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Advanced Search Operators

Last updated on 24 March, 2025

Advanced searches include aggregation, processing, and formating operators that can help you to refine and modify your search results.  

You can add advanced search operations to your query after filtering. Search operations work sequentially on a set of events, and the result from one operation is piped into the next one. Some operations work on an event at search time (parsing fields), others require a partial set (limit) or the full set (sort) of events to produce a result. You can view the results of an advanced search in the Aggregate tab.

Note: Advanced search operations are available for LM Logs Enterprise and LM Logs Unlimited customers.

asDisplays the column name as the alias value.Formatting
avgCalculates an average of values in a specified source field. Returns one specific value.Aggregation
bucketGroups log data into fixed time intervals, allowing you to analyze trends and perform aggregations such as count or average over specific time windows.Aggregation
countCounts the number of events returned by a search, optionally grouped by one or more fields.Aggregation
limitLimits the results of an aggregation operation to a fixed number of results.Formatting
maxExtracts the maximum value for a set of values for a specified source field. Returns one specific value.Aggregation
minExtracts the minimum value for a set of values for a specified source field. Returns one specific value.Aggregation
parseExtracts the contents of a specified source field into a new field based on a string pattern match. The new field is added as a field:value pair to the log metadata. If the source field is not specified, it defaults to the message field.Processing
concatConcatenates multiple fields or expressions together in the log query.Processing
sortSorts the results of an aggregation operation by a set of fields, ascending, or descending.Formatting
sumCalculates the sum of the values of the specified field, optionally grouped by one or more fields.Aggregation
whereLimits the result of an operation by a specified condition. Can be used for logs processing or aggregation. When used on processing it limits the results of the logs. When used on aggregation it limits the aggregated result.Processing or Aggregation

Note: The following examples begin with the filtering query for the wildcard * which searches for all logs. You can replace this wildcard with any filtering query. For more information, see Writing a filtering query.

Aggregation Operators


Calculates an average of values in a specified source field. 


* | avg(<FIELD>) (as<ALIAS>)
* | avg(<FIELD>) (as<ALIAS>) by <FIELD> (,<FIELD>)


Example 1: The following example searches through numbers in the 0-9 range in a four-digit sequence pattern, and calculates the average for the numbers found, if any. The average number will be extracted and added to the log event as a field called “number”.

* | parse / ([0-9]{4}) / as number | num(number) as number2 | avg(number2)


Groups log data into time intervals such as hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds for trend analysis and aggregations such as count or average.


Specify a value and unit for the time interval.

* | bucket (span="h", "m", "ms", "ns", "s")

Note: Day or D is not supported in the time interval syntax.


Example 1: The timeslice aggregation grouping search results into 5s buckets counting the number of hits within each bucket. 

* | bucket(span=5s) | count by _bucket | sort by _bucket,_count desc | limit 5

Example 2: The following example with a time range of 7 days in the time-picker displays a 24 hour bucket of the sum of the size of log ingested each day, converted from Bytes to GB for easier reading and sorted in an ascending manner.  The result is displayed on the Aggregate tab. Note that the span value is 24h and not 1D.    

* | bucket(span=24h) | sum (_size) as size_in_bytes by_bucket | num(size_in_bytes/1000000000) as GB | sort by _bucket asc 


Counts the number of events returned by a filtering query, and optionally groups the events by one or more fields. You can also count events that contain specific fields.


Count the number of events in the specified time range:

* | count

Count the number of events optionally grouped by one or more fields:

* | count (as <ALIAS>) by <FIELD> (, <FIELD>)

Count the number of events only if the event contains the field specified in the argument to count():

* | count(<FIELD>) (as <ALIAS>) by <FIELD> (, <FIELD>)


Example 1: Count the number of events for each unique resource and show the first 15 results.

* | count by | sort by _count desc | limit 15

Example 2: You can count the number of unique values for a field by passing the results of one count operation into another count. The following example counts the number of unique resource names sending logs during the specified time range.

* | count by | count


Extracts the highest value for a set of values for a specified source field. Returns one field if no “by <FIELD>” is specified. Otherwise, an average for each of the specified fields is returned.


* | max(<FIELD>)


Example: 1 The following example searches for numbers in the 0-9 range in a four-digit sequence pattern. If found, the highest number is extracted and added to the log event as a field called “number”.

* | parse / ([0-9]{4}) / as number | num(number) as number2 | max(number2)


Extracts the lowest value for a set of values for a specified source field. Returns one field if no “by <FIELD>” is specified. Otherwise, an average for each of the specified fields is returned.


