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v.205 Release Notes

Last updated on 28 May, 2024

Feature Highlights

  • Enhanced LogicMonitor password assistance notification
  • Support to enable or disable Keep Me Signed In
  • Support for ServiceNow Integration to update Work Notes

Monitoring Updates

  • New monitoring for AWS Global Network
  • New AWS Bedrock Datasource that provides Bedrock model CloudWatch information
  • Updated external resource type from service to physical server

Identity and Access


Enable or Disable Keep Me Signed In

As of this release, A company portal admin can now choose to display the Keep Me Signed In option on the LogicMonitor portal login page. Secondly, for the users who select the Keep Me Signed In option while logging in, the admin can now configure the Keep Me Signed In days limit settings to keep their user session active for a certain number of days.

For the new customers, the Keep Me Signed In session timeout duration is 30 days, whereas for the existing customers it is 0 days. The value 0 days indicates no restriction, implying that there is no timeout to ensure the existing behaviour is unaffected. The new users can also set the timeout value to 0 days in the account settings. For more information, see Portal Settings in the product documentation.


User Session Timeout Changes

As of this release, user session timeout can be set to as low as 15 minutes. A user session inactive for a specified time will result in a user being logged out. The timeout period is applied to users who do not enable the Keep Me Signed In option when they log into their LogicMonitor portal.

To access this, go to Settings > Account Information > Portal Settings. For more information, see Portal Settings in the product documentation.


Enhanced LogicMonitor Password Assistance Notification

The password assistance notification emails now includes information regarding the user who performed the action, IP address, time & date, LogicMonitor logo, and a privacy policy link for complete transparency.


Added User Type Column and User Type Filter to All Users Table

LogicMonitor has added the User Type column to the All Users table (Settings > Users and Roles > Users). The User Type column displays three types of users: SAML, Local, and API only.

LogicMonitor has also added the User Type filter to filter users of a specific user type. On the UIv4, you can both view the User Type column and use the User Type filter. However on the UIv3, you can only view the User Type column. The User Type filter is not available in UIv3.



ServiceNow Incident Link Now Available on Alerts Page

LogicMonitor has added a new column ServiceNow incident to the Alerts page. It contains link to ServiceNow incident tickets. You can select the link to directly open the incident ticket in the ServiceNow portal. For more information, see ServiceNow (Incident Management) Integration in the product documentation.


ServiceNow Integration Now Allows Work Notes Updates

You can now use Notes updated HTTP delivery method from the LogicMonitor ServiceNow integration to update the Work notes section of the incident in ServiceNow. For more information, see ServiceNow (Incident Management) Integration in the product documentation.

Resolved Issue

Fixed an issue where alerts were not delivered to the unverified admin email addresses added by customers to the custom email integration in the escalation chain. LogicMonitor now verifies the admin email addresses that are added to the escalation chain. Users will now receive a verification email to verify their unverified admin email address whenever their admin email address is added to a new or an existing escalation chain.



Redirecting Deprecated Modules

Now when you select a deprecated module, there may be a recommendation for a replacement module. You can check if a module is deprecated by looking under the support column or in basic information and origin status of the module, where the replacement recommendation appears.

For more information, see Modules Management in the product documentation.


LogicModules Migrating to Modules

In a future release, LogicModules will no longer be available from Settings. You can access the Exchange, My Module Toolbox, and all settings for managing modules from Modules in the navigation bar.

For more information, see Modules Overview in the Product Documentation.


Apache Groovy 4 Support for all LogicMonitor-Provided LogicModules

In a future release, LogicMonitor Collectors will no longer support Apache Groovy 2. All official LogicMonitor-provided modules will be compatible with Apache Groovy 4. To support this migration, LogicMonitor will be releasing updates to official LogicModules to be compatible with Groovy 4.

As a result of this migration, you must do the following:

  • Validate any customized or community-provided modules to ensure compatibility
    For more information about validating your customized modules, see Custom Module Groovy Migration Validation in the product documentation.
  • Install a module update for LogicMonitor-provided modules with the groovy4 tag, as available
    For more information, see Modules Management in the product documentation.

