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v.198 Release Notes

Last updated on 27 March, 2024


  • Feature Highlights: New modules for Oracle MySQL 8.x. Monitoring for Prisma SD-WAN (formerly CloudGenix) with Palo Alto Networks. Bearer token support for Python and GO SDK. Added ability to update cloned modules.
  • General Highlights: Blocked Bearer token access to use LM REST API v4. Support to monitor ECR metrics. Ability to disable the Test Script button while creating LogicModules using Groovy scripts. Support to add single or multiple email domains to the allowlist.
  • Monitoring Updates: Added support for MX models which use lan1 and lan4 as wan1 and wan2 interfaces. New monitoring for Palo Alto Prisma SD-WANs using the Unified SASE SD-WAN API.

Feature Highlights

Oracle MySQL Modules

New modules introduce official support for Oracle MySQL 8.x and replace previous MySQL modules. For more information on configuration and version compatibility, see MySQL Monitoring in the product documentation.

Palo Alto Prisma SD-WAN Monitoring

You can now monitor Prisma SD-WAN (formerly CloudGenix) with Palo Alto Networks. For more information, see the Unified SASE SD-WAN APIs documentation from Palo Alto Networks.

LogicMonitor provides a new Enhanced Script NetScan to automate discovering, organizing, and onboarding each Palo Alto Prisma ION device. These modules provide new features, an intuitive user experience, simplified ServiceNow CMDB Integration, and support for key LM Envision features like Root Cause Analysis, Network Traffic Analysis, Log Analysis, and Role Based Access Control.
For more information, see Palo Alto Prisma SD-WAN in the product documentation.

Bearer Token Support for Python and GO SDK

You can now use Bearer token to authenticate yourself to use GO and Python v3 SDK. The SDK files will be available after v198 deployment to production is complete. For any questions, contact your LogicMonitor Customer Success Manager. For details, see LogicMonitor v3 SDK in the product documentation.

Ability to Update Cloned Modules

You can now reassign the original lineage of a cloned module. This allows you to update a module in My Module Toolbox that you have made edits to without losing your changes you have made to the module. This is useful if you have multiple clones of modules that you have configured for a specific purpose, and want to apply the latest updates from Exchange.

To access this feature, navigate to Modules > My Module Toolbox, and select the module you want to reassign the origin for.

For more information, see Modules Management in the product documentation.

General Updates


Fixed Issue

Fixed an issue where the wrong escalation chain and alert rule was being displayed in UIv4.


Updates to LM REST v3 API for Swagger, Python, and GO SDK

In this release, we have updated LogicMonitor REST API v3 Swagger, Python, and GO SDK files. The Swagger and SDK files will be available after v198 deployment to production is complete. For any questions, contact your LogicMonitor Customer Success Manager. For more information, see REST API v3 Swagger in the product documentation.

Refer to the following table for the new API endpoints that are added to LM REST v3 API:

Device GroupsPOST /azure/functions/discoverSubscriptions
POST /azure/functions/testAccount
GET /aws/accountId
POST /aws/functions/testAccount
POST /saas/functions/testAccount
POST /gcp/functions/testAccount
View subscription IDs
Test Azure account
Get AWS account ID
Test AWS account
Test SaaS account
Test GCP account
ReportGET /report/reports/{id}/tasks/{taskId}Run a report
userdataPATCH /setting/userdata/{id}
PUT /setting/userdata/{id}
Update default Dashboard
ConfigSourceGET /setting/configsources/{id}/updatereasonsGet update history for a configSource
DatasourcesPOST /setting/datasources
PUT /setting/datasources/{id}
PATCH /setting/datasources/{id}
Add datasource
Update datasource
Dashboard GroupsPOST /dashboard/group/{id}/asynccloneAdd dashboard group asynchronously
DataSource InstancesPOST /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups
PUT /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups/{id}
PATCH /device/devices/{deviceId}/devicedatasources/{deviceDsId}/groups/{id}
Add device datasource instance group 
Update device datasource instance group
DataPOST /device/instances/datafetchFetch device instance data
DeltaGET /device/devices/delta
GET /device/devices/delta/{deltaId}
Get filter matched devices with new Delta ID
Get delta devices using Delta ID

Block Access to LM REST API v4 using Bearer Token

Starting with v198 release, you will not be able to use bearer token to authenticate yourself to use LogicMonitor REST API v4 external endpoints. We have already disabled Basic and LMv1 authentication to use API v4. Note that API v4 is not officially supported. We recommend you to use LogicMonitor REST API v3.

