
  • Updated modules for VMware and Aruba EdgeConnect



“Root Cause Analysis” Renamed to “Dependent Alert Mapping”

Root Cause Analysis has been renamed to Dependent Alert Mapping. This name change is reflected throughout the LogicMonitor portal and does not impact the workflow for configuring the feature.

To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Alert > Dependent Alert Mapping.



Copy Dashboard URL with Applied Filters

With the Copy Dashboard URL feature, you can share the dashboard URL with or without applied filters. The dashboard URL displays the exact view from when the URL was generated.

Note: The Dashboard URL gets copied with the exact customization and the selected time range.

For more information, see Modern Dashboards in the product documentation.


Datapoint Analysis for Graph Widgets

You can now access Datapoint Analysis from a graph widget in Dashboards UIv4.

In the top right overflow menu, there is a new option to launch datapoint analysis for the datapoints that are within a widget. This is available for graph widgets only that contain time-series data.

Note: If there are more than 100 resources per widget, Datapoint Analysis fetches the top 100 sorted alphabetically.

Identity and Access


Minimum Password Length

The minimum password length is set to 12 characters.

Note: The minimum password length change applies to the new and existing users when they update or change the password. For more information, see Adding a User in the product documentation.


Suspension of User Portal Settings

The suspension days are set as 90 days for all the new portals.
For existing portals, the suspension days remain 0, or the set number of days.

In addition, along with the Single Sign-On users, local users are also suspended.

For more information, see Portal Settings in the product documentation.


Email Verification for Users

The email verification link is sent to the users in the following two scenarios:

  • When a new user is created
  • When the existing user updates their email ID

You must select the link provided in the email to complete the verification process and activate the account. For more information, see Adding a User in the product documentation.


Force Password Change

Now when you enable the Force Password Change option, an email is sent to reset the password on the next login.

The following options are available:

  • Immediately (force logout for this user)—By selecting this option, the user will immediately get forced logged out from the LogicMonitor portal. In addition, the user would have to reset the password on the next login.
  • Next login (requires users to reset the password on the next login)—By selecting this option, the user will be required to reset the password on the next login.

You can also perform bulk action for this feature. For more information, see Adding a User in the product documentation.


Email Notifications for User Account Changes

You will now receive an email notification if the following fields are modified:

  • API Tokens
  • Roles
  • View Permission
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication

LM Co-Pilot


Launch of LM Co-Pilot Chatbot

Disclaimer: LM Co-Pilot is released with controlled availability in a preview mode. To learn more about LM Co-Pilot, contact your Customer Success Manager.

LogicMonitor has launched LM Co-Pilot, a generative AI chatbot. LM Co-Pilot allows you to perform complex administrative tasks such as, user and device management quickly and hassle-free.

To access this feature, select the LM CO-PILOT icon available on the upper-right corner of the LogicMonitor portal.

For more information, see LM Co-Pilot Overview in the product documentation.



Header Sorting

You can now sort the following columns in the modules table in My Module Toolbox and Exchange:

  • Status
  • Author
  • Use Status
  • Support Status

This allows you to alphabetically navigate through the list of modules based on the header you select. In addition, you can sort after you apply a filter to further organize the list of modules to locate the module you need.

To access this feature, navigate to Modules > My Module Toolbox or Exchange, and select the table header for the status you want to sort on.


LogicModule Management Improvements

The following improvements have been made to enhance the management of LogicModules:

  • Improved local history entry when cloning a LogicModule.
  • Improved the In Use/Not in Use tracking for LogicModules.
  • Improved logic to determine “Customized” status of LogicModules.

LogicModules Migrating to Modules

In a future release, LogicModules will no longer be available from Settings. You can access the Exchange, My Module Toolbox, and all settings for managing modules from Modules in the navigation bar.

For more information, see Modules Overview in the Product Documentation.

Resolved Issue

Fixed a character limit in LogicModule OID fields that would prevent saving of valid OIDs.



The default-level instance group graph now displays in the New UI.