The LogicMonitor EA Collector 34.500 or later is compatible with Groovy 2 and Groovy 4. For more information about the EA Collector release, see the EA Collector 34.500 Release Notes.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception can be thrown when using the GroovyScriptHelper to incorporate LogicMonitor snippets in your script:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property:

To mitigate this issue, adjust the way the class is imported, similar to the following:

if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {
    modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {{{}}
    modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())

For example, the following demonstrates how GroovyScriptHelper is used in Groovy 2:

import com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper as GSH
import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
modLoader = GSH.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader()).withBinding(getBinding()) 
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true) 
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"

You can modify the script to use the GroovyScriptHelper in Groovy 4, demonstrated in the following:

import com.logicmonitor.mod.Snippets 
if(GroovySystem.version.startsWith("2.")) {    
modLoader = com.logicmonitor.common.sse.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance()._getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
} else {   
modLoader = com.santaba.agent.groovy.utils.GroovyScriptHelper.getInstance("v4").getScript("Snippets", Snippets.getLoader())
lmDebug = modLoader.load("lm.debug", "0", true) 
lmDebug.default_context = "Test:SettingContext"

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to official LogicModules to mitigate this issue for LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4 with legacy classes in your script, the following exception can be thrown:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed

To mitigate this issue, migrate to JPMS-compliant package names. Making this change does not break backward compatibility with Groovy 2.

For example, the following script uses legacy classes:

import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

You can replace the legacy classes with JPMS-compliant package names in Groovy 4 to resolve the exception, similar to the following:

import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
import groovy.xml.XmlParser
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper() 
def xmlParser = new XmlParser()

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and the module includes an invalid type parameter for a data structure, the module throws the following runtime exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: 

Important: LogicMonitor is releasing updates to LogicModules to mitigate this issue for official LogicMonitor-provided modules. If you are leveraging customized or community-provided modules, you must update the module to pass valid parameters into all data structures.

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, and using java.util.Date.format(), the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.Date.format() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss z]

Important: This issue is fixed with the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later. To mitigate this issue when running a module using Apache Groovy 4, ensure you upgrade to the LogicMonitor Collector version 35.400 or later

Known Issue

When running a module using Apache Groovy 4, the following exception is thrown:

exception:groovy.lang.RunTimeException: Unable to load FastStringService 



Support for Resource DataSource Level Threshold

LogicMonitor has added Resource DataSource level threshold support for static and dynamic datapoints. If the instances and their parent instance groups do not have their own defined thresholds, they inherit the threshold set at their resource datasource level. The threshold is applicable only to multi instance resource datasource. For more information, see Enabling Dynamic Thresholds for Datapoints and Tuning Static Thresholds for Datapoints in the product documentation.

Note: You can create, update, and delete thresholds only on the LogicMonitor UIv4 portal. The LogicMonitor UIv3 portal allows you to only view the thresholds.


Focus Feature

You can now focus on any group, device, or cloud resource. When you select the icon, the Resource Tree focuses only on the selected resource. This feature aims to streamline navigation and improve accessibility by allowing you to delve deeper into specific content or elements.

For more information, see Navigating the Resources Page (New UI) in the product documentation.

Collector Releases

EA Collector 35.400 was released on April 29, 2024. For more information, see the EA Collector 35.400 Release Notes.

LogicModule Releases

New and updated LogicModules are available for you directly in your LogicMonitor portal. You can install new modules from the Exchange and update existing modules in My Module Toolbox. For more information, see Modules Installation and Modules Management in the product documentation.

This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release.

New LogicModules

New LogicModule NameDetails
2 DataSources:
  – AWS_GlobalNetwork_Attachment
  – AWS_GlobalNetwork_Edge
Added new monitoring for AWS Global Network.
3 DataSources:
  – AWS_GlobalNetwork
  – AWS_GlobalNetwork_Devices
  – AWS_GlobalNetwork_Links
Added new monitoring for AWS Global Network.
1 DataSources:
  – AWS_Bedrock
Created new AWS Bedrock Datasource that provides Bedrock model CloudWatch information.