Cloud Monitoring

Monitor ECR Metrics

Added support for AWS ECR Monitoring. This will now allow bringing in CloudWatch Metrics for this service.

Identity and Access

Disabling Test Script

You can disable the Test Script functionality if you want to restrict the users from using the functionality. It is recommended for security purposes.

Navigate to Settings > Account Information > Portal Settings > Authentication > Enable Test Script. For more information, see Portal Settings in the product documentation.

Email Domain Allowlist

You can add single or multiple email domains to the allowlist. So, the users can only add the email domains that are mentioned in the allowlist. 

Note: This feature applies only to new users and not existing users who have registered before the domain allowlist feature. For more information, see Portal Settings in the product documentation.

Fixed Issue

Enhanced SSO configuration for Azure IDP.

LM Logs

Default Logs Permission for the Manager Role

By default the manager profile now has LM logs manage role permission for existing and new users.

Import and Export Saved Views in LM Logs

Added ability to import and export all saved views in LM Logs.  Views are exported into JSON format and can be imported into other user accounts. This provides a way to share queries across users.

Note: Saved views names are not validated and duplicate search names may occur.


Included Duration Units in Alerts

The alert duration that is available in parenthesis in the Reported At column now has expanded units that includes days, weeks, and months when applicable.

Tooltip Improvement in the Graphs tab

Now, when you hover over the icons of any items in the Graphs tab, the tooltip now displays the full name of the instance. 

Alert Icon Improvement in the Resources Tree

In the Resources tree, updated the alert icon functionality so that the alert icon should only appear at the level it actually exists. Users should no longer see icons only when they hover over an item.

Improved Threshold Display on the Parents tab from the Alert Tuning page

On the Alert Tuning tab, text is now available to indicate if there is a time-window missing a threshold that will state “No Threshold Defined”. This is so a user can easily see if there are any gaps in coverage. If there is no threshold defined for a window, and there is a threshold set at a higher level, then the threshold that is currently applicable will be in black text while all other thresholds will be greyed out.
For example: There is a time-based threshold set at the Instance level from 8 AM to 5 PM and a Resource Group threshold set for all day. If the current time is 6 PM and you’re looking at the threshold at the instance level, because the instance level threshold is not applicable, the Resource group threshold will be in black to signal to the user that the Resource group threshold is the one that is currently being used to evaluate if an alert should be generated.

User defined functions in AppliesTo

AppliesTo function now displays a list of functions defined by users with a tag that shows it’s user-based. These tags are searchable so you can search for “User-Defined” to see all functions created by your portal users.

Fixed Issue

Disabled Sources (formerly Disabled Datasources) and Unmonitored Instances are available as separate groups in the new UI. Please note that we are aware of the issue where there is a duplicate “Disabled Sources” group that is visible under Datasource Groups. This will be fixed in a future release.


Fixed Issue

Fixed an issue related to Topology source feed parsing where Topology source was taking more time to apply on resources.

New UI

Open Beta Release for Websites New User Interface

Disclaimer: The new UI preview for Websites is currently in Beta. In the coming weeks, this beta will be made available for all users. To gain access to the new UI preview, contact Customer Success.

The Website’s user interface is now more intuitive. You can quickly create Web Checks and Pings Checks for your website. In addition, you can easily view the data monitored for your websites, alerts generated, and create dashboards.
To access this feature, navigate to Websites > toggle on New UI Preview.
For more information, see Websites Monitoring New UI Overview in the product documentation.