Node Grouping for Dynamic Maps

Node grouping is now available on Dynamic Maps. You can now group nodes based on a specific set of properties such as Account, Cluster, Node, Namespace, Provider, and so on. For more information, see Creating Topology Maps in the product documentation.



General Availability of Usage Reporting

Usage Reporting is now generally available in all LogicMonitor portals. Usage Reporting allows you to view the cumulative monthly usage for your organization to help you understand how and where your environment is incurring the most data usage.

To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Usage.

For more information, see Usage Reporting Overview in the product documentation.


Usage Reporting for Cloud Monitoring

LogicMonitor now provides the usage metrics for IaaS and PaaS monitoring as part of your Cloud Monitoring subscription. The usage metrics consists of the monthly average count of the IaaS and PaaS resources.

The usage metrics for IaaS monitoring are divided into non-compute resources and IaaS resources, allowing you to view them separately or in a combined format for a total usage count. PaaS monitoring is provided as the total monthly average count of your monitored PaaS resources.

To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Usage, and select “IaaS Monitoring” or “PaaS Monitoring”.

For more information, see Usage Reporting Overview in the product documentation.


Tenant ID Contributor for Usage Reporting

You can now leverage the Tenant Identifier as a contributor for Usage Reporting. In addition to viewing the usage data for multiple contributors using Child Accounts across separate LogicMonitor portals, Tenant ID allows you to view the usage data for multiple accounts that are organized within the same LogicMonitor portal. This enhances the source of truth for your usage metrics as you can switch between the two types of contributors depending on how your environment is organized.

To access this feature, navigate to Settings > Usage, and select “tenant.identifier” Contributor Type.

For more information, see Usage Reporting Overview in the product documentation.

Collector Releases

The following Collector releases are available:

  • EA Collector 35.301 was released on March 12, 2024. For more information, see the EA Collector 35.301 Release Notes.
  • EA Collector 35.300 was released on March 05, 2024. For more information, see the EA Collector 35.300 Release Notes.

Container Releases

Container Monitoring 7.0.0 was released on March 06, 2024. For more information on new Container Monitoring features, enhancements, fixed and known issues, and the upgrade steps, see the Container Monitoring 7.0.0 Release Notes.

Dexda Releases

An initial version of Dexda was released on March 27, 2024. For more information on its features, see the Dexda Release Notes.

LogicModules Releases

New and updated LogicModules are available for you directly in your LogicMonitor portal. You can install new modules from the Exchange and update existing modules in My Module Toolbox. For more information, see Modules Installation, and Modules Management in the product documentation.

This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release.

New LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
4 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_DoorSensor
  – Cisco_Meraki_PowerSensor
  – Cisco_Meraki_TemperatureSensor
  – Cisco_Meraki_WaterSensor
New monitoring for Meraki MT-series IoT sensors.
1 LogSource:
  – Meraki Security Appliance Events
Added Meraki API-based LogSource for Security Events.
1 DataSource:
  – Juniper_Mist_API
New centralized data collection module following today’s best practice for rate limited APIs. Improves data collection reliability by introducing support for use with Auto-Balanced Collector groups and eliminating reliance on the Juniper_Mist_Org virtual device.

For more information, see Juniper Mist Monitoring in the product documentation.
1 LogSource:
  – Meraki Network Events
New LogSource for monitoring Meraki API-based network events.
4 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_RouterHealth
  – Cisco_Catalyst_RouterPerformance
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SwitchHealth
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SwitchPerformance
Added support for health and performance monitoring for Cisco Catalyst Center switches and routers.

For more information, see Cisco Catalyst Wireless Access Point Monitoring in the product documentation.

1 DataSource:
  – VMware_SDWAN_BGP_Sessions
New VMware SD-WAN (formerly Velocloud) BGP Sessions monitoring.
1 DataSource:
  – LogicMonitor_Collector_Publisher
Monitoring for metrics related to Data publisher feature recently added for Collector 35.300 or later.
1 DataSource:
  – Microsoft_Azure_ServiceBusQueue
New monitoring for Azure Service Bus Queue.
1 LogSource:
  – VMware SDWAN Alerts
New monitoring to provide logs for VMware SD-WAN device alerts.

