v.161 Release Notes
Last updated on 27 March, 2024Highlights
- Feature Highlights: Added a query language to expand search and filtering capability for logs.
- General Updates: Added advanced filtering in Traces, enhancements to the details captured in audit logs, updates to integrations for Ansible and Autotask, and more.
- Updated Monitoring: New LogicModules to monitor the performance of Cisco Multicast groups, Hypervisor memory on virtual machines, SNMP host uptime, and more.
Feature Highlights
New Logs Search

With this release, we’ve added a query language to LM Logs to expand your search capabilities beyond keyword searches and filtering by resource, group, pipeline, and time range. With the added flexibility of combining filters with logical operators, filtering events based on fields and values, and using glob expressions and regular expressions to match results, you can narrow down information to quickly find relevant logs when troubleshooting. You can also summarize activity from log messages you receive over a time range for reporting or alerting.

Other changes to the Logs page includes:
- We removed the filtering menus for Resources and Groups because filters can be added directly from the query bar.
- If you don’t know where to start, autocomplete will help you build the query with suggestions for fields, values, and operators based on the information in your logs.
- Searches do not execute automatically. When you’ve finished building your query, click the Search icon to run it.
- You can now view and manage your Recent Searches by clicking the Clock icon to see the last 10 searches in your history.
For more information and examples, see LM Logs Query Language.
LogicModule Snippets
Modules snippets are pieces of reusable code that can contain functions, classes, and data. Snippets are used by newer LogicModules to implement common functionality, such as formatting data for the Collector and generating topologies, as well as implement other device-specific code, such as interacting with APIs. Support for snippets requires Collector version 30.000 or higher.
Customers cannot create or deploy snippets on their own. We are in the process of building this feature and will continue to keep you updated as new improvements are implemented.
General Updates
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue to ensure that searching for LogicModules in the Alerts page does not return an error if the search includes a colon.
Audit Logs
- Audit commands now record details when the posh command is run in the Collector debug console.
- Updated the details recorded when adding, updating, deleting, and stopping Scheduled Down Time (SDT) for Collectors and device log pipelines.
- For Collectors, audit logs now include startdowntime, enddowntime, collectorid, and devicename.
- For device log pipelines, audit logs now include startdowntime, enddowntime, devicelogpopelineid, and devicelogpipelinename.
- Audit logs now record the following datapoint details when changes to alert thresholds are made at the instance and device group levels: datapoint ID, datapoint name, and datapoint value.
- Audit logs now record the following details when updating Active Discovery: old value, new value, and instance ID.
Cloud Monitoring
- Added filtering and mass selection for Azure subscriptions and permissions in Cloud Integrations settings. This ability will make it easier to select and enable or disable a large number of Azure subscriptions for monitoring and testing.
- Azure VM service limits will now only be monitored for the selected regions and subscriptions to avoid monitoring these limits twice in cases where tenants are added into LogicMonitor multiple times (but with different subscriptions selected).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue to correctly gather metrics from “Auto Stop” AWS Workspaces
Distributed Tracing
- Updated the Traces page to show root operations by default, instead of all operations. Users can still switch to display all operations. This provides an improved workflow for users as they will be able to drill down into individual poor performance more effectively from a higher-level aggregated view.
- Added advanced filtering on the Traces page. Users now have the ability to search by tags that are ingested with spans. Users can switch between advanced and basic filtering options.
- Added the ability to apply custom configurations when adding a host-based OpenTelemetry Collector in the user interface.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where duplicate OpenTelemetry Collector entries were created for Kubernetes installs.
- The URLs in the LogicMonitor integration for Autotask have been updated to access the v.16 Autotask API because of a change that requires all integrations with Autotask to use the credentials for API-only users.
- The LogicMonitor integration for Ansible now supports the ability to install an existing Collector when you explicitly provide the Collector ID.
Kubernetes Monitoring
- With Argus v6 to optimize the performance, a new resource tree is available where resources are grouped under Namespaces and ClusterScoped. For more information, see Updating Kubernetes Resource Tree.
LM Logs
- Added support for a query language for searching logs. See the Feature Highlight.
- Added autocomplete to help build queries. As you type in the query bar, autocomplete will suggest Fields, Values, and Search Operators to based on the information that is available in your logs.
- Added a Recent Search option that will display search history of the last 10 queries. You can also remove and clear the history.
- Added support for LogicModule snippets. Snippets require Collector version 30.000 or higher. See Feature Highlight.
- Expanded the limit in the Technical Notes field in LogicModules from 512 to 4096 characters.
User Interface
- Added a more detailed error message for attempts to enter an invalid first name or last name when updating existing users.
LogicModule Releases
New and updated LogicModules are available for you to import from the LogicMonitor Public Repository. This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed under General Updates.
