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v.204 Release Notes

Last updated on 22 May, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Added support for Amazon Global Networks and VPC Edge services
  • Resource Property Display in Table Widget
  • Log Query Report

Monitoring Updates

  • New config monitoring for Kubernetes
  • New Azure service for virtual networks monitoring
  • New monitoring to provide logs for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN device alarms

Cloud Monitoring


Enhanced Support for AWS Cloud Service

LogicMonitor now supports Amazon Global Networks, including VPC Edge services.

For more information on supported services, see Cloud Services and Resource Units in LogicMonitor product documentation.



Resource Property and Instance Description Display in Table Widget

The table widget now displays both metric and non-metric data. You can include the resource property in custom and dynamic tables to display its value.

In addition, you can also add instance description in the table widget by using ##DSIDESCRIPTION## token.
Note: The instance description token is supported only for Dynamic tables.

For more information, see Table Widget in the product documentation.



LogicModules Redirecting to My Module Toolbox

When accessing LogicModules from Settings, you are now redirected to My Module Toolbox in Modules.

For more information, see Modules Overview in the product documentation.

Note: This feature is only available for customized modules.


LogicModules Migrating to Modules

In a future release, LogicModules will no longer be available from Settings. You can access the Exchange, My Module Toolbox, and all settings for managing modules from Modules in the navigation bar.

For more information, see Modules Overview in the product documentation.


Apache Groovy 4 Support for all LogicMonitor-Provided LogicModules

In a future release, LogicMonitor Collectors will no longer support Apache Groovy 2. All official LogicMonitor-provided modules will be compatible with Apache Groovy 4. To support this migration, LogicMonitor will be releasing updates to official LogicModules to be compatible with Groovy 4.

As a result of this migration, you must do the following:

  • Validate any customized or community-provided modules to ensure compatibility
    For more information about validating your customized modules, see Custom Module Groovy Migration Validation in the product documentation.
  • Install a module update for LogicMonitor-provided modules with the groovy4 tag, as available
    For more information, see Modules Management in the product documentation.

The LogicMonitor EA Collector 34.500 or later is compatible with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. For more information about the EA Collector release, see the EA Collector 34.500 Release Notes.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception can be thrown when using the GroovyScriptHelper to incorporate LogicMonitor snippets in your script:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property:

To mitigate this issue, adjust the way the class is imported, similar to the following:

if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {
    modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {{{}}
    modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())

For example, the following demonstrates how GroovyScriptHelper is used in Groovy 2:

import com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper as GSH
import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
modLoader = GSH.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader()).withBinding(getBinding()) 
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true) 
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"

You can modify the script to use the GroovyScriptHelper in Groovy 4, demonstrated in the following:

import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {    
modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {   
modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true) 
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4 with legacy classes in your script, the following exception can be thrown:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed

To mitigate this issue, migrate to JPMS-compliant package names. Making this change does not break backward compatibility with Groovy 2.

For example, the following script uses legacy classes:

import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

You can replace the legacy classes with JPMS-compliant package names in Groovy 4 to resolve the exception, similar to the following:

import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
import groovy.xml.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper() 
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and the module includes an invalid type parameter for a data structure, the module throws the following runtime exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: 

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using java.util.Date.format(), the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.Date.format() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss z]

Important: This issue is fixed with the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later. To mitigate this issue when running a module using Apache Groovy 4, ensure you upgrade to the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.RunTimeException: Unable to load FastStringService 
Resolved Issue

Fixed bug supporting names with dots.



Log Query Report

The Log Query report offers both raw and aggregated log data.
Note: The maximum limit for generating the Log Query report is 50 per 24 hours. If the limit exceeds, you can generate the next report after 24 hours or contact your system administrator.

For more information, see Log Query Report in the product documentation.

Container Monitoring Releases

Container Monitoring 7.1.0 was released on May 02, 2024. For more information on new Container Monitoring features, enhancements, fixed and known issues, and the upgrade steps, see Container Monitoring 7.1.0  Release Notes.

LogicModule Releases

New and updated LogicModules are available for you directly in your LogicMonitor portal. You can install new modules from the Exchange and update existing modules in My Module Toolbox. For more information, see Modules Installation and Modules Management in the product documentation.

This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release.

New LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
4 ConfigSources:
  – Kubernetes_Daemonset_Config
  – Kubernetes_Deployment_Config
  – Kubernetes_ReplicaSet_Config
  – Kubernetes_StatefulSet_Config
Added new config monitoring for Kubernetes.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointSSIDs
Added per SSID monitoring of throughput and clients.
1 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_Azure_VirtualNetworks
Added new Azure service – Virtual Networks monitoring.
1 DataSources:
Added monitoring to provide logs for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN device alarms.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
5 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_CameraHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_CellularGatewayHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_SecurityApplianceHealth
  – Cisco_Meraki_SwitchHealth
Added alerting status code. Increased status code allowed values. Changed the order of status codes to an increasingly worse state and triggered a warning alert for the alerting state and an error alert for worse.
1 DataSources:
  – Juniper_Mist_API
Added support for mist.api.url.
1 DataSources:
  – Oracle_Database_ASMStorage
Updated calculation for PCT_USED to use FREE_MB instead of USABLE_FILE_MB.
1 DataSources:
  – Email_RoundTrip
Updated error code graph to properly display negative values.
1 DataSource:
  – Meraki Network Events
Removed ‘error’ from the event message.
2 DataSources:
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineStatus
Added pre-process ERI to support blacklist and namespaces.
1 DataSource:
  – VMware_SDWAN_Interfaces
Added support for interface state details on Orchestrator versions below 5.0.0.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Meraki_SwitchInterfaces
Added monitoring for power usage and updated interface instance descriptions based on LLDP and CDP data.
2 PropertySources:
  – ConfigCheck_4_Interactive
  – ConfigCheck_5_Telnet
4 ConfigSources:
  – SSH_Interactive_Dynamic
  – SSH_Interactive_Standard
  – Telnet_Interactive_Dynamic
  – Telnet_Interactive_Standard
Common Configs now decline to change expired credentials instead of waiting until timeout.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Added co-term and per-device license expiry and status datapoints, along with license expiry CDP in order to either only have the observer alert on expiring co-term licenses or individual devices alert on expiring per-device licenses.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointPerformance
Added support for upstream and downstream packet loss percentage datapoints.
2 DataSources:
  – AWS_PrivateLink_Endpoints
  – AWS_PrivateLink_Services
Added tags for better searchability in My Module Toolbox.
1 DataSources:
  – Juniper_Mist_API
Fixed site name allowlisting bug.
1 PropertySource:
  – addCategory_VMwareSDWAN
Added support to match existing resources by system.displayname.
1 DataSources:
  – Kubernetes_KSM_Watchdog
 Fixed a rare openmetrics parse error.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_FTD_Services
Added USeconds datapoints and graphs.
1 DataSource:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_API
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_ControllerHealth
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_DeviceHealth
Added monitoring for controller and edge certificate expiration.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Added per SSID monitoring of throughput and clients.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Added poll interval for security or events.
1 DataSources:
  – PaloAlto_FW_SystemResources
Removed alerts from the “swap_pct_used” complex datapoint.
1 PropertySources:
  – addERI_PureStorage
Resolved hostName error.
1 DataSources:
  – OSPF_Neighbors
Updated alert noise reduction. The module will no longer alert on no data when seen directly in the PeerAlert datapoint. peer state datapoint will alert after 5 consecutive polls with no data to better tune alerting.
1 DataSources:
  – VMware_SDWAN_Interfaces
Added data points and graphs for best packet loss throughput.
1 DataSources:
  – Linux_SSH_NetworkInterfaces
Updated alert noise reduction. The module will no longer alert on no data when seen directly in PeerAlert datapoint. peer state datapoint will alert after 5 consecutive polls with no data to better tune alerting.
1 PropertySources:
  – Config_Cisco_Generic
Added formatting to Cisco Catalyst 4500 devices, resulting in faster collection and more consistent output.
1 ConfigSources:
  – SFTP_Files
Updated to use our modern SSH libraries and now supports a broader range of authentication standards.
1 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_Azure_BackupProtectedItemHealth
Added secondsSinceLastBackup metric to Microsoft_Azure_BackupProtectedItemHealth.
1 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_Azure_VirtualDesktopSessionHosts
Added AllowNewSession Datapoint to Virtual Desktop Sessions Host Datasource.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_API
Added monitoring to provide logs for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN device alarms.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN_DeviceHealth
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_Cisco_Catalyst_SDWAN
Added monitoring for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager.
2 PropertySources:
  – ConfigCheck_3_Exec
  – ConfigCheck_4_Interactive
4 ConfigSources:
  – SSH_Exec_Dynamic
  – SSH_Exec_Standard
  – SSH_Interactive_Dynamic
  – SSH_Interactive_Standard
Improved handling to close sessions when the shell was already forcibly closed.
1 DataSources:
  – SNMP_Network_Interfaces
Added a new optional host property ‘interface.wildvalue.ifname’ to allow for changing wildvalues to the value of ifName instead of ifIndex. Because instances are keyed off of wildalias, there is no risk of historical data loss enabling this property.

Deprecated LogicModules

This table lists LogicModules that we are deprecating in this release. This means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. If available, a replacement LogicModule is listed. For the history of deprecated modules, see Deprecated LogicModules.

LogicModules DeprecationLogicModule ReplacementDetailsEnd of Support Date
– Arista_EOS  Config_Arista_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
 -Aruba_WirelessController -> Config_Aruba_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
– Cisco_IOS 
– Cisco_NXOS
– Cisco_Viptela
– Cisco_WLC_RunningConfig
– Cisco_WLC_SystemConfigs
Config_Cisco_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
 – Citrix_Netscaler Config_Netscaler_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
– Dell_Networking Config_Dell_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
– Fortinet_FortiOS Config_Fortinet_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
– HPE_Network_Config Config_HPE_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
– Juniper_JUNOS Config_Juniper_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24
– PaloAlto_FW_CLIConfigs Config_PaloAlto_Generic (PropertySource)Replaced with Common Configs; more info available at https://www.logicmonitor.com/support/common-config-monitoring.Support ends: 5/1/24