* | min(<FIELD>)


Example: 1 The following example searches for numbers in the 0-9 range in a four-digit sequence pattern. If found, the lowest number is extracted and added to the log event as a field called “number” .

* | parse / ([0-9]{4}) / as number | num(number) as number2 | min(number2)


Calculates the sum of the values of specified fields, and optionally groups the calculations by one or more fields.


Counts the number of events in the specified time range:

* | sum(<FIELD>) (as <ALIAS>) by <FIELD> (, <FIELD>)


Example 1: Calculate the sum of the size field for each unique resource name, and sort the results.

* | sum(_size) by | sort by _sum desc

Processing Operators


Extracts the contents of a specified source field into a new field based on a string pattern match. The new field is added as a field:value pair to the log metadata.


* | parse <SRC-FIELD> <PATTERN> as <FIELD1> (, <FIELDN>)
  • If the source field, <SRC-FIELD>, is not specified, the message field is used by default.
  • <PATTERN> is a string with wildcards or a Regex.
  • If parsing multiple fields, the number of field names must match the pattern.


Example 1: The following example uses a wildcard to search words containing “unix” in the message field and extracts the parts before “unix”. If found, the extracted words are added to the log event as a field called “unix”.

* | parse "* unix" as unix

Example 2: The following example uses a Regex search. The query looks for the phrase “Failed to pull image” in the message field, and anything that is not a space, tab, or newline. If found, the image name will be parsed out and added to the log event as a field called “image”.

"Failed to pull image" | parse /Failed to pull image "(\S+)"/ as image

You can then search for a specific image using the query image=<imagename>.


Limits the result of an operation by a specified condition. Can be used on log processing, or on aggregation. When used in processing it limits the results of the logs. When used on aggregation it limits the aggregated result. If a source field is not specified, the operation defaults to the message field.


Extracts a specified value from the Source field. The following example limits the logs and not the aggregation. You must use an aggregation function to limit the aggregation. 

...where <FIELD>="value"


Example 1: The following example searches for the exact phrase “unix” in the event messages. If found, the “unix” part will be extracted and added to the log event as a field called “unix”.

* | parse /(unix)/ as unix | where unix="unix"


Concatenates multiple fields or expressions together in the log query.


Concats field 1 and field 2 together

concat (<FIELD1>, <FIELD2>)


  • Concatenates abc and xyz fields together
    • concat(abc, xyz)
  • Concatenates abc and xyz fields together adding hyphen in between them
    • concat(abc, “-“, xyz)
  • Concatenates expressions result (10) to abc field’s value
    • concat(abc, 5+5)

Formatting Operators


Displays the column name as the alias value.


... as <ALIAS>


Example 1: Calculate the sum of the size field for each unique resource name, and sort the results.

* | sum(_size) as log_volume by | sort by log_volume desc


Limits the result set to a fixed number of results. The limit operator can only be used after an aggregation operation.


* | limit <number>


Example 1: Count the number of events for each unique resource and show the first 15 results.

* | count by | sort by _count desc | limit 15


Sorts the result by a set of fields, ascending or descending.  The sort operator can only be used after an aggregation operation. By default, results are sorted in descending order by timestamp and ID.


* | sort by <FIELD> desc


Example 1: When sorting by an aggregation operator, include a leading underscore on the operator.

* | count by | sort by _count desc

Example 2: When sorting by an alias, no underscore is needed.

* | sum(_size) as log_volume by | sort by log_volume desc

More Examples

You may refer the following additional examples to learn how to use the advanced search operators:

Example 1:  Displays the list of resource group names with a count of logs and the sum of log size, sorted by count of logs, limited to the top 25 resource group names.

* | count(_size), sum(_size) by | sort by _count desc | limit 25

Example 2: Parses the image name from the message and stores the name in image field (image=imagename). Then displays the unique image names and sorts by imagename with the most occurrences in the specified time range.

“Failed to pull image” | parse /Failed to pull image "(\S+)"/ as image | count by image | sort by _count desc | limit 15

Example 3: Displays the aggregated log usage volume by resource name, sorted by descending.

* | sum(_size) by | sort by _sum desc

Example 4: Generates a report showing how many logs a specific resource is generating. This query shows the top 25 resources with a time range set to 30 days. If you want a specific resource or group, replace * with To generate a report with the results, select the Download Aggregate CSV icon.

* | count(_size), sum(_size) by | num(_sum/1000000000) as GB | num(_sum/_count) as avg_size | sort by GB desc | limit 25
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