New LogicModules
LogicModule Name | Details |
Cisco_Multicast_Groups Cisco_Multicast_Interfaces Cisco_Multicast_Routes addCategory_Cisco_Multicast Cisco_Multicast_Topology |
(3 DataSources, 1 PropertySource, 1 TopologySource) Maps and monitors the performance and operational stats of Cisco Multicast groups, interfaces, and routes. Requires Collector version 30.000 or higher. See Updated LogicModules for L2 Networking. |
Cisco_PowerOverEthernet | (1 DataSource) Monitors Power Over Ethernet with Cisco-specific OID. |
SNMP_Host_Uptime | (1 DataSource) Combined existing uptime modules into a single module to remove duplicate coverage and streamline support. |
Win2k12_HyperV_HypervisorMemory | (1 DataSource) When SCVMM is used to load balance virtual machines, the Memory pressure and memory utilized will be shifted to this new module. This retains the old module history. The new module only needs to be installed when a load balancer is in use. |
Updated LogicModules
LogicModule Name | Details |
Microsoft_ActiveDirectory_DomainController Microsoft_ActiveDirectory_Domains Microsoft_ActiveDirectory_Forests Microsoft_ActiveDirectory_GroupPolicies |
(4 ConfigSources) Added out-string width to maintain formatting consistency and prevent false alerts on config diff checks. |
AWS_VPN_Tunnel | (1 DataSource) Updated graphs to display throughput in bps instead of bytes. |
Cisco_CPU_Usage | (1 DataSource) Adjusted Active Discovery to omit CPU entries without any data. |
Cisco_Meraki_Switch_Interfaces | (1 DataSource) Uses V1 of Meraki’s API. Packet counts now use the perSec data coming from the API. A threadpool is used (4) threads to complete in time. PoE data is power used over the last 24 hours. Poll times have been reduced from 30 to 10 min. |
CiscoQoS- | (1 DataSource) Duplicates wildalias values were causing some instances to be ignored. On instances where a duplicate wildalias exists, the wildvalue is now appended to the wildalias to make it unique. This will prevent loss of data for non-duplicate names. Data can be lost in the case of duplicate names, but it’s unknown what interface channel was being monitored in the past. |
Cohesity_DataPlatform_ProtectionJobs | (1 DataSource) Added new backup status of kWarning. |
Fortinet_FortiGate_SDWAN | (1 DataSource) Renamed 3 datapoints which were representing data incorrectly. This may lead to data loss. Changed from Kbps to Mbps, and adjusted the complex datapoints to calculate the bytes correctly. Further minor changes were made to graphs. |
HP_MSA_Controllers HP_MSA_Disks HP_MSA_FRU HP_MSA_Fans HP_MSA_PSU HP_MSA_Ports HP_MSA_Redundancy HP_MSA_SASLinkHealth HP_MSA_VirtualDisks HP_MSA_Volumes |
(10 DataSources) Added support for SHA-256 authentication via optional host property “msa.sha” (set to true to use this authentication type, otherwise defaults to MD5). |
LogicMonitor_ConfigSource_Metrics SCP_Dynamic SCP_Standard SFTP_Dynamic SFTP_Standard SSH_Exec_Dynamic SSH_Exec_Standard SSH_Interactive_Dynamic SSH_Interactive_Standard ConfigCheck_1_SFTP ConfigCheck_2_SCP ConfigCheck_3_Exec ConfigCheck_4_Interactive Config_HPE_Generic Config_Juniper_Generic |
(1 DataSource, 8 ConfigSources, 6 PropertySources) Updated “stoppers” (lines that when found immediately mark the collection as a failure) in generic configs to prevent high CPU usage. Added support for automatically exiting out of several depths of privilege escalation. Updated Common Configs to provide better filtering and support for checks across more config types (common, dynamic). Implemented more robust “Interactive” collection. |
Microsoft_Azure_BackupJobStatus | (1 DataSource) Changed the type of status datapoint to correct an issue in values reported. |
NetApp_Cluster_Snapshots | (1 DataSource) Added auto-delete instances to Active Discovery to reduce instance count and Collector load. |
NTP | (1 DataSource) Fixed an issue that prevented the script from completing when it came across an address without self-synced data.. |
Nutanix_Containers Nutanix_Controller_VMs Nutanix_Disks Nutanix_Hypervisors Nutanix_StoragePools |
(5 DataSources) Updated collection with cleaner output. |
PaloAlto_FW_DataplaneCores | (1 DataSource) Updated dp0/coreid0 instance description to remove “Management Plane (MP)” because it was not accurate. |
PowerOverEthernet- | (1 DataSource) Updated appliesTo to exclude Cisco devices. |
Ruckus_SZ_AlarmSummary Ruckus_SZ_ClusterSummary Ruckus_SZ_ControllerInventory Ruckus_SZ_ControllerSummary Ruckus_SZ_DeviceSummary Ruckus_SZ_EventSummary Ruckus_SZ_ManagementSummary Ruckus_SZ_Uptime addCategory_Ruckus_SZ addCategory_Ruckus_SZ_ClusterMode |
(8 DataSources, 2 PropertySources) Added new datapoint in Ruckus_SZ_ControllerSummary to represent disk usage as a percent. Increased timeout for script cache to reuse cookie for longer time period. |
SilverPeak_Disk | (1 DataSource) Fixed casing typo in disk usage API endpoint. |