For more information, see VMware SD-WAN Monitoring in the product documentation.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
1 DataSource:
  – AWS_EC2
Updated appliesTo to exclude EBS EC2s which are monitored in AWS_EC2_EBS.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_IPSec_AggregateTunnels
Corrected handling of TunnelStatus datapoint to average aggregated results based on the count of tunnels for each instance.
1 TopologySource:
  – VMware_vCenter_Datastore_Topology
Removed all datastore edges except ESXi hosts to datastores for proper mapping.
1 DataSource:
  – VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachineStatus
Fixed an error in output generation for data collection.
1 DataSource:
  – snmp64_If_dot1qvLAN-
Increased max limits by a factor of 10 to handle GB level links.
13 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointPerformance
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointRadios
  – Cisco_Meraki_CameraHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_CellularGatewayHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_CellularGatewayPerformance
  – Cisco_Meraki_DeviceInterfaces
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityApplianceHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityAppliancePerformance
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityApplianceUnderlay
  – Cisco_Meraki_SwitchHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_SwitchInterfaces
  – Cisco_Meraki_SwitchPerformance
Optionally check for meraki.serial host property set by NetScan or user in the event that Device_BasicInfo returned an empty result for auto.endpoint.serial_number.
1 DataSource:
  – Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_API
Added new API call for next hops.
1 DataSource:
– SilverPeak_NextHops -> Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN_NextHops
Replacement for SilverPeak_NextHops following standardized data models and best practices.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_API
Optimized statistics cached data. Snippet updated to exclude getVersion() from cached cred expire. Test for version in cache before trying to get it using getVersion().
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_NTP
Now supports specifying formatting commands using ntp.ssh.format host property.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Added query for security events to support new LogSource.
3 DataSources:
  – PaloAlto_Prisma_SDWAN_Overlay
  – PaloAlto_Prisma_SDWAN_Underlay
  – PaloAlto_Prisma_SDWAN_Health
Resolved issues with HUB devices experiencing difficulty reporting tunnels. Reduced API calls for both Underlay and Overlay modules to avoid rate limit issues.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityApplianceUnderlay
Updated network throughput graphs to use lines instead of stacked areas.
1 DataSource:
  – LogicMonitor_Collector_ExecutorQueue
Added to Collector group for proper display on the resource tree.
1 DataSource:
  – Juniper_Mist_Org
Updated to allow for multiple Orgs on a single collector.
9 DataSources:
  – Juniper_Mist_AP_Beacon
  – Juniper_Mist_AP_Health
  – Juniper_Mist_AP_Interfaces
  – Juniper_Mist_AP_Performance
  – Juniper_Mist_AP_Radios
  – Juniper_Mist_SDWAN_Edge_Health
  – Juniper_Mist_SDWAN_Edge_Performance
  – Juniper_Mist_Switch_Health
  – Juniper_Mist_Switch_Performance

2 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_Juniper_Mist_Device
  – addERI_Juniper_Mist_Device

1 TopologySource:
  – Juniper_Mist_Topology
Refactored to use best practices and added latitude and longitude properties.

Requires new Juniper_Mist_API DataSource for data collection.

