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Example ConfigSource Active Discovery Script

Last updated on 28 October, 2020

Some devices may have multiple config files that should be monitored. For these devices, a ConfigSource should have multi-instance and Active Discovery enabled and have an appropriate script to discover and create desired config file instances.

Note: If the ability to monitor and alert on configuration files is not currently available in your LogicMonitor platform and you would like to learn more, reach out to your customer success manager.

Here we provide an example of such a script for a Cisco ASA device. This script runs the “show ?” command on the device to check for the presence of running-config and startup-config options and creates instances if they are present. The script requires that the properties ssh.user and ssh.pass be set on the device to provide necessary authentication credentials. The ssh.enable.pass property may also be required if user permissions must be elevated to see the full results of the “show ?” command.

import com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.expect.Expect;
def show_commands
def configs = [:]
def desired_show_commands = [
def host, user, pass        // These will get set further down in the script.
def enable_pass = null      // If the user has specified an enable password, this will get set further down.
def priv_exec_mode = false  // Notes what EXEC mode we are in.  Initially we assume USER EXEC.
    host = hostProps.get("system.hostname")
catch (all)
    println "(debug::fatal) Could not retrieve the system.hostname value.  Exiting."
    return 1
    user = hostProps.get("ssh.user")
catch (all)
    println "(debug::fatal) Could not retrieve the ssh.user device property.  This is required for authentication.  Exiting."
    return 1
    pass = hostProps.get("ssh.pass")
catch (all)
    println "(debug::fatal) Could not retrieve the ssh.pass device property.  This is required for authentication.  Exiting."
    return 1
    enable_pass = hostProps.get("ssh.enable.pass")
catch (all)
    println "(debug) Could not retrieve the ssh.enable.pass device property.  This is most likely fine, and implies that the" +
    " provided user already has sufficient default privileges."
// open an ssh connection and wait for the prompt
cli =, user, pass);
cli.expect(">", "#");
// Check to see what the previous expect command matched.  This will us which user mode we have been dropped into.
if (cli.matched() == "#")
    priv_exec_mode = true
// Let's determine the console prompt, sans the exec mode identifier.
def prompt = ""
cli.before().eachLine() { line -> prompt = line }
// If we are not in privileged exec mode, we need to be in order to show the configurations.
if (!priv_exec_mode)
    // We need privileged exec mode in order to grab the config.
    // Next check for the Password: prompt.  If we get a timeout exception thrown, then something with the enable step failed.
    catch (TimeoutException)
        println "(debug::fatal) Timed out waiting for the Password prompt.  Exiting."
        return 1
    // If we made it this far, we have received the prompt for a password.  If an enable_password has been specified, use it.
    if (enable_pass)
    catch (TimeoutException)
        println "(debug::fatal) Timed out waiting for PRIV EXEC prompt (#) after providing the enable password.  Exiting."
        return 1
    catch (all)
        println "(debug:fatal) Something occurred while waiting for the PRIV EXEC prompt.  Exiting."
        println "${all.getMessage()}"
        return 1
    priv_exec_mode = true
// ensure the page-by-page view doesn't foul the config output
cli.send("terminal pager 0\n");
cli.send("show running-config terminal\n")
def terminal_width = cli.before()
// display the config
cli.send("show ?");
cli.expect("# show")
show_commands = cli.before()
// logout from the device
cli.expect("# exit");
// close the ssh connection handle then print the config
show_commands.eachLine { entry ->
    if (!entry.trim().startsWith("show ?") && !entry.trim().startsWith(prompt) && !entry.isEmpty())
        if (entry.trim().tokenize().size() >= 2)
            def cmd = entry.trim().tokenize()[0]
            def desc = entry.trim().tokenize()[1..-1].join(" ")
            if (desired_show_commands.contains(cmd.toString()))
                configs << ["${cmd}": "${desc}"]
configs.each { config -> println "${config.key}##${config.key}##${config.value}" }
return 0;