Veeam_BackupAndReplication_Repositories | (1 DataSource) Added Veeam cmdlet version check to ensure proper command is used. |
VMware_vCenter_VMPerformance | (1 DataSource) Fixed an issue with logging. |
VMware_vCenter_VMStatus | (1 DataSource) Applied improved discovery logic used in VMStatus utilizing threading for efficiency gains in large environments. |
VMware_ESXi_HardwareHealthSensors | (1 DataSource) Added a new module to monitor additional sensors that were no longer monitored when switching from Gen 1 to Gen 2 of the VMware suite. |
Win_HyperV_VirtualMachines | (1 DataSource) Fixed an issue where the hostname wasn’t passing to all session types. |
Win_WMI_Access_Denied_ErrorCodes | (1 DataSource) Updated appliesTo to correct a previous update that excluded too many devices. |
Win2k12_HyperV_HypervisorStats | (1 DataSource) Updated to exclude memory data for hypervisors with a load balancer in use. This data is now reported in Win2k12_HyperV_HypervisorMemory for those devices. |
WinSQLServices- | (1 DataSource) Updated appliesTo so it ignores failover cluster virtual name. |
addCategory_snmpUptime | (1 PropertySource) Added functionality to detect which OID to use for system uptime used to inform new DataSource SNMP_Host_Uptime. |
addERI_Device addERI_Linux addERI_Windows |
(3 PropertySources) Added VM detection. |
addCategory_TopoSwitch addERI_* Networking_L2_snmpSwitch |
This update affects L2 Networking Topology and ProperySources, including all 38 addERI_* class of PropertySources.
Leverage snippets for shared data and functions across topology suite. Optimize networking topology to extract layer 2 neighbor data using a specific protocol only if addCategory_TopoSwitch has done so successfully and set an indicative “auto.network.*” property. All changes require Collector version 30.000 or higher. See New LogicModules for Cisco Multicast. |
Microsoft_Powershell_Info | (1 PropertySource) Will now only test to see if we can get the version of PowerShell from the remote machine. The Test-WSMAN command was succeeding, but the Invoke-Command was failing as it requires a different level of permissions than Test-WSMan. |
Cisco UCS | (1 Module Snippet) The request body for login has been updated to accommodate double quotes in passwords. |
Deprecated LogicModules
This table lists LogicModules that we are deprecating in this release. This means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. If available, a replacement LogicModule is listed.
LogicModule Name Deprecated/Replacement |
Details | End of Support Date |
Deprecated: Windows_TimeOffset Replacement: Windows_WMITimeOffset |
(1 DataSource) Windows_TimeOffset used a collection method that guaranteed a delayed result due to time difference calculation occurring server-side rather than at collection. The replacement is now scripted with attempts to improve accuracy and better communicate the variation in timing due to time spent on our WMI query. |
2021-12-10 |
Deprecated: Oracle_Database_RMANAllBackupFiles Oracle_Database_RMANAllBackupFilesSets Oracle_Database_RMANBackupJobs Replacement: Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupFiles Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupJobByType Oracle_Database_RMANLatestBackupFileSets |
(3 DataSources) These modules created excessive instance counts with all runs of a backup, including those that were expired, as separate instances. Data provided was not actionable and created unnecessary collector load. The replacement modules provide the same data for the latest backups. |
2021-11-19 |
Deprecated: Host Uptime- SNMP_Engine_Uptime- SNMP_HostUptime_Singleton SNMPUptime- Replacement: SNMP_Host_Uptime |
(4 DataSources) Combined existing uptime modules into a single new module to remove duplicate coverage and streamline support. |
2021-11-05 |
For the list of LogicModules deprecated over the past five releases, see the support article Deprecated LogicModules.
Looking Ahead
In this section, you will find announcements about upcoming beta features, updates about ongoing beta features, and information about the end-of-life of existing features.
LogicMonitor APM Lighthouse Program
LogicMonitor APM has been available in a limited release capacity for the past few months. We are now getting ready to expand access with the launch of our Lighthouse Program for users that want access to our APM capabilities.
Along with early access, qualified customers and prospects will have the opportunity to influence the early direction of our product and provide feedback to enhance our APM offering.
If you are interested in participating in our Lighthouse Program, please fill out the Google form here.
RPC API support ends with v.161
Support for the RPC API ends with the release of LogicMonitor v.161. Users have been notified of this in previous releases and should have migrated to the REST API.