Updated LogicModules

Updated LogicModulesDetails
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Implemented null checks.
1 DataSources:
  – SNMP_Network_Interfaces
Resolved an issue that only added the first interface ERI discovered.
1 PropertySources:
  – addERI_Cisco_UCS
Updated external resource type from service to physical server.
1 DataSources:
  – VMware_SDWAN_Interfaces
Implemented “Standby” as a valid value for interface state datapoint.
1 TopologySources:
  – Networking_L2_snmpSwitch
Adjusted to only perform multi-MAC processing for interfaces that are not a trunk.
1 DataSources:
  – Kubernetes_KSM_Pods
Added new datapoint for CPU usage percentage.
1 TopologySources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_Topology
Implemented error handling for invalid responses in the topology endpoints.
1 PropertySources:
  – addERI_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN
Resolved no property found issue.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_API
Resolved expiration date parsing issue.
1 DataSources:
  – Aruba_ClearPass_AccessAuthorization
Added support for devices returning TacAuthorizationSuccess and TacAuthorizationTotal as an ArrayList with one value.
1 LogSources:
  – Meraki Network Events
Removed eventData field. Added event data to the message field.
1 DataSources:
  – Cisco_Meraki_AccessPointRadios
Added unblocked 6 Ghz AP model CW9166I and fix model issue.
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_ArubaEdgeConnectSDWAN
Added improved debug messaging.
1 DataSources:
  – LogicMonitor_ConfigSource_Metrics
1 PropertySources:
  – Config_Cisco_Generic
Config Metrics now shows instances for user set command hostprops. It also shows an additional instance for WLC devices and it has been updated to avoid pagination on Catalyst L3 Switch Software.
1 DataSources:
  – LogicMonitor_Collector_GetConfPerformance
Added datapoints related to GetConf.
2 DataSources:
  – Microsoft_Azure_ServiceBusQueue
  – Microsoft_Azure_ServiceBusTopic
Use “dimensionName” instead of “name” in datapoint definition for Azure Service Bus.
2 DataSources:
  – VMware_ESXi_VirtualMachineStatus
  – VMware_vSphere_VirtualMachineStatus
Added IP address as a property name for Virtual Machine instances.
1 PropertySources:
  – addCategory_MicrosoftExchange_PowerShell
Added a test to prevent version and system category properties from applying to exchange management tools and ensure they are only added for exchange servers.
1 DataSources:
  – VMware_vSphere_DatastoreUsage
Added disclaimer to tech notes that instance counts over 50 may experience data gaps.
1 DataSources:
  – Library Fiber Channel Ports-
Updated Active Discovery run schedule to resolve issue with broad appliesTo.
1 DataSources:
  – VMware_Horizon_LicenseInfo
Updated collection script to connect to the VMware server.
14 DataSources:
  – VMware_Horizon_ADDomains
  – VMware_Horizon_Applications
  – VMware_Horizon_Certificates
  – VMware_Horizon_ConnectionData
  – VMware_Horizon_Datastores
  – VMware_Horizon_DesktopPools
  – VMware_Horizon_EventDatabaseConnection
  – VMware_Horizon_LicenseInfo
  – VMware_Horizon_Machines
  – VMware_Horizon_PersistentDisks
  – VMware_Horizon_RDSServers
  – VMware_Horizon_Sessions
  – VMware_Horizon_Troubleshooter
  – VMware_Horizon_vSphereHosts
Updated the logic for assigning the value of $domain to work around a limitation in collector behavior specific to Active Discovery in PowerShell when attempting to lookup a property that is not present on the device.
15 DataSources:
  – VMware_Horizon_ADDomains
  – VMware_Horizon_Applications
  – VMware_Horizon_Certificates
  – VMware_Horizon_ConnectionData
  – VMware_Horizon_Datastores
  – VMware_Horizon_DesktopPools
  – VMware_Horizon_EventDatabaseConnection
  – VMware_Horizon_LicenseInfo
  – VMware_Horizon_Machines
  – VMware_Horizon_PCoIPsessions
  – VMware_Horizon_PersistentDisks
  – VMware_Horizon_RDSServers
  – VMware_Horizon_Sessions
  – VMware_Horizon_Troubleshooter
  – VMware_Horizon_vSphereHosts
2 PropertySources:
  – VMware_Horizon_Product_Info
  – addCategory_VMwareHorizonConnectionServer
Updated regex in Active Discovery and collection scripts to allow for hyphens in hostname FQDNs.