For more information, see Juniper Mist Monitoring in the product documentation.
2 ConfigSources:
  – SSH_Interactive_Standard
  – Telnet_Interactive_Standard
Updated with more clear descriptions on alerting behavior.
1 DataSource:
  – Windows_WMITimeOffset
Updated parsing patterns to be more uniform with handling compact, ISO, and Zulu time.
4 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointPerformance
  – Cisco_Meraki_DeviceInterfaces
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityAppliancePerformance
  – Cisco_Meraki_SwitchPerformance
Set SNMP version in hostProps to v3 if all Meraki SNMPv3 props are present.
1 DataSource:
  – LogicMonitor_Portal_Collectors
Fixed an issue with ABCG collector calculation and added more comments explaining failover calculations. ABCG collectors inherently have failover set and enabled, therefore they are counted in these metrics.
1 DataSource:
  – WinIf-
Resolved wildvalue to adapter name matching error.
1 DataSource:
  – Juniper_Mist_API
Mirror all Juniper_Mist_Org datapoints in Juniper_Mist_API.
1 DataSource:
  – PaloAlto_FW_ThreatAnalysis
Updated to capture the number of medium severity threats correctly. Specifically, the related key name was updated from “med” to “medium”.
10 DataSources:
  – Linux_PSI
  – Linux_SSH_BlockDevicePerformance
  – Linux_SSH_CGroups
  – Linux_SSH_CPUCores
  – Linux_SSH_CPUMemory
  – Linux_SSH_Filesystems
  – Linux_SSH_NetworkInterfaces
  – Linux_SSH_ServiceStatus
  – Linux_SSH_TCPUDP
  – Linux_SSH_Uptime

4 PropertySources:
  – Linux_SSH_Info
  – addCategory_LinuxPSI
  – addCategory_Linux_SSH
  – addERI_Linux
Updated from JSCH-based EXEC to SSHJ using an official LM snippet to provide better compatibility with modern authentication protocols.
1 DataSource:
  – Windows_WMITimeOffset
Corrected time difference calculation to properly divide by 1000.
1 PropertySource:
  – addERI_Cisco_Meraki_Device
Add try / catch logic to prevent failure if SNMP setup is not configured correctly, yet API data is good (for example, incorrect SNMPv3 credentials).
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API

1 PropertySource:
  – addCategory_Cisco_Meraki_Device
Added support for network events monitoring using new LogSource.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_Center_API

2 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_Cisco_Catalyst_Center_Device
  – addERI_Cisco_Catalyst_Center_Device

1 TopologySource:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_Center_Topology

1 LogSource:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_Center_Issues
Updated to expand the scope from APs and WLCs to APs, WLCs, Switches, and Routers.

For more information, see Cisco Catalyst Wireless Access Point Monitoring in the product documentation.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Wireless_ConnectionStatistics
Modified appliesTo to exclude C9800 devices as OIDs are unavailable.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Wireless_ESS
Updated to discover instances for C9800 devices.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Wireless_GlobalPerformance
Updated tech notes to document unsupported datapoints for C9800 devices.
1 DataSource:
  –  HP_MSA_VirtualDisks
Updated to use new commands provided by HPE (previously using a deprecated XMP API basetype).
1 DataSource:
  – Microsoft_SQLServer_DatabaseStorage
Fixed an issue in SQL query with double quotes used incorrectly, and removed tempdb as it is included in the list of systemDatabases and therefore not needed.
1 DataSource:
  – VMware_SDWAN_Tunnels
Fixed an issue that showed the same data for multiple tunnels and updated to use wildvalue as unique identifier to ensure instances remain sticky when device or link names are updated in VMware.

Deprecated LogicModules

This table lists LogicModules that we are deprecating in this release. This means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. If available, a replacement LogicModule is listed. For the history of deprecated modules, see Deprecated LogicModules.

LogicModule DeprecationLogicModule ReplacementDetailsEnd of Support Details
4 DataSources:
  – Juniper_Mist_Org
  – Juniper_Mist_Org_Clients
  – Juniper_Mist_Org_Devices
  – Juniper_Mist_Org_Sites

2 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_Juniper_Mist_Organization
  – addERI_Juniper_Mist_Organization
Juniper_Mist_API DataSourceReplaced with new centralized data collection module following best practices for rate limited APIs.

Improves data collection reliability by introducing support for use with Auto-Balanced Collector groups and eliminating reliance on the Juniper_Mist_Org virtual device.

For more information, see Juniper Mist Monitoring in the product documentation.
31 March 2024