Collector Releases

  • GD Collector 35.000 was released on December 18, 2023. For more information, see the GD Collector 35.000 Release Notes.
  • EA Collector 35.100 was released on December 19, 2023. For more information, see the EA Collector 35.100 Release Notes.

Collector Settings

Linux Collector Installation using Non-root User

Starting with EA Collector 35.100, Linux collector installation via root user is not supported. It is now mandatory to use a non-root user while installing new Linux collectors.

LogicModule Releases

New and updated LogicModules are available for you to import from the LogicMonitor Public Repository. This section lists the LogicModules that are new in this release, updated in this release, or will be removed in a future release. Changes related to the LogicModule feature will be listed in the General Updates section.

New LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
1 DataSources:
New monitoring for Azure Bot Services. See documentation for additional information.
1 DataSources:
New monitoring to cover Azure Public IPs with Standard SKU.
6 DataSources:
New modules introduce official support for Oracle MySQL 8.x and replace previous MySQL modules.
4 DataSources:
2 PropertySources:
1 TopologySources:
New monitoring for Palo Alto Prisma SD-WANs using the Unified SASE SD-WAN API.

Updated LogicModules

LogicModule NameDetails
1 DataSources:
Converted casing to all character comparisons to account for API response changes.
1 DataSources:
Added login verification to prevent further requests when authentication is not successful.
1 TopologySources:
Fix ‘-‘ delimited MAC address as LLDP ID bug.
1 PropertySources:
Added rest.user property check to prevent null login attempt.
1 PropertySources:
Dell Common Configs can now apply via existing Categories in addition to SysInfo.
1 DataSources:
Updated used and free space OIDs to proper values.
1 PropertySources:
Added checks for empty lists and null values to prevent exception errors.
1 DataSources:
Made instances persistent by removing automatic deletion of instances.
1 DataSources:
Updated post processor regex and datapoint description and graphs to align with OID return values.
1 DataSources:
Added “alerting” as a valid status code for the status datapoint.
1 PropertySources:
Added properties for hardware and firmware versions.
1 DataSources:
Updated FDMerrors datapoint to look for correct key. 
1 DataSources:
Added multithread support for environments with a lot of datastores.
1 DataSources:
1 PropertySources:
Updated to introduce official support for Oracle MySQL 8.x and replace previous MySQL modules.
1 DataSources:
Added support for MX models which use lan1 and lan4 as wan1 and wan2 interfaces.
1 DataSources:
Updated clear alert interval for run_status to clear immediately.
1 DataSources:
Separated custom code of 207 response code, removed datapoints related to requests that failed device mapping, and added datapoints related to forbidden error and bad request response codes. New metrics are only compatible with collector version 35.100 or higher and will return ‘No Data’ for collector versions below this.
1 DataSources:
Updates time slice data for statistics api calls to support environments that span time zones and sets a faster timeout for collected data stored in the cache.
6 DataSources:
Updated modules to use ‘Select sysdate from dual’ instead of ‘select current_date from dual’.   The current_date is adjusted by the time zone of the collector where the sysdate will equal the date on the Oracle Server.  This only affects systems where the collector is in a different time zone from the server or the server runs UTC and the collector runs local time zone.

Deprecated LogicModules

This table lists LogicModules that we are deprecating in this release. This means that these LogicModules will be removed in a future release. If available, a replacement LogicModule is listed. For the history of deprecated modules, see Deprecated LogicModules in the product documentation.

LogicModule DeprecationLogicModule ReplacementDetailsEnd of Support Date
6 DataSources:
merged into Oracle_MySQL_ReplicaStatus
New modules introduce official support for Oracle MySQL 8.x and modernize language.Support ends: 1/2/24

Looking Ahead

In this section, you will find announcements about upcoming beta features, updates about ongoing beta features, and information about the end-of-support for existing features.

LogicModules Migrating to Modules

In a future release, LogicModules will no longer be available from Settings. You can access the Exchange, My Module Toolbox, and all settings for managing modules from Modules in the navigation bar.

For more information, see Modules Overview in the Product Documentation.